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Interactive Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of an "Interactive Essay" can be a unique and challenging endeavor.
The difficulty arises from the need to seamlessly blend traditional essay elements with interactive
and engaging components. Unlike conventional essays that rely solely on written text to convey
ideas, an interactive essay demands a fusion of multimedia, technology, and thoughtful content.

Crafting such an essay requires a deep understanding of the chosen subject matter and a creative
approach to presenting information. Writers must navigate the intricate balance between providing
insightful analysis and incorporating interactive elements, such as images, videos, or interactive
graphics. This synthesis demands not only writing prowess but also technical skills to integrate
multimedia seamlessly.

Furthermore, the challenge lies in ensuring that the interactive elements enhance the overall narrative
rather than detract from it. The essay should maintain coherence and clarity, offering a cohesive
reading experience while utilizing interactive features to augment understanding and engagement.

The interactive essay demands a departure from traditional linear storytelling, urging writers to
explore nonlinear structures and consider user experience. This shift introduces complexity in
planning and execution, as writers must carefully map out the flow of information and user
interaction to achieve both educational and captivating outcomes.

In conclusion, tackling the task of crafting an interactive essay is a formidable undertaking that calls
for a versatile set of skills, blending creativity, technical proficiency, and a firm grasp of the subject
matter. It requires a departure from conventional essay writing, pushing the boundaries of storytelling
and engaging readers in a dynamic and immersive experience.

For assistance with similar essays and more, one may explore services offered on platforms like . These resources can provide support and guidance in navigating the complexities
of unique essay formats, ensuring a polished and effective final product.
Interactive Essay Interactive Essay
Financial Crisis And The Collapse Of The Lehman Brothers
It is almost mandatory that every company, institution, firm, organization, business or
enterprise small or huge has to undergo a financial crisis. Once in a while, it must find it
hard to balance its books of accounts. If the situation gets severe, then the organization
may even close down. This paper will give a detailed review of one institution The
Lehman Brotherswhose financial crisis led to its fall (Wong Smith, 2010). It will examine
the beginning, the end, and the outcomes of the same. In addition to that, the report will
also analyze the government policies that relate to the fall of the Lehman Brothers. In
details, this paper covers the reasons for the crisis, the impact of the crisis on financial
markets and institutions, the impact on the global economy, the response to the financial
crisis (the bailout plan and the effect of it on capital markets), as well as the aftermath of
the crisis that cause the collapse of this Company. In a way, this paper connects the
knowledge I gain from the classroom to the current financial situation, to apply the
concepts that I learn in this class, and to better understand the financial system in the
United States.
The goal is to study, analyze and report findings of the recent Financial crisis , and since
the Collapse of Lehman Brothers is one of such is, it suits this context. At the same time,
it is one of the enlisted topics that the professor asked the class to consider in handling
this assignment,
Chinese Culture In Australia
Chinese and Europeans have both migrated to Australia for many different reasons. Both
cultures have changed and adapted to better suit this country, yet their cultures remain
vastly different. The main difference in culture is regarding the family.

Traditionally, both Chinese and European culture shared a similar view of gender roles:
that the male was the breadwinner, and the female looked after the home and family. In
Australia, it seems gender roles for both are changing with time and are now determined
by individual family preference rather than traditional culture (Metro South Health. 2015).

European Australian, or western, values are believed to be an extension of rights to the

individual. In comparison the Chinese, place more value on the ... Show more content on ...
These values are identified as autonomy, intimacy, aspiration and acceptance. They touch
on the individual s ability for self direction, a need for love, friendship and social
acceptance. They also touch on an individual s ambition regarding success and
achievements. These values reflect the needs of individuals, and do not take communal
or familial needs into account.

Historically, English couples were expected to build their own home, living separately to
their parents. Due to this practice, it is a widely believed myth, that in Australia,
extended families are not held in high regard. A survey conducted by the Australian
institute of family studies, showed that physical and emotional support was utilised both
to and from extended family and that frequent contact with extended family takes place
in approximately 66% of families. The use of cars and phones make keeping in contact
much easier, even though families may be spread out geologically.

The four main family values in Chinese culture are achieving security and prosperity,
respect and filial piety, harmony and importance of family. All these values strive to
ensure the families stability and
Pursuing A Degree In Cosmetology
All my life my family has encouraged me to do what I love and, to never let anyone or
anything make me feel like I wasn t good enough. Failing my C.N.A exam set me back
in ways that are painful for me to think of. I ve learned now that I should have never
gave up on myself. Losing my confidence, happiness, desires and, motivation to failure
was the worst thing I have felt in my life. For instance when I failed that exam I went on
a downward spiral for two messy years, I wasn t happy with my studies and, I was never
happy where I was working.

During the course of the two years, that followed failing my exam joy was difficult to
find. In that period of time everything just felt like what s the point of trying? I honestly
had no idea of ... Show more content on ...
I can honestly say that I am much more content with myself, I regained my confidence
and decided to enroll to Keiser University. Going back to school after having let myself
be knocked down so hard that my dreams were completely obliterated feels
monumental for me. Honestly I can say that today I am so proud of myself. From
completely giving up on myself and allowing myself to settle for less, to once again
striving for my true passion is incredible to me. This has been one of the most difficult
obstacles I have had to overcome in my life. Failing my C.N.A exam had impacted my
life in such a strong way. Just because you get knocked down doesn t mean you aren t
strong or don t have the strength to get back on your
Essay about A Rose for Emily
Throughout the Eighteen Years of my life I read many interesting short stories. Some
stories where more eye catching than others. Furthermore A Rose For Emily by
William Faulkner and Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka were not on the top of my list.
In my opinion, the stories were eye catching because of how the author made its
characters react and respond toward the suspense and eeriness in certain parts of the
climax of the stories. For example, in A Rose For Emily the ladies of the community
said We did not say she was crazy then. We believed that she had to do that (Faulkner
81) These two lines were said about Emily after the people found out about the death of
Emily s father and they knew that she was keeping his body inside of her... Show more
content on ...
Faulkner started to describe Emily as a poor lonely woman that had no one to take
care of her. This was due to the reason that her father had died. This set the mood of the
story and it made the reader have a certain image of Emily. Emily did not respond to
any pity from the community. Her set of mind, as far as I believe, was not caring
about what the other people thought. She was still in grief for her father s death.
Furthermore, as the story progressed Faulkner started to give glimpses of who Emily
really was. The real Emily was starting to show when Emily said I want some poison. I
want the best kind. I don t care what kind (Faulkner 82). What Faulkner gave the other
side of Emily on this page, it gave the story a twist because it happened randomly. He
told us what she was buying, but he did not tell us what she was going to use it.
Furthermore he was trying to show that there is a dark side to every person. The
response that was caught from this was suspicious in a way that no one seemed to
mind what she was really going to use the poison for. Not even when Homer, her
crush, had disappeared. On the other hand, Kafka gave his character Gregor a similar
twist. Gregor said Oh God, what a strenuous profession I ve chosen traveling day in day
out (Kafka 612)! In the beginning of the story Kafka described Gregor as a normal
person with an average job. Nevertheless said at the beginning of the story how he found
himself transformed into
The Wilmington Riots Of 1898
Inspired by the Wilmington Riots of 1898, Charles Chesnutt delves deep into the racial
tensions of the South in his novel On the Marrow of Tradition. Despite being set well
after the end of the Civil War, the struggle between the black and white races is far from
over. The white race insists on maintaining complete control in every aspect of society,
including personal matters. They are constantly demanding that the black community
serve them. On the other end, the black raceis struggling to survive the harsh conditions
the white dominated society imposes on them. Throughout the novel, Chesnutt reminds
us of the ongoing battle between the two races. At the same time, Chesnutt explores the
effect this has on various members in society. The youngest two characters in the
novel, Dodie and Doctor Miller s son, exemplify the conditions and consequences for
the black and white races. Although they seem to be secondary characters in On the
Marrow of Tradition, both Dodie and Doctor Miller s son play a crucial role in the
representation of their respective races. It does not take long to ascertain the striking
resemblance between the two children in the novel. The novel opens with the birth of
Dodie, the only son of one of the most successful white characters in the novel, Major
Carteret. As the founder of the Morning Chronicle...the leading organ of his party and the
most influential paper in the State, Major Carteret could easily be crowned the leader of
the white community
My Passion For Medical Sciences
He ran down the hallway towards me as I bent over, he clinched his arms tightly
around me and whispered softly, Thank you for being my friend . Those simple yet
influential words still echo in my head. Adam, was brought to a clinic that I
volunteered at for autistic spectrum disorder and selective mutism. I followed Adam
through his appointments and took extra time getting to know him and his family. I
started looking forward to seeing Adam at every appointment. All it took was a 10 year
old to show me the power of human connection. His words coupled with my own
diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with Ventricular bigeminy gave me the
platform that would give rise to my passion for medical sciences. My passion would
solidify with the support of my grandfather, a physician, who encouraged me to read and
understand my condition. My enthusiasm for medicinewas cultivated further as I read
about disease processes and with the help of my father, a hospice nurse at the time, whom
strengthened my interest further in medicine.
Therefore, I embarked on a long winding path that would lead to meeting people from
different walks of life with a collective aim to better human health, from Chicago to the
West Indies. Initially, I started volunteering in clinics and a post anesthesia unit at
Swedish Hospital. This provided a good base for understanding the equally important
roles of the healthcare team. Shadowing physicians and day to day interactions with
nurses contributed to the

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