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Persuasive Essay Maker

Crafting a persuasive essay on the subject of a "Persuasive Essay Maker" presents a unique set of
challenges. First and foremost, there's the irony of advocating for a tool designed to facilitate
persuasive writing while trying to persuade the audience of its efficacy. It demands a delicate balance
between highlighting the benefits and acknowledging potential criticisms or limitations.

Additionally, delving into the mechanics of a persuasive essay maker involves dissecting its features,
functionality, and impact on the writing process. This requires a comprehensive understanding of
persuasive writing techniques, as well as the ability to analyze how such a tool may either enhance or
hinder the development of compelling arguments.

The challenge lies in maintaining objectivity while inherently promoting the effectiveness of the essay
maker. Striking the right tone to convince the reader without sounding overly biased or promotional
is a tightrope walk. It necessitates a keen awareness of the potential counterarguments and
addressing them with nuance.

Furthermore, the task involves exploring the broader implications of relying on automated tools for
persuasive writing. This might include considerations about creativity, authenticity, and the potential
homogenization of persuasive arguments when using such technology. Balancing the advantages and
drawbacks requires careful research and critical thinking.

In conclusion, composing a persuasive essay on the topic of a "Persuasive Essay Maker" demands a
nuanced approach, encompassing both advocacy and critique. Successfully navigating these
challenges requires a deep understanding of persuasive writing principles, analytical skills, and the
ability to present a well-rounded perspective.

If you find yourself grappling with such a task or similar assignments, consider seeking assistance.
Platforms like offer a range of services, including essay writing help, to make the
process more manageable. Professionals can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific
needs, ensuring that your essays are not only well-crafted but also effectively persuasive.
Persuasive Essay MakerPersuasive Essay Maker
Example Of Computer Assisted Assessment
Computer Assisted assessment (CAA) is a common term for the use of computers in the
assessment of student learning. Various other forms exist, such as Computer Aided
Assessment, computerized assessment, Computer Based assessment (CBA) and
computer based testing. Online Computer Based Assessment has existed for a long time
in the form of Multiple ChoiceQuestions (MCQ s). Computer Based Assessment is
commonly directly made via a computer, whereas Computer Assisted Assessment is used
to manage or support the assessment process. Examples are the optical mark reader used
to score MCQs and database programs used to record student marks. Computer Assisted
Assessment is typically formative, in that it helps students to discover whether they have
learned what the educator intended and provide timely feedback on how best to teach a
subject. Increasingly, it can be summative, with limited feedback typically being given...
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by testing for pre knowledge. Assessment techniques are usually either norm
referenced or criterion referenced. Norm referenced assesses an individual s
performance in relation to the norms established by a peer group. Criterion referenced
occurs when a student is assessed on his or her ability to meet a required level of skill
or competence. Computer Assisted Assessment is usually criterion referenced. Well
written computer assisted testing is more likely to be objective testing: testing that can
be marked objectively and thus offer high reliability. The benefit is that the tests can be
marked quickly and easily, and adapted to meet a wide range of learning outcomes. Tests
have the potentials to incorporate a wide range of media, to link online assessments to
feedback, to incorporate hints into test questions, to assign other learning activities based
on the test result, to make randomized selection can be made from large question banks,
to be administrated easily and allowing better test
Amazon Deforestation
Deforestation: The Fate of the Amazon The Amazon is the largest rainforest on Earth,
covering about forty percent of the South American continent, with most of it in Brazil. It
is home to more species than any other single ecosystem and has the richest biodiversity
than anywhere else on the planet. Sadly, the Amazon has become a victim of deforestation
, and has been occurring since European colonists arrived in South America.
Deforestation is the cutting down, removal, burning, or clearing of trees in forested lands
for urban, industry, logging, wasteland, or agricultural use, and it has devastating effects.
The amount of Amazon acres that have already been destroyed is heartbreaking, and it is
negatively affecting many different habitats, species, and human population in a
multitude of ways. The most obvious effect on the environment would be habitat
destruction. Habitat loss is the biggest threat to the vast array of species in the Amazon.
These uninhabitable areas strip these species of their shelter, breeding grounds, and food.
Thousands of plant and animal species are losing their home, and this results in these
species going on the endangered list, and even going extinct. It s sickening to think that
there could be species out there that we never even knew about, but they are tragically
lost forever. Additionally, deforestation is highly linked as a contributor to climate
change. The trees in the Amazon supply Earth with a huge supply of oxygen from its
Political Issues In The Salt Of The Earth
Socio political Message in the On the Waterfront and Salt of the Earth
On the Waterfront and the Salt of the Earth both were filmed in the 1954. The first
movie shows a waterfront with a dockworkers union that was totally controlled by the
mafia. Criminal boss Johnny Friendly did everything to make workers follow the rule D
and D or deaf and dumb . Dockworker Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) indirectly helped to
kill Joey Doyle who decided to testify against Friendly before the Crime Commission.
The man is a former boxer whose brother is the right hand of Friendly. In spite of his
attitude, Malloy starts to feel pangs of conscience. He cooperated with Joey s sister Edie
and decided to oppose the mafia. Malloy cut all connections with former ... Show more
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The movie is significant for the cinematograph, because it is not only running against
the dominant American politics of the time, rife with suspicions of anything vaguely
socialist, but it is also engaging with issues of women s rights and female equality, that
literally had not been documented in film before (rohanberrywriter). The unity of
people was shown before strikers agreed that women can cooperate with them in the
scene, when Quintero was arrested because of the police provocation. Esperanza gave
birth while her husband was beating by policemen, and couple thought about each other
during these painful moments. The message and symbolism of these events were
highlighted by the montage technique that alternated Esperanza s and Ramon s
(husband) faces. The director Herbert J. Biberman also preferred to frame actors in
stylised close ups. The camera was either tilted upward or looked down upon characters
in the most scenes. The camera only enters into medium shots when there is a sense of
parity amongst the people framed (rohanberrywriter). Camera s low angled position
during scenes of Esperanza s and Ramon s household work highlighted future narrator s
words that people s work should make them feel they move up in the world. The same
technique was used in Nazi propaganda

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