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D. Yes, go ahead. I will support you.

24. Which of the following is most likely to be a non-adjusting event?

A. A major customer liquidates its business after the end of the reporting period.
B. The entity announces a major restructuring after the end of the reporting period.
C. The settlement after the reporting period of a court case that confirms that the entity has a present obligation
at the end of reporting period.
D. The determination after the reporting period of the cost of asset purchased, or the proceeds from asset sold,
before the end of reporting period.

25. The factor which determines whether or not goods should be included in a physical count of inventory is
A. The seller has legal title to the goods until they are delivered
B. The buyer has legal title to the goods until they are delivered
C. The transportation company has legal title to the goods while the goods are in transit
D. The legal title to the goods are determined by the shipping term agreed upon by the buyer and seller

26. An error in the physical count of goods on hand at the end of the reporting period resulted in overstatement
of ending inventory. The effect of this error in the current period is

Answer: C

27. If companies have identical inventoriable costs but use different inventory flow assumptions when the price
of goods have not been constant, then the
A. Cost of goods sold of the companies will be identical
B. Cost of goods sold available for sale of the companies will be identical
C. Ending inventory of the companies will be identical
D. Net income of the companies will be identical

28. TIN Company's goods in transit at December 31 include:

Which items should be included in TIN's inventory at December 31?

A. (2) and (3)

B. (1) and (4)
C. (1) and (3)
D. (2) and (4)

29. The selection of an appropriate inventory cost flow assumption for an individual company is made by
A. the external auditors.
B. the SEC.
C. the internal auditors.
D. management.
30. Of the following companies, which one would not likely employ the specific identification method for
inventory costing?
A. Music store specializing in organ sales
B. Farm implement dealership
C. Antique shop
D. Hardware store

31. Under a consignment arrangement, the

A. consignor has ownership until goods are sold to a customer.
B. consignor has ownership until goods are shipped to the consignee.
C. consignee has ownership when the goods are in the consignee's possession.
D. consigned goods are included in the inventory of the consignee.

32. A government grant that becomes repayable shall be accounted for as

A. Change in accounting estimate
B. Change in accounting policy
C. Both change in accounting estimate and change in accounting policy
D. Neither a change in accounting estimate nor change in accounting policy

33. Government grant related to nondepreciable asset that requires fulfillment of certain conditions
A. Should not be recognized as income
B. Should be recognized as income immediately
C. Should be recognized as income over 40 years
D. Should be recognized as income over the periods which bear the cost of meeting the conditions

34. If qualifying asset is financed by general borrowing, the capitalizable borrowing cost is equal to
A. Actual borrowing cost incurred
B. Total expenditures on the asset multiplied by capitalization rate
C. Average expenditures on the asset multiplied by a capitalization rate or actual borrowing cost incurred,
whichever is lower
D. Average expenditures on the asset multiplied by a capitalization rate or actual borrowing cost incurred,
whichever is higher

35. Which of the following is shown on a statement of cash flows?

A. A stock dividend
B. A stock split
C. An appropriation of retained earnings
D. None of these

36. A statement of cash flows typically would not disclose the effects of
A. capital stock issued at an amount greater than par value.
B. stock dividends declared.
C. cash dividends paid.
D. a purchase and immediate retirement of treasury stock.

37. Close family members of an individual include all, except

A. The individual's spouse and children
B. Children of the individual's spouse
C. Dependents of the individual or individual's spouse
D. Brothers and sisters of the individual
38. Financial statements shall include disclosure of material transactions between related parties, except
a. Nonmonetary exchange by affiliates
b. Sales of inventory by a subsidiary to the parent when consolidated financial statements are prepared.
c. Expense allowance for executives which exceed normal business practice
d. An entity agreement to act as surety for a loan to the chief executive officers and dividends to shareholders.

39. Which is not an objective of financial reporting?

A. To provide information about assets and claims against those assets
B. To provide information that is useful in assessing sources and uses of cash
C. To provide information that is useful in lending and investing decisions
D. To provide information about liquidation value of an entity

40. The conceptual framework includes which constraint?

A. Prudence
B. Conservatism
C. Cost
D. All of the choices above

41. The lower of cost and net realizable value basis of valuing inventories is an example of
A. comparability.
B. the cost principle.
C. conservatism.
D. consistency.

42. In respect to information included in financial statements, the accounting concept of ‘prudence’ ensures that:
A. The financial statements report what they purport to report.
B. An appropriate balance is achieved between the relevance and the reliability of information that has been
C. Information is provided to users within the time period in which it is most likely to bear on their decisions.
D. A degree of caution in the exercise of judgements about estimates is made

43. Which statement is incorrect concerning the Conceptual Framework?

A. Nothing in the framework overrides any specific Statement of Financial Accounting Standards.
B. The framework deals with the objectives of the financial statements, the qualitative characteristics that
determine the usefulness of the information in financial statements, the definition, recognition and
measurement of the elements of the financial statements and concepts of capital maintenance.
C. The framework sets out concepts that underlie the preparation and presentation of financial statements for
internal and external users
D. The framework is concerned with general purpose financial statements including consolidated financial

44. Under a lease where the lessee acquires the benefits of ownership of an asset, the lessee often recognizes the
present value of future rentals as an asset even though legal title to the property is not acquired. This is an
example of
A. Verifiability
B. Conservatism
C. Substance over form
D. None of the above

45. The Conceptual Framework

A. Sets out the concepts that underlie the preparation and presentation of financial statements for internal
B. Is a Philippine Financial Reporting Standard that defines standards for a particular measurement or disclosure
C. Is concerned with special purpose reports, for example, prospectuses and computations prepared for taxation
D. Applies to the financial statements of all commercial, industrial, and business reporting enterprises, whether
in public or private sector.

46. What is the primary difference in the treatment between the two concepts of capital maintenance?
A. The treatment of the effects of changes in the prices of assets and liabilities of the entity
B. The treatment of the effects of changes in the prices of expense and revenue of the entity
C. The treatment of the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
D. The treatment of the effect of changes in foreign subsidiary

47. Which of the following is not a purpose of the conceptual framework of accounting?
A. To provide definitions of key terms and fundamental concepts.
B. To provide specific guidelines for resolving situations not covered by existing accounting standards.
C. To assist accountants and others in selecting among alternative accounting and reporting methods.
D. To assist the FRSC in the standard-setting process.

48. Recording the purchase price of a chalkboard eraser (with an estimated useful life of 10 years) as an expense
of the current period is justified by the
A. Going concern assumption.
B. Materiality constraint.
C. Matching principle.
D. Comparability principle.

49. According to the conceptual framework, the process of reporting an item in the financial statements of an
entity is

A. Realization.
B. Matching.
C. Allocation.
D. Recognition.

50. Bonus

1. ABC Corp. would like to utilize its building for leasing purposes. The building was
previously used as office of its administrative employees, including its accountants. The
carrying amount of the building before the reclassification is P9,000,000 while its fair
market value is P10,000,000. Where should the difference of P1,000,000 be reflected?
a. Profit or loss section of the Statement of Comprehensive Income
b. Other comprehensive income section of the Statement of Comprehensive Income
c. None of the above

2. ABC Corp. owns 90% of the preferred shares of DEF Corp. Is ABC Corp. allowed to
apply equity method to account for its investment in DEF Corp.?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe

3. If the investor pays more than the carrying amount of the net assets acquired and the
difference is due to undervaluation of land, the the undervalued amount should be
amortized over the useful life of the investment.
a. True
b. False

4. ABC Corp. recorded in the previous years impairment loss on an asset amounting to
P700,000. As of the end of the reporting period, the asset’s carrying amount is P3,000,000
while its recoverable amount is P4,000,000. The carrying amount of the asset had there
been no impairment is P3,700,000. In this case, how much should be the value of the
asset as of the reporting period?
a. P3,000,000
b. P3,700,000
c. P4,000,000
d. None of the above

5. In relation with the question above, how much is the gain on reversal of impairment?
a. None

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