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Winning Ad

Swipe File
Winning Ads

Downloadable PDF
What the ad was for?

These ads were for a free, downloadable 80-page PDF titled

“The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Launch A Successful And

Profitable Membership Site.” This guide shows the exact steps

to take to build a successful membership business around what

you already know, love, and do! Over the years, this guide has

been consistently used as a lead generator for Stu McLaren’s

signature membership building course, The Membership

Experience™ (formerly TRIBE).


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3 Winning Ads Swipe File

Top Performing Headlines
These are our top performing Facebook ad headlines for “The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To
Launch A Successful And Profitable Membership Site” guide.

{Download} Launch A Successful Membership

{DOWNLOAD} Launch A Successful & Profitable Membership

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Membership Guide

[INSTANT ACCESS} Free Guide Reveals How To Launch A Membership

[FREE GUIDE] How To Run A Successful Membership

Claim Your FREE Membership Guide HERE

[FREE GUIDE] Learn The Exact Steps To Build A

Successful Membership Business

[FREE DOWNLOAD] The Ultimate Guide To Starting A Membership

[FREE GUIDE] Build a successful membership business around what you

already, know, love, and do!

[FREE GUIDE] Sell Once, Worry Less: How To Build A Successful Membership

4 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Ad Copy
We tested a bunch of different ad copy variations for Stu McLaren’s membership guide. These are
the winners!


Hello there,

Are you thinking of a starting membership, but don’t know how?

First of all…

You’re AWESOME for even considering the membership route.

Not only is it the smart decision, but you should know that savvy business owners are turning to this
model to create more stability and predictability… even during these difficult times.

But if you’re unclear on:

Which membership format to choose...

Whether you need a course or a membership (Pssst…super successful entrepreneurs often have both,
they go together like peanut butter and chocolate)...

How to start a membership site without an audience...

And how to design a membership business around the lifestyle you want...

Then, you need the FREE guide below to help you Launch A Successful Membership Site.

Whether you own a brick-and-mortar store or want to share and sell your knowledge with the world,
moving your business online is easier than you think.

“But will a membership work for my market?”

Heck yeah it will!

I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of entrepreneurs turn what they already know, love, and do into wildly
successful membership businesses…in virtually any area you can think of.

And you know how they got started?

By reading this guide.

Yep, that’s it. THIS is your Step #1.

So, follow the steps outlined to enjoy the freedom an online membership business can bring.

Claim your guide HERE >>

5 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: Testimonial & Quick Summary

This guide is OUTSTANDING. I have a weird feeling that, for some reason, not enough people

know about it or read it!!! - JT Nelms

Download our FREE guide and discover how to…

Pick the perfect market for your membership

Establish yourself as the “go-to” expert

Attract a TON of paying members

And create content your people will LOVE!

Download the FREE guide now!

Notable Mention: The Proof

Join over 20,000 entrepreneurs who know that the membership model is the key to success.

Join them in learning how to:

Pick the perfect market for your membership

Establish yourself as the “go-to” expert

Attract a TON of paying members

And create content your people will LOVE!

Discover the exact steps to take to build a successful membership business around what you already,

know, love, and do!

Download the FREE guide now!

6 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: Bullet Points

Want to launch a membership site?

But confused on where to start?

Download this guide today and discover how to…

Pick the perfect market for your membership

Establish yourself as the “go-to” expert

Attract a TON of paying members

And create content your people will LOVE!

If you’re ready to build a successful membership grab it. ⇒

Notable Mention: The Success Story

Patty started with a super simple idea.

A blog to showcase her students’ art to their parents.

She didn’t really have a plan beyond that.

But then questions from her teacher audience started rolling in.

What started out as a blog for parents became the go-to resource for art teachers.

That’s when an idea struck...

“What if I create a membership providing art lessons each month for other teachers?”

That idea took off, and in the first six months, Patty welcomed over 2,400 members!

Learn the right way to start, launch, and grow a membership site.

Download the FREE guide.

Notable Mention: Short But Sweet

Thinking about creating and scaling that online membership site you've been dreaming of? Then this is

the guide for you!!

7 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: Addressing Objections

Want to launch a membership site but the thought of it seems complicated or overwhelming?

Maybe you tried it before and didn't get the results you wanted?

We’ve got you covered, my friend!

Download our free guide and discover how to…

Pick the perfect market for your membership

Establish yourself as the “go-to” expert

Attract a TON of paying members

And create content your people will LOVE!

If you’re ready to build a successful membership grab it now.

Notable Mention: Real-World Examples

Are you considering building and growing a profitable membership site?

Perhaps you're thinking to yourself... "Well, maybe, but there is no way a membership would work for

MY market."

Trust me, I hear this A LOT, and it's always a good thing.

We've seen profitable memberships in every possible market. From photography and calligraphy to dog

training, fitness, music, health, meal plans, teacher plans, non-profit, personal development, business

development, and so many more!

You're about to discover how to:

• Find the perfect market for your membership

• Establish yourself as the “go-to” expert

• Attract an awesome group of followers

• Step off the content creation treadmill

• Choose the best pricing model (so you make more money)

Grab it now

8 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Creative
When it comes to advertising for the downloadable membership guide, we included static images,
dynamic animations, and videos as ad creative.

Top 3 image Ads

The best of the rest

9 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

10 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.
Top 3 Video and Animations Ads

Watch Scrolling Guide Ad Flip Through Animation Ad Watch Guide Ad

The best of the rest

Watch Guide Tabs Ad Watch Gift Wrap Ad

11 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.


Since 2017, The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Launch A

Successful And Profitable Membership Site has generated more

than 95,000 leads. Incredible!

By consistently refreshing the ad creative and copy, we have

been able to keep the guide fresh and relevant. Depending on

the season in our business, Cost Per Lead has ranged from $2

per lead to around $9 per lead in more recent years.

Key Takeaways

Clear and concise messaging and creative can go a long way

in attracting leads

Dynamic ads -- GIFs, short animations, and videos -- tended

to out-perform static images. The flip through animation ad

was tremendously successful

Including customer success stories and real testimonials in ad

copy and creative piqued interest and drove downloads

Regularly refreshing ad copy and creative can extend the life

of a list builder.

12 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Winning Ads

Workshops & Webinars
What the ad was for?

These ads are for two different things

The Membership Workshop with Stu McLare

The Membership Masterclass with Stu McLaren

The Membership Workshop is Stu McLaren’s signature, free 3-

part LIVE workshop titled, “Turn What You Already Know, Love,

And Do Into A Profitable Membership Business.” During the live

workshop he shares the exact steps to start -- and build -- a

profitable membership business around your knowledge and


The Membership Masterclass: 3 Secrets To Turn What You

Already Know, Love, And Do Into Recurring Revenue is a live

webinar following The Membership Workshop.

During Stu’s live masterclass, attendees learn the EXACT same

strategy he used to help thousands of people build thriving, low-

stress, online memberships around what they already know,

love, and do. Stu touches on key components of each part of The

Membership Workshop and brings it all together so that you can

get clear on your next steps in your membership journey.

14 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Headlines

Quit Dreaming. Start Doing.

A Proven Path To Membership SucCess

Hey Siri… How Do I Start A Membership?

Insert Cool Membership Headline Here

Where’s Your Next Sale Coming From?

1X Sales Are A Gamble… Do This Instead

The Can’t-Miss FREE Membership WORKSHOP

FREE Live Membership Masterclass


FREE CLASS: 3 Secrets To Building A Thriving Online Membership

15 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Ad Copy
Hello there!

Looking for more stability in your business?

Then I’ve got some good news for you!

I’m hosting a FREE LIVE online training to teach you my proven strategy for launching (or growing) a
successful online membership business...

One that can safeguard your business from the ups-and-downs... especially during times of uncertainty.

One that lands stable, predictable money in your bank account every single month… no matter what is
happening in the market.

What I’m sharing is normally reserved exclusively for my private clients… but for a FEW days only, I’m
sharing this blueprint with you for FREE.

Claim your spot now!

Register here: membershipworkshop.com𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙘𝙤𝙢

Notable Mention: Example Overload

Still dreaming of starting your own business? Join me for this FREE live training and I’ll have you kicking
your dreams of low-stress, recurring revenue membership into high gear.

If you’re ready to turn what you already know, love, and do into recurring revenue NOW, then click
below to save your seat and join me live on May 5 at 8pm ET!

I’m sharing my exact blueprint which shows how to build a reliable, scalable membership business --
with TONS of examples in markets like...








dog training⠀


and so many more!

Save your seat at

16 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: Authority & Credibility

I’m Stu McLaren. For the last 10 years, I’ve been working intimately with tens of thousands of

membership owners in virtually every market you can think of.

From photography and calligraphy to dog training, fitness, music, health, meal plans, teacher plans, non-

profit, personal development, business coaching, and so many more!

I’m hosting a FREE LIVE WORKSHOP, where I’ll be sharing my proven strategy for helping passion-

driven people (like you) turn what you already know, love, and do into a successful online


During this LIVE Masterclass, you’ll learn how to:⠀

Launch a low-stress, stable, and predictable online membership ⠀

Discover the step-by-step plan for how to pivot and grow an online business⠀

Create financial stability and freedom in your life⠀

No matter what is happening in the world⠀

Available for a limited time, so go now!

Notable Mention: Short & Inspirational

There’s no better time to start and grow a membership than right now!

No matter if you are in a…

product-based business

service-based business

knowledge-based business

or community-based business

You can do it !

I'm going to show you so many examples of people who are doing it, too.

Available for a limited time, so go now! >>

Notable Mention: K eep It Tg

i ht

Ready to stop spinning your wheels and instead start building a membership around your knowledge,

know-how, and expertise?

Get started today!

17 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: The Question

← What do these things have in common?

They’re ALL markets where I’ve seen people build HUGELY successful memberships.

From photography, calligraphy, fitness, finance, music, art, health, dog training, balloon animals, even

juggling — you name it!

So I can bet that a membership will probably work in your market, too.

Find out how you can turn what you already know, love, and do into a membership!

Join me for my FREE workshop on April 21st!

Register here: MEMBERSHIPworkshop.com𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥 .𝙘𝙤𝙢

Notable Mention: Urg cy & Sc rc y I

en a it n Motion

I’m hosting a FREE LIVE online training to teach you my proven strategy for launching (or growing) a

successful online membership business...

One that can safeguard your business from the ups-and-downs... especially during times of uncertainty.

What I’m sharing is normally reserved exclusively for my private clients… but for a FEW days only, I’m

sharing everything with you for FREE.

This training always fills up fast -- so claim your spot now!

Register here: "

Notable Mention: Y
ou C an D I!
o t

Waiting for your next BIG idea to fall from the trees?

Probably not gonna happen.

But when join my FREE workshop, I can almost guarantee some light bulbs will go off.

It’s where I’ll show you how…

BIG companies have turned to the recurring revenue model.

People in every market you can think of are creating successful memberships.

And how you can do it, too!

Save your seat because, trust me, you’re not gonna want to miss this!

Go to >>

18 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: To The Point

I’m hosting a FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS where you’ll learn how to:

Launch a stable online membership

Grow an online business

Create freedom in your life

Available for a limited time!


Can you crack this secret code for what I'm teaching in my FREE membership masterclass:

Any guesses?

I’ll wait.

Take a minute to crack the code.

Alright… time’s up!

It's my step-by-step Membership Blueprint.

And it outlines EVERYTHING you need to build a scalable and profitable online membership business

(even if you’re starting from scratch)…

Get it now?

I only do this free training 1x per year.

(And what I’m sharing is normally reserved exclusively for private clients.)

So you won't want to miss it!

Join LIVE on April 24 at 8 pm ET.

Save your seat:

19 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: The Invitation

If you could start a low stress, successful online membership (using what you already know, love, and

do) right now... would you? ⠀

Join me for this live class and I’ll show you the proven step-by-step plan that outlines EVERYTHING you

need to transform your business (even a brick-and-mortar store) into a predictable, thriving online


Click below to save your seat and join me live on May 3, 8pm ET!⠀

I’m sharing my *exact* blueprint outlining EVERYTHING you need to build a reliable, scalable

membership business -- with TONS of examples in markets like...⠀








dog training⠀


and so many more!⠀

Save your seat at

20 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Creative
Top 3 image Ads

The best of the rest

21 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

22 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.
Top 3 Video and Animations

Watch Workshop Ad Bright Animation Ad Watch Ad With Stu

The best of the rest

Watch Masterclass Ad Watch Bristol Board Ad

23 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.


By warming up the audience with the membership guide, our

audience was primed to join us for The Membership Workshop

and The Membership Masterclass. In 2021, we generated nearly

20,000 leads to The Membership Workshop & Masterclass with a

Cost Per Lead of about $1.76! And over the past two years,

we’ve generated nearly 90,000 leads to these two live events


Key Takeaways

Stay in tune to what’s happening on the platforms. For

example, “Dude With Sign” was gaining popularity when we

created a similar photo with Stu, including our date for The

Membership Workshop. It was familiar and funny—and the ad

took off!

Mix it up! Include a variety of copy and creative such as

images, animations, and videos. The more the merrier.

Tweak your messaging to align with what’s happening in the

world and in your market. Don’t be tone deaf

Keep it light. Keep it tight. And have fun!

24 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Winning Ads

Signature Digital Course
What the ad was for?

The next set of ads was to mark the open cart period for Stu

McLaren’s signature online course, The Membership

Experience™ (TME, formerly The TRIBE Experience™), and

encourage people to sign up. TME is a six-module training

program that gives you the clarity, confidence, and actionable

tools and resources to launch, grow, and scale a high 6, 7, and

even 8-figure membership site... even if you’re starting from


26 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Headlines

The Membership Experience Doors Are Now OPEN

This Is YOUR Membership Year

Your Idea + Any Market = Membership Success

Grow Your Membership Business. Change An Industry.

Early Bird Bonus Expires Soon

Don’t miss out! Early bonus flies away TONIGHT

There’s Still Time To Join Us! Don’t miss out!

DON’T Let This Slip Away!

There’s Still Time To Join Us!

The Membership Experience - LAST CALL

27 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Ad Copy
Hot diggity dog!!

ENROLLMENT to the once-a-year Membership Experience 2022 (formerly TRIBE) is NOW OPEN…

(But only for a few days ⁢ )

You can join us and get a proven, step-by-step plan to turn what you already know, love, and do into a
steady, reliable membership business and take your concept from idea to reality!⁣

My team and I are committed to helping you get results.

So join us today!


Notable Mention: We’re Waiting For YOU

For the FIRST time in a year, the doors to The Membership Experience (formerly TRIBE) are open!

I'm so pumped to welcome the class of 2022.

And I’ve NEVER been more passionate about memberships than I am right now…

Because I’ve seen firsthand how membership can help people get through the toughest of times… when
things are crazy and uncertain.

We’re waiting for YOU with open arms!

We only roll out the course 1X a year and NOW is the time! Registration is open until April 28.

Get in before it’s too late!

28 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: A Better Future

Look, you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going!

And when you join us…

You’ll see there’s an AWESOME tight-knit community of big-hearted entrepreneurs dedicated to helping

others (like you) take what you already know, love, and do and create a thriving business…

One that gives you the freedom you want and the life you love!⁣

These strategies took me years of trial and error to learn, and I'm pumped to pass that knowledge on to


This is YOUR year! Click that link to snag your seat and let’s do this .

Notable Mention: This Is About YOU

Enrollment is NOW OPEN…

If you’re looking to turn what you already know, love, and do into a successful online membership

business… then you’re in the right place.

This is your year.

Now’s the time to…

Turn your membership dreams into reality.

Create more stability and predictability in your business.

Add more freedom and space to your life.

The doors are officially open!

I’m SO excited to give you the tools, resources, and unstoppable momentum to create, launch, and grow

a membership.

Sign up today and save your spot >>

29 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: The Quick Invite

Enrollment is NOW OPEN…

If you’re looking to turn what you already know, love, and do into a successful online membership

business… then you’re in the right place.

This is your year.


Notable Mention: The Choice

Are you ready to create a business that gives you the freedom you want and the recurring revenue you

need to create the life you love?

The way I see it, without The Membership Experience you have two choices...

#1 - You can stay stuck on the revenue roller coaster.

#2 - Struggle for years trading -- wasting time, money, and your sanity in the process.


You can join us in TME and get a proven, step-by-step plan to turn what you already know, love, and do

into steady, reliable recurring revenue and take your membership from idea to reality!

They did it. So can you!

Remember, we only open the doors 1x a year and you’ll never see it at this price again. So, pop on

over to the link and get ready to launch your membership

30 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Notable Mention: Limited Time Offer

There are just hours left to join The Membership Experience!

And then...

We're closing the doors until...


Yeah. Twenty twenty-three.

NOW is the time to create stability in your business and a membership is the perfect way to do it.

See you there! >>>>

Notable Mention: Real Quick, Your Early Bird Bonus

Don’t miss out! Early bonus flies away TONIGHT!

Notable Mention: Early Bird Urgency

The Membership Experience is Open! Are you gonna be an Early Bird?

This is hands-down the FASTEST way to launch a brand new membership.⁣

Early bird bonus ends tonight at 11:59 PM PT.

See you on the inside!⁣


31 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Creative
Top 3 images

The best of the rest

32 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

33 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.
Video and Animations

Watch The Doors Are

Open Ad

34 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.


Since The Membership Experience™ (TME, formerly The TRIBE

Experience™) launched in 2016, we’ve served more than 12,000+

customers, showing them exactly how to build profitable

memberships around their knowledge and expertise... even from

scratch. Paid ads are only one part of our marketing strategy—

which primarily includes organic, search, paid, and affiliate

marketing. In 2022, we generated more than 400 sales at a Cost

Per Purchase of approximately $26. That’s massive ROI for a

$1,997 product!

Key Takeaways

Stop the scroll by keeping it fun! One of our core values is

FUN—and you’ll see that through our creative. Just have a

look at the “Early Bird Ads.”

Want to know our secret marketing strategy... selling through

stories! Seriously, they’re your most powerful marketing

asset. The more you tell, the more people trust you, your

product, and your offer

Drive demand with real urgency. In this case, the course

started on a specific date—and the Early Bird Bonus was only

available for a limited time.

35 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.


Abandoned Cart Ads
What the ad was for?

These were abandon cart ads. This type of ad is triggered

automatically when a potential customer leaves—or abandons—

their shopping cart with an item in it. Then can be super effective

and generate significant ROI.

Key Takeaways

Use abandon cart ads sparingly—target only those people

that expressed interested in actually buying your product or


Keep it light and fun! Remember... you don’t need a lot of

production value to create a highly success ad! One of our

top performing ads EVER was a video of Stu poppin’ a


37 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Headlines
YIKES!!! You’re gonna miss out!

The Time is NOW. Join us! [100% risk-free guarantee]

No One Left Behind! Join us. You Belong here.

Top Performing Ad Copy

DARN — you were just a click away!

Come on back and make this the year to take action on those big membership dreams.

Make a massive impact. And make the MOST important commitment… the one to YOURSELF.

The time to register is now we only do this once a year.

Click ‘Sign Up’, and turn what you already know, love, and do into the business of your dreams

Notable Mention: Do You Need Some Help?

Hey, Stu here, I noticed you were ready to start your membership journey but didn’t finish your
registration. I wanted to check in and make sure all your questions were answered.

Reach out if you need a hand.

I’m committed to doing everything I can to help you make massive progress -- and I’d hate for you to
miss out on this.

Come on back and make this the year to take action on your big dreams!

Notable Mention: Aww Shucks

I heard you didn't complete your purchase?

38 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

Top Performing Creative

Video and Animations

Party Pooper Ad Sad You’re Not Here Ad Last Chance Ad

39 Winning Ads Swipe File © North Results Inc.

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