Job Application Essays

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Job Application Essays

Crafting a job application essay can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a delicate balance between
self-promotion and humility. The difficulty lies not only in showcasing one's skills and experiences
but also in presenting them in a way that aligns seamlessly with the prospective employer's

Firstly, there's the challenge of capturing attention from the very beginning. A compelling
introduction is crucial to pique the interest of the reader, often a busy hiring manager sifting through
numerous applications. The pressure to stand out and make a memorable impression can be

Next, the essay must navigate the fine line between confidence and arrogance. It's essential to
confidently highlight achievements and qualifications without coming across as boastful. Striking
this balance requires a keen understanding of one's strengths and an ability to express them

Additionally, the essay must convey a genuine passion for the position and the company. Employers
seek candidates who are not only qualified but also enthusiastic about contributing to the
organization. Articulating this enthusiasm convincingly can be challenging, especially when faced
with word count limitations.

Moreover, the challenge extends to tailoring the essay to the specific job and company. Generic
essays that lack personalization are often disregarded. Researching the company's values, mission,
and the job requirements is essential to align the content with the employer's expectations.

Furthermore, maintaining clarity and conciseness is a hurdle. Crafting a compelling narrative within
the confines of a word limit necessitates careful selection of details and a focus on relevance.
Straying off-topic or including unnecessary information can dilute the impact of the essay.

Finally, the revision process adds another layer of complexity. Ensuring that the essay is error-free,
coherent, and polished requires time and attention to detail. Revising with a critical eye to refine the
language and structure is a crucial step in creating a professional and effective job application essay.

In conclusion, writing a job application essay demands a combination of self-awareness,

communication skills, and a deep understanding of the employer's expectations. It is a task that
requires time, effort, and a keen attention to detail. Despite its challenges, a well-crafted essay can
significantly enhance the chances of securing the desired position.

If you find yourself overwhelmed with such tasks, remember that assistance is available. Professional
writing services like can provide support in crafting not just job application essays
but a variety of written materials tailored to your needs.
Job Application Essays Job Application Essays
Rene Magritte And Victor Brauner
The two artworks I have chosen to discuss in this paper are 3 D sculptures of two
renowned artists. These surrealists of two amazing sculptures are Rene Magritte and
Victor Brauner. Both of their artworks are located at The Menil Collection, Houston TX.
These in the round sculptures are entitled Megalomania (La folie des grandeurs) and
Sign (Signe). First, Rene Magritte s medium on his Megalomania masterpiece is bronze.
It was sculpted in 1967, and the size of this artwork is 61 x 48 x 32 3/8 inches (Menil).
Similarly, Victor Brauner s medium on his Sign artwork is gilded bronze. The artwork
was beautifully crafted as well in 1945 and casted in 1961. The size of this artwork is 12
1/2 x 5 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches (Menil). As I go on, I will... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the shapes of both sculptures are organic and 3D with substantial mass.
Furthermore, the Megalomania shows an asymmetrical balance, while the Sign shows a
symmetrical balance. Moving to the cultural context of both artworks, both artists
influences are tied back to their roots. Thus, Rene Magritte who was born in Belgium
(Encyclopedia Britannica) has great influences of his mother. The sculpture of
Megalomania is tied to his mother s influence, for it is representing a woman s body.
Some of his artworks subjects are women. On the other hand, Victor Brauner was born in
Romania. Brauner was active in an avant garde movement in Romania which deeply
influences his artwork such as the Sign (Wikiart). The era or the time of creation of
these artworks are not far distant from each other. The Megalomania was created in
1967, and the Sign was created in 1945. During those years, surrealism was then
practiced by many artists. This movement was introduced in the 20th century, specifically
in the early 1920s ( Based on my direct observation, both sculptures
exemplify the era of surrealism. Thus, Magritte and Brauner at that time had to explore
this form of art as well. Meanwhile, these two in the round sculptures have similarities
and differences. The similarities of the two sculptures are the following: both medium are
bronze, both artistic styles are surreal, both have smooth textures, both shapes show 3D
aspects, and both artists
Beauty And The Beast Comparison Essay
A Timeless Tale The story of the Beauty and the Beast is well known amongst all ages.
Though the story they portray in the Disney version is much different than what they
have portrayed it in France. La Belle et la Bête has been produced twice, once in 1946
and again in 2014. These two movies tell the same story but in very different ways.
The perception of this story has changed between the different time periods. The 1946
version has two sisters and one brother. The father is a merchant and they have money.
There is no mention of a motherly figure. The father is very keen to his Belle staying
with him, and he does not want her to leave. The 2014 version has two sisters and three
brothers. The father is a merchant and they had a lot of... Show more content on ...
This however was not the cause for the loss of their house; instead it was the brothers
doing. He had been gambling and lost money without being able to pay back and
signed a contract that allowed them to sue and take their possessions if they felt like
it. On the father s way back from the port he got lost and wandered upon the Beast s
castle. In the 2014 version, the father s ships had been lost at sea, but the Mermaid had
returned with its goods. By the time the father came to retrieve though, it had been
picked through as he had already signed away the ships. Their possessions and house
were taken because they now did not have any money. On the father s way back from
the port his horse stumbled and slid, hurting its leg. The father then treads on, falls off a
cliff, and then finds the Beast s castle. When the father enters the castle in the 1946
version, there are live like arms that are holding candelabras and extending them when
passed by. The candles light and extinguish themselves and there are hands that pour
drinks and prepare food. The statues eyes follow you and smoke comes out of their noes
The Theory X And Theory Y Essay
The ability to predict the behavior of employees in an organization is a key element in
encouraging and ensuring that employees to produce desired results. Some employees
usually take great pride in their work and obtain satisfaction from performing their duties
well. Such employees are innately motivated (Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory
Y, 2015). Other employees are never proud of their work. They simply work because
they believe that they cannot survive without their jobs. Such employees are externally
motivated (they require an outside force to compel them to perform their duties) (Theory
X and Theory Y: Understanding Team Member Motivation, 2016). These ideas about
employee behavior and much more have been developed by social psychologist and
managementprofessionals, such as Douglas Mc Gregor, Abraham Maslow, and
Herzberg, in the form of theories to help managers and employees predict each other s
behavior. This paper focuses on the Theory X and Theory Y, which were both developed
by Douglas McGregor. It describes the theories and analyzes their effectiveness in
predicting human behavior.
Theory X and Theory Y
Unlike other theories that usually focus on employees, Theory X and Theory Y focus on
managers and the perceptions they have about their employees, which in turn influences
their behavior towards their employees (Theory X and Theory Y: Understanding Team
Member Motivation, 2016). Different managers have different perceptions about the
things that motivate
An Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Tell Tale Heart
Insane in the Membrane
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most acclaimed short story writers of all time and is
considered the father of the psychological thriller. He has achieved ever lasting fame
for his work in various fields of literature, from prose to verse. However, it is his
Gothic narrative, in the short story realm he is greatest known for and is regarded as one
of the foremost masters of horror that the United States has ever fashioned. The crucial
component to these horror stories is usually the characters insanity. The madness that
inflicts the main characters in these stories drives them to commit the acts that they do.
For instance, it is the madness of the narrator in Poe s The Tell Tale Heart that allows
him to murder his beloved employer. Edgar Allan Poe weaved stories of intrigue, such as
The Cask of Amontillado and The Tell Tale Heart, each of which have characters that
share the common element of insanity that renders them incapable of controlling their
dangerous impulses of murder.
One noticeable example of the element of insanity and its use as character motivation
can be found in The Tell Tale Heart. Opening with the lines, True nervous very, very
dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? , this story
describes the attempts of the narrator to rationalize the murder he had just committed
against his own employer (Blum, 13). A servant to a rich, kind man, the narrator has
every reason to feel
Literary Analysis Of The Widow s Lamnt In Springtime
William Carlos Williams was from Rutherford, New Jersey, born in 1883. By trade, he
was both a doctor and writer. Williams published poetry, novels, and essays in small
magazines. Williams started as an imagist movement poet, which emphasized simplicity,
clarity of expression, and precision through the use of exacting visual images
( He later began to write more about the life of everyday people. His poem,
The Widow s Lament in Springtime follows this writing style.
The poem The Widow s Lament in Springtime is a poem about a women who has lost
her husband of thirty five years. Williams writes in the voice of a grieving woman
instead of in his own voice. Now that her husband has died, the widow cannot find joy
in her yard that she used to love. The widow may even be considering suicide. Williams,
writing in free verse, writes a metaphor comparing the grief of a widow to her blooming
yard in the springtime setting a tone of great sadness for the widow.
The title itself gives us important clues about this poem. From the beginning before
even reading the first line of the poem, we know that it will be a sad story. The widow
being someone who has experienced a loss and lament is a word used for passionate
grief and sorrow. Springtime is a time of growth and rebirth, the affirming of new life.
Williams title may lead us to believe that the widow is in the early stages of life
without her husband and the early stages of grief. This may be her first spring without
her husband. She is exploring the overwhelming feelings of grief over losing her
husband, comparing her grief to the new life or blooming of her yard.The widow
begins by telling us Sorrow is my own yard (Reed). She, the widow is comparing the
sorrow and grief that she feels with her yard. She takes ownership of her pain in the
phrase my own . Springtime is usually a time of renewal and growth, but for the widow
it is a time of sorrow and pain, deep sadness because her husband is not there with her
this year. The new growth of her yard just closes round me this year . Something that is
closing around you may make you feel trapped, or uncomfortable. This year her yard
brings her feeling of pain. The widow s
The Prize Deep Book Pitch
watching a movie in place of reading the entire text will be immediate honor code
The Prize Deep Book Pitch The Prize, by Daniel Yergin, is an important book for me
because it has to do with some of the biggest issues in the modern world: Oil, Money,
and Power. This book was rated 4.37 out of 5 Based on 3,753 reviews on Goodreads.
Energy consultant Yergin limns oil s central role in most of the wars and many
international crises of the 20th century. A timely, information packed, authoritative
history of the petroleum industry, tracing its ramifications, national and geopolitical, to
the present day. Publisher s weekly. I will definitely be in my challenge zone while
reading this book. I know this because I decided to ... Show more content on ...
The Prize Deep Book Review During the past three weeks I have been reading a book
called The Prize, by Daniel Yergin. I decided to read this book because it traces the
history of the oil and gas business dating back to the mid eighteen hundreds up to recent
times. This book is important because oil production is one of the biggest economic
issues around today. The Prize explains the fluctuations in the oil business beginning
with Edward Drake s first successful oil well in Pennsylvania, followed by Teddy
Roosevelt s anti monopoly case against Standard Oil and finishes with the development
of the oil industry in Saudi Arabia. The book starts off with the discovery of oil in
America. When Americans started to use oil, they had to skim it off the top of ponds
that had a crack in the rock below it. The crack allowed oil to leak through. These leaks
were called oil springs. Skimming oil off the top of oil springs was very primitive and
could only gather so much oil. At that time, the only use for oil was for a medicine that
would cure headaches. One day, after being very ill, a man named George Bissell
stopped in Pennsylvania to see the oil springs there. He was amazed. When he traveled
back to his hometown of Dartmouth, he met a professor who had a bottle of oil on his
desk. After getting into a conversation about oil with the professor, George found out
that oil was flammable. The idea hit him, Why couldn t oil be used as an illuminant?
Prior to the discovery
Machiavellian Government
Nicolo Machiavelli said of the prince, Everyone sees what you appear to be, few
experience what you really are. That is precisely what is happening in today s society
with certain modern governments. There is a great difference between the philosophy of
modern governments and kingdoms in the Renaissance. Machiavelli explains certain
traits that every single ruler should have to maintain his rule over his subjects. Modern
day governments have exhibited certain forms of Machiavellianism. Even though modern
governments are not entirely Machiavellian, many governments have established a
certain version of Machiavellian governments. These are a few important key terms to
understand when taking a look at the compromise that governments have established in
modern times. These key terms include Machiavellianism, totalitarianism, and illiberal
democracy. Machiavellian governments have to meet certain benchmarks to qualify as a
Machiavellian government. Machiavellian themes include:... Show more content on ...
The fall of the Soviet Union lead the creation of a Russian democracy. On paper, Russia
was designed as a true democracy, after their independence from the Soviet Union in
1991, with the draft of a constitution in 1993. The legislative system is a bicameral
system consisting of State Duma, the lower house, and the Federation Council, the upper
house. The Federation Council consists of 83 seats, and State Duma consists of 450
seats. The judicial branch of the government consists of 3 courts: the Supreme Court, the
Constitutional court, and the Superior Court of Arbitration. This branch is also not a
problem for Putin because the judges of the highest courts are appointed by the president
and confirmed by the legislative branch. The United Russia party controls the legislative
branch, and they give their unwavering support to Vladimir

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