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Speculative Essay Example

Crafting a speculative essay can be a challenging task, requiring a delicate balance between creativity
and logical reasoning. The difficulty arises from the nature of speculative writing itself, as it
necessitates the exploration of hypothetical scenarios, ideas, or concepts. Unlike more
straightforward essays grounded in concrete evidence, speculative essays demand the ability to
navigate the realms of imagination while maintaining a semblance of coherence and relevance.

One challenge lies in the need to strike the right chord between speculation and grounded analysis.
The writer must not only conceive imaginative scenarios but also provide a logical framework to
support these ideas. Straying too far into the fantastical without a tether to reality risks losing the
essay's credibility. Conversely, being overly cautious in speculation might result in a lack of
originality, defeating the purpose of the genre.

Furthermore, speculative essays require a mastery of language to effectively convey abstract

concepts. Describing hypothetical situations demands a nuanced vocabulary and a keen sense of
expression. Struggling to find the right words can impede the essay's flow and hinder the reader's
understanding, making the writing process all the more intricate.

Additionally, speculative essays often call for a deep understanding of the chosen topic, as well as
the ability to foresee potential consequences and implications. This demands extensive research and
critical thinking to develop a comprehensive and well-rounded exploration of the speculative
elements involved.

In conclusion, composing a speculative essay presents a unique set of challenges, from balancing
creativity and logic to navigating the complexities of language and maintaining a connection to
reality. However, with careful consideration and skillful execution, a speculative essay can offer
readers a thought-provoking journey into the realm of the hypothetical.

For those seeking assistance in tackling such intricate writing tasks, various resources are available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on , where skilled writers can provide
guidance and support in crafting compelling speculative essays tailored to individual needs.
Speculative Essay Example Speculative Essay Example
Essay On Angel Entrepreneurs
While many investors and business owners do insist that an idea is the important element
of any business entity, they also do concur that it is quite challenging to start, operate and
sustain any business venture without capital. The situation gets even more complicated
given the gender based issues still affecting communities not just within America but also
worldwide. However, following the continuous creation of awareness around such critical
concerns the situation is gradually gaining the attention of both governmental and non
governmental institutions alike. The goal is to enable women owned businesses get
funded to maintain and expand their operations and this has facilitated a tremendous and
commendable increase in the number of... Show more content on ...
With well known finance consultants, specialists, and publications alike concurring that
only a paltry amount of venture capital goes to funding female led enterprises and even a
lesser number of capital firms being women oriented, business loans offer another
alternative to financing women owned businesses. Most finance institutions have come
up with strict business regulations thus making access to business loans for women
challenging. Nevertheless, the good news is that there have been upcoming institutions
that appreciate the efforts and the impact women have progressively in the business
work. GoKapital ( for example, have made it extremely easy for
small businesses and more so for women to access business loans by doing away with
the rigorous application process as well as some of the daunting requirements. Their
loan product that is specifically designed, putting into consideration women owned
business needs is just one of the best alternatives for women entrepreneurs. They have a
hustle free application process that can even be done in the comfort of your office or
couch and more delightful is the fact they require no collateral. With collateral being
ascribed as the major reason why most enterprises have failed in securing loans, women
business owners can take advantage on GoKapital given that they only require a year
being in business, 3 monthly statements and only around $ 100,000
Beyond Death Essay
Beyond Death The Fountain is a movie centered around the imaginary spring of the
Fountain of Youth. The Fountain of Youth is a mythical fountain which according to
legend had the power of renewing youth (Knowles, Elizabeth). It was Izzi s dream for
Tommy to find the Fountain of Youth so she could be healed. People believed that the
water would make old people young and would heal all kinds of sickness. The movie
continually dwells on how to escape the pain of death. The ring is a symbol of a
beginning without end. The annual ring is any of the concentric rings seen in cross
sections of the stems of most trees and shrubs: each ring is a layer of wood that
normally is a year s growth ( annual ring ). however, this does not guarantee... Show more
content on ...
The Tree of Life was the center design for all of the film s three periods. Tommy used
the tree to begin his adventure back into the past. Since it was only a design of the
tree, one day his mission would be to find the real tree. Tommy was a man of many
talents. His first talent was a research oncologist, which he would use to someday find
a cure for brain tumors. He was also a conquistador who served the Spanish Queen
Isabella in an attempt to assassinate the Grand Inquisitor Silecio of Spain. Then there
was the astronaut Tom who travels upward to a golden cloud of interstellar gas or dust
in a spacecraft housing a dying tree. Tom used his abilities to accomplish his dream of
the past, present and future. His first profession was used to help develop a cure or
reverse a brain tumor in a rhesus monkey. It was his dream to find a cure so his beloved
wife Izzi could be cured. Izzi s brain tumor was taking a toll on her life. At first his
experiment on Donovan, the monkey, proved unsuccessful. Tommy did not give up and
decided to use an untested compound taken from a Guatemalan tree. At first if failed to
stop the tumors growth, but in time, it healed Donovan s wounds and improved his
abilities. However for Izzi, the brain tumor was about to take its toll. Izzi relayed to
Tommy what her wish was. She wanted him to finish the book she was writing. Then
Izzi went to sleep. Tommy read her script and then fell
Essay Discrimination in America
Our world has always been faced with the problem of discrimination. It is one of the
most discussed topics nowadays and throughout history. In all countries there is most
likely at least one type of discrimination that affects different groups of people. The
definition of discrimination is the denial of opportunity or equal rights for a specific
group of people that may be differentiated by things such as their religion, color of skin,
or gender. The world we live in has been struggling with this sensitive subject for as long
as we the have record. Many people believe discriminationhas made big steps forward,
but has it really? If it has, why do people still get turned down, receive hate mail, or get
ridiculed simply because they... Show more content on ...
At first I couldn t understand any special attitudes against me as an immigrant because
I didn t know what was considered right or wrong in this country and culture. My first
experience of discrimination was while I was working in an amusement park as a ride
operator and I couldn t get my salary because of a mix up with my social security card.
Although I was completely eligible, people gave me an unnecessarily harder time
than other students that looked, acted, or sounded more American. This caused me a
lot of time and stress, which was very unfortunate. Almost every day I was standing in
long lines, calling and waiting on hold for hours, but nobody wanted to listen or
understand me because I was an immigrant that couldn t talk on their terms. Anyway,
instead of losing hope, I just moved forward. To answer the question Do I still feel
discriminated against as an immigrant three years later? I would probably say yes. In
fact, it is possible that I may always feel like an other as long as I live in the United States
. I can argue about this question all my life. Of course, I have the right to say I am
American, as I go to an American college, live in America and have American friends,
but I will never avoid the question Where are you from? Discrimination is a type of
feeling and mentality and not just a stereotype of human beings or specific
Strangeness During The Medieval Period
Strangeness during Medieval Period According to the European history, the period
between years 500 1600 has always been referred to as the medieval period. This is
because the era acted as the transition point from the old Europe to the modern Europe.
The word medieval was invented by European scholars who combined two Latin words;
medium and aevum which meant middle and age respectively. Numerous changes
marked this era. For instance, the era began with the falling of the Roman Empire. This
fall was of great importance to the European community since it resulted in numerous
positive impacts. For instance, apart from the social and religious changes, other events
that transpired during this era included the agricultural revolution in addition to an
increase in the number of scholars. Apart from providing a detailed analysis of the
medieval period, the study also focuses on how the educated Europeans addressed
anomalies in this era as well as the manner in which they interpreted nature. Whenever
there were anomalies, people of the medieval era never panicked; instead they always
strived to come up with an explanation of the main causes of the... Show more content on ...
Most of the scholars in this era relied on the Bible for interpretations since they believed
that it contained plenty of hidden meanings that only required experts to figure them out.
Whenever there were anomalies, European communities usually looked up to the present
scholars for a solution. Apart from the scholars, they also obtained solutions from white
witches who were regarded as valuable members of the community. The art of science
was discovered in early 1600, hence marking the end of numerous activities that were
being performed during the medieval era. For instance, apart from the abolition of
interpretations, this also marked the end of the belief in monsters and
The Release Of Frozen Assets
The Release of Frozen Assets

One of the key elements of the Iran Nuclear Deal is the lifting of sanctions against Iran
by America and the European Union. These sanctions have been imposed over the
years following the Iranian Revolution and Iran s pursuit of nuclear weapons. The
amount of assets frozen in foreign banks is approximately $150 billion a large number
will go to preexisting debt. According to Kertscher, 2016, Kerry had told CNBC s
Squawk Box that Iran would get only $55 billion of the $150 billion referenced, saying
the rest is committed to China and other countries (para. 8). Kerry stated that he believed
it a likelihood that some of the funds would be released to the Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps or other ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, Iran works to destabilize the region by assisting sectarian elements in
Iraq through the use of the Revolutionary Guards and by providing support for
Hezbollah the outcome leading to the Persianisation of the Middle East.

The U.S. has designated Iran along with Syria and Sudan as state sponsors of
terrorism. As early as 1984, the U.S. has accused Iran of numerous acts of terrorism
against the United States and its interest (Iran Nuclear Deal Background, 2015, p. 4).
Americans at the Iranian Embassy were taken hostage subject to the 1979 Islamic
Revolution. During the 1980 1988 Iran Iraq war, there was limited naval conflict
between the U.S. and Iran (Iran Nuclear Deal Background, 2015, p.4). When U.S. sailors
were detained by the Iran s Revolutionary Guard Corp and later released, Secretary of
State John Kerry announced the resolution was based upon the success of the newly
developed relationship with Iran. In spite of this interpretation, the State Department has
submitted a travel warning for Americans urging them to avoid travel to Iran. The U.S.
government still does not have diplomatic or consular relations with the Islamic Republic
of Iran. According to the DOS:

The Iranian government continues to repress some minority religious and ethnic groups,
including Christians, Baha i, Arabs, Kurds, Azeris, and others....Iranian authorities

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