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Afghanistan Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of Afghanistan can be a challenging task due to the complex and
multifaceted nature of the subject. Afghanistan has a rich history, marked by various political, social,
and cultural upheavals, making it a topic that requires in-depth research and a nuanced

One of the difficulties lies in navigating the intricate web of historical events, from the Soviet-
Afghan War to the Taliban era and the post-9/11 interventions. Analyzing the geopolitical dynamics,
regional influences, and the impact of foreign policies on Afghanistan further adds to the complexity.
The country's diverse ethnic composition, religious affiliations, and the ongoing struggle for stability
present additional layers that need careful consideration.

Moreover, the constantly evolving situation in Afghanistan poses a challenge in keeping the
information up-to-date. Political developments, security issues, and changes in leadership can
significantly impact the context of the essay. Staying abreast of current events and understanding
their implications is crucial for crafting a relevant and insightful piece.

Addressing the human aspect of the Afghanistan narrative is yet another challenge. The impact of
conflict on the Afghan people, their resilience, and the humanitarian crises demand a compassionate
and well-informed approach. Balancing the portrayal of the struggles faced by the Afghan population
with a realistic assessment of potential solutions requires sensitivity and critical thinking.

In summary, writing an essay on Afghanistan is demanding due to its multifaceted nature, requiring a
deep dive into historical, political, social, and cultural dimensions. Staying updated on current events
adds an extra layer of complexity, and addressing the human aspect necessitates a careful and
empathetic approach. However, with thorough research and thoughtful analysis, one can create a
comprehensive and meaningful essay on this important topic.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with essay writing, consider
exploring resources like , where you can access professional writing services for
various topics and subjects.
Afghanistan Essay Afghanistan Essay
Oral Anti Diabetic Agents Are Used As Pharmacotherapy
Oral anti diabetic agents are used as pharmacotherapy options mainly for type 2
diabetes patients or as an adjuvant therapy for type 1 diabetes patients, who need an
oral agent along with insulin/insulin analogues for better glycemic control. There are a
wide variety of oral anti diabetic drug classes that are available. The choice of
pharmacotherapy is patient specific and usually a stepped therapy approach is applied
and titrated as per individual patient requirements. The article here is a detailed overview
of the different classes of these oral agents, their pharmacology, comparative efficacy,
efficacy results from clinical trials, general recommendations etc.
The different classes of oral anti diabetics starting from traditional therapy to the latest
developments are as follows :
According to the ADA (American Diabetes Association) 2013 guidelines, metformin is
considered as first line therapy for initiation of treatment in a type 2 diabetes patient
when lifestyle modifications, diet and exercise fail to achieve glycemic control.
Mechanism of action: Metformin decreases hepatic glucose production thereby
decreasing intestinal absorption of
The Mediterranean Diet Of Food Essay
If you ve ever talked to somebody after they ve traveled to a country such as Italy or
Greece, they probably mentioned how delicious the food was. Food is one of the more
common affiliations with countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea; and
understandably so. The food this region produces is so notable that there is a diet based
off it, companied with endless research elaborating the health benefits it accommodates.
Fittingly named The Mediterranean Diet, this compilation of foods including fish, fruits,
vegetables, beans, high fiber breads, whole grains, nuts, olive oiland red wine are targeted
to help prevent a number of diseases as well as promote health in different sectors of the
body. This essay will touch upon each component, benefit, and precaution of the
Mediterranean diet, in depth, all with a main focus on the nutritional factors.
When I introduced the Mediterranean diet, an image probably popped into your head of
some beautiful assortment of food in relation to those parts of the world. The
Mediterranean diet incorporates a fulfilling variety of foods while moderating some of
the most craved, but negatively impactful components of our regular diet. One point of
emphasis in the diet is consumption of fruits and vegetables; some of the most
recommended including grapes, blueberries, and starchy vegetables such as cauliflower
and chickpeas. A standout component of this diet is its affiliation with the prevention of
certain cancers; this has been linked to
Benefits Of Marriage During Today s Contemporary Society
Advantages of Endogamy Marriage plays a significant role in today s contemporary
society, and it is only through marriage the subsequent generation is created. Most
people may have attended a wedding before; however, not all weddings are alike due to
the difference in religion and/or culture. For example a Christian wedding has different
customs than a Hindu wedding as a result of different beliefs and traditions. There are
different types of marriages such as an arranged marriageand love marriages; however in
the modern society many people have love Marriages. Aside from the types of marriages
mentioned above, endogamy and exogamy are important factors for marriage. Endogamy
is the custom of marrying a person within one s community, while exogamy is the
practice of marrying one from different community. Endogamy can be found in India s
caste system, Muslim marriages, Eastern Catholics marriages, and Jewish marriages. On
the other hand exogamy can be found among the Latin American communities. In
communities that practices endogamy, there has been disputation whether or whether not
the practice endogamy should still be continued. The custom of Endogamy should still
continue because it created a unique identity among the various communities which
practice it, and it is a practice that was passed from one generation to the next. The
tradition of Endogamy enables unity among the community members, empowers the
couple to practice the same religion and culture, and
The Civil War, Westward Expansion, And The Second...
The period of Realism and Naturalism ranged from 1865 to 1914. This time period was
primarily marked by the accurate and real portrayal of life for ordinary people. Literature
was no longer focused on the fanciful and imaginative writing of the Romantic Period.
Themes shifted from the emotions of characters and imagination, toward real characters
with real problems. The Civil War, Westward Expansion, and the Second Industrial
Revolution all played important roles in shaping the themes of Realismand Naturalism.
These events provided inspiration for the prominent authors of the time. Literature was
no longer focused on fanciful writing, but real issues such as slavery instead. Authors
during the period of Realism and Naturalism began to focus... Show more content on ...
A great example of a Realist author heavily influenced by all three events was Mark
Twain. Mark Twain s, Life on the Mississippi , was influenced by all three events. This
work was an autobiographical memoir, detailing his life and dreams as a young boy.
Twain detailed his life as a child working on a riverboat on the Mississippi River. The
riverboat that he was working on was an example of the technology produced by the
Second Industrial Revolution. As a young boy, Twain showed the influence that this
technology had on his life as wanted to become a bigger part of it with each day. He
detailed his deep longing to be riverboat captain. At the time, the riverboat was a key
advancement and became increasingly important as it provided a link to the outside
world. With this connection to other cultures, Twain saw many different people. The
riverboat created an avenue for Twain to travel the country and be exposed to people
in the North, Southerners, African Americans, and the settlers in the West. Twain was
raised during a time of racism and prejudice. The African Americans that he
encountered would have been directly influenced by slavery. The Civil War played a
huge role on not only African American s lives, but also Twain s life. In Life on the
Mississippi , Twain showed his misunderstanding of slavery and his respect for all
cultures and ways of life. Twain also grew up during Westward Expansion and detailed
the impact it made on society in general. Many became obsessed with moving out West
and providing a better life for themselves and their children. Later, Twain moved out West
to prospect for gold. Without his time on the riverboat, he may have never been
connected to these different
Gandhi s Life And Legacy
MacKenzie Rugar
Professor Gajanan
Eastern Philosophy
Final Paper
26 Apr. 2016
Gandhi s Life and Legacy Throughout the course of history there have been many
influential leaders that have stressed the use of non violence and civil disobedience
including Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi was a very influential and inspiring
leader that was able to lead billions of people. He was willing to give up everything for
what he believed in even though he knew that his actions could possibly lead to
imprisonment and other legal consequences. Gandhi s bravery and perseverance led to
changes that affected and influenced the whole world and brought about positive change
for people whose voices would have went unheard. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was
born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Kathiawar, India. Gandhi s father was the chief
minister in different parts of India and his mother was very devoted to religion. Gandhi
followed in both of his parents footsteps by devoting himself to religion and later
pursuing an education and career in the law field. Also, at the age of thirteen he had an
arranged marriage to a girl named Kasturba Makanji. After his marriage, Gandhi rebelled
against his mother and stopped practicing Jainism and worshipping the Hindu God
Vishnu. Jainism is an ancient religion in India that is based on morals and it stresses non
violence, fasting, meditation and vegetarianism (Mahatma Gandhi). Later in life, Gandhi
traveled to London, England to study law and he

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