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Essay Civil Disobedience

Crafting an essay on the subject of civil disobedience can prove to be a formidable task. The topic is
rich with historical significance, philosophical depth, and contemporary relevance, making it both
fascinating and challenging to navigate.

Firstly, delving into the concept itself requires a thorough understanding of its origins, evolution, and
various interpretations across different contexts and cultures. From Thoreau's seminal work to
Gandhi's application in the struggle for Indian independence, civil disobedience encompasses a
spectrum of theories and practices that demand careful analysis and reflection.

Moreover, the essay must grapple with the ethical dimensions of civil disobedience, considering
questions of justice, legitimacy, and the balance between individual rights and societal obligations.
This involves engaging with complex moral frameworks and addressing potential criticisms, such as
concerns about the rule of law or the potential for violence and chaos.

Additionally, exploring contemporary examples of civil disobedience presents its own set of
challenges. From environmental activism to movements for racial justice, navigating the complexities
of modern protest movements requires sensitivity to current events, cultural dynamics, and the
diverse motivations driving dissent.

Furthermore, crafting a coherent argument requires synthesizing a vast array of sources, from
philosophical treatises to journalistic accounts and personal testimonies. Analyzing these sources
critically and integrating them into a cohesive narrative demands both intellectual rigor and creative

In conclusion, writing an essay on civil disobedience is a demanding endeavor that requires grappling
with historical complexities, ethical dilemmas, and contemporary realities. However, by engaging
thoughtfully with the subject matter and drawing on a diverse range of perspectives, it is possible to
shed light on this crucial aspect of political and moral philosophy.

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Essay Civil Disobedience Essay Civil Disobedience
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to the rainforests in central and West Africa and are also located in the sub Saharan
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nutrients. They begin the extracellular digestion process when the food enters through
the mouth. They break it down mechanically with their teeth. It then travels down their
esophagus, into their stomachs, and then makes its way down to their intestines. Elephant
intestines can reach up to 19 meters (64 feet). The waste is then emptied when the
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The male s sperm is released into the egg and then conception occurs. It is internal
fertilization. The males are ready to mate around the age of 40 or 50, and the females are
prepared for breeding at about 14 years. They are usually pregnant for 2 years and then a
calf is born ( Elephant ).
Elephants have endoskeletons that provide structural support. Another part of their
skeletal system includes joints that are held together by ligaments which help land
mammals to move comfortably. Their muscles also control movement. The tendons
connect their muscles to their bones. All together, these structures control how the
elephant is able to stand, walk, bend, and other such movements.
An elephant has a strong sense of smell and hearing. The trunks of elephants are
extremely sensitive to the touch. They have many nerve endings that send information to
the brain. These same nerve endings are located in the bottom of the elephants feet.
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fight, they have stable tusks to help them protect themselves and thick outer skin
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animals, by locking them up in cages and taking them to zoos. Is this right? No! Why?
One reason why is because they will suffer from loneliness. A second reason why is
because they will die. A third reason why animals should not be kept in zoos is
because they will not know how to survive in the wild once they are let free. I object to
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loneliness. Humans hate loneliness and animals hate it too. The first reason why
animals should not be kept in zoos is because they will suffer from loneliness. For
example, the animal will miss its family in which it was separated from. Another
example is that it will not have friends that will accompany it. The final example is
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teach it. Would you be happy if you were in a cage by yourself lonely. I wouldn t be. It is
the same for the animals.... Show more content on ...
How do they die? Well, we have the humans and cages to blame. The first reason that
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from boredom and stress from being in cages. Another reason that explains how
animals die when they are brought into zoos is some people harm it by beating it when
it doesn t follow the rules. The second reason that explains how animals will die when
they are brought into zoos is that they die from loneliness. Remember dying is serious.
Humans don t like it. Animals don t like
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distributing their influence throughout history. Three ways civilizations differentiated
their influences are through conquest, trade and the contributions of those civilizations.
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religious, the age, whereabouts and culture of a civilizationscientific discoveries
/developments and customs have shaped and make up the foundations of today s modern
world. For instance the Roman Empireutterly destroyed the city of Carthage in North
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ever grow there again. Similar bloodshed and destruction accompanied... Show more
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throughout civilizations. A great deal of Chinese technology and artistic conventions
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furnaces, and medical techniques flowed westward. Muslim astronomers brought their
skills and knowledge to China because Mongol authorities wanted second opinions on the
reading of heavenly signs and portents and assistance in constructing accurate calendars,
so necessary for ritual purposes. (Strayer, Robert W 545) The rise and impact of the
Mongol resulted from trade routes between the contemporary great civilizations emerged
as a result of widespread military conquests; desire for luxury trade items, knowledge, and
technology; unified rule; and female participation in trade concerns. In addition to the
profligate items, the Mongols desired to advance their knowledge in the areas of
medication, food production, religion, astronomy, workmanship, and equipment. As such,
documents and books on medicine and agriculture were transported to and from the
Middle East and China. As these exchanges became more frequent the legacy of unified
Mongolian rule through soldierly conquests and desire for new goods, prosperity, and
scientific developments ultimately reduced cultural segregation Thereby, world history

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