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SIMPLE MATERIAL 2) State Newton’s laws of motion.

(i) Newton’s First Law: Every body

continues to be in its state of rest or
PHYSICS – CHEMISTRY the state of uniform motion unless a
force acts on it.( p=mv )
LONG ANSWERS - ii) Newton’s Second Law : The force
PREPARED BY G.Ragupathi . acting on a body is directly
BT Science proportional to the rate of change of
linear momentum and its
Unit - 1 Laws of Motion momentum change in the direction
1) What are the types of inertia? of the force.( F = ma )
Give an example for each type. iii) Newton’s third law : For every
(i) Inertia of rest: The resistance of a action, there is an equal and
body to change its state of rest . opposite reactiona on two different
bodies. F1 = - F2
E.g.: When you strongly shake the
branches of a tree, some of the 3) Deduce the equation of a force
leaves will fall down. using Newton’s second law of
(ii) The inertia of motion: The
resistance of a body to change its i) m is mass ; v is final velocity; u is
state of motion. initial velocity; F is force. ii) Initial
momentum of the body Pi = mu. iii)
E.g.: An athlete runs some distance Final momentum of the body Pf = mv.
before jumping. iv) Change in momentum
(iii) Inertia of direction: The Δp = Pi – Pf – mv – mu
resistance of a body to change its By Newton’s second law of motion,
direction of motion.
i) Force, F ∝ rate of change of
E.g.: When you make a sharp turn momentum
while driving a car, you have to lean
sideways. ii) F ∝ change in momentum / time
iii) F ∝ mv−mu /t vii) Force on A by B ;

iv) F = km(v−u) /t FA = m1(v1 – u1)/t

Here, k is constant. ix) Action force = Reaction force

v) F = m(v−u) /t x) FA = -FB

vi) a = (v – u)/t. m1(v1 – u1)/t = -m2 (v2 – u2)/t

Hence, we have F = m × a m1 v1 + m2 v2 = m1 u1 + m2 u2

Force = mass × acceleration. Thus the law of conservation of

linear momentum is proved.
4) State and prove the law of
conservation of linear momentum. 5) Describe rocket propulsion.

i) It is based on the law of

conservation of linear momentum
and Newton’s III law of motion.
i) Two bodies A and B having masses ii) When the rocket is fired, this fuel
m1 and m2. is burnt.
ii) They move with initial velocity u1 iii) Hot gas is ejected with high
and u2 in a straight line. speed from the baack of the rocket.
iii) The velocity of the first body is iv) A huge momentum is produced.
higher than that of the second body.
( i.e,, u1 > u2 ) vi) An equal and opposite reaction
force is produced in the combustion
iv) They have a collision 't' time. chamber.
v) After collision, they move along vii) This force makes the rocket
the same straight line with a velocity project forward.
v1 and v2.
viii) The mass of the rocket gradually
vi) Force on B by A ; decreases.
FB = m2(v2 – u2)/t
ix) As there is no net external force, v) On combining the above two
the linear momentum of the system expressions:
is conserved.
F ∝ m1×m2 / r2
x) The mass of the rocket decreases
F = Gm1m2 / r2
with altitude and the velocity of the
rocket increases. 7) Give the applications of
xi) At one stage, it reaches a velocity
to escape from the gravitational pull i) Dimensions of the heavenly bodies
of the Earth. can be measured.

6) State the universal law of ii) The mass, radius, acceleration due
gravitation and derive its to gravityvcan be calculated.
mathematical expression.
iii) To discover new stars and planets.
i) Every particle of matter in this
iv) The mass of the star can be
universe attracts every other particle
with a force.
v) To explain germination of roots.
ii) This force is directly proportional
to the product of their masses. vi) To predict the path of the
astronomical bodies.
ii) Inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between Unit 2 Optics
1) List any five properties of light?

i) Light is a form of energy.

ii) It travels in a straight line.

iii) It does not need any medium to

iii) Force propagate.

iv) F ∝ m1 × m2 iv) It can even travel through a

F ∝ 1/r²
v) light is in the form of waves (λ),
and a frequency (v).

vi) Different coloured light has a

different wavelength and frequency.

2) Explain the rules for obtaining 3) Differentiate the eye defects:

images formed by a convex lens with Myopia and Hypermetropia.
the help of ray diagram.
S. Myopia Hypermetropia

1 Lengthening Shortening eye

eye ball ball

2 Distant object Near object can't

Rule-1: i) A ray of light strikes the
can't be seen be seen
convex or concave lens slopingly at
its optical centre. ii) it continues its 3 Focal length is Focal length is
path without any deviation. less more

Rules 2 : i) rays parallel to the 4 Far point Near point won't

principal axis strikes a convex or won't be be at 25 c.m
concave lens. ii) the refracted rays infinity
are converged (convex lens). iii)
5 Far point Near point
appear to diverge from (concave lens)
comes closer moves farther
the principal focus.
6 Image before Image behind
retina retina

7 Corrected by Corrected by
concave lens convex lens
Rule-3: i) A ray passing through the
principal focus of convex lens or 8 Short sighted Long sighted
concave lens. ii) The refracted ray
will be parallel to the principal axis.
4) Explain the construction and iv) The eye lens is adjusted to form
working of a ‘Compound the image (B’B’) within the principal
Microscope’. focus of the eye lens.

v) This eye lens forms a virtual,

enlarged and erect image (A”B”) on
the same side of the object.

Unit 3 Thermal Physics

1) Derive the ideal gas equation.

i) According to Boyle’s law, PV =

Construction : i) It consists of two
constant ………. (1)
convex lenses.
ii) According to Charles’s law, V/T =
ii) The lens with the short focal
constant ……… (2)
length is near the object (objective
lens). iii) According to Avogadro’s law, V/n
= constant …….. (3)
iii) The lens with larg focal length is
near the eye (eye lens) iv) combine equations (1), (2) and
(3) : V / nT = constant ……. (4)
iv) Both the lenses are fixed in a
narrow tube. v) A gas has µ moles . i.e., n =
µNA ............... (5)
Working :
vi) It can be written as : PVµNAT =
i) The object (AB) is at a distance
slightly greater than the focal length
of objective lens (u > F0). v) PV = µNAKBT

ii) A real, inverted and magnified µNAKB = R

image (A’B’) is formed at the other
side of the objective lens.
2) Explain the experiment of
iii) This image is as the object for the
measuring the real and apparent
eye lens.
expansion of a liquid with a neat
diagram. 1) With the help of a circuit diagram
derive the formula for the resultant
resistance of three resistances
connected: (a) in series and. (b) in

(a) Resistors in series :

i) The liquid is poured in a container

up to a level. ii) Mark this level as L1. i) It connects the components one
iii) Heat the container. iv) The after the other to form a ‘single
container gets heat and it expands. v) loop’. ii) only one loop through
The volume of the liquid appears which current can pass. iii) If the
reduced. vi) Mark this reduced level circuit is cut at any point , no current
of liquid as L2. vii) Again heat the can pass and no electric appliances
liquid through the container. Now, will work. iv) Series circuits are used
the level of liquid rises to L3. viii) in flashlights. v) According to Ohm’s
The difference between the levels L1 Law, the potential differences V1,V2
and L3 is called as apparent and V3 across R1, R2 and R3
expansion. ix) The difference respectively, are given by:
between the levels L2 and L3 is V1 = I R1 ………. (1)
called real expansion. x) The real
expansion is always more than that V2 = I R2 ……… (2)
of apparent expansion. V3 = I R3 ………. (3)
Unit 4 Electricity V = I R1 + I R2 + I R3 …….. (4)

(b) Resistors in Parallel :

(c) Which instrument is used to
measure the electric current? How
should it be r connected in a circuit?

(a) (i) It is defined as the rate of flow

of charges in a conductor in unit
time. ii) it is represented by the
i) It has two or more loops and symbol ‘I’.
current pass through it.
(b) i) The SI unit of electric current is
ii) If the circuit is cut in one loop, the ampere (A). ii) A charge of one
current can still pass through the coulomb flows across any cross-
other loop(s). section of a conductor in one second
is 1
iii) The wiring in a house consists of
parallel circuits. iv) According to the Ampere. 1 ampere = 1 coulomb / 1
Ohm’s law, second
iv) (c) (i) The ammeter is used to
measure the current. (ii) An
Ammeter is connected in series with
the circuit.

3) (a) State Joule’s law of heating.

v) I = V/R1 + V/R2 + V/R3 ; (b) An alloy of nickel and chromium
is used as the heating element. Why?

(c) How does a fuse wire protect

electrical appliances?

a) The heat produced in any resistor

2) (a) What is meant by electric
is: i) directly proportional to the
current? Give its direction?
square of the current, the resistance
(b) Name and define its unit. and the time of current.

H = I2 Rt
b) It has high resistivity, melting iii) It uses less power and consumes
point and not easily oxidised. very less energy. iv) Its life span is
more. v) It is more reliable.
c) i) When a large current passes, the
fuse wire melts. ii) So, the circuit (b) Advantages of LED bulb:
gets disconnected. iii) electric
i) There is no loss of energy in the
appliances are saved.
form of heat. ii) It is cooler than
4) Explain about domestic electric other bulbs. iii) The LED bulbs have
circuits, (circuit diagram not required) low power requirement. iv) It is not
harmful to the environment. v) A
i) The domestic electric circuits wired
wide range of colours is possible
by the electricians.
here. vi) It is cost-efficient and
ii)Tthe circuit is to bring the power energy efficient. vii) Mercury and
supply to the main-box from other toxic materials are not
transformer. required.

iii) components of the main-box are: Unit 5 Acoustics

(i) a fuse box and (ii) a meter.
1) What are the factors that affect
iv) The fuse box contains either a the speed of sound in gases?
fuse wire or a miniature circuit
Effect of density:
breaker (MCB).
i) The velocity of sound in a gas is
v) the fuse wire or an MCB is to
inversely proportional to the square
protect the household electrical
root of the density of the gas. ii) So,
the velocity decreases as the density
5) (a) What are the advantages of of the gas increases. iii) v ∝ √1/d
LED TV over the normal TV?
Effect of temperature:
(b) List the merits of LED bulb.
(i) The velocity of sound in a gas is
(a) Advantages of LED TV: directly proportional to the square
root of its temperature.
i) It has brighter picture quality. ii) It
is thinner in size.
(ii) The velocity of sound in gas i) The compression exerts a force F
increases with the increase in on the surface of the rarer medium.
temperature. iii) v ∝ √T
ii) The compression applys a force 'F'
Effect of relative humidity: on the surface of the rarer medium.

i) When humidity increases, the iii) As the particles of the rarer

speed of sound increases. ii) So, we medium are free to move, a
can hear sound from long distances rarefaction is produced at the
clearly during rainy seasons. interface.

2) What is meant by reflection of iv) So, a compression is reflected as a

sound? Explain: rarefaction and a rarefaction travels
from right to left.
(a) Reflection at the boundary of a
rarer medium. (b) Reflection at the boundary of a
denser medium :
(b) Reflection at the boundary of a
denser medium.

(c) Reflection at curved surfaces.

i) Sound waves travel in a given

medium ,they strike the surface of
another medium and they bounce
back into the first medium. This is i) Suppose a compression travelling
reflection of sound. in air from left to right falls a rigid
wall. ii) The compression applys a
(a) Reflection at the boundary of a force F on the rigid wall. iii) The
rarer medium : wall applys an equal and opposite
reaction R = – F on the air molecules.
iv) A compression falls on the rigid
wall is reflected back as a

(c) Reflection at curved surfaces :

i) The intensity of reflected sound (b) What are the medical
waves from the curved surfaces is applications of echo?
changed. ii) The reflected waves
(c) How can you calculate the speed
from a convex surface are diverged
of sound using echo?
with less intensity . iii) The reflected
waves from a concave surface are It is the sound reproduced by the
coverged with more intensity . reflection of the original sound wave.

3) (a) What do you understand by a) i) the minimum time gap between

the term ‘ultrasonic vibration’? the original sound and an echo must
be 0.1 s. ii) If the velocity of sound
(b) State three uses of ultrasonic
as 344 ms-1, the minimum distance
to hear an echo is 17.2 m.
(c) Name three animals which can
b) i) echo is used in ultrasonography.
hear ultrasonic vibrations.
ii) to create real-time visual images
(a) Ultrasonic Vibration: The
of the developing embryo or foetus.
frequency of vibration is greater
than 20000 Hz. c) i) The distance from the source to
the wall and then back to the
(b) i) used in SONAR to measure the
receiver is 2d. ii) The time taken for
depth of the sea. ii) to locate
this is ‘t’. iii)
underwater objects. iii) for scanning
and imaging the position and growth
of a foetus. iv) to find stones in the
gall bladder and kidney. v) for
homogenising milk in milk plants.
Unit – 6 Nuclear Physics
(c) Mosquito, Dogs and Bats .
1) Explain the process of controlled
4) What is an echo? and uncontrolled chain reactions.

(a) State two conditions necessary A) Controlled chain reaction:

for hearing an echo.
i) The number of neutrons released
must be one. ii) This is done by a
neutron absorber. iii) The reaction is Ionising Greater Lesser Very Less
maintained in a controlled manner. power
iv) Controlled chain reaction is used
Penetrat Lesser Greater Greater
in a nuclear reactor to produce
ing than β -
power ray
B) Uncontrolled chain reaction:
Effect of Deflect Deflecte Not
electric ed by d by deflected
and both both but by both
magneti opposite
c field to the
of α -
i) The number of neutrons multiplies
indefinitely. ii) It causes fission in a Speed 1/10 to 9/10 With the
large amount of the fissile material. 1/20 times speed of
iii) It releases of a huge amount of times the light
energy within a fraction of a second. the speed of
iv) This reaction is used in the atom speed light
bomb. of light

2) Compare the properties of alpha,

beta and gamma radiations. 3) What is a nuclear reactor? Explain
Property α - ray β - ray γ – ray its essential parts with their
What Helium Electron Electrom
are nucleus s 1e0 agnetic Nuclear reactor:
they? 2He4 wave It is a device in which the nuclear
Charge Positive Negative Neutral - fission reaction takes place in a self-
+2e -e zero. sustained and controlled manner to
produce electricity.
ii) 18 g of water molecule = 1 mole.

iii) 0. 18 g of water = 118×0.18 = 0.01


iv) 1 mole of water (Avogadro’s

number) contains 6.023 × 1023 water
The essential parts: molecules.

v) 0. 01 mole of water contain

i) Fuel : A fissile material used as fuel
6.023×1023/1×0.01 = 6.023 × 1021
material is uranium.
ii) Moderator : It is to slow down the
high energy neutrons. Eg. Graphite 2) N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3
and heavy water. (The atomic mass of nitrogen is 14,
iii) Control rod : It is to control the and that of hydrogen is 1)
number of neutrons. Eg. boron or 1 mole of nitrogen (……..g) +
cadmium rods.
3 moles of hydrogen (………g) →
iv) Coolant : It is to convert heat into
steam for turning a turbine to 2 moles of ammonia (………g)
produce electricity. Eg. Water, air 1 mole of nitrogen (28 g) +
and helium.
3 moles of hydrogen (6 g) →
v) Protection wall : A thick concrete
lead wall is to stop the harmful 2 moles of ammonia (34 g)
radiations from escaping. 3) Calculate the number of moles in
Unit - 7 Atoms and Molecules (i) 27 g of Al;
1) Calculate the number of water (ii) 1.51 × 1023 molecules of NH4Cl.
molecule present in one drop of
water which weighs 0.18 g. (i) 27 g of Al

i) The molecular mass of water (H2O) Given mass atomic mass =

is 18. GivenMass /AtomicMass = 27 /27
= 1 mole Relative molecular mass : i) It is the
ratio between the mass of one
(ii) 1.51 x 1023 molecules of NH4Cl
molecule of the gas or vapour to
Number of moles mass of one atom of hydrogen.

Vapour density : i) It is the ratio of

the mass of certain volume of a gas
or vapour, to the mass of an equal
volume of hydrogen in the same
conditions of temperature and
4) Give the salient features of
“Modern atomic theory”.

i) An atom is no longer indivisible.

ii) Atoms of the same element may According to Avogadro’s law:

have different atomic mass.

iii) Atoms of different elements may

have the same atomic masses.

iv) Atoms of one element can be

Since hydrogen is diatomic,
transmuted into atoms of other

v) Atoms may not always combine in

a simple whole-number ratio.

vi) Atom is the smallest particle that

takes part in a chemical reaction. 2 × Vapour density = Relative
vii) The mass of an atom can be Molecular mass of a gas
converted into energy [E = mc2]. Relative Molecular Mass = 2 ×
5) Derive the relationship between Vapour density
Relative molecular mass and Vapour Unit 8 Periodic Classification of
density. Elements
1) (a) State the reason for addition
of caustic alkali to bauxite ore during
purification of bauxite.

(b) Along with cryolite and alumina,

another substance is added to the
electrolyte mixture. Name the
(A) – Copper (Cu)
substance and give one reason for
the addition. (B) – Copper Carbonate (CuCO3.
a) Caustic alkali is added to bauxite,
to dissolve bauxite ore and obtain a (C) – Copper Sulphate (CuSO4)
solution of sodium aluminate.
(D) – Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
b) CaF2 (Fluorspar) is added along
3) Explain the smelting process.
with cryolite and alumina. It is added
to reduce the high melting point of i) The roasted ore of copper is mixed
the electrolyte. with powdered coke and sand.

2) The electronic configuration of ii) This is heated in a blast furnace to

metal A is 2, 8, 18, 1. obtain matte and slag.

The metal A when exposed to air iii) The slag is removed as waste.
and moisture forms B a green
2 FeS + 3O2 → 2 FeO + 2 SO2
layered compound. A with con.
H2SO4 forms C and D along with 2 Cu2S + 3O2 → 2 Cu2O + 2SO2
water. D is a gaseous compound.
Cu2O + FeS → Cu2S + FeO
Find A, B, C and D.
FeO + SiO2 → FeSiO2 (slag)
Metal (A) with electronic
configuration- 2, 8, 18, 1 is copper. Unit 9 Solutions

2Cu + O2 + CO2 + H2O → CuCO3. 1) Write notes on?

Cu(OH)2 (B)
A) saturated solution B) unsaturated
Copper carbonate (Green layer) solution
A) Saturated solution: Solubility of solid in liquid :
Solubility of a solid solute in a liquid
i) A solution in which no more solute
increases when temperature
can be dissolved in a definite
amount of the solvent at a given
temperature. ii) e.g. 36 g of sodium In Endothermic process : Solubility
chloride in 100 g of water at 25°C. increases when temperature
B) Unsaturated solution:
In Exothermic process : Solubility
i) A solution that contains less solute
decreases with temperature
than that of the saturated solution
at a given temperature. ii) e.g. 10 g
or 20 g or 30 g of Sodium chloride in Solubility of Gases in liquid :
100 g of water at 25°C. Solubility of gases in liquid decreases
when temperature increases.
2) Write notes on various factors
affecting solubility. C) Effect of Pressure : i) It is seen
only in the case of solubility of a gas
A. Nature of the solute and solvent :
in a liquid.
i) Water is Universal solvent but all
ii) When the pressure increases, the
substances do not dissolve in water.
solubility of a gas in liquid increases.
ii) Dissolution occurs when
3) (a) What happens when
similarities exist between the
MgSO4.7H2O is heated? Write the
solvent and the solute.
appropriate equation
iii) Ionic compounds are soluble in
(b) Define solubility.
polar solvent. Eg. water
a) i) Epsom salt MgSO4.7H2O crystals
iv) covalent compounds are soluble
are gently heated. ii) It loses seven
in non-polar solvents. Eg. ether,
water molecules and becomes
anhydrous MgSO4.
B) Effect of Temperature :
Mass of the solvent (Water) = 180 g


b) The amount of solute in grams Mass percentage of solute (sugar)

dissolved in 100 g of the solvent to
form its saturated solution at a given
temperature and pressure.

4) In what way hygroscopic

substances differ from deliquescent
substances. The mass percentage of solute = 20% Hygroscopic Deliquescent 6) 3.5 litres of ethanol is present in

substance substance 15 litres of aqueous solution of
ethanol. Calculate volume percent of
1 Absorb water Absorb water ethanol solution.
until disolved
Volume of ethanol = 3.5 lit = 3500 ml
2 Absorb water Absorb water
vapour vapour more Volume of water = 15 lit = 15000 ml

3 Homectant Desiccant Formula:

4 Less affinity High affinity

for water for water

5 Don't form Form solution

The volume percentage of ethanol
solution = 18.92
5) A solution is prepared by Unit 10 Types of Chemical Reactions
dissolving 45 g of sugar in 180 g of
1) What are called thermolysis
water. Calculate the mass
percentage of solute.
Thermal decomposition reactions
Mass of the solute (sugar) = 45 g
are called ‘thermolysis’ reaction.
There are two types : (i) Compound i) An acid reacts with the base to
to element / element decomposition: form a salt and water. ii) It is called
‘neutralization reaction’
A compound is decomposed into
two elements. iii) NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) +
H2O(l) iv) Here, sodium replaces
Eg: hydrogen from hydrochloric acid
forming sodium chloride.
(ii) Compound to compound /
compound decomposition: 3) Explain the factors influencing the
rate of a reaction.
A compound is decomposed into
two compounds. A) Nature of the reactants:

i) The reaction of sodium with

hydrochloric acid is faster than that
2) Explain the types of double with acetic acid. ii) Because,
displacement reactions with Hydrochloric acid is a stronger acid
examples. than acetic acid.

(A) Precipitation Reactions: B) The concentration of the

i) aqueous solutions of two reactants:
compounds are mixed. ii) they react
i) The amount of the substance
to form an insoluble compound and
present in a certain volume of the
a soluble compound. iii)
solution is ‘concentration’. ii) More
Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2KI(aq) → PbI2(s)↓
the concentration; faster the
+ 2KNO3(aq). (iv) potassium iodide
reaction. iii) Granulated zinc reacts
and lead (II) nitrate are mixed, a
faster with 2M Hcl acid than 1M Hcl
double displacement reaction takes
place between them. v) Potassium
and lead displace or replace one C) Temperature:
other and form a yellow precipitate
i) Most of the reactions go faster at a
B) Neutralization reactions: higher temperature. ii) Because
adding heat to the reactants
provides energy to break more
bonds. iii) Calcium carbonate reacts i) Our body works within the pH
slowly with hydrochloric acid at range of 7.0 to 7.8.
room temperature.
ii) Different body fluids have
iv) When the reaction mixture is different pH values.
heated, the reaction rate increases.
iii) The ideal pH for blood is 7.4.
D) Pressure:
iv) pH of the stomach fluid is
i) If the reactants are gases, approximately 2.0. ( for digestion)
increasing their pressure increases
v) If the pH of the mouth saliva falls
the reaction rate. ii) because on
below 5.5, the enamel is damaged.
increasing the pressure the reacting
particles come closer and collide vi) Citrus fruits require slightly
frequently. alkaline soil, while rice requires
acidic soil.
E) Catalyst:
vii) sugarcane requires neutral soil.
i) A substance increases the reaction
rate without being consumed. ii) In ix) The pH of rain water is less than 7,
some reactions, adding a catalyst then it is called acid rain.
speeds up the reaction. iii) Eg. In
x) The pH of rain water is
decomposeion of potassium chlorate,
approximately 7 ( High purity )
manganese dioxide is added to
speed up the reaction rate. 5) What is chemical equilibrium?
What are its characteristics?
F) The surface area of the reactants:
It is the state of rate of forward
i) The powdered form of reactants
reaction is equally balanced by the
react more quickly. ii) Eg. powdered
rate of backward direction and the
calcium carbonate reacts more
process seems to be stopped.
quickly with Hcl acid than marble
chips. The characteristics are:

4) How does pH play an important i) The rate of the forward and

role in everyday life? backward reaction are equal.
ii) properties such as pressure, Step 1: The parent chain has 3
concentration, colour etc of the carbon atoms. The root word is
system unchanged with time. ‘Prop’.

iii) In physical equilibrium, the Step 2: There are single bonds

volume of all phases remains between the carbon atoms of the
constant. chain. So, the suffix is ‘ane’.

Unit 11 Carbon and its compounds Step 3: The compound has – OH

group, so, it is an alcohol.
1) What is called a homologous
series? Give any three of its The carbon chain is numbered from
characteristics? the end which is closest to – OH
group. (Rule 3)
i) A group or a class of organic
compounds having the same general

ii) similar chemical properties with Step 4: i) The locant number of – OH

the successive members differ by a – group is l
CH2 group. ii) So, the secondary suffix is ‘l-ol’.
Characteristics of homologous series: iii) The name of the compound is
i) All members have the same Prop + ane + (l – ol) = Propan-l-ol
elements and functional group. 3) How is ethanol manufactured
ii) All members can be prepared by from sugarcane?
a common method. i) It is prepared by the fermentation
iii) Chemical properties of the of molasses.
members are similar. ii) Molasses is a dark coloured
2) Arrive at, systematically, the syrupy liquid.
IUPAC name of the compound: CH3- iii) Molasses has about 30% of
CH2– CH2-OH. sucrose, which cannot be separated
by crystallization.
iv) It is converted into ethanol by the ii) The main fraction drawn contains
following steps: 95.5% of ethanol and 4.5% of water
(Rectified spirit).
a) Dilution of molasses :
iii) This rectified spirit is refluxed
i) It is first diluted with water to
over quicklime for about 5 to 6 hours
bring down the concentration of
and then allowed to stand for 12
sugar to about 8 to 10 percent.
b) Addition of Nitrogen source :
iv) On distillation of this mixture,
i) If the nitrogen of the molasses is pure alcohol (100%) is obtained
poor, it is supplied by the addition of ( absolute alcohol )
ammonium sulphate or ammonium
4) Give the balanced chemical
equation of the following reactions:
C) Addition of Yeast:
(i) Neutralization of NaOH with
i) Yeast is added to it. ii) The mixture ethanoic acid.
is kept at about 303K for a few days.
(ii) Evolution of carbon dioxide by
iii) invertase and zymase present in
the action of ethanoic acid with
yeast, convert sucrose into ethanol.

(iii) Oxidation of ethanol by acidified

potassium dichromate.

(iv) Combustion of ethanol.

The fermented liquid is technically Answer: i)

called wash.

D) Distillation of ‘Wash’:
i) Wash is now subjected to
fractional distillation.

vi) The non polar end is hydrophobic
(Water hating) is attracted towards
dirt or oil.
vii) The hydrophobic traps the dirt
and the hydrophilic part makes the
molecule soluble in water.
5) Explain the mechanism of

cle ansing action of soap.

Chemical structure:

i) A soap molecule has two

chemically distinct parts that
interact differently with water.
Cleansing action:
ii) It has one polar end of short head
i) Soap or detergent is dissolved in
with a carboxylate group (-COONa)
water and the molecules join
iii) one non – polar end of the long together forming ‘micelles’.
tail with the hydrocarbon chain.
ii) The dirt is thus surrounded by the
iv) The polar end is hydrophilic non-polar end.
(Water-loving) in nature and this end
iii) Polar end of the soap molecules
is attracted towards the water.
makes the micelles soluble in water
v) The polar end of hydrophilic and dirt is removed.
(Water-loving) is attracted towards
PREPARED BY – G.Ragupathi BT (Sc)
the water.
PACM H S S. Rajapalayam

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