Practicing Essay Writing

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Practicing Essay Writing

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Practicing Essay Writing" may initially seem paradoxical – akin
to a tightrope walk for a trapeze artist. The irony is palpable; you're tasked with communicating
proficiency in an art form while navigating the nuances of self-reflection on your own writing
abilities. It's akin to attempting to describe the act of swimming while still submerged in the water.

Firstly, there's the challenge of striking a balance between humility and confidence. One must
acknowledge their areas of improvement without coming across as self-deprecating, while
simultaneously showcasing their strengths without seeming boastful. The delicate dance of self-
awareness and self-promotion becomes a key aspect of this essay.

Then comes the scrutiny of your writing process. Describing the ebb and flow of thoughts, the
evolution of ideas, and the struggle to find the perfect words can be an intricate task. Do you delve
into the meticulous planning, the spontaneous bursts of inspiration, or the inevitable bouts of writer's
block? Each revelation is a tightrope walk between relatability and uniqueness.

Furthermore, dissecting your own style and voice requires an understanding of the elusive concept of
individuality in writing. How do you capture the essence of your unique approach without
succumbing to clichés or overused expressions? It's like trying to define the flavor of water –
ubiquitous yet subtly distinct.

Despite these challenges, there's an opportunity for growth embedded in this task. The process of
evaluating and articulating your writing journey can be enlightening, offering a chance for
introspection and self-discovery. However, this introspection is a double-edged sword, demanding a
delicate balance between acknowledging imperfections and celebrating progress.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Practicing Essay Writing" is akin to navigating a
literary maze. It involves threading the needle between self-awareness and self-promotion,
unraveling the intricacies of one's writing process, and capturing the elusive essence of personal style.
It's a journey that invites both challenge and introspection, a paradoxical exploration of the art and
science of essay composition.

If crafting such essays seems like a daunting task, fear not. Assistance is available at , where you can find a variety of essays and more to cater to your academic needs.
Practicing Essay WritingPracticing Essay Writing
Trend Micro Case Analysis
In the last past years, Trend Micro experienced a huge economic growth, especially in
Mexico s region. But, before 2012 there was an impacting declination in growth, in
2012 it was expected a growth of 41,4% in 2014. As can be seen in the fishbone
diagram, one of the reasons was because the companies they bought didn t have the
economic effect they expected, and their products were not efficient for Trend Micro.
Moreover, solutions were obsolete and were only able to solve old problems rather
than new ones. This problem can also be applied on employees as they resisted to the
changes, which were a must for the company, and were only prepared to solve old
problems rather than new ones. Not only they were obligated changethe organization and
... Show more content on ...
According to the SWOT analysis, the organization took advantage that security started
to be a relevant topic for the client. Therefore, this was a inmense issue to solve for
Trend Micro because as mentioned before, the technology world changes every day
and employees must be able to adapt to this changes in order to succeed and for the
company to grow. Furthermore, although financially they were fine, there was no
growth of the expected on a technological company, competitors easily reach them
Also, clients didn t consider Trend Micro, neither old ones considered them anymore
and stop buying them. What is more, there were issues with moral values, people
started to quit because they didn t see a potential growth. If some competitors were in
decline, as can be seen in the SWOT analysis, there were new small competitors that
found a niche in the market with solutions that Trend Micro did not provide and started
taking over their sells as started producing better products. However, some competitors
such as McAfee was confused and was a decline, and this was a tremendous opportunity
Examples of Book Review
Example of Book Review
The Ka, a novel

An example of book review writing can be found listed with most books sold on the Net
and on the writer s Web sites.

A good sample book review would pertain to writing your personal feelings about a book
that you ve read.
Writing a book review is not to be confused with writing a summary of a book. Writing a
summary is a totally different matter and that will be covered eventually in my Articles
In my opinion, no real format exists for writing book reviews. Writing help may not be
needed. An example of book review variations is shown below.
Some rules do apply, however, and you will see that they are loose and easy to apply.
On this page, you will find reviews pertaining to my ... Show more content on ...
~~ Joseph J. Ursprung, Phoenix, AZ
This was his entire review:
The Ka is a book for all tastes. This skillfully craft novel contains history, science,
mysticism, mystery, intrigue, humor and romance in a neat package that is not just
entertaining but challenges your mind and imagination.
Mary Deal has created word images so vivid it is almost like watching a movie. She
takes you for a romp through ancient Egyptian history as an archaeological team finds
and opens a tomb in Valley of the Queens.
An archaeological student has the mystical ability to communicate with the ancient
Egyptians, and this keeps the story moving at a breathtaking pace.
The Ka is a delight to read. One can only hope that from a writer of this talent, there will
be many more books to come.
~~ Joseph J. Ursprung, Phoenix, Arizona

Fortunately, lots of people write much more, as you can see in this example of book
review data that I ve put together. Doing so gives the author a more detailed sense of
how their book is be accepted.
A lengthy review good or bad can help an author improve their writing.
Hopefully, if it s a review that leans toward something negative, it comes as a pre review,
before the book goes to publication. Then things can be corrected or changed.


What follows is an example of book review completeness left on the Barnes Noble Web
Not only does
The Fifties Essay
The Fifties

The 1950s are characterized as a decade marked by the Cold War and social
conformity. It is hard to generalize the lives of millions of Americans, but the values
of Americans in the fifties were shaped by two major events: the Great Depression and
World War II. After a period of war and poverty conforming to a suburban way of life
was a dream come true for Americans. The 1950s almost inevitably invoke an image of
the so called traditional nuclear family portrayed in famous TV shows like Happy Days.
In this golden age of the family, happily married men and women lived in suburban
homes raising families. Women gleefully fulfilled their roles as mothers and wives while
men contently worked to provide for their ... Show more content on ...
Families were now expected to be the center of an individual s world. Both husband and
wife were expected to be much more in tune with each other and their children. The
emphasis on the family as the source of all satisfaction in life made the 1950s nuclear
family a new invention in America s history.
In the fifties people were aware that the nuclear definition of the family was new. After
the hardships of the Great Depression and World War II, Americans were eager to
embrace a new type of family life. During these difficult times, families were forced
more than ever to rely on extended kin. Extended families had always been prevalent in
America. These frugal times understandably led to tension between extended families
living together under the same roof. In Postwar America, therefore, the nuclear family
was hailed as modern. Returning war veterans were encouraged to marry. Society now
advocated women to leave their war time factory jobs for domesticity. The government
subsidized housing to make up for the housing crunch caused by the disruptions of the
depression and war. Families could get homes with modern appliances, individual
bedrooms, garages, and lawns for as little a $6,000. The suburban boom was born.
People married at a younger age as prosperity and government aid allowed them to
establish themselves more easily. American Postwar prosperity was expressed through the
Mobile Phones And Cell Phones
When looking at technology in families, parents are often not the focus of research and
most studies examine the children. However, with parents being part of a child s
microsystem which directly effects their environment it seems crucial to also look how
parents use technology. Technology use in parents could potentially have the ability to
shape their child s use of technologyand how they view technology.
In the introduction it was mentioned about how the percentage of adults ages 18 29 had
a high percentage of cell phone use and smartphone ownership. However, when looking
at age groups who own a smart phone ownership goes down with age. The same trend
applies when just looking at cell phone ownership without smartphone capabilities. This
means that the younger a parent is, the more likely it will be that they own a cell phone
or a smart phone (Anderson, 2015). In this modern day and age cell phones are easy to
carry and can be very cheap to buy. Cellphones are an easy and efficient way for parents
to keep in touch with their children. A study conducted in 2009 looked at parents and
their children. The study questioned how parents use technology and children s
truthfulness in talking to their parents on the phone. It was discovered in this study that
parents used their technology as a way to parent by giving reminders, increase their own
personal knowledge about their child s whereabouts, and to control behaviors by telling
them to return home (Weisskirch, 2009).
Institutional Changes From The Lisbon Treaty
In order to look at whether the institutional changes from the Lisbon Treaty have been
able to reduce the democratic pressure and if after these changes does the European
Union still lack democratic accountability. We shall look at all the main insinuations and
discuss the changes that were brought in and how these may have or haven t contributed
to make the union free form its democratic pressure.
The Lisbon Treaty was signed by the member states on the 13 of December 2007, it
amended the existing European Union (EU) and the treaties the ratification process
turned out to be longer than anticipated. The Lisbon Treaty came in to force officially on
1 of December 2009. The treaty was aimed to make Europe democratic and transparent
they ... Show more content on ...
They exercise the powers of initiative, being able to act independently from the
government. So that they can get a better understanding of the objectives of the
community this helps them preserve any individual interests member states may have.
Article 17 of The Treaty European Union (TEU) provides all of the duties of the
Commission. The European Council can only appoint commissioners once the European
Parliament has given consent. The Lisbon Treaty was to introduce a smaller commission
however this was not phased out as Ireland opposed.
The Commission President can only be nominated by a qualified majority vote from the
Europe an Parliament and they can only then be elected by them by a Majority, if the
required majority of votes is not met then the European Council are able to within a
month time propose another candidate. Once commissioners are appointed they cannot
be dismissed during their term in the office by the governments, they must remain in the
office unless they have been replaced or compulsory retired . In cases as such the
European Parliament has enough power to pass a motion to remove the commission. In
1999, when allegations of mismanagement and waste the Parliament had failed to
provide any motion and in this event the whole commission and the President had to
resign. The commission is able to propose legislation and policy proposals; they are
required to publish all proposals, which establishes transparency

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