Exercise G11

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1. The electron micrograph shows a cross-section of a leaf vein and some neighbouring cells.

Which structure contributes to transportation by the use of proton pumps?

2. Which row is correct for the movement of water in a root?

Molecule present in Casparian


A. symplast pathway through plasmodesmata Suberin

B. apoplast pathway through plasmodesmata Lignin

C. symplast pathway through intercellular spaces Lignin

D. apoplast pathway through intercellular spaces Suberin

E. apoplast and symplast pathway through Lignin and suberin


3. Which statements about root hairs are correct?

1. The cell membrane can allow movement of water and ions into the cell.

2. The cell vacuole extends into the root hair.

3. They are formed as an extension of the outer layer of root cells.

A. 1, 2 and 3 B. 1 and 2 only C. 1 and 3 only D. 2 and 3 only E. 2 only.

4. The table contains information about uptake and movement of water and mineral ions in

Using the information provided, which factors will affect the uptake and movement of water
or of mineral ions in plants?

1. humidity

2. surface area of root hair cell

3. mineral concentration

4. temperature

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 B. 1, 3 and 4 only C. 1 and 3 only D. 2 and 4 only E. 4 only

5. A student wrote the following statements about a possible mechanism for loading sucrose
from a source.

1. When energy is released from ATP, the released energy is used to move sucrose
through a co-transporter protein in the companion cell membrane.
2. As sucrose is moved into a companion cell the pH in the cell wall of the companion
cell decreases.
3. Proton pumps in the cell membrane of a companion cell move sucrose into the phloem
sieve tube element.
Which statements are correct?

A. 1, 2 and 3 B. 1 and 2 only C. 1 and 3 only D. 2 only E. 3 only

6. Movement of water from a root hair to xylem cannot take place entirely through the apoplast
pathway due to cells in the . . .

A. cortex D. pericycle

B. endodermis E. xylem vessel

C. epidermis

7. Why does an air bubble in a xylem vessel element stop the flow of water?

1. loss of adhesion

2. loss of cohesion

3. collapse of xylem vessel element

A. 1, 2 and 3 B. 1 and 2 only C. 1 and 3 only D. 2 and 3 only E. 2 only

8. Sucrose is loaded into phloem sieve tubes from companion cells. What is the correct order of
statements that explains this mechanism?

1. Hydrogen ions diffuse into companion cells through co-transporter proteins.

2. Hydrogen ions are pumped out of companion cells by active transport.

3. Sucrose diffuses into phloem sieve tubes via plasmodesmata.

4. Sucrose is co-transported along with hydrogen ions.

A. 1 → 2 → 4 → 3

B. 1 → 4 → 2 → 3

C. 2 → 1 → 4 → 3

D. 4 → 1 → 2 → 3

E. 4 → 2 → 1 → 3

9. The diagram shows a transverse section through an artery.

Which tissues are present in layer X?

A. collagen and smooth muscle only

B. collagen and elastic fibres only

C. elastic fibres and collagen only

D. elastic fibres and smooth muscle only

E. elastic fibres, collagen and smooth muscle

10. The bar charts show the quantity of endothelial tissue, elastic tissue, and muscle tissue in the
walls of three blood vessels, P, Q and R.

Which row correctly identifies the three blood vessels?


A. Vein Elastic artery Muscular artery

B. Elastic artery Muscular artery Vein

C. Muscular artery Elastic artery Vein

D. Elastic artery Vein Muscular artery

E. Vein Muscular artery Elastic artery

11. Complete the table below!

Feature Xylem Phloem


Living or dead


Content of sap

2 types of cell

12. Figure below is a simplified diagram representing a transverse section of part of a young root.

A. On the figure draw a label line and label with the letter C to identify the Casparian strip.

B. Explain two ways how the root hair cells adapt for the absorption of water.



C. Name the pathway for the movement of water shown by the arrows in the figure.


D. Explain the function of Casparian Strip.

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