Ople Aljun Peta #1 - R&W

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Name/s: Ople Aljun

Grade/Strand/Section: 11 TVL-HE TECSON

by Kristian Sendon Cordero



1. Check it Out: 1. Mark the Good Stuff: 1. What Did I Think:

* Just gave the poem a quick * Underlined or highlighted * Took a moment to think about
glance to see what it's all about. lines that caught my eye. what I felt about the poem.

* Checked out the title, * Jotted down some quick * Wrote down some personal
headings, and stuff to get a feel thoughts or questions in the thoughts or feelings about the
for it. margins. themes.

* Read a bit at the beginning and * Noticed any themes or * Considered if the poem
end to catch the main vibe. repeated stuff as I went along. matched up with what I knew or
thought it would be about.

2. What I Know: 2. Picture This: 2. Chatted it Up:

* Took a sec to think about what * Tried to imagine the scenes * Had a chat with some folks
I know about volcanoes, the poet was describing. about the poem—friends,
especially Mayon. classmates, whoever.
* Created some mental images
* Wondered if I know anything of Mayon and everything else * Shared what I thought about
about the poet, Kristian Sendon mentioned. the poem and heard what others
Cordero. thought.
* Visualized the characters or
* Tried to connect the title things happening in the poem. * Tried to get different
"Mayon" to anything I already perspectives to see what I might
know about that volcano. have missed.

3. Why Am I Reading This: 3. Check-in on 3. Dig a Bit Deeper:

* Thought about why I'm * Looked up more stuff about
reading this poem—just for fun, * Every now and then, made Mayon volcano and its stories.
or is there a deeper reason? sure I was getting what was
going on. * Checked out other poems or
* Came up with some questions I writings by Kristian Sendon
hope to get answers to as I read. * Looked up words or phrases I Cordero.
didn't get, either in a dictionary
* Set some expectations based or from the context. * Searched for some analyses or
on the title and my first interpretations of the poem to
impressions. * Summarized things in my own get a bit more insight.
words to make sure I was
keeping up.

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