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Welcome to the speaking section of the IELTS speaking exam. My name is _____ and I’ll be
your examiner. The test is going to take about 11-14 minutes. There will be three parts. I will
give you instructions for each part. I am going to record this for marking purposes. Is that

Answer: ………………

I will be asking you few questions.

Can we start with your full name please?

Answer: ………………..

Part 1:

So, let’s begin with part one.

I am going to ask you some general questions on a topic. Are you ready to begin?

Answer : ………………………..

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?

Answer: ……………………………

What kind of work do you do?

Answer: ……………………………

Why do you choose this kind of work?

Answer: ……………………………

What kind of work would you like to do in the future?

Answer: ……………………………

Now let’s talk about weekends.

What do you usually do at the weekend?

Answer: ……………………………
What do you think you will do next weekend?

Answer: ……………………………

Do you enjoy your weekend now, more than you were a child?

Answer: ……………………………

How important it is for you to relax at the end of the weekend?

Answer: ……………………………

Let’s talk about music.

What sort of music do you usually enjoy listening to?

Answer: ……………………………

Has the kind of music you like changed over the years?

Answer: ……………………………

Do you prefer to listen to live music or recorded music? (Why)

Answer: ……………………………


That’s the end of part 1. Now, we are going to start for part two. I’m going to give you a card
with a specific topic and you will have one minute to prepare your answer and you may take
notes if you wish. I’ll tell you when your one-minute preparation is up and then you can
speak for 1-2 minutes.

Here is the card. (Look at the screen) – Give one minute.

Okay, so your one-minute preparation is up Remember you have 1 – 2 minutes for this, so
don’t worry if I stop you. I will stop you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now

I would like you to describe a special gift or present you gave to someone.

Answer: ……2 minutes……………………… (Use the timer)

After 2 minutes. Thank you.


Now, let’s have part 3. I’ll be asking questions related to part 2. Are you ready?

Answer: …………..

We have been talking about a special gift you gave to someone, and I’d like to discuss with
you one or two general questions related to this. Let’s consider first of all gifts in families.

On what occasion do family members give gifts to each other in your country?

Answer: ……………………………

Do people spend a lot of money?

Answer: ……………………………

What sort of gifts to children give the adults in the families?

Answer: ……………………………

How important do you think it is for families to give gifts to each other?

Answer: ……………………………

Thank you. That’s the end of the speaking test.

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