Creative Writing-DIMENSIONS

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A Short Story
Presented to the Senior High School Department
Baguio Central University

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Creative Writing

Submitted by:
Charcogan, Elly C.
Dela Pena, Robert D.
Lenon, Joro Vince M.
Navarro, Christian Jhake L.
Carino, Princess Joy
Quemado, Niyah Grace A.

Submitted to:
Rose Ann Hazel P. Gawec

NOVEMBER 30, 2023

In the city of Hanan, there lived a loving husband and wife named Silvestre and
Hannah. Silvestre was a professional surgeon who graduated from Harvard University.
Silvestre is known to be a diligent, kind, and hardworking man, but he lacks trust in
others. He believes in the saying “To see is to believe”, he does not believe in such
mythical theories, supernatural powers, mysteries, and even some of the things that are
in the present world. On the other hand, Hannah comes from a wealthy family, she
does not have the courage to face the opportunities that come to her life. She is known
to be soft-hearted and caring to the people she loves. After Silvestre and Hannah’s three
years of marriage, they decided to resign from their job to live in the countryside and
build their own business. Four years later, Hannah bore three children named Rosie,
Anna, and Hazel. The family went on a special day to celebrate Silvestre’s 43 rd birthday.
As he was driving to his friend’s house to invite them to his birthday, a sudden car
accident happened.
As he woke up, he felt very dizzy as if he had been drunk. When he walked to a
nearby river, he noticed that it was getting dark so he decided to spend the night at the
side of the river. He started a bonfire to keep his body warm and catch a fish at the river
for his dinner. While he was eating, he suddenly noticed that the bushes were moving.
So he decided to check up on it and saw the wounded creature. The creature seems to
be like a dwarf with deer-like feet, the creature has only one big green eye. Silvestre
decided to help the creature so he patched up the creature’s wounds and fed him up
with the fish that he caught earlier. Silvestre made a small shelter where they could rest.
It was made with sticks, pebbles and stones, pine needles, and plastic wrappers around
the area. Silvestre carried the creature inside the small creature. A short conversation
had happened between the two during that night, his curiosity of Silvestre caused him
to ask the creature about what happened to him. There was a long silence after that
question, Silvestre thought that the creature was dead but the creature was just
sleeping. Silvestre wondered all night about the creature, what happened to him, what
is he doing there, and where he came from because of his appearance. A lot of
questions are running in his mind that led him to stay up all night. When the sun had
appeared, Silvestre was shocked about the sound of the strong wind coming from the
big tree so he decided to check on it. He was shocked by what he had just seen, it was a
big flaming bird. The bird flames up and Silvestre remembers that he was once to read a
fictional book about a flaming bird named Phoenix. Silvestre was shocked as the
Phoenix noticed him, he stepped backward and accidentally fell. As he closed his eyes,
he felt like he was flying, therefore he decided to open his eyes and saw that he was
being carried by a Phoenix. When they had landed on the ground, Silvestre
wholeheartedly gave thanks to the Phoenix for saving him and he fed the Phoenix with
a fish. Silvestre and the Phoenix went to the creature, and the creature was shocked to
see the Phoenix in front of him. Both Silvestre and the Phoenix were amazed at the
beauty of how huge the Phoenix was. As Silvestre and the creature are preparing for
their journey, the creature suddenly smiles at Silvestre and tells him that his name is
Joshua. When they are on their way, they notice that the Phoenix is still there staring at
them, so they decide to bring the Phoenix with them. When they arrived at the
mountains, they saw a floating castle. The two of them ride at the back of the Phoenix to
go and see the castle. When they arrived at the castle, they appeared to be so shocked as
to why there was no single person in there, until they saw on the tall, big, brown door, a
lady that looked like a goddess dressing in an elegant, golden dress that shines brightly
like a diamond. Silvestre was mesmerized by the beauty of that lady. And when
Silvestre looked at his back, he wondered as to why Joshua and the Phoenix suddenly
disappeared. The lady went close to Silvestre, she asked him what is his name and
where he came from because it was the first time that the lady saw him. He answered,
that his name was Silvestre and he said that he was just curious to see the floating castle
from afar so he went there to take a closer look at the castle, and so the lady invited him
to enter the castle.
While they are sitting on the golden sofa, Silvestre asks the lady about what is
her name. She said that her name was Louise and that she was the sister of the owner of
that castle. While they were talking, Silvestre saw his three children in the castle
cleaning every room. His countenance fell as he saw his children in that castle. He
immediately approached them and gave them a big warm hug. He came to ask them
what they were doing,
With a soft voice answer them by saying “We kept this a secret because we want
to help you in a simple way and we know that both of you and Mom had resigned from
your job to focus on us, and we also know that if we tell you this, you will be mad at
us”, said Anna.
A tear from Silvestre’s eyes flows down and he takes pity as he sees his children
in their work.
Louise heard the whole conversation and she went close to them, and she said, “I
know that I don’t have any matters with your family, but I just want to say sorry for
hearing those words. Don’t worry Silvestre, I won’t pressure them with too much load
of work”. Silvestre thanked Louise for those comforting words. His children continued
to do what they were doing. Louise invited Silvestre outside to have a coffee. As Louise
hears Silvestre’s story, Louise asks him if he wants to work in that castle together with
his children. Silvestre accepted the offer and immediately started his work that day. The
next morning, he felt that he could not move his hands nor his feet, he thought that he
had been stroked without any clue about what happened to him. After a few hours,
everything that he felt was gone and he thought that it was a miracle. He tells him
everything that happened to him to Louise, but her reaction is nothing, in her mind, she
thinks that Silvestre knew that she was the one who healed him, but Silvestre is
clueless. In that situation, she tested Silvestre if he would notice that Louise made all
that, but since Louise knew that he had no clue, she planned to take another test that
would surely challenge Silvestre.
As Louise was laying in her bed, it came to her mind what would be her life if
her father chose her to rule the kingdom in Azer, where her sister is the one who is
living and leading that kingdom. All that Louise feel that moment was jealousy. The
past of Louise did not go well as what she expected, all that she wants is to become the
chosen one queen to rule over the kingdom in Azer, and to be with someone whom she
loves. Her father died at the age of 99, he had been killed by his beloved and trusted
friend who wants to gain all the wealth and riches that he have. Luisa’s mother is
stocked in a cave where no one can enter even those magical creatures, if they will try to
force themselves to enter that cave, they will surely die.
Her mother was punished by the people because of her wickedness. As Louise
remembers those things that happened to her parents, she became more desperate to
get the kingdom in Azer from her sister. Silvestre suddenly knocked the door to ask
Louise where is the market in that place, but Louise didn’t answered at all, instead, she
just cried in front of Silvestre with a loud voice. Silvestre hugged Louise to comfort her
and asked her what happened, she refused to answer and she suddenly stopped crying.
Silvestre went outside to continue what he is doing, but it came to his mind about his
wife, he asked his three children to ask them what is their mother doing, they said that
she is all alone in their house cleaning all day. Silvestre felt pity to his wife because she
has no company to talk with, so Silvestre talked to Louise about his plan to have a day
off together with his children so they can visit her. Louise allowed his permission about
his plan. When they had arrived at their house, they hugged each other as is a million
years had passed until they have seen each other. Silvestre explained everything to
Hannah about what they are doing as to why they haven’t seen each other for a month.
After that, Hannah heard everything, she decided to talked to her husband on building
another business or going back to their job. When the night had come, as Hannah and
Silvestre are laying in their bed, they talked about what might be their future if they did
not resign to their job, will they have a much better future or will their life be not as
hard as they are experiencing that time. Suddenly, Hannah said that she imagines her
future being with Silvester and to live happily with their children, and the two decided
to sleep. As they woke up early in the morning, the decision was made by Silvestre to
talk with Louise about resigning to their work in her castle.
Louise sighs as she heard the news from Silvestre, she allowed him to resign
even though it is hard for her because she will have no longer a company to talk with.
As. Silvestre and his children came to the castle to get their things, Louise’s face seems
sad but she can’t control them even though she has a power to control them. Louise
tried to follow them as they went their way home because she do not know where they
live. When she had already knew where they live, she was shocked as she sees the wife
of Silvestre in their house, it seemed so familiar to her from afar, so she hide from the
big tree near the house to see Hannah closely. When she saw that Hannah looked like
her sister, she immediately ran and go back to her castle. It took her the whole day to
think about what she saw. It may look like her sister, but she still needs to investigate if
that woman is really her sister or not. She used her power to know the truth about that
woman, and it showed her that, that woman is really her sister. But the confusing thing
that came to her mind is that, what is she doing in that house and she is not in the
kingdom in Azer. Louise wants to come and talk with Hannah, but she was scared to do
it because she feels that she might fight with her.
When the night has come, her plan to talk with Hannah couldn’t get away in her
mind. Louise’s life is full of mysteries and regrets since she was born. One of the regrets
in her life is when her father chose her sister to rule the kingdom in Azer. Her father
chose her sister to become the queen because of her fault. She tried to make stories to
their father about her sister to make her image look bad in front of their father, but it
didn’t work, their father catches Louise with her own words and so her sister became
the queen of that kingdom. She also believes that her father’s death is because of her.
Louise realizes that if her sister is the wife of Silvestre, why is her name changed?
All that Louise knows is that the name of her sister is Remy, it bothers her a lot about
what happened to her sister after a long year of not having an interaction and even a
little conversation. Louise’s heart was heavy and full of regret and curiosity as she
thinks about the fate of her sister, Remy. She couldn’t help but wonder what had
become of her after all those years of separation and silence. Determined to find
answers, Louise embarks on a journey to uncover the truth.
She knew she had to confront Hannah and find out the truth, but fear held her
back. After a restless night, Louise woke up determined to face her fears. She knew that
she couldn’t let fear control her actions. With a deep breath, she made her way towards
Hannah’s house. As she approached the house, her heart was raced with expectations.
She knocked on the door, hoping that Hannah would be willing to talk. After what felt
like an eternity, the door slowly opened, revealing Hannah standing there, looking
surprised to see Louise.
Louise gathered her courage and spoke, “Hannah, it’s me, Louise. I saw you
yesterday, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. You look so much like our sister. Can we
Hannah couldn’t believe what she just saw, she did not even recognize her own
sister. Louise asked her own sister. Louise asked the question again, and still, Hannah
did not answer. Silvestre is on his way home and from far away, Louise saw him
walking towards their house, she left and ran as fast as she can to hide near that house
so that Silvestre cannot see her. When Silvestre arrived at their house, he was curious to
know what happened to his wife because her face looked like very confused and very
shocked he tried to talk to her and ask her what happened.
He said, “Love, what happened? is something bothering you?, Is there a terrible
situation that happened?
A long silence after those questions had happened. Silvestre even gave her water
to drink, and he even hugged her. At night, Hannah finally spoked and talked to
Silvestre about what she just saw.
Hannah said, “Someone came here earlier and she said that she is my sister”,
Silvestre answered and said, “Do you know her name?, did that person told you?,
Hannah replied, “She said that her name is Louise.”
Silvestre got flabbergasted as to what Hannah said to her and he said unto
Hannah, “She came here?”
With a wondering face of Hannah, she answered, “She is the co-owner of the
castle where we have worked before.”
The two of them decided to go to the castle of Louise and talk to her, but Hannah
refused to go, instead, she just chose to stay in their house and she remained silent after
that. Silvestre has a doubt that something is bothering with his wife so he went to
Louise and ask her. When he had arrived at Louise’s castle, Louise is not there so he
waited until the setting of the sun but Louise did not arrive. Silvestre tried to wait until
the next morning, as the rising of the sun came, Louise did not appear in the castle, so
Silvestre went back home sad and still wondering what happened the moment that she
went to their house and talk to his wife.
As Silvestre get through their house, he saw Louise sitting beside Hannah while
they are having a serious conversation. Silvestre listened as to what they are talking
about, after that Louise and Hannah had a conversation, Louise got surprised as she
saw Silvestre outside. Hannah revealed the truth to her husband that Luisa and her are
really sisters.
Louise did not waste her time, she immediately asked Hannah why she changed
her name. Louise and Hannah went outside so that Hannah can tell Louise the truth
behind her. Hannah told Louise everything about her and the reason is not only about
her name, but rather, she changed her whole identity including her physical
appearance. The real sister of Louise is already dead, Hannah only copied the same
face, voice, and character of Louise’s sister because she loves Silvestre. Before Silvestre
and Hannah got married, Louise’s sister is the first woman whom he loves, and because
of her love to Silvestre, she copied exactly what Louise’s sister looked like. She just
changed her name so that Silvestre can know that she is the real sister of Remy before
Silvestre met Louise. Hannah also explained that all this time, Silvestre knew all those
things, so Louise got very confused but her heart was filled with anger and revenge at
that moment.
Hannah thought that Louise would be happy for her because she thought that
she will understand her, but Louise felt like she was betrayed by them. Louise couldn’t
control herself, she just smiled and suddenly disappeared. Louise arrived at the castle
with the want to have a revenge to the family of Silvestre.
Since Hannah has a power, she can read everyone’s plan even the different
strategies of other living creatures. Hannah knew everything that Louise plans to their
family, but unlike Louise, she has no power to stop the time, to hurt others, and even to
use power against them, she can only read plans and change simple things.
Louise believes that her sister’s death is caused by Hannah, and that if she had
not copied Remy’s whole appearance, she would not be dead. Louise wanted to kill one
of Hannah’s children in exchange for Remy’s life. Hannah worried when she knew
those plans of Louise. She immediately told those things to her husband. They know
that they do not have the ability to fight with Louise but there is a way to lessen her
power and that is to get her necklace which is the source of her power. Silvestre and
Hannah told those things to their children, and they agreed to get that necklace to
Louise. It may seem very hard to get that to her, but their plan is to get it when Louise is
After a week of planning, Hannah and Silvestre’s children went to Louise’s castle
and carefully did what they had planned. Rosy, the eldest among the three of them, was
the first one to get the necklace, since the main door of the castle was closed, Rosy went
up to the roof of the castle and went down the chimney directly to Louise’s room, as she
had finally went down, she stepped on plastic wrappers of candies that made a sound
that caused Louise to wake up. Rosy hides behind the curtains so she cannot be caught
by Louise. Louise uses her power against Rosy as she sees her in her room. Louise puts
Rosy into a small room that is soundproof so that nobody can hear even when she
makes a noise there. As Louise locked Rosy in that room, she went back to her bed and
she fell asleep. Rosy’s younger sisters are still waiting for her outside the castle
expecting that she got the necklace from Louise but she did not come back. Anna and
Hazel waited until midnight, but no one came back. The two of them decided to go
back home and wait for their sister.
Rosy was seeking help to get out of that room. “HELP!!!!, SOMEBODY, PLEASE
HELP MEE!!!,” she was crying in a loud voice hoping that someone would save her, but
there was none. The room is very small and no one can hear her, even if she tries to
break the door and windows of that room, it will not break.
As the sun was hazy, Anna and Hazel were still wondering why their sister had
not come back, so they decided to go to the castle again and try to make another plan on
how to get the necklace from Louise. Anna, the younger sister of Hazel is the next to
attempt to get the necklace. She climbs up to the windows of the castle and hides from
the room where they are cleaning before. When she tried to open the door, Louise heard
the cracking sound of the door and immediately ran to see who was inside the castle.
She caught Anna standing in front of that door and immediately used her power to get
Anna. The look on Anna’s face was terrified and crying, she was begging Louise to set
her free, but Louise did not listen to her, instead, Louise put her into a separate room
where it was filled with blood. That room is also small and just like Rosy, no one can
hear her inside that room. At that point, she was hoping that Hazel would be the one to
get the necklace from Louise, and she was also hoping that she might not be caught by
Louise and lock her into another room.
The next morning, Hazel went back to the castle and made another plan that she
believed, she would get the necklace by that time. She saw Louise go out to the castle so
she ran fast inside the castle to find her sisters, but she did not find them. Louise also
arrived at the castle at that time. Hazel, standing beside the door of the castle waiting
for Louise arrives exactly at the door so she can get the necklace easily. But instead of
getting the necklace, Louise used her power. She made a big serpent that will catch
Hazel, the serpent immediately catches Hazel and brings her to Louise. Louise smiled at
her, Hazel was begging her to let her go, but Louise did not listen to her.
As Louise and Hazel were arguing, someone passed by the castle and saw what
was happening, that person was Alex, the long lost son of Louise with her husband, Jet.
Alex immediately ran towards the castle and Louise suddenly used her power to hide
Hazel. Louise’s countenance looked pitiful as she saw the man standing in front of her.
In her mind, that face was very familiar. Louise asked the man what is he doing there.
Alex answered and said, “Finally!!!, I found you,” Louise got confused and asked
the man again who is he. Alex answered again and said, “I am Alex, your beloved son, I
have been searching for you for a thousand years, I’ve been asking everyone if they saw
you, but no one knows where were you so I’ve searched for you all over the world, and
finally, here you are, standing in front of me.”
Louise cried and hugged the man, she couldn’t believe what was happening. To
further understand what happened to him, Louise invited him to go inside the castle
and talk about what happened to him.
Alex started the story, “As what my father had told me, the two of you met at a
birthday party of your friend, he came to you and asked you if you wanted to join him
because he had no one to talk to that night, throughout the night, you hanged up
together and begin to develop a love for each other. According to him, you suddenly
left when I was born, so I thought, you don’t love me that’s why you left at that time.”
With a tear in Louise’s eyes, she replied to Alex saying, “My son, I love you, do
not ever think that I don’t love you, I love you more than your father.” Alex said, “Then
why did you leave that time when I was born.”
Louise: My son, please listen to me, I have a valid reason why I did that when
you were born. We had a problem with your father at that time so I chose to leave so
that the problem wouldn't get worse.
Alex: Mom, please explain everything to me, I have the right to know everything
about what happened to you.
Louise: Son, it is complicated.
Alex: But Mom…
Louise: Son, you will understand as time goes by, for now, the important thing is
that we’ve met for a very long time.
To spend more time with her son, she decided to let her son live in that castle.
Alex, filled with joy at that moment, agreed to Louise’s decision.
A day after their moment, Alex found three small rooms in the castle and he
wondered why they couldn’t be opened, so he asked her mother what was inside those
rooms and why it was hard to open that even the strongest creature on earth could not
open it. Louise didn’t say anything but instead, she denied what was inside of that
room, she said that it was a storage room filled with many things inside. Alex didn’t
force her mother, but as Alex saw those rooms, it came to his mind who the girl he had
seen a few days ago, he wondered at that time what the connection of that is. He tried
to connect everything in his mind. His mother saw him wondering in front of those
doors, so she approached him and locked his son to one of those doors so that he
couldn’t find out what her mother was doing. In the room where Louise locked her son,
Alex saw Hazel crying, as he looked at the girl, she asked what she was doing there.
Hazel told everything to Alex, Alex was speechless at that moment. Hazel asked Alex
what his name is and why is he locked in that room. He said that Louise was her
mother, and he didn’t know why he is there as he was just looking at those doors in
front of him and suddenly, he was there already.
As Alex knew all that his own mother did to them, he felt pity for them so he
promised Hazel that he would help them. Alex asked Hazel why his mother did all
those things to them. Hazel told him the reason, but she said that her mother did not
really kill Alex’s aunt. Alex believed her but at the same time, he worried for his
mother. But still, he wants to help them to get out of Louise’s power and to get the
necklace to Louise. Alex thinks of a solution for how they will get out of that room, but
it is hard to get out. After a few hours of staying in that room, Alex found a small hole
in the room, when he tried to break it, the hole got bigger making them hopeful that
they would get out of that room and save Rosy and Anna. Louise didn’t know about
that hole. As Alex and Hazel got out of that room, they went out of the castle to make
plans on how they would save the sisters of Hazel. Hazel brought Alex to their house
and Hannah saw them running towards her. Hannah asked what happened and she
also asked who the man is standing beside Hazel. Hazel told her everything to her
mother and she also told her that he is with Alex, the son of Louise. Hannah was
shocked to hear that.
Hazel: “Don’t worry Mom, he promised me that he will help us to get the
necklace and save my sisters.”
There is still a doubt in Hannah’s mind that they will be betrayed by Alex. But
with her kind heart, she trusted the man that he would help them to get the necklace
from Louise. While the two of them were eating, Hannah kept on asking Alex what his
mother could do with that necklace of hers. He answered, “She has the ability to control
the minds, and the objects, and can manipulate time.” Hannah gets nervous and she
thinks that Louise is controlling Alex.
In the first place, before Louise plans to take revenge, she already have a way to
do it. Louise knew that she can easily end Silvestre and Hannah’s children life because
of her abilities but that is not the way she wanted to be done. She want that the three
sisters would starve until their last breath and suffer by locking them at each rooms
which she believes it is unescapable room. When Louise is sleeping, she dreamed a
flashback when they were still a little kid with her sister, Remy. Remy is playing and
they are having a fun bonding with each other. The next morning, Louise woke up from
her sleep, and before she get up on her bed, she remembered her dream last night,
increasing her eager to revenge for her sister. Upon getting out of her bed, Louise
immediately went to check the children to know their what is happening to them and to
make sure that they are suffering. Louise first check the room where she locked Rosy,
she saw her sitting at the corner of the room begging Louise to set her free. Louise
locked the door and went to see Anna’s room. Louise is laughing before she even
approach the room because she can already hear Anna screaming and begging for help.
In that situation, Louise did not try to check the room and she went directly to the third
room where she locked her son and the youngest among the three sisters. Louise
walking closer to the room, she wondered why is it so quiet so she quickly went to that
room and opened the door. Upon opening, she got shocked as she sees no one inside
the room.
Louise’s anger had led her to be more desperate to get revenge to them. She
thinks of a way to let them suffer more, but at that point as she thinks all her plan, it
came to her mind that all that she was planning to do are not the things that her mother
taught her before. She thinks that if she do that, she will be like her mother filled with
evil deeds in her heart, and she wouldn’t want to do that. Using her power, Louise saw
where Alex and Hazel are. She planned to take them again and lock them into another
room where it is really strong that no one can get out.
In the mind of Louise, she said, “I should get them again in no time.”
Alex asked the help of Hannah and Silvestre to catch Louise, but there is a doubt
that they might not catch her because of her power. But since Silvestre has a courage to
face whatever in his life, he never fears to face Louise and get that necklace to her. As
they saw Louise went out on her castle, they went inside the castle to fine Rosy and
Anna, but they couldn’t find them nor hear their cry. Rosy even tried to shout as loud as
she can but they can’t hear her. Anna tried to scream too, but still, nobody can hear her.
Alex went to the rooms where Rosy and Anna are locked, he tried to break the door
with rocks but he cannot break it. Hannah, Silvestre, Hazel, and Alex joined power to
break the doors but they can’t still break it.
Rosy and Anna can hear them breaking the door, but they can’t hear the two.
Louise suddenly arrived at the castle and saw them standing in front of the two doors.
They were all got flabbergasted as they saw Louise too in front of them. They tried to
run away from Louise, but Louise caught them because of her ability to control things.
She blocked the alley with tables and chairs. Alex tried to remove the things that block
the alley, but Louise power is too powerful.
When they woke up, they noticed that they were locked at the room full of
torturing tools. Rosy was crying because of fear, but Alex comforted her saying “ Keep
calm my lady my mother locked me once here and I know how to escape from here.”
Alex think of another plan to get out of that room. Rosy noticed a small button at the
left corner of the room, she tried to press it and they were amazed as they saw a new
room filled with some puzzles that they need to solve in order for them to get out of
that room. That room is bigger compared to the room where they were locked. All this
time, they just need to press that button and solve every problems that are with that
room. Hannah went close to one of the puzzle in that room and she tried to solve it, it
was very hard for her to solve that problem so she asked the help of Silvestre and Rosy,
but still, they cannot solve it. Alex looked closely to the puzzle and try to figure out how
would they solve that problem, and suddenly, it came to Alex’s mind when he was still
a child, he once played that kind of puzzle before but he can’t remember how to do it.
He tried to think every way to solve that problem, and finally, they had solved that
problem successfully and there appeared a number from the wall, and they were
confused what that number is. They leave that number and they went to solve another
problem, there are a total of six puzzles in that large room to be solved for them to
move on to the next room.
For the second puzzle, it contains two riddles that are very familiar to one of
them. The first riddle states that, “A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed for
three nights and rode out on Friday. How is this possible?.” Hannah confidently
answered the first riddle. She answered “It is because the name of the horse is Friday.”
The second riddle, tests their true identity. The second riddle contains a face recognition
where they need to show their true identity and their face in order to pass the riddle.
The thing that they do not know is that the face recognition has a power that if you
show your real identity, you cannot bring it back from before even your power cannot
change your identity again. Hannah then realizes about the riddle, it seemed to be so
familiar to her. She hesitated to answer the riddle because she knows that she is the
only one that can answer that problem. But still, Hannah did change her fake identity
into her real self because there is no other way to pass that riddle unless she will show
her real identity. As she showed her face to the face recognition, the number on the wall
immediately appeared. Hannah was very disappointed about that riddle, she tried to
use her power thinking that she might get back from being Remy again, but she failed
because the power of the chamber is too powerful. She was very shy to show her face to
Alex, but Alex didn’t care. Two numbers are already revealed to them, four more
numbers to go.
The next puzzle will test their loyalty and love to each other. It is Rosy’s turn to
answer the puzzle, the puzzle is a bit fun to play because it is a card game, where
everyone needs to pick one card and everyone must get the card with a red heart in it,
the one that will get the different card among the five cards, must be sacrificed. If they
will not sacrifice themselves, they will all be burned in that room. They started to pick
their own cards and looked every card they picked. All of them got red heart on their
card except Rosy, her card contains black spade. They were all shocked as they saw the
card that Rosy’s holding.
Silvestre is crying and he said, “My daughter, give me your card and take mine”.
Rosy answered and said, “No dad, they all need you, let me do this.”
Silvestre: Please, please, please!!!. Listen to me Rosy, do not ever move from your
place, let me take your card. You are too young to be sacrificed. Please!!!
Rosy: Dad please take care of them all, never let them die from these puzzles
Hannah: Rosy, come here by my side, hold my hand and never go anywhere.
Rosy: No Mom, I need to do this or else, we will all be dead from this room. Just
remember that I love you all, save yourselves, don’t die.
Hazel: Sis, why is there a need for you to be sacrificed, let us all escape from this
Rosy: If I will not do this, we will all be in trouble.
Alex: Rosy, hold on to my hand, I will come with you.
Rosy: No Alex, no need. Please help my family and never let them suffer from
your mother please!!!
All of them have tears in their eyes. The place where Rosy is standing suddenly
opened and as she fell from the hole, Silvestre immediately run towards Rosy and
grabbed her hand to save her. The power was very strong, Silvestre felt like someone is
pulling him and someone is hindering him to save her daughter. The hole closed and
the hand of Silvestre became red. There was a long silence after what happened their
faces are very sorrowful and they can’t talk even a single word. Silvestre comforts them
all, he hugged her wife but Hannah couldn’t accept what happened. She feels that she
wants to die at that moment. She even cursed Louise about all that is happening to
them. She is very desperate to escape that room and to get back her daughter.
They heard a loud voice within the room, laughing and saying, “How does it feel
to lose someone very important to you?,” Hannah shouted as she heard that voice and
she said, “Louise!!!, please return back my daughter, it’s not her fault that your sister
died.” Louise just laughed after hearing what Hannah said.
After Louise said that, the third number appeared on the wall. They immediately
went to do the fourth riddle/ challenge. The fourth challenge will test their knowledge
where they need to answer general questions based on their knowledge. It is Hazel’s
turn to answer and solve the challenge. The first four questions seems to be very easy to
answer, but when it comes to the fifth question, it tests her ability to answer because it
is about Remy. The question is who killed Remy and why did they kill her. If she
couldn’t answer that question, she must pick someone from Silvestre, Hannah, and
Alex whom she will sacrifice. It was a very hard decision for her, there was a great
hesitation on herself if she will answer that question or not. One hour is given to her to
answer the question, after an hour and she could not answer, she will have no choice
but to pick one of the three whom she will sacrifice. It took her 30 minutes to think of an
answer, the remaining 30 minutes are full of fear and doubt to herself. She was terrified
to tell her answer because she has no idea who and why did Remy die. Hazel do not
want to tell that her mother is the one who killed Remy, but she do not know why did
she kill her. There are only 10 minutes left for her to answer.
Hannah: Hazel, please tell that it is me who killed Remy. Tell her that I did that
because of my jealousy to her and because I love your father.
Hazel: No mom, I cannot tell that. I know that it is not the truth. You are not the
real killer of her. Please don’t blame yourself for her death.
Hannah: No Hazel, I am the only one who was so jealous to her. I killed her!!!, I
killed her!!!
Hazel was crying in tears and still, she do not want to tell the answer. 5 minutes
more or one of them will be sacrificed, and if she will refuse to tell who will be
sacrificed, she will be the one who will die.
Hannah: Hazel!!! Please answer now, there’s no more time, you have to tell the
answer for us to pass this question or else, one of us will die, and I don’t want that
someone will die again.
With a soft voice, Hazel answered, “Mom”
Hannah: I’m begging you, please answer now, please Hazel. My daughter, if you
love us, you have to do this for the sake of our safety, it is better to tell the truth than to
lie. There’s no purpose of lying because even if we lie, it is still unacceptable.
One minute left and Hazel still has no answer. As the time is running, she
immediately answer, but her answer is wrong. Hazel told that it was her that killed
Remy and she did that because she hates her and she was very angry to Remy. Hazel’s
answer is wrong and there’s no time that is left. Louise laughed again while saying,
“My dear, you got wrong answer. Why did you choose that answer? Are you scared?.”
Since her answer is wrong she has no choice but to pick one from them who will
be sacrificed. She didn’t think what she said. Hazel offered herself to be sacrificed.
Hannah refused and told Hazel that let her be the one to be sacrificed. Suddenly, Hazel
fell down the hole where she was standing as what happened to Rosy. The next number
They do not want to continue for the fifth time of the puzzle. They were all
scared to what is the next consequence of the next puzzle. But still, if they will not
answer the whole puzzle, they will be stocked in that room eternally. Only Hannah,
Silvestre, and Alex are left and two more puzzles are needed to be solved for them to
get out of that room. But they want to save Rosy, Hazel, and Anna from Louise and get
that necklace from her.
Without any hesitation, Alex went to solve for the fifth puzzle. Hannah tried to
stop him but Alex do not want to stop. He still continued to answer the puzzles given to
Hannah: Alex, please, let us stop this. Are you not scared that one of us will die
again until no one is left from the 3 of us?
Alex: No Tita, let us continue this, maybe after we solve all of this, we will
reunite again with them, let us not lose hope for the better future.
Hannah: But, I don’t want that you will die too. You are the son of Louise and we
do not even have an idea if your willingness to help us is really true, maybe you want
us to die all to fulfill your mother’s desire.
Alex: No Tita, I’m not like my mother, please do not think of that, do not think
that I am also a bad person. You see, even my own mother locked me in this room.
Hannah: Well, if that is really your plan, then please protect us from her and help
us to save our children.
Alex: Yes Tita, I will help you with all my heart. But, if I may save them, may I
have one request to be granted after this?
Hannah: Sure, what is it? If you will help us, then without any much reason, I
will do your request, what is that?
Alex: May I court Hazel after all this happening? Tita, I really love your daughter
since the time that I met her. I had been love at first sight the moment I saw her.
Hannah: With all my heart, I will surely allow you to be with my daughter
someday, just promise me that you will love her and protect her from your mother’s
power and arrogancy.
Alex continued the fifth puzzle in that room. Silvestre helped him to solve the
puzzle. The next puzzle will really test Alex, if he will choose Louise or Hannah’s
family. Alex will have to choose either her mother or Hannah’s family. If he choose
Louise, he can already get out of that room, but if he choose Hannah’s family, he will
have to stay there with them. Without hesitation, Alex chose Hannah’s family over her
own mother. That challenge was so easy for him, but he didn’t know that it will not just
end there. Since he chose Hannah’s family, the rule is that, he cannot help Silvestre and
Hannah to the last puzzle, if he will force himself to help them, then he will be the one
to die.
Alex: Don’t worry Tita, Tito, I will still help you to the last puzzle even if my life
depends on it, with my love for your daughter, I will do that.
Hannah: No Alex, please leave this to us. Do not even try to help us. You said
you love our daughter. Then, if ever we save them successfully, you will no longer be
with Hazel.
Alex: It’s okay Tita, if that is the only way to save them, then I will surely die for
them, for my love to Hazel.
Silvestre: Are you out of your mind? Never let your mother kill you, remain calm
in the corner of this room and let us do this.
Alex: If you say so, then please be safe and I pray that you will pass the last
The last challenge for them to decode the last number is to give up Hannah’s
power to Louise, even Silvestre’s power too. If they will give up their powers, then they
can decode the number, but if they refuse to do that, they will both die there and only
Alex will remain alive. It was a hard decision for them to do that. Alex has the ability to
get back their power to them after they give their powers to Louise, and so Louise did it
on purpose, that Alex should not help them. Alex got angry at that moment to his
mother. Hannah and Silvestre has no choice but to give up their power. Louise laughed
as they gave up their power.
Louise: Finally, I have now your powers. Your so obedient and I love it.
Hannah: Now that you have our powers, will you now set us free?
Louise: Well, let me think of it first.
Alex: Mom, please let them go, I will let myself die just set them free.
Louise: Will you shut up!
Silvestre: Please Louise, let your son get out from here. Don’t you have any
mercy to your own son?
Louise: If you didn’t brainwash my son, then he wouldn’t have been locked there
with you. It is your fault.
Alex: Do not listen to her, it is not your fault that I am here, it is my own
decision. It was her wickedness that brought me here.
Louise suddenly didn’t reply to what her son said. The last number appeared on
the wall and they immediately decode all the six numbers to the next door. As they had
decoded the door. They have seen there a large room filled with wild animals that
might kill them all. They saw there some snakes, crocodiles, lions, dogs, scorpions, and
more. They were all scared to enter but the previous room suddenly closed and they
have no choice but to get to the next door. As the crocodile opened their mouth and as
the roaring of the lions, they were so scared and can’t even take a single breath. The
three of them remained standing at the door waiting for the animals to sleep so they can
enter the next room. The night has come but the animals are still roaming around the
room, they couldn’t pass through. At the corner of the room, Alex saw an axe at the
corner of the room, he tried to walk and get the axe but as he stepped his right foot, the
lion came toward him and he got scared. As they couldn’t think of another plan to get
through the door. Silvestre ran as fast as he can and the animals suddenly bite him to let
Hannah and Alex pass through the room to get to the next room. As they passed and
entered to the room they pulled Silvestre inside the next room and closed the door.
Silvestre was full of wounds in his body and got bitten by the snakes. Silvestre couldn’t
take the pain more longer, he ripped his own clothes and tied the part of his body
where lots of blood are flowing.
For the next room, it is the second to the last room before the final room. It is
filled with plants full of thorns and plants that eat people. It seemed to be easy for them
to pass that room. Alex first carried Silvestre and they passed the room successfully, as
Hannah tried to follow, the dragonfly plant bit Hannah in her legs causing her to fall to
the ground. Alex saw what happened to Hannah, Alex tried to run and help Hannah
but the plant wrapped him around his body. Hannah stood up and helped Alex then
the plant suddenly stopped but Alex felt dizzy after that. They have been successful in
passing to that room.
They had finally arrived at the last and final room, where they saw Louise
standing in the middle of Rosy and Hazel. They were all wounded and begging for
Louise’s mercy.
Louise: The time has come, one of you will die this time, who will that be?
Silvestre: Please, kill me right now, let go of my daughters.
Louise: Shall I pick one of them, or you will be the one to choose who will die?
Or maybe…should I just kill them all?
Hannah: Please, I’m sorry Okay? Please set them free. I know, I know it is my
fault. I killed your sister. I was so jealous of her that I killed her before. I am begging for
your forgiveness, don’t bring them into this situation, it’s my fault, it’s not theirs. I am
willing to give my life just to set my children free.
Louise: Oh, right…I am not that person, I am not as bad as my mother, but
Hannah, as a mother, how does it feel to lose someone you love? Oh, you haven’t felt it
yet, right? Do you want to feel it?
Hannah: I am one hundred percent begging for your forgiveness.
Louise: I have already decided whose life will be taken in exchange for my
sister’s life. Do you want to know who is it?
Louise then brought Anna into that room with her hands and feet tied together
and with her mouth covered with a towel. Anna was crying with pain wanting to be
free from Louise. They were all shocked as they saw what Anna looked like, they were
all crying and begging for Louise’s forgiveness to them. Louise standing in front of
them all laughing at their faces.
Louise: Oh, no! So bad, you guys didn’t get this necklace from me, better luck
next time. Have more practice before getting this to me.
Alex: Mom, please, let them all go and I will go with you far from this place so
that we can enjoy our moments together.
Louise: You know I love you my son, but you chose them over me, and I have no
choice but to do this to you. I’ll make sure that you’ll not get hurt, my son.
Alex: But mom, I’m already in pain right now. You said you do not want to be
like my grandma, but what are you doing right now?
Louise: Stop now, stop this nonsense, one of you should die. I want to give
justice for my sister’s death.
Hannah: Then what are you waiting for? Kill me now, I am the reason why she
died right? Why are you letting us suffer from this? You can just kill me without
punishing us all from here? Even your own son whom you loved, whom you met not so
long ago.
Louise: Well, I want to see you all suffer first. If I killed you before then we will
not have a reunion right now, don’t you think?
Hannah: If you think that you have the victory, No. Time will come, Karma will
come to you, just wait. If you love seeing us like this, then maybe yes, you are as bad, as
wicked, as your mother.
Louise: Blah, blah, blah. Let’s not waste our time, let us begin our reunion.
You’ve all made it through this level of our game. I see, no one died during the previous
games that we’ve played. It seems that all of you are competent, let us see now with this
round. Are you ready?
Silvestre: Let us stop this now, we won’t let you kill one of us.
Louise: Well, how can you say?
Silvestre: Just wait and see.
Louise started her plan in that room, she grabbed Anna and her head. Silvestre
tried to run to Anna but he could not run because he was wounded by the wild
animals. Hannah also tried, but she couldn’t save Anna. It is very hard for them to
move because they are all wounded. After a few minutes, there appeared a creature in a
separate room whom Louise also locked before, it was Joshua whom Silvestre saved
before together with the Phoenix. The two of them worked together to help them and to
get the necklace from Louise. Louise didn’t know that Joshua had power too. Joshua
suddenly disappeared and Louise got shocked to see him beside her. Joshua suddenly
grabbed the necklace from Louise’s neck and the Phoenix used his wings to choke
Louise. Silvestre stopped the Phoenix, he did not want to kill someone just because they
did something wrong, he just wanted to be free. The phoenix let Louise go because they
knew that her power was not that strong enough compared to when she had her
Silvestre: See? I told you, Louise, you will have a time for all your wickedness.
Louise: Don’t be so sure about that, we are not done yet. You may have my
necklace with you, but still, if I cut this rope beside me, your daughter Anna will
immediately fall from here and she will die. Any last words before I cut this rope?
Hannah: No, please No!!!
Louise: Oh yes, Hannah, Yes!!! (Evil laugh)
Louise didn’t waste her time, she cut the rope immediately and Anna fell there.
Anna fell into a deep lake filled with Piranha. At that moment, Anna died. Louise ran
fast to get out of that room and escape. Hannah and Silvestre were speechless at that
moment. They were both crying and cursing Louise.
Hannah: That woman!!!, if I see her again I will surely cut her into pieces!!!
Silvestre: My daughter (crying with a soft voice). I should be the one who was
there not you. I am very sorry Anna, we couldn’t do something to save you.
Hazel: Sis!!!, I love you
Rosy: Oh my poor sister, why does it have to be you, do not worry, Sis, we will
get justice for this, I love you.
Alex: I am very sorry Hazel, Rosy, Tita, Tito. I couldn’t do something about
Anna. I know I promised you that I’d help you, but I think I did fail, I didn’t do my
part, and I am very sorry.
Hannah: Don’t blame yourself for this, Alex, we all know that you did your best
to help us. Don’t ever think that you failed. You did a great job that you even got hurt
for helping us. Thank you for all of this. It is all of your mother’s fault.
Everyone got out of the room and they were all mourning for Anna’s death.
Hannah was desperate to kill Louise because she knew that she hadn’t killed Remy, but
she said that she was the one who killed her for Louise to set them free. Silvestre calmed
himself and talked to Hannah saying that it is wrong to get revenge, he said that they
just need to pray for Louise, for the time will come, and all her actions will come back to
her. They went back to their house to mourn, and as they arrived, they had first a
dinner. They were still longing for Anna after what happened. Joshua went to their
house the next morning to tell them that they would seek Louise and let her pay for
whatever she did. Silvestre told them that if ever they find Louise, they should not kill
her but rather, Joshua must bring her into their house.
Joshua: Don’t worry my friend, we’ll surely find her. We will fly together with
the Phoenix so that we can easily see Louise and we can immediately get her and bring
her here.
Silvestre: Thank you, my friend, Keep safe and don’t get hurt okay? Come back
safely, if you can’t find her then just come back safe.
Alex: May I come with you?
Silvestre: I think it’s better if you just stay here Alex. It would be dangerous if
you came to them especially since she is your mother, she might get you and punish
you again.
Joshua: Yeah that’s right, don’t worry we’ll come back safe and sound.
Alex: No, I want to come with you guys, this time, I will surely help you get my
mom. Please let me.
Hannah: No Alex, your Tito already said No, please listen to him. This is for your
Alex: Well, then, okay, just make sure you won’t get hurt again. Keep safe.
Joshua and the Phoenix flew immediately to find Louise. Hannah and Alex
worried for the two that they might get in trouble for what they were doing. They
doubt that they will come back without Louise. Silvestre cheered them up saying to
them that all would be fine and to just pray for the Phoenix and Joshua for their safety.
They all waited for Joshua and the Phoenix, they waited for them for two months. After
three months of waiting for the two, they still didn’t come back yet.
Louise is in the kingdom of her sister in Azer. She is wandering there and
thinking about all that she has done to them. She is thinking about the real killer of her
sister. In reality, Louise has no idea about the killer of her sister, she just assumes that
Hannah is the killer based on her story to her before. There was a very strange house-
like structure that she saw in the kingdom, she went inside to see what was inside.
Inside that structure, she saw a transparent glass in the whole corner of that structure. A
mysterious man came out and asked her who is she and what is she doing there. The
man owns that structure and his name is Jet.
Jet: Who are you? What do you need?
Louise: I’ve never seen this before, is this a newly built structure?
Jet: Well, you might be a new person here. This was built 4 months ago.
Louise: What kind of house is this:
Jet: This is not a house, this is called CLAYDU temple.
Louise: This doesn’t look like a temple to me, it looks more like an ordinary
Jet: You might not know that this might look like a house, but this is a temple,
not just a temple, this is a magical temple.
Louise: How is this magical?
Jet: You see that transparent glass within this whole temple? If you ask that glass
about something, it will answer you, it will show you an answer and a picture or
scenario about that question.
Louise: Any question right? Even those questions that are personal and
Jet: Yes indeed. Why? Is there something you want to know? It seems that you
are very interested in trying this magical glass here, is there something bothering you?
Louise: Yes…I want to know who really killed my sister long ago.
Jet: What is the name of your sister?
Louise: Her name is Remy, she owns this whole kingdom in Azer.
Jet: Really? I didn’t know that. Well, if you want to know the answer, go and ask
the glass, just be polite in asking because if you are rude, the glass might not answer
and it will just say, ERROR.
Louise got very curious about the truth. In her mind, if Hannah is the real killer,
then she doesn’t need to explain to them, but if Hannah is not the killer, she will just
end her life. As she was going to ask for the glass, two more men came down the stairs.
Jet introduced them to Louise.
Jet: Louise, these are my brothers. This is Freddie and he is Zoren, we are three
Louise didn’t know that one of them was the father of Alex. She didn’t have a
clue until one of them stared at Louise suspiciously. Louise got scared of that man who
looked at her like she knew him.
Zoren: Louise? Is it really you?
Louise: Who are you?
Zoren: It is you, I’ve been looking for you for so long, even your son couldn’t
find you. I wonder where is he now.
Louise: What is the name of your son?
Zoren: You couldn’t remember? Alex.
Louise was shocked at that moment, she was speechless and stared at Zoren for
how many minutes. Zoren was very happy that finally she found her beloved wife,
Louise. Louise ran fast away from that castle but Zoren followed her and asked why
did she leave Alex and him before. Louise didn’t answer him and continued to run. As
she was running, the Phoenix and Joshua saw her and the Phoenix suddenly grabbed
Louise with his wings. Zoren looked above and saw Louise with the Phoenix and a
man. Zoren thought that the man he saw above was the new husband Louise. Zoren got
his chopper and followed where the Phoenix went. As Joshua and company arrived at
the house of Silvestre, Louise immediately went to Alex and hugged him. Alex pushed
Louise and Zoren saw what Alex did to Louise, Zoren went inside the house and all of
them looked Louise angrily, Alex was shocked also see his father together with Louise.
Zoren: Alex, why did you push your mother? All this time, you already know
where your mother is but you didn’t even tell me?
Alex: No Dad, it’s complicated. I’ll explain everything once everything is finally
over, for now, Mom needs to pay for what she did to us.
Zoren: What are you saying? This is your mother, why would she do anything
Alex: Dad, get out of here, you don’t know what happened so stop whatever you
Zoren: What did you say? Are you out of your mind? Let’s go, Louise, Alex, get
in the chopper now, let’s go home.
Alex: What? No, we can’t
Louise: You heard your Dad right? Let’s go home now, let us not bother this
Alex: What are you saying? As if you didn’t commit sin to them, remember
Mom, you killed their daughter, and now? You will just go home and let this go?
Zoren: What? You killed someone? Did you kill their daughter? Why did you do
Louise: No I didn’t, why are you listening to them? Do you think I can do such a
Hannah: Yes you can, you killed our beloved daughter.
Zoren: Louise, tell me the truth, why did you do that? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Answer me right now, W…
Louise: They killed my sister (crying), they killed my sister, she killed my sister,
and I did that in exchange for my sister’s death and to seek justice.
Zoren: Who is your sister?
Louise: Remy, the owner of the kingdom in Azer.
Zoren: What? They didn’t kill her…
Louise: You don’t know anything, stop saying nonsense.
Zoren: Will you please stop? Let me explain what happened
Everyone sat and listened to Zoren, he explained everything and everyone was
shocked to hear what happened to Remy.
Zoren: When you left before, your mother ruled the kingdom in Azer before your
sister, because of your mother’s wickedness before, your father impeached her to be the
queen of the kingdom, she chose your sister to be the queen. Your mother got jealous of
your sister, of her daughter. But your mother does not want to be impeached so the
people forced themselves to punish your mother. Your mother’s anger is triggered as
she sees your sister ruling the kingdom and acting as a queen so she pays unknown
people to kill your sister so that she can rule again and be the queen again. That is the
reason why your sister died, it’s not their fault. Before you ask the glass in the CLAYDU
temple I went down immediately and I was going to explain everything at that time but
you ran fast so I couldn’t explain, I just saw you flying with the Phoenix and this man.
Louise: Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What???, all this
time, I thought she killed my sister, but the truth is that my mother killed her daughter?
Hannah: What???
They were all shocked as they heard that, Silvestre couldn’t talk at that moment,
he scratched his head and cried because the truth was already revealed but at the same
time, he felt very sorrowful for her daughter’s death. Louise lowers her pride and asks
for the forgiveness of Silvestre’s family.
Louise: I humbly seek your forgiveness, recognizing the gravity of my actions
and the hurt they may have caused. I sincerely regret my choices and am committed to
making amends. If you want to take my life too, I am willing to give, just for you to
accept my apology.
Hazel: Yes, kill her, kill her, I will never forgive you for what you did not only to
my sister but also to all of us, we are all wounded, and your life isn’t enough to pay
your sins to us.
Rosy: Please Mom, Dad, kill her, let us give justice to Anna.
Hannah attacked Louise, grabbed her hair, punched her in the face, and slapped
her many times. Hannah went to get the sharp knife, and as Hannah raised the knife to
Louise’s body, Silvestre suddenly held Hannah’s hand and suppressed her. Hannah
shouted at Silvestre and pushed him. As she pushed Silvestre, she attacked Louise with
the knife. But Rosy shouted to stop Hannah and hugged her mother.
Rosy: Mom, I think Dad doesn’t want revenge in this way, he doesn’t want to kill
people because it is immoral.
Hannah: What are you saying? Don’t you want to seek justice for Anna’s death?
Rosy: But Mom, there may be a way to let Louise pay for all of this, the two of
you both lost a loved one in your life. Imagine Mom, if you kill Louise in front of her
husband, what do you think is the feeling? Just like you, Zoren will also feel sad and
sorrowful, so please Mom, listen to Dad.
Hannah: I’m so sorry, Okay.
Silvestre: If you want to pay for everything you did to us, surrender your power,
I don’t want you to use that over your evil doings, especially with the innocent people.
And lastly, do not ever come here again, we don’t want to see you again. That is my
condition, if you will not do it, then I’ll have to force myself to end you right now.
Louise: If that is the only way for you to forgive me, then I will do it, I promise I
won’t ever use my power again, I’ll now surrender it and never come here again.
With that, Silvestre, Hannah, Hazel, and Rosy went inside their house and
Louise’s family decided to talk outside. Louise begs for Alex’s forgiveness and also
Zoren, she promises them that she will never do that thing ever again. Alex also
decided to stay in Silvestre’s house, Louise allowed him to stay, and she also promised
herself that whatever her family wanted to do, she would allow them, because she
wanted them to be happy. So Louise and Zoren left Alex there and they went back to
the kingdom of Azer. Alex went back inside the house and called Hannah and Silvestre
to talk to them outside.
Alex: Tita, Tito, this is the time. I’ve already decided to tell my feelings and to
confess to Hazel.
Silvestre: Well, as we have also promised to you, since you’ve helped us to get
through this situation, of course, bring her now to a restaurant and talk. I am so happy
with you.
Alex called Hazel and asked her if she wanted to eat at a restaurant. Hazel didn’t
want to unless her family was with her. Silvestre and Hannah explained everything to
her. When they arrived at the Centralian Classic Restaurant, they began to talk already.
Alex: You know Hazel, I have been waiting for this moment to come…
Hazel: What do you mean?
Alex: Listen to me first, let me finish.
Hazel: Okay.
Alex: Do you remember the first time we met before? It was a tragic situation
before. My first impression of you was that you are a kind, nice, friendly, and soft-
hearted girl. Until this moment, you know…I have been loved at first sight before by
you. I hope this confession won’t pressure you…
Hazel: You know Alex, honestly, I’ve got also waited for this time to come, for
you to confess to me because even before, the first time I met you, I thought you were as
bad as your Mom, but I was wrong all this time. And now, I want to answer you
wholeheartedly, I accept your love for me, and from this moment, you and I are now
officially lovers.
Alex: I was so scared to take you outside actually, I am scared that I will be
rejected by you because this is my first time to love someone that I really love.
The two of them were very happy, they couldn’t explain the feeling that they felt
at that moment. They went back to their house to announce the news to their parents.
Hazel: Mom!!! Dad!!! Look, we are now lovers
Hannah: I know, Hazel.
Hazel: How?
Hannah: This was planned before, Alex promised us that if he succeeded in
helping us, he would ask our permission if he could court you.
Silvestre: And we know that he did his best to help us that’s why we seen his
loyalty to his promise and we know that he is a good person for you.
They decided to celebrate the love of the two so they bought fresh fruits and
vegetables and Hannah also made spaghetti and their favorite food.
Rosy was very happy for her younger sister because she found someone who
would take care of her. She got jealous of her sister, hoping that someone would love
her too.
One day, the brother of Zoren, Freddie was lost in their city, Rosy saw him and
she tried to ask him because she wanted to help him.
Rosy: Hello, where are you from and what are you doing here?
Freddie: My name is Freddie and I am lost in this city, I was looking for a house
to deliver a message from my brother.
Rosy: Who are you looking for?
Freddie: Well, this letter is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz…
Rosy: Wait, is it Hannah and Silvestre?
Freddie: How did you know, do you know them?
Rosy: They are my parents actually, by the way, who is your brother?
Freddie: It’s my older brother, Zoren.
Rosy: He’s your brother?
Freddie: Is there a problem?
Rosy: No, nothing. Okay come with me and bring them the letter.
Freddie followed Rosy to their house to deliver the letter to Silvestre and
Hannah, as Silvestre read the letter, it stated that it was an invitation to Louise’s burial.
Louise died because of a car accident. As Silvestre read the letter, she couldn’t speak
because it seemed to be familiar to him about that kind of accident. But, she told that
news to his family and Alex cried as he heard that. They all prepared to come to the
kingdom for the burial of Louise. They all went to the kingdom and mourned for
Louise’s death. Silvestre’s family went to Zoren and gave him a small amount of
money. Alex decided to stay with his father for at least 5 months.
Alex: I will not be with you for 5 months, love. I need to comfort my father and
have a bond with him, I hope you understand.
Hazel: Of course, you need to be with him too, bond with him and make a happy
memories. I understand.
Alex: Thank you, I love you.
Hazel: I love you too.
Freddie brought Rosy to the CLAYDU temple of his brother and toured her
inside. They had a conversation inside the temple. Rosy saw the glasses around the
temple and she was amazed.
Rosy: Wow, this is amazing, mirror all over the temple.
Freddie: Did you know, it’s not just an ordinary temple, this is magical.
Rosy: How is it magical?
Freddie: You can ask anything from those glasses and an answer will be
provided to you, any questions or personal and confidential information can be
answered by those glasses.
Rosy tries to ask a question about her life to test if Freddie is telling the truth or
not. She asked the glass who killed her sister Anna, and it revealed Louise’s face. She
asked again about the name of her parents and it revealed the right answer. Freddie
asks the glasses if her loved one would say yes to his confession and the glasses say yes
too. Rosy smiled and asked the mirror who was the one that Freddie loved, the glass
showed Rosy’s face and Rosy was surprised.
Freddie: Rosy, even a few moments, a long time ago, I have a prediction that you
are the one, the love of my life.
Rosy: Well what if I told you that this is not the right time yet for us to love each
other? I want to know you more, I’m sorry
Freddie: It’s okay, I’m not rushing. I can wait until you’re ready.
Silvestre’s family went back to their house, Rosy told her parents about what
Freddie told him, and her parents smiled at her. Rosy told them about her answer to
Freddie and they all laugh with sarcasm.
Silvestre: You know Rosy, if I were you. I will answer him immediately.
Rosy: What? Are you serious Dad? Even without knowing the person well?
Silvestre: For us, it’s okay. Freddie talked to us when we were at the burial
earlier, so we accepted his permission to court you.
Silvestre called Freddie. Rosy did not know that Freddie followed them into their
home. Freddie asked Rosy again, and without thinking, Rosy said yes to him, and Hazel
was blushing because of them.
After 5 years, the day has come for Silvestre’s 48 th birthday. Their family together
with Alex and his father, Zoren, and his 2 uncles, Freddie and Jet, decided to go for a
picnic to celebrate his birthday. As Silvestre is driving, he realizes something, it seems
like a déjà vu to him because he thinks that, that situation already happened before. As
Silvestre checked on his phone, he got into a car accident and he suddenly woke up in
the hospital. Hannah and his children are very happy to see him finally wake up after 5
years. Silvestre was shocked as to why it took him 5 years to woke up. He knows that
there are no 5 years after the accident because he suddenly woke up.
Silvestre: Wait, this is strange, what is Anna doing here? She’s already dead, why
is she standing in front of me?
Hannah: What are you saying? She is not dead yet.
Silvestre: How is that possible, she got killed by Louise.
Hannah: Who is Louise?
Silvestre: The woman who killed our daughter, she even tried to kill us
Hannah: What? What are you saying? My love…
Silvestre: Where is Zoren, Alex, Freddie, and Jet?
Hannah: Who are they?
Silvestre: They were with us before the accident.
The doctor suddenly came inside the room of Silvestre and the doctor was very
happy to see Silvestre woke up after 5 years. Silvestre talks to the doctor about all that
happened to him together with Louise, but as he tells the doctor what happened to him,
he looks at the doctor suspiciously because the doctor looks like Louise, so he calls the
doctor with Louise.
Silvestre: Louise, you’re dead right? Why are you here?
Luisa: My name is Luisa, not Louise
Luisa explained to the family what happened and she explained also to Silvestre
what happened to him. Silvestre got comatose for 5 years after the car accident he had
during his 43rd birthday.
After 6 months of staying in the hospital, Silvestre finally got discharged. They
were all happy to see each other again especially when Silvestre saw Anna alive, he
realized that everything was a dream from his comatose but to Silvestre, it was all true,
that he and his family were in a different world, different dimensions of the world.
Silvestre just laughed as he saw the people who were just the same people he
saw when he was comatose, Louise which was the doctor and her name was Luisa,
Zoren, which is the husband Louise the husband of Luisa who worked as a Dentist
named Zoro. Jet and Freddie who were siblings in real life who works at a fast food
restaurant, are Rosy and Anna’s boyfriends. Alex, who is the lover of Hazel. In the end,
they all celebrated the wedding of Hazel and Alex on Azer Beach, in the city of Hanan.

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