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Descriptive Essay Help

Crafting a descriptive essay on the topic of "Descriptive Essay Help" can be a challenging endeavor,
as it involves not only a mastery of language but also the ability to paint vivid imagery through
words. The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between detailed descriptions and maintaining
a coherent narrative. One must carefully choose words to create a sensory experience for the reader,
making them feel as if they are immersed in the scene being described.

Additionally, finding the right structure and organization for the essay poses its own set of
challenges. Balancing between providing sufficient details and not overwhelming the reader requires
finesse. The writer must consider the pacing, ensuring that the description unfolds in a way that
captivates the audience while maintaining their interest throughout the essay.

Moreover, the challenge extends to the selection of a compelling topic for the descriptive essay. The
chosen subject must be rich enough in detail to allow for a thorough exploration through descriptive
language. This requires careful consideration of the target audience, as different readers may respond
to varying themes and settings.

In conclusion, composing a descriptive essay on the intricacies of "Descriptive Essay Help" demands
a blend of creativity, linguistic skill, and a keen understanding of the art of storytelling. It is a task
that goes beyond mere writing, requiring the ability to transport readers into the depicted world
through the carefully chosen use of descriptive elements.

For assistance with similar essays or more, one may explore the services available
. The platform offers a range of writing solutions, providing support for various topics and types of
essays to help individuals navigate the complexities of academic and creative writing.
Descriptive Essay Help Descriptive Essay Help
Modern Day Commercial Firms Have A System Of Computer...
Background to the Study Many modern day commercial firms have a system of
computer based network to track the activities of their employees at the workplace.
Employers can track the emailing and browsing history alongside any other activity
carried out by an employee using computers even if they clear the history (Reynolds,
2011). Companies are on the run to come up with strict policies to track the use of the
computers among employees. Some firms argue that computerbased monitoring is
important although it is quite expensive to install and maintain (Hugl, 2013).
The fact that the internet is becoming one of the major business components, it has
become critical for firms to monitor how employees use it. Research indicates that a
larger percentage of employers monitor how their employees use the internet while at
work. Over the last one decade, the percentages of employers who have restricted their
employees access to the company website have increased significantly. They prefer
computer based monitoring arguing that computers can handle a large volume of data.
Cangemi (2012) adds CM systems use automated advanced analytics to sift through the
large volumes of structured data, such as financial transactions, that comprise a large part
of their big data (p. 35). According to them, computer monitoring has become critical to
reduce cases of critical information from the company leaking to unwanted third parties
(Lyon, 2008). The rise of the internet has brought a chain of
How Does the Language in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein...
How Does the Language in Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Reflect its Gothic Genre

The gothic genre was popular around the nineteenth century. It is often associated with
dark, evil things and death. This seemed appropriate at the time as there were no electric
lights or televisions so it was generally darker than it is in the present day.
It brings to mind stories like Frankenstein, Dracula and Dr Jekyll and
Mr Hyde. It may have been popular at this time because it is typically based about
ominous things in dark places making it seem more realistic because of the use of
candles at the time.

I am focussing on the beginning of Frankenstein and observing how his dreams drove
him to his own destruction, and how he is left to ... Show more content on
The letters are set in St.
Petersburgh in Russia and in the icy, desolate wasteland in the ocean around the North
Pole. Here Walton writes of his isolation and how he lacks someone that he can confide
in on the ship.

Throughout all four letters we notice Walton s spirits getting worse as he goes from
being eager to go on his adventure to longing to get home. This is typical of the gothic
genre, a light beginning gradually leading to a dark ending.

It is not until the fourth letter we meet Victor Frankenstein. Walton and his crew find him
nearly dead. They found only one dog of the several that Frankenstein had pulling his
sleigh. This shows just how cold it must have been for the specially bread dogs to be
unable to survive it and yet, Frankenstein is still hanging on, showing his determination
to destroy the monster. Frankenstein refers to the monster as the daemon ; this shows
just what an evil creature
Frankenstein considers the monster to be. The word daemon is a very strong one, used
to describe creatures from hell. Using this kind of adjective Shelley is representing the
gothic genre very effectively.

We see Walton s growing obsession with Frankenstein as he says he excites both at once
my admiration and pity to an astonishing degree .
He tells his sister that Frankenstein is much recovered from his
Auditory Skill Of Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic awareness is an auditory skill. It is the understanding that spoken words are
made up of separate units of sound that are blended together when words are
pronounced (Learning, 2004). Phonemic awareness is the first step to learning how to
read. It is a skill that needs to be taught from a very young age, this is because the more
a child s phonemic awareness is developed the better their development in reading will
be (A guide to effective instruction in reading, 2003). The skillof phonemic awareness is
essential to a child s ability to make meaning, as it involves the ability to detect, count,
segment, blend and manipulate the different sounds in words (Fellowes, Oakley, 2014).
Phonemic awareness is the basis of reading and... Show more content on
This can be through singing, rhyming, encouraging oral language, and creating learning
experiences, which are fun and enjoyable for students (Ewing, Callow, Rushton, 2017).
School aged children with developing phonemic awareness achieve better results when
the taught using explicit, systematic instruction. Only one or two phonemic awareness
skills should be taught at one time, with enough time allocated to phonemic awareness
learning. Isolating the different sounds in words can be hard for children to
distinguish; this is because sounds slide into each other to create a word. This is to
such a degree that if the sounds do not flow together it is very difficult to understand
what is being said. When teaching phonemic awareness it is important to stretch out the
sounds in a word, this will allow the child to hear the sounds more clearly (Learning,
2004). Other activities can include counting the sounds in a word, matching the sounds
in words, detecting odd sounds and identifying where a word begins and ends (Fellowes,
Oakley, 2014). Parents a big influence a child s ability to differentiate sounds, the
listening skills of a child are often linked to the quality of conversation and background
noise in the home environment (Ofsted,
Cradley And Greg Heffley Comparison
Have you ever read a book? Well, most people would answer yes to that question and
for me it would definitely be a yes. Unlike most teens my age, I absolutely, positively
love to read. But have you ever been reading a book and thought you a had a similarity
or two with the character? Most people would also answer yes to this question also,
Including me. I have found myself to be like many characters, but none like Greg Heffley
. Greg and I have many similarities we were born on the same day, we live in the same
state, and we even have the same middle name James. Although those similarities are
quite interesting, I have dug deeper into this character, not just looking at the outer
earthly appearance but I have considered how he thinks, his personality, and even his
actions. This is where the real similarities are in the heart and we are so similar it s a
little bit scary. Greg is always loyal never leaving anyone not even his annoying friend
rowley. Greg is always brave and never afraid to try something new. Greg is also defiant
and even though it may get us in troublesometimes there is always good in the bad.
To begin with, Greg Heffley is the most loyal friend ever imaginable, being a strong
friend through the thick and thin, through the ups and downs, no matter what Greg
Heffley is always there when you need him. For this reason Greg and I are very much
alike, always being a dependable, trustworthy, and most important, loyal no matter what
you are going through

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