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High Paying Keyword

As I had mention on my previous post why google adsense is

always great for the advertising platform and as well as
publishers also. Google adsense allows you to add the adsense
cod on your website and and they will pay you. You already know
about the CPC(Cost-per- click).Many of the internet users which
use adsense as primary source of income they are always looking
to increase their adsense earning. sometimes your CTR is high
but your adsense estimated earning is very low.

Now - What does Keyword mean?

A keyword, in the context of search engine optimization, is a
particular word or phrase that describes the contents of a Web
page. Keywords are intended to act as shortcuts that sum up an
entire page. Keywords form part of a Web page’s metadata and
help search engines match a page to with an appropriate search
The role of keywords was once very central to the function of
search engines. Search engines could crawl sites and, if the
keywords were accurate, serve those sites up as search results.
However, people began abusing the keyword metadata in an
attempt to show up higher in searches, and even to rank in
completely unrelated searches. For this reason, the importance of
keywords in search engine optimization has been greatly
reduced. Keywords are arguably still an important factor, but they
are not the only factor in SEO.
Why keywords are important?
Do you know what keywords your website is currently ranking for
online? Keywords are very important for every business website
as they drive targeted web traffic to your business for free. When
done well, using the right keywords can skyrocket your business
to sales success online. Before we get into the details of what you
need to do to rank effectively for certain keywords, some of you
might be wondering, “what is a keyword?” Keywords are the
words and phrases that Internet users type into search box of a
search engine, such as Google, to find what websites that match
what are looking for. Some keywords get hundreds of thousands
of unique searches a day while others get a couple of hundred. At
the same time, some high trafficked keywords are very
competitive online because many businesses are trying to get
referrals and traffic from users when they search for those
keywords while others are not. In choosing a keyword for your
business, it is very important to put some time and thought into
researching keywords. There are some good free tools online
such as the Google Keyword Research tool and Wordtracker that
can help get you started in researching keywords relevant to your
business. These tools can be very useful for getting insights about
how many users are searching for a given keyword and how
much competition there is for the keyword online. This can also
give you a realistic sense of what keywords you should be using
on your website and how effective they will be in marketing your
site online.
How to understand Long Tail Keyword
It's wonderful to deal with keywords that have 5,000 searches a
day, or even 500 searches a day, but in reality, these "popular"
search terms actually make up less than 30% of the searches
performed on the web. The remaining 70% lie in what's called the
"long tail" of search. The long tail contains hundreds of millions of
unique searches that might be conducted a few times in any given
day, but, when taken together, they comprise the majority of the
world's demand for information through search engines.
Another lesson search marketers have learned is that long tail
keywords often convert better, because they catch people later in
the buying/conversion cycle. A person searching for "shoes" is
probably browsing, and not ready to buy. On the other hand,
someone searching for "best price on Air Jordan size 12"
practically has their wallet out!
Understanding the search demand curve is critical. To the right
we've included a sample keyword demand curve, illustrating the
small number of queries sending larger amounts of traffic
alongside the volume of less-searched terms and phrases that
bring the bulk of our search referrals.

How to use Top High Paying Keywords

First of all, we must understand that Google Adsense bot
(formally known as Google Mediabot) is a subset of Google's
main crawler. The crawler detects the theme of the pages and
makes an entry in the Google's index (a private index - not shown
publicly) that records the theme of all the pages hosting Adsense
script. In other words, Google Mediabot has the characteristics
somewhat similar to Google's main crawler.

There are two types of optimizations that you need to follow to

make a web page search engine optimized. Same is the case
with Adsense Optimization.

Internal Optimization : Internal Optimization includes Meta tags,

Title Text, Optimization of content, and internal linking of your
website. Here we will learn how to increase relevancy of ads and
how to inject keywords that will help you get high paying ads.
Internal Optimization has a high impact on the relevancy of ads
and CTR.

External Optimization : This includes the web pages that are

giving links to you (external profile of your website), anchor text
being used to link your website, and many more variables that
search engines use to evaluate the authoritative importance of a
web page. External Optimization helps bring relevant traffic to
your website and enables you to earn more by getting more CTR
(Click Thru Ratio).

Let me give you an example that if you are getting almost 20

clicks and your estimated earning is $1.6 it’s really an unexpected
earning just because of CPC $0.08 per click you get $1.6 for 20
If you are looking for the latest high paying keywords this post is
for you . I had updated latest google hight paying keywords.



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