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Teacher’s Signature:

Physics Laboratory Date:

United International University

Name: Golam Mostafa Md. Habib Ullah Rabbani ID: 021201043

Section: B Batch: 201 Date: 15.02.2022

Experiment No. 09
Name of the Experiment: Determination of the gravitational acceleration (g)
by using a simple pendulum and verification of the formula T = 2𝜋√ .

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to design experiments to describe how

variables (length, mass, angle and gravity field) affect the motion of a pendulum.

Language Objectives:
Understand and correctly use the terms “Simple pendulum” and “period.”
Accurately describe and apply the concepts described in this section using appropriate
academic language.


A simple pendulum may be described ideally as a point mass suspended by a massless string from some
point about which it is allowed to swing back and forth in a place. A simple pendulum can be
approximated by a small metal sphere which has a small radius and a large mass when compared
relatively to the length and mass of the light string from which it is suspended. If a pendulum is set in
motion so that is swings back and forth, its motion will be periodic. The time that it takes to make one
complete oscillation is defined as the period T.

When a simple pendulum is displaced from its equilibrium position, there will be a restoring force that
moves the pendulum back towards its equilibrium position. As the motion of the pendulum carries it
past the equilibrium position, the restoring force changes its direction so that it is still directed towards
the equilibrium position. If the restoring force F is opposite and directly proportional to the
displacement x from the equilibrium position, so that it satisfies the relationship 𝐹⃗ = −𝑘𝑥⃗ ........... (1)

Figure-1: Simple Pendulum Figure-2: Motion of the Simple Pendulum

Then the motion of the pendulum will be simple harmonic motion and its period can be calculated
using the equation for the period of simple harmonic motion T = 2π √m/k ................... (2)

Physics Laboratory

Figure-3: Diagram illustrating the restoring force for a simple pendulum

Figure-1 shows a schematic diagram of the simple pendulum apparatus. If the bob (having the mass m)
is displaced to one side by an angle less than 15 degrees from the vertical position and then released,
the bob vibrate back and forth about its equilibrium position as shown in the Figure-2. The forces acting
on the bob are its weight (w = mg) and the tension (T) in the string. The weight acts vertically and can
be resolved into two components, one is acting parallel and the other is perpendicular to the string, i.e.,
one along the radial direction, away from the point of suspension, and one along the arc in the direction
that the mass moves. The component of the weight or gravitational force perpendicular to the string is
the restoring force acting on the mass along the arc, which tends to return it to its equilibrium position.
Now the restoring force (F) is
F = -mg sin θ……… (3)
where the minus sign indicates that F is in an opposite direction to the angular displacement θ, g is the
acceleration of gravity. Consider Figure-3, where a mass m is suspended by a string of length l and is
displaced from its equilibrium position by an angle θ and a distance x along the arc through which the
mass moves. If θ is very small, then sin θ ≈ θ .Then the equation (3) is written as
F = -mgθ ................. (4)
The angle θ in radians is x/l, the arc length divided by the length of the pendulum or the radius of the
circle in which the mass moves. For small angular displacements from the equilibrium position, the
restoring force is proportional to the negative displacement. The restoring force is then given by
F = - mg x/l ................ (5)

and is directly proportional to the displacement x and is in the form of Equation (1) where k = mg/l .
Substituting this value of k into Equation (2), the period of a simple pendulum can be found by
T = 2π √m/(mg/𝑙) and T = 2π√𝑙/𝑔 =2π √𝐿/𝑔.................... (6)

where, L is the length of the pendulum measured to the center of the spherical bob. Therefore, for small
amplitudes the period of a simple pendulum depends only on its length and the value of the acceleration
due to gravity. Now the resulting motion of the simple pendulum is therefore a Simple Harmonic
Motion. The mass of the suspended bob does not appear in equation (6). This implies that mass of the
bob does not influence the period of the oscillation. If two pendulums having the same length, standing
side by side but with bobs of very different masses, they will have identical (same) periods. Now,
squaring equation (6), T2 = 4 π2 L / g, and T2/L = 4 π2 / g .................. (7)

Equation (7) says that, for a simple harmonic motion, the ratio of the square of its period to the length
of the pendulum is a constant. This means that if the pendulum length is increased, the period will also
increase. A plot of the T2 as a function of the L produces a straight line, for which slope is,
Slope = 4 π2/g= T2/L = ∆T2 / ∆L ........... (8)
Now, we obtain, g = 4 π2 L / T2 ........................................(9)
Thus, the graph of the period squared against length can be used to determine experimentally the
acceleration due to earth’s gravity (g) near the earth’s surface.

Physics Laboratory

Apparatus: Computer, internet.

Part 1: Length

1. Go to
2. Click on the Pendulum Lab and then select “Lab.”
3. Set the string length to 0.5 m, the gravity to Earth (9.81 ㎨), the friction to 0, and the
mass of the object to 1 kg.
4. Drag the object to 45° and release.
5. Click the period timer button in the bottom left corner. Click on the play button and
record the period in the data table.
6. Reset the system by clicking the stop sign button repeating Step 3.
7. Decrease the length of the string by 10 cm (0.1 m).
8. Repeat Steps 4 and 5.
9. Repeat Steps 6-8 three more times.
10. Compare the periods of the object’s motion for each length of string and make a
conclusion on the effect of additional string length on the period.

Experimental Data: Table-1

Length L 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1


Time of 10 14.9s 13.3s 11.5s 9.41s 6.59s

Oscillations (s)

Period T 1.49s 1.33s 1.15s 0.941s 0.659s


Physics Laboratory

Conclusion: Period is proportional to string length. 𝑇 ∝ 𝐿

Q: What can you conclude about the relationship between length and period?
A: Period is proportional to string length. As the string length increases, time period will also

Q: What do you think the period would be of an object in the same scenario but with string
length of 60cm?
A: The period will increase.

Part 2: Mass
Now we will see how the mass affects the period.
1. Set the string length to 0.5 m, the gravity to Earth (9.81 ㎨), the friction to 0, and the
mass of the object to 1 kg.
2. Drag the object to 45° and release.
3. Click on the play button and record the period in the data table.
4. Reset the system by clicking the stop sign button repeating Step 3.
5. Decrease the mass of the object by 0.1 kg.
6. Repeat Steps 2 and 3.
7. Repeat Steps 4-6 three more times.
8. Compare the periods of the object’s motion for each mass of object and make a
conclusion on the effect of additional mass on the period.

Experimental Data: Table-2

Mass m (kg) 1 .9 .8 .7 .6

Time of 10 14.81s 14.94s 14.81s 14.85s 14.83s

Oscillations (s)

Period T (s) 1.48s 1.49s 1.48s 1.48s 1.48s

Conclusion: Mass has no effect on period.

Q: What can you say about the relationship between mass and period?
A: For constant string length and constant gravity mass have no relation with period.

Physics Laboratory

Q: What would the period be of an object with mass 1.1 kg?

A: The period be of an object with mass 1.1 kg would be same as before, 1.48s (Aprox.)

Part 3: Gravity
Now we will see how the gravity affects the period.
1. Set the string length to 50 cm, the gravity to 10 ㎨, the friction to 0, and the mass
of the object to 1 kg.
2. Drag the object to 45° and release.
3. Click on the play button and record the period in the data table.
4. Reset the system by clicking the stop sign button repeating Step 3.
5. Decrease the gravity of the object by 1 ㎨.
6. Repeat Steps 2 and 3.
7. Repeat Steps 4-6 three more times.
8. Compare the periods of the object’s motion for each gravitational force and make
a conclusion on the effect of gravity on the period.

Experimental Data: Table-3

Gravity (㎨) 10 9 8 7 6

Time of 10 14.7s 15.44s 16.47s 17.66s 18.95s

Oscillations (s)

Period T (s) 1.47s 1.544s 1.65s 1.766s 1.89s

Conclusion: Period is inversely proportional to gravity.𝑇 ∝ 𝑔

Q: What can you say about the relationship between gravity and period?
A: Period is inversely proportional to gravity. As gravity decreases, period (T) increases.

Q: What would the period be of an object with gravity 11 ㎨?

A: Period of an object with 11 ms-2 would be 1.39s.

Physics Laboratory

Part 4: Mass and Number of Swings (Dual Pendulum)

Hypothesis: As the mass of the pendulum increases the number of swings will
Not change.

Now we will see how the pendulum affects the number of swings.
1. For this activity keep the length of both pendulums the same but different mass.

2. Click . Start both pendulums at 90 degrees.

3. Check the other tools button and use the timer to keep track of the time.

4. Click play on the timer and then again so that the pendulums are released.
5. Count the number of full swings for 30 seconds.
6. Record the data on the table below.

Experimental Data: Table-4

Mass (kg) Length (m) Number of full swings

in 30 Second

1 kg 1m 12
Pendulum 1
1.5 kg 1m 12
Pendulum 2

Physics Laboratory

Conclusion: For different mass so long as the string length does not change, time period remains

Q: Did mass affect the number of full swings? Write a conclusion based on the
data you collected.
A: From the collected data its evident that mass does not affect the number of
swings. As we can see from the table for different mass it takes same amount of
time to complete 30 swings.

Q: Why do you think mass does not affect the time it takes for the pendulum to
make a full swing?
A: Time period is determined by the gravity and length of pendulum. Thus mass
does not affect the time it takes to make a full swing.

Part 5: Length and Number of Swings (Dual Pendulum)

Hypothesis: As the length of the pendulum increases the number of swings will

Now we will see how the pendulum affects the number

of swings.Procedures:
1. For this activity the mass should stay the same but the length will change each time.
2. Click and conduct the following investigation.
3. Use the photogate timer and record the period it takes for each length.
Remember the period of a pendulum is the time it takes the pendulum to
make one full back-and-forth swing. Click reset again.
4. Next, use the timer (by clicking other tools) and observe the number of
swings thependulum makes each time you change the length.
5. Each time you adjust the length, count the number of full swings in a
30 secondinterval.
6. Make sure that the pendulum is released at the same position each time.
7. Record the data on the table below.

Physics Laboratory

Experimental Data: Table-5

Mass (kg) Length of the Time of 10 Period (s) Number of swings

Pendulum (m) Oscillations (s) in 30 seconds
1kg 0.5 16.9s 1.69s 17

0.6 18.6s 1.86s 16

0.7 19.9s 1.99s 15

0.8 21.2s 2.12s 14

0.9 22.5s 2.25s 13

Physics Laboratory

Q: Was your prediction correct?

A: Yes.

Q: How can you get the shortest period?

A: Using shortest pendulum length, shortest period can be achieved.

Q: How can you get the longest period?

A: Using longest pendulum length, longest period can be achieved.

Q: Write a conclusion on how the length of the pendulum affects the number of full swings?
A: As the length of the pendulum increases the time period increases. Thus, number of swing decreases.

Part 6: Verification of the formula T = 𝟐𝝅√
Now we will see how the time period is verified.
1. Select a suitable length and suitable mass of the pendulum for example 30 cm and
2. Carry out the experiment by pulling the pendulum with small angel then releasing it.
3. Fill the table.

Physics Laboratory

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Physics Laboratory

Experimental Data: Table-6

Tth Length L of the Tth Calculation Value of

(sec) Pendulum (m) Tth (s)
𝑙 0.3
Tth = 2𝜋√𝑔 = 2𝜋√9.8 = 1.099(s)

Texp Timer Reading T (s) 1.14(s) Average

(sec) value of
Texp (s)
Experimental Reading T (s) Time of 10 Oscillations (s) 11.4(s) 1.14(s)
Period T (s) 1.14(s)

Tth − Texp
% error = | | x 100 =

= 3%

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Physics Laboratory
Accuracy (%) =100% - 3 % =97%

Conclusion: According to the theoretical and experimental data, we can verify that time period
T = 𝟐𝝅√𝒈.

Q: Two pendulums are of equal masses 1 kg but length of first pendulum is 1.50 m and second
pendulum is 1 m. Which one will stop first?
A: In ideal situation the pendulums will not stop. But if we take friction into account, the
longer pendulum will stop first.

Q: Two pendulums are of equal masses 1 kg and equal length 1 m. Which has the shortest
A: As they both have equal length; their period will be same.

Part 7: Determination of the gravitational acceleration

Now we will see how the period and gravitational acceleration is calculated.

1. Choose a single pendulum either a mass of 0.5kg.
2. Select a Non friction and the earth gravity.
3. Start with a 30cm length of the pendulum then pull it slightly with a small angle
then release it.
4. Record the periodic time.
5. Change the length to 40cm and record T.
6. Repeat step 5 with another lengths; 50, 60, 70 cm, ……
7. Record the data in the following table.

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Physics Laboratory

Experimental Data: Table-7

Length L 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

Time of 10 11.25(s) 13(s) 14.6(s) 16(s) 17.2(s) 18.3(s)
Oscillations (s)
T (sec) 1.125(s) 1.3(s) 1.46(s) 1.6(s) 1.72(s) 1.83(s)

T2 (sec2) 1.2656(s2) 1.69(s2) 2.1316(s2) 2.56(s2) 2.9584(s2) 3.3489(s2)


Plot the graph (T2 vs L) by using excel file and find the slope or Plot it in a graph and find
the slope.

Substitute in the following formula by the slope value. . ∴ g = 4 π2 L/T2 = 4𝜋
𝑔𝑒𝑥⃗𝑝 =

=9.33 ms-2

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Physics Laboratory

|𝑔𝑡ℎ − 𝑔𝑒𝑥⃗𝑝|
% 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = × 100 =
𝑔𝑡ℎ 9.8 − 9.33

Accuracy (%) =100% - 4.78% =95.22%


The acceleration due to gravity is, g =(experimental)

Discussions: We can calculate the value of gravitational acceleration in a certain place with the help
of simple pendulum by calculating the time period.

Q: Two pendulums are of equal masses 1 kg but length of first pendulum is 1.50 m and second
pendulum is 1 m. Which one swings faster?
A: The second pendulum.

Q: Does the length of the pendulum affect the number of swings? Explain.
𝑡 𝑙 𝟏
A: We know the number of swings in t time, N = 𝑇. And T =2𝜋√𝑔. So, we can say N ∝ 𝑻.
As the length of the pendulum increases, for constant amount of time the number of swings

Q: How would the period of a simple pendulum be affected if it were located on the moon
instead of the earth?
A: As we know, the gravitational force of moon is much lower than earth; and 𝑇 ∝ √𝑔.
Thus, we can say that period of simple pendulum will be much higher.

Q: What effect would the temperature have on the time kept by a pendulum clock if the
pendulum rod increases in length with an increase in temperature?
A: As T∝ √𝑙, and the length increases with temperature; thus, the time period will increase.
As a result, the pendulum clock will become slow and show wrong time.

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Physics Laboratory

Q: What kind of graph would result if the period T were graphed as a function of the square
root of the length, l.
A: The graph will a straight line.

Q: What effect does the mass of the ball have on the period of a simple pendulum?
A: From the equation of time period, we know that, mass has no effect on period of a
simple pendulum.

Q: What would be the effect of replacing the steel ball with a wooden ball, a lead ball, and a
ping pong ball of the same size?
A: As different materials have different density, by replacing the steel ball we will get balls of
different mass. But mass has no effect on the time period of simple pendulum.

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