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From Housemaid to Business Owner

-Wealth found in a Travel Agency Business-

Table of Contents:

Title Page

Acknowledgement: 2

Foreword: 2

Chapter 1: Importance of Making Mistake 3

Chapter 2: Past & History 4

Chapter 3: Travel Agencies Operations & Travel Products 7

Chapter 4: Travel Agency’s Profitability 8

Chapter 5: Turning my Hobby into a Profitable Business 10

Chapter 6: Needs in Starting 11

Summary: 12

Closing: 13


I would like to express my deep gratitude and admiration as I dedicate this concise book to
my ever-supportive and affectionate husband, Sherwin. Additionally, I extend my heartfelt
dedication to my beloved daughter, Sky, whose presence fills my life with immeasurable
joy. Lastly, I offer my sincere appreciation to the divine entity, GOD, whose unwavering
guidance and boundless love have consistently accompanied me throughout my journey.
May all honor and adoration be bestowed upon Him!


Have you ever found yourself struggling financially on a daily basis? Do you feel exhausted
from your monotonous job from 8 to 5? Is your toxic boss causing you frustration as you
have no other option but to encounter them every day in order to have a job that supports
you and your family's daily needs? Does it feel like you're trapped in an endless cycle of
work, getting paid, paying expenses, paying off debts, and maybe saving a little bit, only to
have to start the whole process over again? Alternatively, do you wake up in the morning
feeling tired knowing that you have to line up at the UV express terminal once more? It's
truly draining, isn't it? Maybe you're an overseas Filipino worker searching for the most
effective way to grow your savings, ultimately leading you to consider going back to your
loved ones and enjoying the comforts of home.

To say it in exact terms, I believe that each and every one of us deserves the opportunity to
have a better life or lifestyle. If you have experienced the same sentiment, then it may be
necessary for you to pose a question to yourself. What is the current state of my life? Does
it align with the life I had envisioned for myself? If you are a parent, do you set aside at least
an hour or two every day to spend with your child? Or, perhaps, do you have no time at all
because you are exhausted after a long day of work and immediately go to bed? Merely
being present at home with your child does not mean that you are truly there. Physically,
yes, but emotionally, no! It is essential for you to reconsider the state of your current life.
Take a moment to delve deep and acknowledge everything.

Once, I have experienced going to that place. I know the sensation of feeling confined within
the corporate realm, where I used to believe that there is no way out. However, I was
mistaken because there is indeed an emergency exit available. Furthermore, I manage to
discover my own route to departure.

The exit I discovered is not a simple one, as I currently inform you. Right after commencing
my first and only venture, which is a travel agency, I believed that I was liberated. I believed
that my life would be completely transformed in an instant. However, I was mistaken! The
situation worsened from being satisfactory. I exerted more effort compared to my previous
corporate job. There were even occasions where I had to stay overnight to cater to my
business requirements. The journey included numerous difficulties and struggles, as well as
initial challenges. Moreover, there were several misunderstandings with my spouse. I will
never forget the moment when my spouse advised me to shut down or sell the business,
which brought me to tears. Nevertheless, I ignored the advice and instead placed my trust
in God and prayed for His guidance. And miraculously, everything fell into place. The
outcomes were astonishing.

Chapter 1: Importance of Making Mistakes

Getting into trouble while trying to start and run a business does not mean you have to
follow the same path. The key things I lack are a mentor and a system, which have hindered

In my business experience, I have come to understand that within the initial 5 years, only
10% of businesses are able to make it, and out of those, only 10% will continue to succeed
after a decade. Blessed I am that I made it through the decade.

Making mistakes is actually a pretty big deal when it comes to our personal and professional
development. Whether it's in our personal lives or in business, we can't underestimate the
importance of embracing our mistakes. It's all part of the learning process! And hey, when
it comes to running a business, it's crucial to be ready for a bunch of mishaps along the way.
That's where having a coach can really come in handy. They'll guide you through the ups

and downs, helping you navigate those mistakes and turn them into valuable lessons. So
don't be afraid to mess up a little – it's all part of the adventure!

Chapter 2: Past & History

Born in the small town of Norala in South Cotabato was where I first saw the light of day.
My childhood was marked with challenges as I grew up in an unfortunate household,
causing me considerable difficulty. Living in constant fear, I could never escape the thought
that our slope house or "bahay-kubo," would be washed away whenever strong winds
blew. During rainy days, It became a norm for us to become soaked even when seeking
shelter inside our home, regardless of whether it was day or night. To alleviate my hunger,
I often had to resort to eating guavas and only had improper meals three times a week.
Simultaneously, I assumed the responsibility of caring for my bedridden mother and
grandfather. At a young age of 7, I had already learned the ins and outs of farming, with the
aim of providing sustenance for my family.

At the young age of 14, my parents chose to send me to live with my aunt in Cavite with the
purpose of assisting my family financially. Having such concerns, I left with a heavy heart,
worrying about who will attend to my mother and grandfather who are both ill. Despite
feeling compelled to go, I had no other option but to accept the role of a housemaid, looking
after a 3-year-old child and a 90-year-old individual. It was challenging to experience the
longing for my family on a daily basis at such a tender age.

The Disheartening Moment

It has only been a year, but my mother passed away followed by my grandfather only 6
weeks later. This phase of my life, to be honest, has been one of the toughest. Not only do I
carry the weight of grief from losing my loved ones, but I am also burdened by financial
struggles. I can't even scrape together enough money for a ticket to return home. I find
myself pleading with my neighbors, desperately seeking their support to help me through
this overwhelming time. It is an incredibly challenging and disheartening situation.

The responsibility was placed on me by my mother to become the guiding light for my
siblings, leading us out of poverty. She urged me to focus on my education and instructed
me to find a secure job afterwards that would provide financial stability for our family in the
long run. I worked hard while studying and, by the grace of God, I managed to finish my
bachelor's degree in business management.

My mother's hope for me to have a secure job is something that I am grateful to God for not
letting waver. I have succeeded in finding a position in an outsourcing company. Initially, I
began working as a documents specialist and swiftly rose to the role of administrative

Earning money has brought immense joy and happiness into my life! It has given me the
incredible opportunity to fulfill my mother's long-cherished dream. Not only that, but it has
also enabled me to support my younger brother's education, ensuring a bright future for
him. Additionally, I have been able to lend a helping hand in sending my two older siblings
abroad, opening new horizons for them. This overwhelming sense of happiness fills my
heart as I realize the positive impact I have been able to make through my hard work and

My First Travel

What an incredible moment it was when I got the chance to set off on my very first trip, and
guess where it was? Boracay! The minute I stepped foot on that magical island, my whole
perspective on life shifted. I mean, just imagine the sheer number of people bustling around,
and then think about how travel agencies rake in the cash by arranging reservations for all
those visitors. It's mind-blowing, isn't it?

Starting my own business in the travel industry got me all fired up! I mean, who wouldn't be
thrilled about diving into such an adventurous venture, right? So, I got down to some serious
research to figure out the nitty-gritty of making it happen. And guess what? Luck was on my
side because I stumbled upon a real gem who could spill the beans on launching a travel
business. I really thought I hit the jackpot!

To begin my business venture, I poured in a whopping 600k pesos. It's just heartbreaking
how I managed to scrape together enough funds to kickstart my travel agency, considering
the hefty expense of acquiring knowledge about the industry. However, deep down, I
couldn't shake off this overwhelming feeling of uncertainty looming over me. It was as if
everything was veering off course.

Things took a turn for the worse. The agency was really struggling to make any sales. My
supposed mentor only gave me the most basic knowledge of running a travel agency. There
was no guidance on how to generate sales or effectively market the product. And to make
matters worse, I barely received support when I needed it the most. I felt completely
abandoned, like I was left all alone in the vast expanse of the sea.

Self Taught

I somehow managed to transform into a formidable force in the face of adversity. It seems
that challenging circumstances have a knack for compelling us to employ unconventional
methods. I constantly challenge my intellect to surpass its limits. I simply cannot afford to
squander the funds my dear spouse has bestowed upon me to embark on this
entrepreneurial venture, much to my amusement.

Well, well, well, this is no walk in the park. This is not a venture for the easily startled. I
managed to rope in a bunch of my dearest pals to hop on board with my business. Let me
tell you, it was no piece of cake. I even had to cough up a whopping 40% interest rate per
annum just to seal the deal and secure their financial support for the agency. Talk about a
punch in the gut, right?

I'm thrilled to share that I not only dedicate myself to self-teaching, but I also dive into the
fascinating world of marketing. To me, sales represent the beating heart of any business,
and marketing serves as its vibrant circulatory system. I'm overjoyed to announce that I've
successfully secured a remarkable partnership with a manpower agency, ensuring a steady
stream of cash flow for our business. On top of that, I've recently begun investing funds into

organizing group tours, and I'm absolutely delighted to promote them extensively on social
media platforms.

All the funds we collect are used to finance air tickets for Overseas Filipino Workers. And
let me tell you, every penny I make after covering expenses goes straight into funding group
tour bookings. And you know what? It has definitely paid off!

Chapter 3: Travel Agencies Operations & Travel Products

I started off believing that every travel agency was the same and they all sold the same
travel products.

It was my mistake and I realized that despite all of them being travel agencies, they operate
from different bases. Here are the distinct type they operate from.

● Retail Travel Agencies - B2c Travel Agencies

● Wholesale Travel Agencies - B2b Travel Agencies
● Air Ticket Issuance Travel Agencies
● Tour operators

Retail Travel Agencies

The prime concentration of these agencies is on directly selling their products to customers
or the general population. When it comes to establishing a direct customer relationship and
providing services, they have the broadest range of audience or clients.

Wholesale Travel Agencies

Their main clients are other travel agencies. Wholesaler agencies typically have direct ties
to tour operators and provide more affordable travel options to their partner agencies
compared to retail agencies that cater to the general public.

Air Ticket Issuance Travel Agencies

The agencies prioritize distributing transportation tickets to both the general public and/or

Tour Operators
Tour agencies are the ones who take on the responsibility of offering sightseeing tours,
excursions tours, adventure tours, and several other activities. Typically, these agencies
operate solely within their respective local regions as providers of tours.

Travel Products
Here are the travel products offered by Travel Agencies
● Transport Company Tickets such as:
○ Air Ticket
○ Ship / Ferry Tickets
○ Various Land Transportation Tickets
● Hotel Reservations & Bookings
● Tour Packages
● Various Visa Acquisition Assistance
● Combination Packages such as:
○ Air Ticket + Hotel Reservation
○ Air Ticket. + Hotel Reservation + Tour Packages
● Cruise Packages
● Documentation Assistance
● Group Tour Blockings

Chapter 4: Travel Agency’s Profitability

In 2014, I established my travel agency as a non-IATA agency. This implies that we can only
obtain ticket products through the assistance of our B2B partners, who are IATA-accredited
travel agencies.

In the year 2017, my agency received official recognition from the same organization. The
process of obtaining accreditation was challenging as it involved thorough documentation

and financial requirements. One of these requirements included a bond worth 20 million

Exclusively engaged in issuing air tickets with our agency partners, our operation solely
focused on this aspect throughout our endeavors until 2019, before the outbreak of the
Covid-19 pandemic.

At that time, my company was making a decent profit because we were selling about 600-
800 tickets every 20 days at a price increase of around 1,000 pesos. This equates to roughly
600k - 800k pesos every 20 days.

However, this situation took a turn when the covid-19 pandemic emerged. Our industry
bore a significant impact because the manpower sector serves as our primary market, and
the deployment of Overseas Filipino Workers was also halted.

Depression Hits

At that time, the bankruptcy declaration of major travel companies affected numerous
travelers, leaving travel agencies feeling powerless.

I find myself filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude that, unlike the vast majority of
the major players, I am not presently attending to the needs of the majority of the
population. Yet, it deeply saddens me to witness certain investors exerting pressure on me,
understanding less the immense challenges that the industry is currently struggling with.

Demand by unfamiliar situation cause by pandemic, I was compelled to alter my product

offering from ticketing to selling Group Blocking products. It feels as though I have
transitioned from predominantly focusing on ticketing, with only a small portion dedicated
to group tour blockings, to now primarily focusing on group tour blockings, with ticketing
taking a backseat.

With unwavering conviction, I wholeheartedly embraced the powerful message found in
Romans 8:28 of the Bible which says ”And we know that all things work together for good
to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.“

The successful execution of our group bookings product, combined with our effective
marketing strategies, is the driving force behind our operations. Despite the fact that our
ticketing market brings in higher earnings compared to group tour blockings, we still
consistently generate a steady monthly income of at least 300k to 600k. This is made
possible by catering to an average of 60-120 travelers each month, with each client
providing us with a markup of 5,000 pesos.

Our sales are soaring the more we keep adding amazing group blocking items that are top-
notch in quality. And guess what? They come with a price tag that's a minimum of 20,000
pesos above cost. Can you believe it? It's like hitting the jackpot!

Chapter 5: Turning my Hobby into a Profitable Business

I became hooked on traveling after experiencing it once, and now I find it irresistible to do
it again. The reason for this addiction is that through traveling, I feel a sense of youthfulness.
Furthermore, traveling serves as a means to pamper and indulge oneself, offering a respite
from the mundane daily routine.

Being a travel business owner, I benefit from people traveling because it will generate profit
for me. However, as a traveler myself, it will deplete my funds which is the drawback.

Do you know what's interesting? Besides making money, having a travel agency also offers
a special benefit. This includes receiving significant discounts from your partner tour
operator or hotel, up to 50% of the total land package cost. Occasionally, you even get to
enjoy a complimentary full board package, where you don't have to pay anything for your
air ticket, tour package, and meals during the trip.

When the tour operator provides a familiarization tour of the destination, we receive a
special discount land package. In this offer, they are giving us the net price of the
accommodation, food, and trip without any additional markup. If we meet a certain number
of tourists per month, we are eligible for a completely free tour. Our travel agency has been
granted one or two complimentary passengers by our partners.

Having said that, this is how I benefit from having a travel agency. It allows me the freedom
to travel to my dream destinations at a lower cost or even for free.

Part 6: Needs in Starting

Starting a travel agency business is a question I have grappled with, much like myself.

To achieve the establishment of a travel agency, the necessary tools are required:

● Business Permits & Accreditations with Government Tourism Departments

● Connection with B2b Operators
● Having direct list of tour operators are an advantage
● Operational Forms
● Office Space in an advantage but Operating at home also works
● Staff is best when you are operating in office
● Ticketing & Booking Knowledge
● Travel Product Creation Awareness

Having these tools is essential, and it is equally important to possess a well-designed

marketing strategy and a mentor who has undergone a similar journey.

Remember, In order to ensure a successful travel business, it is absolutely crucial to be

thoroughly prepared for any potential challenges that may arise throughout the journey.

To Summarized:

Owning a travel agency can bring numerous benefits for both business owners and travelers
alike. As a travel agency owner, you have the opportunity to turn your passion for travel into
a profitable business venture.

Operating a travel agency also allows you to take advantage of a wide range of partnerships
and affiliations with airlines, hotels, tour operators, and other travel industry suppliers.
These partnerships enable you to offer exclusive deals, discounts, and packages to your
clients, making their travel experiences more affordable and enjoyable.

Moreover, owning a travel agency allows you to stay connected with the evolving travel
industry and be aware of the latest trends and destinations. You can leverage this
knowledge to curate unique and tailored travel experiences, giving your clients
unforgettable memories.

Lastly, owning a travel agency gives you the flexibility to work remotely and manage your
business from anywhere in the world. This lifestyle can fulfill your desire for freedom and
adventure, while still allowing you to run a successful business.

In conclusion, owning a travel agency offers not only financial opportunities but also the
chance to share your love for travel and create unforgettable experiences for others. It's an
exciting and rewarding endeavor that allows you to combine your passion with


May the ideas and information I have expressed will expand your understanding of the
travel sector and the possibilities it holds.

To your travel entrepreneurship,

Sheila Panes-Guimalan

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