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Assessment Task 2 Project Portfolio

BSBPMG537 - Manage Project Procurement – Assessment Task 2 - Project Portfolio | V 2.0 | 2023

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Qualification Details:
Training Package Code & Title: RII – Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package
Qualification National Code & RII50520 – Diploma of Civil Construction Design
Unit National Code & Title: BSBPMG537 - Manage Project Procurement
Assessment Title: Assessment Task 2 - Project Portfolio

Student Details:

Full Name: Muhammad Waqar Aslam

Student ID: ACMi1230

Assessment plan

The student must be assessed as satisfactory in the following tasks to demonstrate competence in
various ways.
Evidence number / Assessment method / Type of Detail/Task Instructions/Description
Task number evidence / Task name

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge Questions Written Questions _ Individual Tasks

Assessment Task 2 Project Portfolio Section 1 ,2, 3

Assessment Submission Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS)


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Purpose of Assessment:
The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the individual's capabilities in effectively managing
project procurement. It includes
 Evaluate the candidate's ability to identify and articulate procurement requirements.
 Assess the development of a comprehensive procurement management plan.
 Scrutinize the candidate's proficiency in executing procurement and contracting activities.
 Ensure adherence to established processes in the procurement and contracting phases.
 Assess the candidate's demonstration of a deep understanding of project objectives, needs,
and budget constraints.
 Evaluate the candidate's capacity to monitor project activities throughout the entire life
 Assess the promptness in addressing issues that may impact project objectives.
 Scrutinize the candidate's ability to maintain accurate procurement records in accordance
with organizational requirements.

Instructions for the student:

 You must respond to all questions. Be concise, to the point and write answers within the word
limit given to each question. Do not provide irrelevant information. Remember, quantity is not
 You may handwrite or use a computer to answer the questions.
 You must complete the task independently and write your responses in your own words.
 Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required. Read the questions
carefully and critically analyze them for a few seconds; this will help you to identify what
information is needed in the answer.
 Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of the relevant concepts and
critical thinking.
 Use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or exclude
individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual
preference or age. Gender-inclusive language should be used.
 When you quote, paraphrase, summarize or copy information from other sources to write your
answers or research your work, always acknowledge the source.
 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission
attempt will be allowed
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your written skills
and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
 The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing this task
and require reasonable adjustments.
 For more information, please refer to the Training Organization’s Student Handbook.

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Student Declaration:

 I have read and understood the information in the Unit Requirements before commencing
this Student Pack.
 I understand the consequences of plagiarism and that a false declaration is a form of
 I declare that the answers I have provided are my work. Where I have accessed information
from other sources, I have provided references and/or links to my sources.
 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used as part of my
 I have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. I
understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that the work I submit may be
subject to verification to establish that it is my own.
 I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal the assessment
process, and either re-submit additional evidence undertake gap training, or have my
submission re-assessed.
 All appeal options have been explained to me.
 For assessment, I give the trainer/assessor permission to:
 Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and
 Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy to a plagiarism-
checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future
plagiarism checking).

Student Signature:

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Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of
activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.

You will need access to:

a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a meeting space and
computer and internet access

your learning resources and other information for reference

Project Portfolio template

Simulation Pack (if using the case study)

Grow Information Management System with bids (if using the case study)

policies and procedures that address procurement, record keeping and probity already developed (if basing
the assessment on own business)

bids or responses from at least three potential suppliers (if basing the assessment on own business)

procurement records to review the final project procurement outcomes (if basing the assessment on own

Ensure that you:

review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works Student User

comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

answer all questions completely and correctly

submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

submit a completed cover sheet with your work

avoid sharing your answers with other students.

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Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to determine and manage project procurement on two
separate occasions. You may manage two procurement processes across two
different projects or you may manage two procurement processes for one project.

You can do this for real project(s) at your workplace, for project(s) associated with
a start-up business you are working on yourself or you can use the Simulation Pack

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical
skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen
career. For this reason, basing your project on real relationships with classmates
or work colleagues will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a
relevant, practical and meaningful way!

If you use your own business or workplace, you will complete this assessment in a
role that assumes responsibility for managing and leading projects. Make sure the
business has policies and procedures that address procurement, record keeping
and probity already developed. As part of the project, you will interact with
internal stakeholders (senior managers) and a supplier who must be willing to
participate in interactions viewed in person by the assessor or on video-
recordings. Furthermore, you will be required to obtain actual bids or responses
from at least three potential suppliers. As you monitor and assess the
procurement processes, your procurements should have at least one challenge
impacting the progress of the procurement that requires a change to the timeline
and terms and condition of supply. You should also have procurement records
(e.g. invoices) available to review the final project procurement outcomes. Finally,
you must obtain feedback from internal stakeholders and suppliers on the
procurement process. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base
this on your own business.

If you are basing this assessment on the case study business, read through the
Simulation Pack in preparation for this assessment. All the information needed to
complete this assessment is contained in the Simulation Pack.

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your
Project Portfolio. You must describe the organisation you are basing this
assessment on and provide a short description of your chosen project(s) and two
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procurement processes.

i Start working on Section 1 of your project portfolio. Steps 2 and 3 form part of
Section 1.
If you are basing this assessment on Grow Management Consultants, further
information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack.

If you are using your own business, make sure you have the policies and
procedures for procurement and record keeping ready.

2. For each procurement you are managing, identify project procurement requirements.

First make sure you are familiar with any policies, procedures, protocols and
templates that address project procurement, record keeping and probity.

Define your responsibilities in the procurement process and identify the

stakeholders who will participate in procurement decision-making processes.

Finally, identify the project objectives, budget and any other specific procurement
requirements (such as timeframes, contracting activities and legal requirements).

3. For each procurement you are managing, agree on the procurement requirements with relevant
stakeholder(s) to establish a Procurement Management Plan.

Before you begin, create a draft Procurement Management Plan to discuss with
the stakeholder(s).

i You may use any procurement plan template relevant to your own business or
may use the Procurement Management Plan Template (in the Simulation Pack) to
help guide your discussions with the stakeholders.

Make sure your plan includes at least:

project procurement requirements

procurement processes required to manage the project

roles and responsibilities for procurement

procurement constraints (including numerical budget and timeline information)

procurement review, approval and change processes

processes to deal with suppliers and vendors (including selection criteria and
selection processes).

contracting activity details.

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Meet with at least one relevant stakeholder to agree on the details in your draft
Procurement Management Plan. The stakeholders you meet with will be those
you’ve previously identified that participate in decision-making.

i Meet separately for each procurement process you are managing. You may meet
face-to-face, via video-conferencing or on a telephone call. The meetings may take
place one after the other, or you may meet at two separate times. This will
depend on the nature of your project(s) and further instruction from your

Each meeting should take 15 minutes. This will either be attended in person by
your assessor or they will attend online. If you are in the workplace, you may like
to video record the session for your assessor to watch later (attach proof to
Section 1 of your Project Portfolio). Your assessor can provide you with more
details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the
timeframes allocated.

At the meeting, select and use appropriate communication protocols and

conventions to suit the audience (e.g. use professional and respectful business
language and gestures, greet meeting participants appropriately, make eye
contact if relevant and conclude the meeting).

Finalise your Procurement Management Plan and follow the record-keeping

procedures of your organisation to save the plan.

i Recording keeping may, for example include:

using a specific file naming convention

saving the file in the business’ cloud-based information management system.

You must provide proof of how you’ve done this (e.g. screen shots).

If you are using the case study, an Information Management folder structure has
been provided. Use this to save the documents.

i Assume that your organisation requires you to request approval in writing via
email to an approved decision-maker.

Draft an email to an appropriate stakeholder (e.g. a senior manager) to request

approval for the procurement.

Your email should introduce and summarise the contents of the Procurement
Management Plan and request approval to move forward with the procurement
(as outlined in the plan).

i Separate emails are required for each procurement you are managing.

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You may assume that the Procurement Management Plan is attached to the email.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1.

You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review
the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio.

Submit Section 1 to your assessor.

i Start working on Section 2 of your project portfolio. Steps 4 and 5 form part of
Section 2.
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, further information to
complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack.
If you are using your own business, you will be required to obtain bids or
responses from suppliers to complete step 5.

4. For each procurement you are managing, communicate with potential suppliers to obtain bids.

Identify at least three potential suppliers who are capable of fulfilling the
procurement requirements. Obtain information (e.g. on their website) about each
of the suppliers/vendors and summarise the information.

i Whether you are using your own business or the case study business, identify and
research three real potential suppliers (e.g. using an internet search).

Draft an email to a relevant employee of one identified supplier. In your email

provide a brief description of the project (including the objectives). Include the
specifications of the procurement and a description of the selection criteria and
selection process. Also request that the supplier submits a bid within a specific
timeframe (e.g. 2 weeks) and confirm that they understand the project objectives.

i Separate emails are required for each procurement you are managing.

5. For each procurement you are managing, select a preferred supplier and negotiate the terms of supply.

i If you are using the case study, assume that the suppliers you identified are those
in the Simulation Pack and use the bid information provided in the provided
Information Management System.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, you must have obtained
at least three responses/bids from potential suppliers.

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First evaluate each supplier’s bid (or response) against the selection criteria (in
your Procurement Management Plan) and any legal requirements (identified in
Section 1 of your Project Portfolio).

Select the supplier who will best meet the project requirements and then
establish a draft Terms and Conditions of Supply document.

i You may use the Terms and Conditions of Supply template provided in the
Simulation Pack or any other supply contract relevant to your organisation.

Meet with the preferred supplier to negotiate and agree on the terms and
conditions of supply. During your discussion, also arrange for regular meetings
with the supplier to track progress.

i Meet separately for each procurement process you are managing. You may meet
face-to-face, via video-conferencing or telephone call. The meetings may take
place one after the other, or you may meet at two separate times. This will
depend on the nature of your project(s) and further instruction from your

Have your draft Terms and Condition of Supply document ready to use at the
meeting (and make sure the supplier has a copy too). Each meeting should take 15
minutes. This will either be attended in person by your assessor or they will attend
online. If you are in the workplace, you may like to video record the session for
your assessor to watch later (attach proof to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio).
Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow
the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.

At the meeting, select and use appropriate communication protocols and

conventions to suit the audience (i.e. use professional and respectful business
language and gestures, greet meeting participants appropriately, make eye
contact if relevant and conclude the meeting). Also use interpersonal skills such as
patience, empathy and communication techniques (e.g. questioning to confirm
understanding) to negotiate the final outcome.

The following website may help you prepare for negotiation:

Make any amendments to the Terms and condition of supply to reflect the
negotiation outcomes and obtain the relevant signatures on the contract.

Follow your organisation’s policies and procedures to save the agreed and signed
terms and conditions.

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i If you are using the case study business, ask your assessor to sign the contract in
the role of both CFO and Supplier.

Draft an email to one unsuccessful supplier to inform them that their bid has not
been successful. In your email, include the reasons for their unsuccessful bid.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 2.

You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review
the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio.

Submit Section 2 to your assessor.

Start working on Section 3 of your project portfolio. Steps 6,7 and 8 form part of
Section 3.
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, further information to
complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack. Assume that IT Biz
Solutions has been contracted to provide the services for both projects.
If you are basing this assessment on your own business or workplace, your
procurements should have at least one challenge impacting the progress of the
procurement that requires a change to the timeline and terms and condition of
supply (step 6).
You should also have procurement records (e.g. invoices) available to review the
final project procurement outcomes (step 7).

6. For both procurements you are managing, monitor procurement progress and manage any variations.

Assume that a period of time has passed and the procurement process has started
but not yet been completed.

Monitor the procurement progress to review the procurement progress against

the agreed terms and conditions. Do this by drafting an email to request an update
on the progress from the supplier via email.
Identify at least one challenge and propose solutions/remedial actions to address
the challenge (at least two).
Then, identify at least one variation required to the terms and condition of supply
(including new timelines) due to challenges.
Update the Terms and Condition of Supply document to reflect the changes
required to address the challenge.

i Follow your organisation’s record keeping policy and procedures to maintain the
document (e.g. change the version number).

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Draft an email to request approval for the new terms and Conditions of Supply
from a relevant internal stakeholder (e.g. senior manager). In your email, describe
the challenges and explain the changes you’ve made to the initial Terms and
Condition of Supply document. Request that they acknowledge their agreement
with the changes.

i Assume that you have obtained approval from the internal stakeholders and
agreement from the supplier.

Choose one remedial action/solution (already identified) and implement it.

i For the case study, you are required to document the work role and
responsibilities for the administration assistants for one procurement process and
create a spreadsheet of consultant’s details for the other procurement process.

Finalise the procurement processes.

Assume that a further period of time has passed, and that the procurement
process is now complete.

First, use procurement records to review the procurement outcomes and confirm
that the deliverables have met the Terms and Conditions of Supply agreement.

Then, seek feedback from the internal and external stakeholder’s you’ve dealt
with during the procurement process (i.e. senior management and the suppliers)
on their experience of the procurement processes and procedures. Do this by
creating a survey to send to all stakeholders (either using an online tool, or paper-

i Your survey may ask questions such as:

Was the communication related to procurement sufficient and clear?

Did you understand what was expected of you?

Do you think that variations and changes to the procurement process were
handled professionally and efficiently?

What did we do well?

How can we improve?

Respond to the feedback by drafting an email to one stakeholder who provided

feedback to this section of the portfolio. You email should thank them for the

Reflect on the procurement process to identify any lesson learned during the
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Document lessons learned and recommended improvements for future projects.

i If you are basing this assessment on our own business, and are unable to receive
the actual feedback from the stakeholders via your survey, you may use the
feedback provided in the Simulation Pack to do this step.

Write a procurement closure report that includes the stakeholder feedback and
your own personal reflection on the procurement processes. Include:

a review of project outcomes with respect to the effectiveness of procurement

procedures as set out in the Procurement Management Plan.

at least two procurement management or processes lessons learned during the


recommended at least two improvements to in procurement management or

processes that could benefit future projects.

i You may use any template relevant to your organisation or you may use the
Procurement Closure Report Template provided in the Simulation Pack.

Submit your completed Project Portfolio.

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary.

Submit to your assessor for marking.

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Section 1: Determine and Agree on Procurement Requirements

Review any relevant Project management policy and procedures: In this policy and
organisational policies, procedures, the procurement process is discussed. A procurement
procedures, protocols and management plan is developed and shared with the shareholder
templates that address: when procurement issue is raised. Every project is to be recorded
and stored with a pre-set name and a project folder is to be
 procurement
established for each project.
 record keeping
 probity.

Highlight any appropriate Code of Ethics: In the code of ethics, it is shows that the company
information and make notes put an importance in probity in procurement. Upholding the highest
on the policies and standards of probity and integrity enables organisations to
procedures as you process safeguard procurement activities to ensure those activities and
and summarise the processes are robust and can withstand scrutiny

Include proof of the policies

and procedures (with notes)
to this section of the portfolio.

PROCUREMENT PROCESS 1: Include procurement description

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Role and responsibilities My role in this procurement process is the operations manager of
Grow Management Consultant company.
What role are you assuming
for this procurement process?

What are your responsibilities My responsibility for this procurement process is to oversee all
for this procurement process? procurement activities as the Project Manager. I have to approach
the suppliers and contract the supplier to help improve the website
and the electronic communication process.


Identify the stakeholders The stakeholders associated with the procurement process are the
associated with this senior managers, CEO, finance manager, legal manager, suppliers
procurement process. and administrative assistants.

Which stakeholders will The CEO, senior manager, finance manager and the legal manager
participate in procurement will participate in the procurement decision-making processes.
decision-making processes?

The stakeholder will contribute toward the decision-making process

How will they contribute to by providing their skills, knowledge and expertise to help analyse
decision-making? which choice is better and help resolve the potential problems that
might occur during the procurement process.

Project objectives Improve business website (currently basic website) to be user-

friendly, comprehensive and suitable for access via multiple devices
Identify the project objectives,
and operating systems.
needs and budget (at least

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Specific procurement

What is the timeframe for the

The timeframe for the procurement to be completed is 3 weeks.
procurement to be

What are the cost parameters The cost parameters for this procurement process are $12000 for
for this procurement process? the upgrade of the website

The contracting activities for the upgraded website that are required
Which contracting activities are:
are required?
• at least nine pages
• a data base library for clients
• the ability to ask for a quote for services
Are there any specific legal • the ability to book in to seminars
requirements? • a shopping carts

Are there any other specific There are no specific legal requirements for this procurement
requirements for this process. The specific requirements for this procurement are:

procurement?  The lowest price for a similar product or service.

 Same priced, but superior quality product or service

 Whether the vendor complies with ethical standards that meet

Grow Management Consultants

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Procurement Management

Include proof of your

The stakeholder meeting is viewed in person by the assessor.
stakeholder meeting to this
section of your project
portfolio (e.g. Photo of
stakeholder meeting)

Include your finalised

Procurement Management
Plan to this section of your
(This can be a modified
version provided in

Include proof of how you

followed record keeping
procedures to save your plan
(e.g. screen shot of correct
naming conventions used files
saved in Information
Management System).

Dear Muhammad Waqar Aslam,

Procurement approval Thank you for your involvement in the Web-design project. It’s an
important part of our strategy and we’d like the website to be user-
Include your draft email to
friendly, comprehensive and suitable for access via multiple devices
this section of the portfolio.
and operating systems. It should include:

• at least nine pages

• a data base library for clients

• the ability to ask for a quote for services

• the ability to book in to seminars

• a shopping cart.

The website should be delivered within 3 months. A vendor must be

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selected based on the following three factors:

The lowest price for a similar product or service.

Same priced, but superior quality product or service

Whether the vendor complies with ethical standards that meet

Grow Management Consultants’.

The CFO has approved a budget of $12000 for the upgrade. As you
plan, consider the two Administration Assistants who will need to be
trained to maintain the website once it has been set up.

Kind regards


Include: Policies and procedures (highlighted with notes) ☐

Stakeholder meeting if relevant (project 1) ☐

Procurement Management Plan (project 1) ☐

Proof of record-keeping (project 1) ☐

Draft email (project 1) ☐

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PROCUREMENT PROCESS 2: Include procurement description

Role and responsibilities My role in this procurement process is the operations manager of
Grow Management Consultant company.
What role are you assuming
for this procurement process?

What are your responsibilities My responsibility for this procurement process is to oversee all
for this procurement process? procurement activities as the Project Manager. I have to approach
the suppliers and contract the supplier to help improve the website
and the electronic communication process.

Stakeholders. The stakeholders associated with the procurement process are the
senior managers, CEO, finance manager, legal manager, suppliers
Identify the stakeholders
and administrative assistants.
associated with this
procurement process.

Which stakeholders will The CEO, senior manager, finance manager and the legal manager
participate in procurement will participate in the procurement decision-making processes.
decision-making processes?

How will they contribute to

The stakeholder will contribute toward the decision-making process
by providing their skills, knowledge and expertise to help analyse
which choice is better and help resolve the potential problems that
might occur during the procurement process.

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Project objectives Improve electronic communication processes to increase the

Identify the project objectives, efficiency of the company's electronic communication and increase
needs and budget (at least the business relationship with clients.

Specific procurement The timeframe for the procurement to be completed is 2 months.


What is the timeframe for the

procurement to be

What are the cost parameters The cost parameters for this procurement process are $5000 for the
for this procurement process? upgrade of the website.

The contracting activities for the upgraded website that are required
Which contracting activities are:
are required?
 Ensure that all communication is carried out in a consistent,
professional manner.

 Be user friendly.

Are there any specific legal There are no specific legal requirements for this procurement
requirements? process.

The specific requirements for this procurement are:

Are there any other specific
 The lowest price for a similar product or service.
requirements for this
procurement?  Same priced, but superior quality product or service.

 Whether the vendor complies with ethical standards that meet

Grow Management Consultants.

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Procurement Management

Include proof of your

stakeholder meeting to this
the stakeholder meeting is viewed in person by the assessor.
section of your project
portfolio (e.g. Photo with

Include your finalised

Procurement Management
Plan to this section of your

(This can be a modified

version provided in

Include proof of how you

followed record keeping
procedures to save your plan
(e.g. screen shot of correct
naming conventions used files
saved in Information
Management System).

Procurement approval

Include your draft email to Dear Operations Manager,

this section of the portfolio. Thank you for your involvement in the electronic communications
Background information is that senior management have agreed to
improve the electronic communication processes. Although we do
most of our work with their clients face-to-face, I believe that it is
through electronic media that effective business relationships are
maintained in the long term, and the efficiency of the company’s
electronic communication is not what it could be.
The Electronic communication system should be implemented within
three months (budget of $5000) and:

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 ensure that all communication is carried out in a consistent,
professional manner

 be user friendly.

Follow all vendor and project processes as per the Web-design

project you are also managing.
Kind regards

Include: Policies and procedures (highlighted with notes) ☐

Stakeholder meeting if relevant (project 2) ☐

Procurement Management Plan (project 2) ☐

Proof of record-keeping (project 2) ☐

Draft email (project 2) ☐

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Section 2: Initiate Procurement

PROCUREMENT PROCESS 1: Include procurement description

Potential suppliers The three potential suppliers are:

Identify at least three 1. ICT World: ICT world specialise in website. They can create and
potential suppliers. host websites that are both beautiful and functional. ICT World
would train selected staff in website maintenance. Some of this
would be carried out prior to roll-out, and the rest in their
workplace when the new website is up and running.
Summarise information about 2. IT Biz Solutions: Website development is an area in which IT Bis
each supplier. Solutions excels. IT Biz Solutions are able to show clients how to
collaboratively transform information technology into business
advantages. IT Biz Solutions provide clients with a range of
professional services.
3. Online Business Partners: Online Business Partners develops
websites that become entities. Online Business Partners have
successfully created websites for hundreds of bids.

Bids Email:

Include your draft email to To:,,

request a bid from a supplier
Subject: Procurement Bid
to this section of the portfolio.
Dear supplier,
Provides a brief description of
the project (including the Good morning, I want to inform you that Grow Management Consultant
objectives) is looking for a company to help upgrade and developed a website for the
company. I want to request a bid from you. You should be able to
Includes the specifications of
developed a high-quality website for the company. The website upgrade
the procurement and a
should include: at least nine pages, a data base library for clients, the
description of the selection
ability to ask for a quote for services, the ability to book in to seminars
criteria and selection process
and a shopping cart. The other requirement is that the budget is not more
requests that the supplier than $12,000 and the timeframe is 2 weeks.
submits a bid within a specific
Best Regards,
Operations Manager.
confirms that they
understand the project

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Preferred supplier  ICT World: The approximate cost for upgrading the website is
$10,000 and staff training $1,600 per 20 hours. The website
How do the suppliers development will take approximately three months.
compare using the selection
 IT Biz Solutions: The approximate cost for upgrading the website is
$10,000 and staff training $1,500 per 20 hours. The website
development will take approximately three months.

 Online Business Partners: The approximate cost for upgrading the

website is $10,000 and staff training $1,700 per 12 hours. The
website development will take approximately three months.

Does each bid meet legal Each bid meets the legal requirements.


The preferred supplier is IT Biz Solutions.

Who is the preferred

Terms and condition of The supplier meeting is viewed in person by the assessor.

Include proof of your supplier

meeting to this section of the

Include your agreed and

signed Terms and Condition
of Supply document to this
section of the portfolio.

Include proof of how you

saved the procurement
process according to policy
and procedures (e.g. screen

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Unsuccessful suppliers

Include your draft email to Email:

notify unsuccessful suppliers
to this section of the portfolio.
Subject: Procurement Bid

Dear suppliers,

Good morning, I want to inform you that your bid for the procurement
has not been chosen by the company. I am sorry and hope that we can
work together in the future.

Thank you,

Best regard,

Operations Manager.

Include: Draft email to request a bid from a supplier

(procurement 1)

Bids (if using own business) (procurement 1) ☐

Proof of your supplier meeting (if relevant)

(procurement 1)

Agreed and signed Terms and Condition of Supply

document (procurement 1)

Draft email to notify unsuccessful suppliers

(procurement 1)

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PROCUREMENT PROCESS 2: Include procurement description

Potential suppliers The three potential suppliers are

Identify at least three 1. ICT World: ICT world specialise in website. They can create and
potential suppliers. host websites that are both beautiful and functional. ICT World
would train selected staff in website maintenance. Some of this
would be carried out prior to roll-out, and the rest in their workplace
when the new website is up and running.
Summarise information about 2. IT Biz Solutions: Website development is an area in which IT Bis
each supplier. Solutions excels. IT Biz Solutions are able to show clients how to
collaboratively transform information technology into business
advantages. IT Biz Solutions provide clients with a range of
professional services.

3. Online Business Partners: Online Business Partners develops

websites that become entities. Online Business Partners have
successfully created websites for hundreds of companies, small,
medium and large businesses, so our staff have experience.


Include your draft email to Email:

request a bid from a supplier
to this section of the portfolio.
Provides a brief description of
Subject: Procurement Bid
the project (including the
objectives) Dear supplier,

Includes the specifications of Good morning, I want to inform you that Grow Management
the procurement and a Consultant is looking for a company to help upgrade and developed
description of the selection the electronic communication process. The requirements for the
criteria and selection process electronic communication process are: ensure that all
communication is carried out in a consistent, professional manner
requests that the supplier
and be user friendly. The budget available is $5,000.
submits a bid within a specific
timeframe Best regard,

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confirms that they Operations Manager.
understand the project

Preferred supplier ICT World: The approximate cost for improving electronic
communication process is $1,500 for set up and managing email
How do the suppliers
service is $2,500 for 1 year. The email service will be managed for six
compare using the selection
IT Biz Solutions: The approximate cost for improving electronic
communication process is $1,600 for set up and managing email
service is $2,400 for 1 year. The email service will be managed for six

Online Business Partners: The approximate cost for improving

electronic communication process is $1,600 for set up and managing
email service is $2,500 for 1 year. The email service will be managed
for six weeks.

Does each bid meet legal Each bid meets the legal requirements.

Who is the preferred

The preferred supplier is IT Biz Solutions.

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Terms and condition of The supplier meeting is viewed in person by the assessor.

Include proof of your supplier

meeting to this section of the

Include your agreed and

signed Terms and Condition
of Supply document to this
section of the portfolio.

Include proof of how you

saved the procurement
process according to policy
and procedures (e.g. screen

Unsuccessful suppliers Email:

Include your draft email to

notify unsuccessful suppliers
to this section of the portfolio.
Subject: Procurement Bid

Dear suppliers,

Good morning, I want to inform you that your bid for the
procurement has not been chosen by the company. I am sorry and
hope that we can work together in the future.

Best Regards,

Operations Manager.

Include Draft email to request a bid from a supplier

(procurement 2)

Bids (if using own business) (procurement 2) ☐

Proof of your supplier meeting (if relevant) (procurement


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Agreed and signed Terms and Condition of Supply

document (procurement 2)

Draft email to notify unsuccessful suppliers (procurement


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Section 3: Monitor and Review procurement

PROCUREMENT PROCESS 1: Include procurement description

Assume that a period of time has passed and the procurement process has started but not yet been

Monitor procurement

Provide a status update for The procurement is progressing as plan in the Terms and Conditions of
the procurement’s progress. Supply agreement. The website is progressing well. The home page has
received approval, and the current focus is on collating the information
Arrange regular meetings
and images that are needed for the rest of the website.
with supplier to track

How is the procurement The company management appointed several Administration Assistants
progressing in comparison to to assist in collecting the information that we need, and they have done
the Terms and Conditions of this very well. They are a busy team, but well organised.
Supply agreement?

Include your email to the

vendor requesting a status
update to this section of the

Review procurement The challenge for the project is that there are too many duties and
progress unclear roles and responsibilities for the administrative assistant. They
requested that their roles and responsibilities be formally and clearly
Identify at least one
documented to include only work-related duties.

The solutions for the challenge are:

Propose solutions to the
challenge (at least two)  Reduce the normal work responsibilities for the administrative
assistant during the training for maintaining the website util the
training is finished.

 Provide extra rewards for the extra work (increase their salary or
give them a bonus if they finished the training perfectly).
Yes, there are some changes in the variations required to the Terms and
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Are any variations required to Conditions and Supply agreement.
the Terms and Conditions and
Supply agreement (identify at
least one change to the
The senior management team met and agreed that training may be
timeline requirements)?
deferred to be completed within two months after the website has been
Include the updated Terms delivered, with IT Biz Solutions maintaining the website in those two
and Conditions of Supply. months (free of charge).

Include proof of how you

adhered to record keeping
requirements (e.g. changed
version number)

Include your draft email to

obtain approval for the

Implement remedial action. Role Administrator Assistant

Include proof of how you Responsibilities Maintaining the website

implemented the
solution/remedial action (for Work hours 9am to 5pm
the case study, this is to
create a job description with
clear roles and

Assume that a further period of time has passed, and that the procurement process is now complete.

Procurement outcomes

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Which procurement records The procurement records that I have used to review procurement
have you used to review outcomes is invoice.
procurement outcomes?
Grow Management Consultants' new website has been online for three
months, and it has been a great success. The same design has been
applied to the company’s emails, and the new email and
Summarise the available
communication system is functioning very well. All staff are using the
information and determine
new system without assistance.
effectiveness of procurement
processes and procedures

Include the records to review Records to review outcomes to this section of the portfolio (Invoice)
outcomes to this section of
the portfolio (e.g. invoices,
project schedules).

Does the deliverable meet the

requirements outlined in The deliverable meets the requirements outlined in the Terms and
Terms and Conditions of Conditions of Supply agreement.
Supply agreement?

Seek feedback

Summarise feedback from

both internal and external
stakeholders. Website team e- CFO
leader (IT Biz communication
Solutions) team leader (IT
Biz Solutions)
Include proof of your survey
to this section of the portfolio.
Was the Great Thanks for the As expected
communication prompt
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related to communication responses to my thanks
procurement emails
sufficient and

Did you Yes thanks – Yes Yes

understand but I needed to
what was play an
expected of additional role
you? managing your

Do you think Yes Yes – although Yes

that variations the tender
and changes process should
to the have included
procurement hardware
process were update.
and efficiently?

What did we Timelines were Flexible to adapt Overall well-

do well? appropriate requirements managed and
and well communicated.

How can we More detail in More detail in Negotiate more

improve? the tender the tender
process process

Respond to feedback

Include your draft email

responding to the feedback
from one stakeholder to this
section of the portfolio.


What lessons did you learn in Lessons learned in the procurement process:

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the procurement process (at 1/ Analysing key performance indicator.
least two)?
2/ Transparency is important.

1/ Educate your workforce: When employees understand the purpose

What would you do behind procurement processes and how to navigate them with ease,
differently next time (at least compliance will naturally improve.
two improvement
2/ Information Sharing: Both internal and external stakeholders should
be in constant communication to make sure that everyone is on the
same page regarding policies, expectations, and processes.

Documented lessons learned

Include your Procurement

Closure Report to this section
of the portfolio.

Include: Updated Terms and Conditions of Supply (procurement 1) ☐

Proof of how you adhered to record keeping requirements

(e.g. changed version number) (procurement 1)

Draft email to obtain approval for the changes

(procurement 1)

Proof of how you implemented the solution/remedial action ☐

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(procurement 1)

Records to review outcomes (procurement 1) ☐

Survey (procurement 1) ☐

Response email (procurement 1) ☐

Procurement Closure Report (procurement 1) ☐

PROCUREMENT PROCESS 2: Include procurement description

Assume that a period of time has passed and the procurement process has started but not yet been

Monitor procurement The procurement is progressing as plan in the Terms and Conditions of
Supply agreement. The website is progressing well. The home page has
Provide a status update for
received approval, and the current focus is on collating the information
the procurement’s progress.
and images that are needed for the rest of the website.
Arrange regular meetings
with supplier to track

The company management appointed several Administration Assistants

to assist in collecting the information that we need, and they have done
this very well. They are a busy team, but well organised.
How is the procurement
progressing in comparison to
the Terms and Conditions of
Supply agreement?

Include your email to the

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vendor requesting a status
update to this section of the

Review procurement The challenge for the project is that there are too many duties and
progress unclear roles and responsibilities for the administrative assistant. They
requested that their roles and responsibilities be formally and clearly
Identify at least one
documented to include only work-related duties.

The solutions for the challenge are:

Propose solutions to the
challenge (at least two).  Reduce the normal work responsibilities for the administrative
assistant during the training for maintaining the website util the
training is finished.

 Provide extra rewards for the extra work (increase their salary or
give them a bonus if they finished the training perfectly).

Are any variations required to

the Terms and Conditions and Yes, there are some changes in the variations required to the Terms and
Supply agreement (identify at Conditions and Supply agreement.
least one change to the
timeline requirements)?

The senior management team met and agreed that training may be
deferred to be completed within two months after the website has been
delivered, with IT Biz Solutions maintaining the website in those two
Include the updated Terms months (free of charge).
and Conditions of Supply.

Include proof of how you

adhered to record keeping
requirements (e.g. changed
version number)

Include your draft email to

obtain approval for the

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Implement remedial action. Role Administrator Assistant

Include proof of how you Responsibilities Maintaining the website

implemented the
solution/remedial action (for Work hours 9am to 5pm
the case study, this is to
create a spreadsheet of
consultant’s details)

Assume that a further period of time has passed, and that the procurement process is now complete.

Procurement outcomes

Which procurement records The same design has been applied to the company’s emails, and the
new email and communication system is functioning very well. All staff
have you used to review
are using the new system without assistance.
procurement outcomes?

Summarise the available

Grow Management Consultants’ new website has been online for three
information and determine months, and it has been a great success
effectiveness of procurement
processes and procedures

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Include the records to review
outcomes to this section of
the portfolio (e.g. invoices,
project schedules).

Does the deliverable meet the

requirements outlined in
Terms and Conditions of
Supply agreement?
Yes, the deliverable meets the requirements outlined in Terms and
Conditions of Supply agreement.

Seek feedback Website team e- CFO

leader (IT Biz communication
Summarise feedback from Solutions) team leader (IT
both internal and external Biz Solutions)
Was the Great Thanks for the As expected
communication communication prompt thanks
related to responses to my
procurement emails
Include proof of your survey sufficient and
to this section of the portfolio. clear?

Did you Yes thanks – Yes Yes

understand but I needed to
what was play an
expected of additional role
you? managing your

Do you think Yes Yes – although Yes

that variations the tender
and changes process should
to the have included

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procurement hardware
process were update.
and efficiently?

What did we Timelines were Flexible to adapt Overall well-

do well? appropriate requirements managed and
and well communicated.

How can we More detail in More detail in Negotiate more

improve? the tender the tender
process process

Respond to feedback

Include your draft email

responding to the feedback
from one stakeholder to this
section of the portfolio.


What lessons did you learn in  There are a lot of steps in making a procurement to happen legally
the procurement process (at in the company.
least two)?  Lack of detail in procurement plan can result in confusion of how
the processes should be done.

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What would you do  Preparing procurement templates and steps that to be taken in
differently next time (at least advance.
two improvement  Learn and discuss more regarding the related procurement to get
suggestions)? more information.

Documented lessons learned

Include your Procurement

Closure Report to this section
of the portfolio.

Include: Updated Terms and Conditions of Supply. (procurement 2) ☐

Proof of how you adhered to record keeping requirements

(e.g. changed version number) (procurement 2)

Draft email to obtain approval for the changes

(procurement 2)

Proof of how you implemented the solution/remedial action

(procurement 2)

Records to review outcomes (procurement 2) ☐

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Survey (procurement 2) ☐

Response email (procurement 2) ☐

Procurement Closure Report (procurement 2) ☐

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Assessment Result:

Trainer/Assessor Name:

Trainer/Assessor Declaration I hold:

 Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered

 Current relevant industry skills
 Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
 Ongoing professional development in VET

I declare that I have conducted a comprehensive and impartial evaluation

of this student’s submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current,
sufficient, valid, and reliable. The feedback has been provided to the

Assessment Decision:
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Trainer/Assessor Signature


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