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Department of Mathematical Sciences, IIT(BHU)

Even Semester 2023-2024

MA102 - Engineering Mathematics- II

Q (1) : Check whether ~ is an equivalence relation on set X.

(a) X = ℕ✕ℕ, ~ is the relation on X defined by (a,b) ~ (c,d) ⇔ ad(b + c) = bc(a + d).
(b) X = ℤ , ~ is the relation on X defined by x ~ y ⇔ ( x – y ) is divisible by n.

Q (2) : Define a relation ~ in the set of integers ℤ as follows a~b iff a+b is an even integer. Is ~
(a) Reflexive, (b) Symmetric, (c) Transitive ?
If so, write down the quotient set ℤ/~ .

Q (3) Test whether the given algebraic structure forms a group with respect to given operations.
If it is not, write the property which fails.
(i) (ℕ , +) ,( ℕ∪ {0} , +) and (ℤ , +) .
(ii) (ℚ - {-1}, 𝜊), where 𝜊 is defined by ab = a + b +ab.
(iii) ( ℚ − {0} ,/) with a/b = , where a, b are non zero element of Q.
(iv) ( ℤ✕ℤ , ∗), where ∗ is defined by (a,b) ∗ (c,d) = (ad+ bc, bd).
(v) (ℝ-{0}, ×) and ( ℝ , +)
(vi) ( ℤ6, + ) and ( ℤ6\{0}, × ).

Q (4) Test whether H is a subgroup of a group G or not (operations in G are usual addition).
(i) G = ℝ (a) H = ℤ (b) H = ℚ (c) H = { 0 } (d) H = ℝ.
𝑎 𝑏 𝑎 𝑎
(ii) G= ∶ 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, 𝑑 ∈ ℝ (a) H = ∶𝑎∈ℝ .
𝑐 𝑑 𝑎 𝑎

Q (5) Examine whether the following sets form a field or not.

(i) ℂ = {a + bi, a, b ∈ ℝ}
(ii) (ii) ℤ8
(iii) (iii) ℤ7 .

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