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Name: __________________________ Class: 1 GY ____

Chapter 3: Water and its Spatial Distribution

The figure below is a pie chart which shows the proportion of water in the world in different
water stores.

1. Rank the proportion of water in the water stores from the largest to the smallest percentage.
Water stores Proportion of water in Percentage (%)
Oceans 96.5
Glaciers 1.7
Others 1.03
Groundwater 0.76
Lakes 0.007
Rivers 0.002
Soil Moisture 0.001

2. Describe the proportion of water found in the different water stores. [4m]
• Most of the water in the world are saltwater found in the oceans accounting for 96.5%
• This is followed by glaciers (1.7%) and water in other sources such as swamps,
marshes, atmosphere (1.03%).
• Groundwater (0.76%), lakes (0.007%), rivers (0.002%) and soil moisture (0.001%)
account for less than 1 %.
• A small proportion are freshwater which makes up about 3% of world water stores.
• Water stores are not evenly distributed on the Earth’s surface
**Use descriptive words such as:
Most/ A large proportion of ….
Least/ A small proportion of ….

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