Using Quotes in An Essay

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Using Quotes In An Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Using Quotes In An Essay" can be quite challenging. It requires a
delicate balance between incorporating quotes effectively to support your arguments and ensuring
that your own voice and analysis remain prominent throughout the essay. One must be adept at
selecting appropriate quotes that not only bolster the points being made but also seamlessly integrate
into the overall flow of the essay. Additionally, proper citation and attribution of the quotes are
essential to maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.

Moreover, there's a need for a deep understanding of the subject matter to discern which quotes are
most relevant and impactful. It involves thorough research to find suitable quotes from credible
sources, which can be a time-consuming process. Furthermore, it's crucial to provide adequate
context and analysis for each quote to elucidate its significance within the broader scope of the essay.

Balancing the use of quotes with original thought and analysis requires skill and precision. Over-
reliance on quotes can detract from the author's voice and originality, while insufficient use of quotes
may weaken the arguments presented. Thus, achieving the right balance is essential to crafting a
compelling and cohesive essay on this topic.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Using Quotes In An Essay" demands careful consideration of

how to effectively incorporate quotes to support arguments while maintaining the integrity of the
author's voice and analysis. It requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter, meticulous
research, and skillful integration of quotes into the essay's structure. Finding this balance is key to
producing a well-crafted piece of writing on the topic.

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Using Quotes In An Essay Using Quotes In An Essay
Global Warming And Increasing Greenhouse Gases
With all the talk of global warming and increasing greenhouse gases, many corporations
and individuals are attempting to integrate cleaner power sources into their way of life.
Power companies are erecting huge wind turbine farms in order to harvest more clean
energy. Other companies are attempting to lower their dependence on oil and coal
reserves. Many individuals are even getting the Green bug. Homeowners around the
country are installing solar panels to gather solar power to supplement their home
electricity needs. Federal laws even give incentives to install solar panels or wind
turbines. But in the State of Oklahoma, homeowners are penalized for installing these
green power collectors.
Oklahoma Senate Bill 1456 states that the power companies can increase rates or charge
a surcharge no greater than the full cost to serve customers that install distributed
generation devices on the customer side of the meter, unless that device is owned by the
power company. (Griffin) In other words, the homeowner is charged extra for
implementing a green alternative to fossil fuel generated power sources. This bill took
effect on November 1, 2014. The sooner we are able to diversify into sources of power
other than fossil fuels the better off our planet will be and the longer the human race can
sustain our lives on this planet. Oklahoma should repeal this bill because homeowners
should be allowed to pursue alternative forms of power in order to safeguard the planet, if
Effects Of Zoo, Zoos And Circus Violate Animal Rights
Zoos, aquariums and circus violate animal rights and should be shut down. What
thoughts or concerns did you have about the treatment of performing animals ? .
Animals play an important role of human life. Although zoos , aquariums and circus
have become a beloved part of our culture . Families look for opportunities to spend time
with their children whether it is a circus event or spending a beautiful day at the zoo.
Roper Organization (1992) stated that commissioned by Sea World, 85% of people
agreed with the statement, My family enjoys going to the zoo or other places where we
can see animals close up, Most people visit zoosin order to be entertained, and any zoo
that wishes to remain financially sound must cater to this desire but some people think
that we should ban zoos and aquariums. I strongly believe that Zoos, aquariums and
circus violate animal rights and should be shut down because ,animals are abused there
,also Animals are... Show more content on ...
Lin , D.(2014 ) expresses that , Wild animals in circuses are abused because they are
required to perform in ways that are not natural to them, such as balancing on stools,
interacting with other wild animals, jumping through hoops of fire, riding bicycles, or
playing with balls. Trainers usually claim that they use only positive reinforcement, such
as food rewards and verbal praise. But, they often react in ways that harm humans. As
Alycia ,N. Jesse,M. (2010 ) explains, their studies have shown more than 35 dangerous
incidents since 2000 that have occurred with circus animals such as running through
streets, crashing into buildings, attacking members of the public, and killing and injuring
handlers resulting in the death of animals
Essay on Media Impacts and College Life
From the Inside Looking Out

As a college female growing up in a media crazed age, I am deeply troubled and

affected by the media s support of the thin ideology. I am a classic example of the
media s impact on females and the downward spiral of self satisfaction. Being present in
the center of college life, I am in the midst of the hormonal sea of students. Whether it s
at class or watching the sorority and fraternity kids run around during rush week, there is
always chasing for approval between the sexes. A day doesn t go by where I don t catch a
glimpse at the self conscious and hear the ever so common bellows of those who want
to rid the freshman 15 . Girls yearn for a slim, tan, ready for spring break body because
they think by ... Show more content on ...
It is impossible to flip through a magazine without seeing advertisements or articles with
slender models trying to manipulate readers into bettering their body. Due to the
consistent viewing of articles and advertisements covered with half naked, bony models,
the idea that being thin is the typical body image of women today is set into the minds of
the readers. The images of thinness are used to symbolize such things as happiness,
success, and beauty.

In today s culture, the media plays the main role in setting the standards for body
shapes and sizes. Our generation is dependent on the media for news, style, music, and
the latest fad. Every household and dorm room has at least one TV and computer as
well as occupying one or several screen names.. Media plays a major responsibility in
each of our lives due to it being so frequently used, it is necessary to admit to ourselves
that we are media junkies.

Exposure to this false idea that being thin is a must in our society can lead to major
problems such as eating disorders and depression. As girls begin to read magazines,
generally around the age of 10, body dissatisfaction is introduced. Crouch and
Degelman reveal that, girls ages 10 18 exposed to images of models evaluate themselves
and their appearance more negatively . By the time girls hit college, their opinions of
themselves are already shaky. Extra stresses such
Night Father Son Relationship
New studies show that father son relationships affect grown men, and how they deal
with stressful situations on a day to day basis. (Tobin 1) Father and Son relationships
are a crucial part of a person s life and it shapes who the person will become; however, it
is in the most strenuous circumstances that, in order to survive, a strong father son
relationship is vital. In Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare and in the novel Night,
by Elie Wiesel, Hamlet and Elie are pushed in different ways in trying to help their
fathers.Night by Elie Wiesel and Hamlet by William Shakespeare emphasizes how
necessary a father son relationship is in a boy s life.
At the beginning of Night, by Elie Wiesel, Elie s bond with his father is weak but as the
story ... Show more content on ...
When a boy has a father present in his life he is able to look up to his father. Since he
has a role model he is able to know what to do and what not to do in certain situations.
Sons who have been nurtured by their fathers are able to stay strong in troubling
situations, and are able to help their father out. Everything I do in this house is to keep
my father well. At the same time, I quail before the idea that he could rebound into
solid physical health. What keeps me sane is that his body s decline has matched his
mind s. My hope is to stay with him until he dies, right here in his house (Thorndike
170). In John Thorndike s book The Last of his Mind: A year in the Shadow of
Alzheimer s John is taking care of his father for a year he will not leave his father s.
John has a very strong relationship with his father. This relates to Night because Elie
is starting to take care of his father when he is getting older and John has starting
taking care of his father and growing closer to him in this time of wondering. I
tightened my grip on my father s hand. The old, familiar fear: not to lose him (Wiesel
104). Elie is protecting his father and
Analysis Of Bio-Hydrogen Production And Phosphorus...
Bio hydrogen production and phosphorus recovery in microbial electrolysis cell with
statistical optimization by response surface methodology
Concurrent hydrogen (H2) production and phosphorus (P) recovery were investigated
in dual chamber microbial electrolysis cells (MECs). The aim of the study was to
explore and understand the influence of applied voltage and influent COD concentration
on concurrent H2 production and P recovery in MEC. P was efficiently precipitated at
the cathode chamber and the precipitated crystals were verified as struvite, using X ray
diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analysis. The maximum P precipitation
efficiency achieved by the MEC was 94%, and the maximum H2 production rate was
0.31m3/m3/d. ... Show more content on ...
The precipitation of these components is also highly dependent on pH, where struvite
starts to precipitate at pH 8 (Doyle and Parsons, 2002). The most common methods for
P recovery as struvite are chemical addition and carbon dioxide stripping through
aeration. These processes are effective for struvite precipitation; however, the operation
cost is too high. Using chemical addition to raise the solution s pH can account for up
to 97% of struvite cost (Jaffer et al., 2002; Morales et al., 2013). Hydrogen as one
promising alternative clean energy source has attracted international attention in recent
years (Datar et al., 2007; Guo et al., 2010; Kumar et al., 2016). Microbial electrolysis
cells (MECs) are a new and promising approach for hydrogen (H2) production from
organic matter, including wastewater and other renewable resources. In MECs,
electrochemically active bacteria oxidize organic matter and generate CO2, electrons and
protons. The bacteria transfer the electrons to the anode and the protons are released into
the solution. The electrons then travel through a wire to a cathode and combine with the
free protons in the solution to produce hydrogen gas (Logan et al., 2008). The
consumption of protons at the cathode chamber increases solution pH (Moussa et al.,
2006). Based on this hypothesis, the cathode chamber in the MEC can be used to
Argument For The Guideline Of Hadley V. Baxendale
The present day argument for the guideline of Hadley v. Baxendale. 1. Least cost
hypothesis: The primary contention for the standard Hadley v. Baxendale depends on
slightest expense one structure, this contention depends on the impact of the
rule of Hadley v. Baxendale on pre contract conduct. The vivifying guideline of Hadley v.
Baxendale is that the expense of the untoward outcome of a course of managing ought to
be borne by that gathering .But the proprietor plant, as the court noted could have stayed
away from it basically by having an extra shaft. Another type of the minimum cost
contention is that purchasers may act hastily amid the period after break happens, by
neglecting to take ease measures that would minimize the misfortune since they trust that
the misfortune will fall on the seller. (Posner) In short , minimum cost hypothesis does
not legitimize the rule of Hadley v. Baxendale in light of the fact that in the period before
rupture a buyer will improve his behavior for reasons of self respect, and in the time of
after break the purpose of the minimum cost contention is better caught by the rule of
harm relief. 2. The hypothesis of effective rupture: Another contention that is utilized to
legitimize this guideline depends on the hypothesis of the productive breach. It suggests
that discontinuity of agreement must be sustained or even empowered when the
common increase coming about... Show more content on ...
Baxendale Case Brief Summary . N.p., 2016. Web. 27 Apr. 2016. 2. Hadley
V Baxendale . E N.p., 2016. Web. 27 Apr. 2016. 3. Hadley V
Baxendale . Wikipedia. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2016. 4.
N.p., 2016. Web. 5 May 2016. 5. Georgia State Fair . Sci Am 10.1 (1854): 2 2. Web. 6.
Hadley V. Baxendale | Case briefs . N.p., 2016. Web. 5 May 2016. 7.
Eisenberg, Melvin Aron. The Principle Of Hadley V. Baxendale . California Law Review
80.3 (1992): 563.
Similarities And Differences Between The New England And...
During the colonial era, England founded the Thirteen colonies. The New england
colonial region was established for religious freedom. The Southern colonial region
settled to find gold and earn profits. There were many differences and similarities in
New England and the Southern geography, economy, and culture. There are
similarities and differences of the geography of New England and Southern colonies.
The South had mild, rainy winters and long hot humid summers. This means,the South
could grow many crops. According to A Virginia Plantation, the south had lots of
plantations with tobacco and corn (Doc 6). However, New England had long cold
winters and a short growing season. This means New England did not grow as many
crops as the South. Instead, many colonists had small farms for their family or
community. Therefore, the differences in geography helped to shape the development
of the New England and Southern regions. There were similarities and differences in
the economy of New england and the Southern colonies. New England colonies had
small farms, lumberjacks, and shipbuilders. The colonies were near the Atlantic Ocean
to help with their jobs. The coast helped the colonists trade. New England did not have
slaves instead they used indentured servants to help with labor. These servants in a
passage to the New World and after about 7 years they are given land and freedom. On
the other hand, to make money in the South they would sell slaves to make a profit.
The slaves did most of the work on their plantations. The slaves would do all of the
work so their owners could make the money from the crops they grew. When they
were traveling on the ship to be sold the conditions were terrible. The ship was very
crowded and many of the slaves got sick. According to The Slave Flyer it states that
they made sure the slaves didn t have smallpox because they would be able to sell
them for more money if they seemed to be in good condition. They didn t care if they
were not healthy they just wanted them to look healthy (Doc 8). Many people came to
the South only to find gold. They only cared about finding gold so they didn t build
houses or get prepared for what might happen to them. They just looked

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