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Noble Institute

MLT department
Medical Microbiology
Lec 3
stage 1
By ; Noor Mamoon Khairi

Zor zor muhima

bacteria need oxygen for for metabolic process to produce energy ; for
that bacteria classify according to need of Oxygen are:

A- obligate aerobes ;need oxygen for metabolic process ; e.g.;

Mycobacterium tuberculosis .
B- obligate anaerobes ;not need oxygen for metabolic process are; e.g.
Clostridium spp.
in the presence of oxygen , they form spore .
C- Facultative anaerobes metabolize (both in the presence & absence
of oxygen) Staphylococci live in skin and urinary tract.
D- Microaerophile need low-oxygen;e.g.; Campylobacter jejuni, which
causes gastrointestinal infections

Classification of bacteria according to needs of Oxygen

• Catalase test used to identify bacteria species in culture
media according to oxygen needs .
• To grow Obligate anaerobic bacteria need conditions
without oxygen; for that devices use to remove oxygen.
• 1- anaerobic jar
• 2- anaerobic chamber 3
Other classification;
• Some bacteria under unfavorable conditions form spores
For that bacteria classify as spore forming and non-spore
forming bacteria.

• Bacteria can be classified on the basis of cell wall or

capsule that acts as an antigen (for e.g.; H and O
antigens of the bacterial species salmonella).
• Classified according to source of infection to human as
endogenous or exogenous.

Bacterial Reproductive processes

1) Binary fission
• Asexual reproduction
all copies are the same.

2) Exchange of genetic
➢Sexual reproduction

➢Bacterial DNA can pass

from one cell to another
through the processes of
;transduction and
conjugation ,
➢New bacteria produce
with new characteristic differ
from parents .

• In transformation, sexual reproduction when
bacteria take up free fragments of DNA that are
floating in the medium.
-DNA either integrated into genome (integrate with
original DNA ) Or exit as extra genome material
called plasmid.

• Transduction sexual reproduction ,which include
transfer DNA from virus to bacteria, when virus infect
bacteria) e.g.; bacteriophage .

• Conjugation
In gram-negative bacteria, two cells are brought into
direct contact, and a conjugal bridge forms through
which the DNA is transferred from the donor to the
recipient through pilli.


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