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Good Topics For Narrative Essays

Writing an essay on the topic of "Good Topics for Narrative Essays" can be a challenging task, as it
requires a delicate balance between creativity and structure. The difficulty lies in selecting a theme
that not only captivates the audience but also provides ample opportunities for storytelling. It
involves a meticulous process of brainstorming, evaluating various ideas, and ensuring that the chosen
topic aligns with the narrative essay format.

One of the challenges is the need to strike a chord with the readers through a compelling story that
has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Crafting a narrative that is both engaging and meaningful
demands a deep understanding of the chosen topic and the ability to convey emotions and
experiences effectively. The essay should have a central theme that resonates with the audience,
allowing them to connect with the narrative on a personal level.

Furthermore, the writer must navigate the fine line between providing enough detail to make the
story vivid and relatable while avoiding unnecessary tangents that might detract from the overall
coherence. The process involves refining the narrative to ensure that every element contributes to the
essay's purpose.

Additionally, the writer needs to consider the pacing and sequencing of events to maintain the
reader's interest throughout the essay. Achieving a balance between the introduction, rising action,
climax, falling action, and resolution is crucial for a narrative essay to be effective.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Good Topics for Narrative Essays" demands a
combination of creativity, structure, and storytelling skills. It involves careful selection of a theme,
meticulous planning, and the ability to weave a compelling narrative. While the process may be
challenging, it is also rewarding as it allows the writer to share meaningful experiences and insights.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, a resource like can be a valuable option to explore.
Good Topics For Narrative Essays Good Topics For Narrative Essays
The Federal Reserve ( Investopedia ) Essay
In 1913, the United States Congress created the world s most powerful monetary
system, called the Federal Reserve (Investopedia). It involves one central agency and
twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks that are accountable for their designated areas in
the United States (Investopedia). Its primary purpose was to establish a secure,
malleable, and a solid financial system which was to prevent financial devastation
during times of crisis (Investopedia). More specifically, prior to the creation of the
Federal ReserveBank, the United States had bouts of crisis that created panic among the
citizens. In utter terror, people would withdraw their funds from their banks causing a
domino effect of financial institutions being pushed out of business due to a deficiency of
money (stlouisfed). Therefore, the Federal Reserve Act was endorsed as a resolution to
crisis periods, providing a money supply that would balance the economy, and introduce
Federal Reserve Notes as a form of new currency (stlouisfed). In essence, the Federal
Reserve became fully responsible for developing a comprehensive banking system that
would allow for a strong economy. Therefore, one must understand the structure, the
function, and the future of the Federal Reserve Bank that continues to financially secure
this great country. First, one must understand the structure of the Federal Reserve Bank
that continues to financially secure this great country. Today, the Federal Reserve System
is comprised of
The Last Samurai Historical Accuracy
During the period of the Meji restoration, the unusually young daimyo of fourteen, was
looking to promote westernisation in Japan. This presented a likely context for the
brewing revolution. This revolution, known as the Satsuma Rebellion and was led by
Takamori Saigo, a respected Samurai who later died after battle. The legacy of Takamori
Saigo provided the context for the film The Last Samurai, in which Tom Cruise
ultimately developed to become The Last Samurai. This investigation will be examining
the misconceptions of the Japanese Samurai culture in comparison to the way in which
director Edward Zwick conveyed the Samurai in Feudal Japan during the war period in
the 1800s. This task will be completed by analyzing the film, The Last Samurai and,
investigating three areas of major importance during the 19th century in Japan. This
research will identify each historically erroneous portrayal of the Samurai within the film.
The investigation will thus identify the differences between Hollywood interpretation of
the past and true documentation. The way in which this aim will be fulfilled is by
identifying the glamorisation of the Samurai s past by the West.... Show more content on ...
The three major areas which will be studied in both the film and historical documents
are, firstly, the physical details of the weaponry and living quarters of the Samurai. The
second aspect of this investigation is the emotional attributes that the Samurai advocate,
for example, the way in which the Samurai viewed death and mourning. An additional
stage of investigation involves research into the personal characteristics of Takamori
Saigo, leader of the Satsuma Rebellion and is the base model for the character of
Katsumoto in the film. In doing so, the project will prove that this film in particular is
not to be used as a documentary and is purely for the enjoyment of the general
Mba-Semester 1
1.It is a cultural attitude marked by the tendency to regard one s own culture as superior
to others a.Geocentrism b.Polycentrism c.Ethnocentrism d.Egocentrism Answer: Option
c Ethnocentrism. 2.It is the systemic study of job requirements those factors that
influence the performance of those job requirements a.Job analysis b.Job rotation c.Job
circulation d.Job description Answer: Option a Job Analysis 3.This Act provides an
assistance for minimum statutory wages for scheduled employment a.Payment of Wages
Act, 1936 b.Minimum Wages Act, 1948 c.Factories Act, 1948 d.Payment of Gratuity act,
1972 Answer: Option b Minimum Wages Act, 1948. the actual posting of an
employee to a... Show more content on ...
A learning exercise representing a real life situation where trainees compete with each
other to achieve specific objectives a.Executive development b.Management game
c.Programmed learning d.Understudy Answer: Option b Management Game Part Two:
1.What is the importance of Career Planning in industry? Answer: Career planning is
the process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals. The major
focus of career planning is on assisting the employees achieve a better match between
personal goals and the opportunities that are realistically available in the organization.
Career programs should not concentrate only on career growth opportunities. There may
not be enough high level positions to make upward mobility a reality for a large number
of employees. Hence, career planning efforts need to pinpoint and highlight those areas
that offer psychological success instead of vertical growth. Every Employee has a desire
to grow and scale new heights in his workplace continuously. If there are enough
opportunities, they can pursue their career goals and exploit their potential fully. They
feel highly motivated when the organization shows them the clear path as how they can
meet their personal ambitions while trying to realize corporate goals. Unfortunately, as
pointed out by John Leach, organizations do not pay adequate attention to this aspect in
actual practice for a variety of reasons. The demands of employees
Crime In Brazil Research Paper
The continent of South America is known for its variety of music, literature, and its
beautiful geography. Although this beautiful culture and cities are in the continent
many people refuse to go there. This is due to the major crime and violence in Brazil
(one of the best cities in South America). Even though the olympics will be held in Rio
de Janeiro people are still not wanting to travel there. The crime and violence is affecting
millions of lives in Braziland drug trafficking, gangs, and together with widespread
availability of weapons are the main causes and to be solved they need to focus on gun
control and the focus on poverty. The city of Brazil has had many crises. In 1894 Brazil
had 2 crises a military one and an economical one.... Show more content on ...
One example was in 2003 the Family Allowance Program was started. It was designed
to help Brazil lower the amount of people in poverty. This program gave low income
families more money per month and in exchange the families had to keep their kids in
school and basic health programs. Unfortunately, this failed because of the fact that
some people did not receive the money due to geographical isolation, lack of
information about the program, and bureaucratic malpractice but the big reason why
this did not work was the because that people who had been poor there whole entire
lives did not know what to do with the money so it would go to waste. Also, the people
who received the money sometimes also went out and brought drugs or weapons with the
money. Another attempt the government had tried was that in 2004 the Brazilian
government created the National Public Security Force. This was designed to help
strengthen the security and police. How ever the National Public Security Force have
somewhat failed because the crime rate is still high but the homicide rate has gone down
over the years so that is an
Information System And Network Infrastructure Upgrade At...
Purpose of Interview: Determine the requirements of the new information system and
network infrastructure upgrade at XYZ Hospital.
1.What are the current issues with the existing network and information system at XYZ
One of the first things that comes to mind is the administrative and clinical staff are
complaining about how slow the network is. With an increase in staff over the years at
the hospital and an increase in the demand of the network and the existing system is
struggling to keep up. Staff are complaining about the weak and slow speed of the
network at the hospital. Along with the problems of the network, staff are also having a
hard time of being able keep patient medical records up to date and patient billing correct.
2.What features should the new system have that the existing system does not currently
The hospital s existing information system and network were designed many years
ago when all that it was mainly used for was sending email, using the internet for
research, or saving files to a file server. We would like the new information system and
network upgrade to take advantage of being able to have an information system where
all patient medical records can be updated on a continual basis, where medical inventory
can be inputted into a patient inventory database to keep track of what has or hasn t
been used for patients, where patient billing is accurate and kept up to date and
accessible in real time. Where Clinical
Good Vs. Evil In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Themes of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne is an American Writer, born in the 1800s. His family has a strong,
strict puritan belief, which is why he writes about Puritanism in his stories, and why more
than half of his novels are centered around it. Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter is
a story that illustrates different pieces of Puritanism. The novel is based on it s main
character, Hester Prynne, and the sin she committed before the novel even begins.
Hawthorne s novel shows how one sin can escalate into how the person behind the sin is
lost. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses his characters to develop the themes of strength, good
versus evil, and sin versus purity to create a strikingly historical tragedy. Nathaniel ...
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Hester Prynne is considered to be evil because of the sin she committed. The people of
the town consider themselves as the good citizens of the puritan society. Nathaniel
Hawthorne uses his writing skills and tone to bring this theme to life. Hester Prynne
and Reverend Dimmesdale s act of adultery is obviously seen as sinful in God s eyes
and the puritan society, yet they are still beneficial to their community. They suffer the
consequences of the sin, Hester publicly and Dimmesdale in secret. They continue to
using their citizenship in positive ways. Hawthorne describes Hester as a humble
woman that is caring and helpful to anyone in their society, and Dimmesdale s
profession is a high level pastor in Boston. The theme of good is represented in how
everyone treats one another. Nathaniel Hawthorne portrays evil in other characters
throughout the novel. One of the main antagonists in the novel is Roger Chillingworth.
He is considered to be the most evil person in the story because he devoted his entire life
to torturing his wife s lover for the transgression of adultery they committed. The theme
of good versus evil clashes the most on this specific topic in the
The Insatiable Need To Know
The Insatiable Need to Know
Greed is a common motive for villains in history and legend. The driving force behind
evil in our enemies as well as ourselves. When looking at the movies Blade Runner and
Alien, those causing the problems the protagonists face, have an insatiable need to
know, and it blinds them from respect for life with horrible consequences. These
motives for greed to know, are the cause of both film s monsters and how they are shown
to affect the worlds created to contain Scott s stories.
In the film Alien, the antagonist is the Company. This company sends the Nostromo
and her crew in harm s way for knowledge unknown. The ship itself, regardless of its
contrast to current tech, seems run down and almost ready for the scrap yards. This is
shown by the leaking areas, the large amount of repairing going on, and the overall
used look of the ships terminals. It gives us a visual insight into the world we don t see
as a darker place to live in.
Apart from the ship, there is also Ash as an example of the Company s disregard for
life towards the general society. This type of sophisticated android, in place of the
crew, would have been able to complete this mission more efficiently but Ash is only
sent along to make sure that the mission is complete. This is at all costs, regardless of
loss of life. Had they sent a small team of android, with a couple of specialist to monitor
the work from a distance would have easily prevented the danger. The Alien is a

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