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Exemplication Essay

Writing an exemplification essay can be a challenging endeavor, demanding a keen understanding of

the chosen subject and a proficient ability to provide concrete examples to support the thesis. The
difficulty lies not only in articulating a clear and concise thesis statement but also in the meticulous
selection and presentation of relevant examples. Crafting an exemplification essay requires a balance
between providing enough evidence to substantiate the argument and maintaining cohesion in the

One of the complexities arises from the need to choose appropriate and varied examples that
effectively illustrate the main point. This involves a thorough research process to gather credible and
diverse sources. Selecting examples that resonate with the target audience and contribute to a
compelling narrative is a delicate art. Striking the right balance between quantity and quality of
examples is crucial, as an excess may overwhelm the reader, while a scarcity might weaken the

Furthermore, organizing the essay in a logical and coherent manner poses its own set of challenges.
Ensuring a smooth flow between paragraphs and transitions is essential to guide the reader through
the argument. The structure of the essay demands careful consideration of the relationship between
the examples, the thesis, and the overall message.

Additionally, the writer must be adept at analyzing the chosen examples, providing insightful
commentary, and demonstrating how each piece of evidence contributes to the overarching thesis.
This analytical aspect requires critical thinking skills and the ability to draw connections between
seemingly disparate examples.

In conclusion, the process of writing an exemplification essay is demanding, requiring a combination

of research skills, analytical thinking, and effective communication. Successfully navigating these
challenges can result in a compelling and persuasive essay.

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Exemplication Essay Exemplication Essay
American Influence On German Films
Before the 1930 s many influential films were silent, except the score in the
background that had slight or little relevance to the movie. As technology kept
improving, sounds were added to movies as a method to help get across themes and
motifs. Dialog could now be heard in movies, instead of having to be read on a blank
background. One of the first and most influence German films to properly execute the
use of sounds was Blue Angel, by Josef Von Sternberg. Blue Angel was created in
1930, and tells of the story of a respected professor who in an attempt to catch his
student from attending a club called The Blue Angel, ends up falling in love with a
cabaret performer named Lola Lola. The professor resigns from his job as a teacher, and
Down Syndrome Research Paper
I have decided to do Down Syndrome as my disease, because I have always been
interested in this disease, and how kids end up with it on birth. Also people with down
syndrome don t take their life for granted, and they can be so happy sometimes. Down
Syndrome is a genetic disorder where a person gets an extra 21 chromosomeinstead of
just one. Down syndromehas a very extinct feature on a person, the face is slanted a little
bit and they have low muscle tone.( down syndrome/down
syndrome/) Some symptoms of Down Syndrome is short neck, flattened facial profile
and nose, can have a small head, ears, and mouth, wide short hands with short fingers,
and white spots in the color part of the eye. They may have poor judgement, impulsive
behavior, and delayed language and speech development. When a child has down
syndrome, the physical development is slower than a normal child. It will take kids with
down syndrome longer to learn how to sit, walk, and talk rather than a child with no
down syndrome. (
/symptoms) Causes of Down Syndrome are a... Show more content on ...
The doctor might order a test for the baby to take just in case they can t tell by the
appearance. Amniocentesis is a test that takes the amniotic fluid around the the fetus
and they withdraw it with a needle that is inserted into the mother s uterus. This test
will be performed in the second trimester after 15 weeks. The last type of test to
determine if a child has Down Syndrome is Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) this is
where the cells are taken from the placenta and it is used to analyze the fetal
chromosomes. This ia a test that a pregnant woman would take between 10 to 13 weeks
of pregnancy. When taking this test there is a low risk of a miscarriage.
Communication for the Deaf World is American Sign Language
The language in the Deaf World is called signed language. In America it is called
American Sign Language (ASL). Sign Language is different all over the world it is
not universal. For Deaf people their language is the most important thing in their
lives, it is who they are, it is their identity. Deaf people have a different culture and
customs compared to the hearing world. They learn communication differently from
hearing people. What people do not understand is that signed language is visual
communication therefore the language is pictorial. ASL does have grammar there is
a set of rules to follow for words and sentence formation. A transcription of ASL is
called glosses their sentences are not as wordy as hearing people. For example, in
chapter 3 of A Journey into the Deaf World says, Me mother responsible children me
take care of fee clean list. This translates for hearing people, I m a mother, which
means I have a lot of responsibilities. I must take care of the children, feed them, clean
them up there s a whole list. People assume deaf people have only one sign for one
word, which is not true at all. They have multiple signs for one word because just one
word can have multiple meanings. Like the word run has different meanings, therefore
there are different signs for the word run. The stages for deaf babies learning signed
language are very similar to that of hearing babies learning spoken English. Just like
hearing babies, deaf babies begin at the one word stage
Implement And Monitor Whs Policies, Procedures And...
BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet
legislative requirements
Assessment Task 2: Work Health and Safety Project
Part A: Develop handouts
Handout 1: Legislation
Explain the purpose of Work Health and Safety legislation, including the function of a
WHS Act, WHS regulation and WHS Code of Practice:
Purpose of WHS legislation providing and maintaining safe plant and safe systems of
work such as controlling entry to high risk areas, controlling work pace and frequency
and providing systems to prevent falls from heights
Function of WHS Act, WHS regulation and WHS Code of Practice develop policy
relating to OHS and worker compensation prepare a model Act and model regulations
relating to OHS

Provide an overview of NSW WHS legislation including name of Act, regulations and
examples of code of practice.
Name of NSW WHS Act, regulations
competency requirements for general diving work protective structures on earthmoving
machinery design verifier requirements
Examples of code of practice
Injuries occurring in a playground
Injuries occurring while undertaking a recreational activity
Injuries in bars clubs

Outline key roles and responsibilities under WHS legislation

Employer roles and responsibilities under WHS legislation
Provide and maintain safe plant and system of work
Ensure that the use storage transport of plant and substances is safe and without risks to
Employees roles and responsibilities under WHS

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