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Saúde Mental e Medicina Interna

Uma visão geral

● Prevalências importantes; quais são as doenças mentais mais comuns neste

● A presença de doença física grave relaciona-se com doença mental

○ Não só a gravidade da doença física é preditiva da ocorrência da doença
mental; as comorbilidades mentais de pacientes com doença física resultam
em maior morbilidade, mortalidade, gastos e utilização dos cuidados de
● A presença de doença mental não tratada constitui um fator de risco para
readmissão hospitalar frequente
● Poucos diagnósticos, consultas, referenciações, tratamento

“Two major epidemiological studies using standardized instruments for diagnosis have
revealed that the prevalence of mental disorders in general hospital inpatients range from
41.3% to 46.5%. The most prevalent groups of psychiatric disorders among general hospital
inpatients are organic mental illness, depressive disorders, and alcohol dependence or
abuse. The prevalence rates of organic brain syndromes, adjustment disorders with
depressed mood, and alcohol dependence in general hospital inpatients are above those of
the general population. In nearly half of the studied general hospital inpatients receiving a
psychiatric diagnosis Consultation-Liaison (C-L) psychiatry interventions were found to be
necessary. However, psychiatric consultation rates found in most recently presented studies
in Germany and Austria range from 2.66% to 3.30%, and remain low when compared to the
reported prevalence figures of psychiatric disorders and the demonstrated necessity for
specific therapeutic interventions among general hospital inpatients.”

- [Mental disorders in general hospital patients]

- [The Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in General Hospital Inpatients: A
Systematic Umbrella Review]
- [Interaction of mental comorbidity and physical multimorbidity predicts length-of-stay
in medical inpatients]
- [Mental disorders in medical inpatients and the association to severity of illness,
self-rated physical disability, and health perception]
- [Mental disorders among internal medical inpatients: prevalence, detection, and
treatment status]
- [Depression in internal medicine inpatients at the time of hospital discharge and
referral to primary care]
- [Prevalence, characteristics and risk factors of frequently readmitted patients to an
internal medicine service]
- [Commonly diagnosed mental disorders in a general hospital system]
- Detecting mental disorders in general hospitals by the SCL-8 scale
- A brief diagnostic screening instrument for mental disturbances in general medical

Patologias relevantes

- Depressão
- Ansiedade / ansiedade generalizada
- Demência
- Delírium


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