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Comparison And Contrast Essay Topic

Crafting a comparison and contrast essay can be a challenging endeavor that requires a thoughtful
approach and careful analysis. The difficulty lies not only in selecting a suitable topic but also in
navigating the intricate process of drawing meaningful comparisons and contrasts. This type of essay
demands a keen eye for detail, critical thinking skills, and the ability to articulate similarities and
differences effectively.

One of the primary challenges is finding a topic that offers sufficient material for comparison. The
chosen subjects must share some commonalities yet possess distinct features that allow for a
meaningful contrast. Striking this balance can be a delicate task, as it requires selecting elements that
can be thoroughly examined and compared within the confines of the essay.

Furthermore, organizing the essay poses another hurdle. Structure is crucial in a comparison and
contrast essay to ensure clarity and coherence. The writer must decide whether to adopt a block
method, where each subject is discussed in separate paragraphs, or a point-by-point method, where
specific aspects are compared and contrasted throughout the essay. This decision adds an additional
layer of complexity to the writing process.

Navigating through the research phase can also be challenging, as gathering relevant information on
both subjects necessitates a comprehensive understanding of each. Careful consideration must be
given to sources to ensure credibility and accuracy, contributing to the overall depth of the essay.

In terms of language and style, conveying comparisons and contrasts requires a nuanced use of
language. Transitions between ideas must be smooth, and the writer must avoid superficial
observations, aiming instead for insightful analyses that provide the reader with a deeper
understanding of the subjects.

Despite these challenges, a well-crafted comparison and contrast essay can be a rewarding
intellectual exercise, fostering the development of analytical and communication skills. The difficulty
lies not only in the initial selection of a topic but also in the meticulous process of research,
organization, and expression.

For those facing challenges in writing such essays, there are resources available. Writing assistance
services, like , offer support in crafting essays on various topics. These platforms
can provide guidance, examples, and even custom essays tailored to specific requirements, helping
students navigate the complexities of academic writing.
Comparison And Contrast Essay TopicComparison And Contrast Essay Topic
Categorical Imperative Kant
The ethical philosophy of Immanuel Kant regards moral actions as right or wrong
regardless of context or circumstance. This approach to ethics is known as deontological
as it considers the actions themselves as opposed to the consequences; what one should
do in practice should be thought of as substantive concepts. Along with our fundamental
ability to recognise this, Kant strongly believed that it is our duty as individuals to utilize
our ability to wield reason and rationality as morally autonomous beings. These
obligations manifest to Kant in two distinctive forms: those that are Hypothetical
Imperatives and those that are Categorical Imperatives.

The Hypothetical Imperative is conditionally applied, as it demands execution of an

action ... Show more content on ...
It was Wolff s belief that morality consisted of perfecting ourselves, and those around
us. Wolff perceived perfecting ourselves as an improvement on us mentally and
physically and perfecting others by helping and not causing harm to them. The
fundamental rule by which Wolff believed our actions should be directed is: Do what
makes you and your condition, or that of others, more perfect; omit what makes it less
perfect. [5] Human reason, he argues, informs us of this and offers guidance with its
practical application. Interestingly, Kant argues that no one, not even God, can be the
author of the laws of morality, since they have no origin in will, but instead a practical
necessity [6]). This formulation of morality is an objective rule that exists secularly;
they would be obligatory even without the existence of God. Wolff also states: Because
this rule is a law because it obligates, and the obligation comes from nature, the law of
nature is validated by nature itself and would hold even if man had no superior who
could obligate him to it. In fact it would hold even if there were no God. [Reasonable
Thoughts on Human Action [7]] It seems that there is logic to both Wolff and Kant,
which is difficult to fault. Although they are not entirely the same with regards to their
moral philosophy, Kant adopts various components of the morality proposed by Wolff.
Like Wolff, Kant believes that we do indeed harbour the ability to individually employ
reason and rationality as autonomous beings, which should be utilized when confronted
with a moral dilemma. There should be an obligation to our own development and
knowledge as human beings in whom we necessitate our abilities, which include the
ability to reason and act rationally, using a single principle. However, Kant rejects the
specific moral principle that Wolff holds,
The Pro s and Con s of Student Preaching
The Pro s and Con s of a student preacher can be very nerve wrecking because of the
responsibility of following through with every I dotted and every T crossed. When
writing, preaching and teaching the Word of God it can become very intimidating to
anyone who desires to follow in a league of skillful preachers, pastors and teachers. How
can you be original when it appears all of the apparent techniques have been discovered?
Speaking of technique, how should a student preacher apply everything they ever learned
from a Bible seminary? These are questions for many students of the Bible. How do I
represent God and still reach the lost souls of our generation and at the same time feed
the Believers of Christ so they won t starve ... Show more content on ...
Through this survey they found the small church pastor was not as influence by books
because their concern was more focused on discipleship. Whereas the pastor of a
larger church was more apt to read more books to get incite on how to continue to
grow his church and meet the needs of the people. Also the survey revealed the
different types of influence came from authors, their fellow colleagues and other
theology influences. Also, they discovered pastors of a Pentecostal churches were
more conservative in their approaches and would not use the influence of outside
sources. The Word of God talks about the mature saint and the survey also discovered
that the age of a pastor will have influence of what is preached based on experience.
Either way modern day preaching has many factors of how a sermon is structured and
shared among congregations at every main service. When you consider how today s
modern preacher or teacher compares to the original believers of Christ there is a
shortage in comparison. There could be one factor missing and it s just purely
believing in the power of God s word being enough for the people to feed on and live
on until eternity. His word never changes it is the bread of life that will feed any
intellectual of our time.
Being Original and Giving Honor
Plagiarism is probably in years to come to become the top reason
Swot Analysis Of Pt Bamboo Pure
Green school, Bali, Indonesia
Project overview:

Jalan Raya Sibang Kaja,
Banjar Saren
Abiansemal, Badung
Bali 80352, Indonesia

Architects: PT Bamboo Pure

Design team: John Hardy (owner and inspirator);

Aldo Landwehr (creative director), Cheong Yew Kuan, Effan Adhiwira, Miya Buxton,
Hanno Burtscher, Phillip Beck, Stephanie Gunawan, Erin Johnson, Kendra Spanton,
Yulianto Maliang, I Nyoman Kerta, I Gusti Ngurah Putra Wiarsa, Heru Wijayanto
(designers), Joerg Stamm (bamboo consultant)

Structural engineering:
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Gadjah Mada University,
Jogjakarta, Ir. Morisco, Ashar Saputra, Inggar S. Irawati

Construction supervision: PT Bamboo Pure

Client: Yayasan Kul Kul

Built area: 5,534 m2
Cost: approx. ... Show more content on ...
Due to human influence, many we consider native to Bali have been introduced by
humans within the last centuries, making it sometimes hard to distinguish what plants
are really native. The most common larger trees are: banyan trees, jackfruit, coconuts,
and bamboo species. The landscape is also populated with Acadia trees and many
varieties of bananas plants. Numerous flowers can be seen such as hibiscus, frangipani,
bougainvillea, poinsettia, oleander, jasmine, roses, begonias, orchids and hydrangeas.
Rice comes in many local varieties. Other plants with agricultural value include: salak,
mangosteen, corn, coffee and water spinach.

History of the school:

After meeting in Indonesia, John Hardy and his wife Cynthia conceived of the green
school, an educational village community amongst the jungle and rice fields of Bali, to
spread their sustainable altruistic message through an alternative education system to
locals and foreigners alike. They called on Balinese practice PT bamboo pure to work out
the technical design aspects of the entirely bamboo structure. The plentifully supplied
Asian wood was utilized to benefit from the potential of all its properties to become
structural, decorative, recreational, used as flooring, seating, tables, and several other
fixtures. The local vernacular finds a new relationship fused with contemporary design
strategies throughout the assembly of
Grace Lee Bogg Essay
Personal Narrative as Protest American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee
Boggs explores a form of protest that is not often highly regarded or even discussed: the
personal narrative. When taught about political and social movements, kids in middle
and high school are taught about the iconized persons who fought against systems of
inequality Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, to name a few. They
are also taught that these important people are directly fighting against something,
whether it is a person, idea, or group. What is not taught, though, is that one s own
personal narrative, in the form of reflection and expression, is protest. When this is
ignored as often as it is, people are unaware of the power they possess and therefore
distance themselves from both the activists that have been so idolized and the ability to
effect change that we all innately possess. This lack of acknowledging personal
narratives also creates the impression that... Show more content on ...
At one point the filmmaker, Grace Lee, says, Conversation is now Grace s main form
of activism. She s constantly inviting people into her home. But it s not just to chat,
she pushes everyone to evolve their ideas. Conversation allows people not only the
chance to express their narratives but also to add to them. I am of the opinion that
every single thing you have ever done, every person you have ever met, and every
experience you have ever had, is a part of who you are. People are not just isolated
islands; they are all a part of each other. The young people visiting Boggs are involving
themselves in her narrative, one that includes writing, feminism, philosophy, and
activism. They are able to intellectually grow just through interacting and conversing
with Boggs, and vice versa. This interaction allows both parties to, as Boggs says, evolve

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