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What is your topic all about?

Our Topic is all about how College Students in Asian College of Technology perceived on Establishing
First Aid specifically having a physical access of medical kit of every floor in cyber tower 1 Asian College
of Technology.

Why did you choose this topic?

We choose this topic because as I have observed during this school year that there is an increase of
cases of students who collapsed during classes and many more emergency situation in the school and I
also observe the lack of resources for first aid in our school. Out of many wheelchairs there are 2
working and not in a good condition and there is also a lack of trained persons that will cater emergency

What is the significance of your study?

It would benefit the school in terms of preventing the emergency situation become worst. Without an
initial medical assistance, a mild injury might turn into a serious one. Moreover, serious injuries when
not treated on time can be fatal. To ensure the safety of all the staff members and students, it is
important to have first aid in the schools. School-age children are generally at higher risk of being
involved in accidents and sustaining injuries. Although many of these injuries are likely to be relatively
minor, in some cases a child or young person could sustain a serious or life-threatening injury on school

Furthermore, illnesses and health conditions can be much more serious in children compared to adults.
Performing first aid can help to reduce the seriousness of a situation, prevent injuries and illnesses from
worsening and even save a life.

The majority of injuries sustained in schools occur during physical activities and other outdoor exercises.
(this from Nicole Murphy 2023)

Did you bridge the gap on your study?

As one of the students here in act one of our concerns are the safety and health of every students inside
the campus. In this school year 2023-2024 a lot of cases that arise the their lot of students who
collapsed while inside the classroom and it took more than a minute to take action because there is a
lackness of emergency kit on everyfloor in ACT. Because of this I it questions to my mind on what action
that needs to be done in order to addressed that issue and having a first aid kit on every floor is the best
and possible solution we could ever done to addressed this problem.

What are your research variables?

Independent: First aid kit

Dependent: Physical Access of First Aid kit in Every Floor

What theories or concepts did you use?

Protection Motivation Theory :

In terms of practical importance, PMT was one of the first theories focusing on the psychological
conditions explaining the tendency of people to protect themselves. The theory attempted to distinguish
the factors of health-compromising and health-promoting behaviours (Prentice-Dunn & Rogers, 1986;
Floyd, Prentice-Dunn & Rogers, 2000). For example, despite the logic of avoiding threat and danger
when recommended, individuals may still choose to engage in maladaptive behaviour. Protective
behaviours, such as using seatbelts, regular physical examinations, a healthy lifestyle, refraining from
mobile phone use while driving, avoiding driving under the influence and using helmets while cycling
could be taken to prevent injuries. However, people often do not adhere to preventive measures (Floyd,
Prentice-Dunn & Rogers, 2000;Taylor, 2017;Rogers & Prentice-Dunn, 1997).

These factors then interact with a variety of other pre-decisional processes, including perceptions
about the threat, perceptions about preparedness (e.g., will preparedness be easy or beneficial), and
perceptions about other stakeholders, before decisions about whether to take protective action are
made. The Person relative to Event theory (PrE [27],), for example, proposes that in deciding
whether to undertake preparedness actions, people will first appraise how severe the event will be,
with this appraisal process being influenced by a variety of other variables, including previous
earthquake experience as a distinctive variable.
The Protective Action Decision Model (PADM) is a multistage model that is based on findings
from research on people's responses to environmental hazards and disasters. The PADM
integrates the processing of information derived from social and environmental cues with
messages that social sources transmit through communication channels to those at risk. The
PADM identifies three critical predecision processes (reception, attention, and comprehension of
warnings or exposure, attention, and interpretation of environmental/social cues)--that precede
all further processing. The revised model identifies three core perceptions--threat perceptions,
protective action perceptions, and stakeholder perceptions--that form the basis for decisions
about how to respond to an imminent or long-term threat. The outcome of the protective action
decision-making process, together with situational facilitators and impediments, produces a
behavioral response. In addition to describing the revised model and the research on which it is
based, this article describes three applications (development of risk communication programs,
evacuation modeling, and adoption of long-term hazard adjustments) and identifies some of
the research needed to address unresolved issues.

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