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Daftar Nllal Faikah Dyah Utami A d l'ranskrlp Nllal of Grade 1808047015 ca emic.Trans,:ript

No Kode
No Code Matakullah Subjects SKS Nllal Bobot
Credit Grade Weight
1 4510120 Biologi Molekuler Penyakit Dan Target Terapi
Moleculer Biclogy of Disease and Therapeutically
.. Targft.s "
2 B+ ·6.66
2 4510230 Elusidasi Struktur Bahart Alam Structure Elucidation of Natural Product 3 ·.. B+ 9.99

3 4510310
Evidence Based Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan &
· Evid,ince Based in H~ lthcare and Bi_ostatistic , A- 3.67
4 4510420 Farmakolo'gi Senyawa Bioaktif •· Phat1·11,; ;;_;~;~tJf Bioar.tive Compounds .. 2 . A.: 7.34
• · .u . . .... ... ..i ,;,. .•, -,... .

5 4s11020 Fitoterapi Phy1!.:.;t:~,•1.1,,,.:11 ' 2. B 6.00

- . , /4,;_. , ._.:o..:•--. :i .....Oto, u

6 4511120 Konsep Dasar Kosmetika ·, Rasr~ {.::.,11up1: vf Cosmetic 2 B+ 6.66

7 4511220 Metodologi f>enelitian;.:h"tit!hodology 2· - B+ 6.66
8 4511320 Pengobatan Isla mi . · Is famic M~tkn 2· -A 8.00 .
9 4511420 Sistem Penghantaran Obat Drug Deli1iery System i A- 7.34
10 4520120 Aromatei"api Dan Parfum Aromatherapy and Parfum 2 B 6.00
11 4_520220 Bahan Akti.f_Dar.i Mikroorganjsrrie .. Biof4c#ve Compourids from Microorgan,ism .. .•,
·2 A 8.00
.. Bi~!lCtive Compouri4s fro.m M,arine Sources 2 B+ 6.66 '
12 4~20320 Bahan Aktif Kela,~tart :-·•

13 4520520 . Jamin~n Mutu Obat Dari Kosmetik :: :

Quality Assurance ofDr:ug:aiuf 2 A- 7.34
·,.,,· ·-:_ ·, .·,1 1'<· . '•
2 A 8.QO
14 4520620 Keamanan -~osmetika Cosme~(c'Safety'· ··:: ., .,
-. :
i A 8 .00

15 45207io Kimia Komp1,1tasi ,. Computational Chenjistri ., " I ·.2

16 4521720 Pengem~~ngan .Obat DaH Bahan.;Alam . 1(1!

D'?'g Deve(op,111.entjrom fyatur,al.Product
HI lio 1
,2 A 8 .00 .
Praktikum Pengembangan Obat oa·n "l,11 Kosmetik'a'
I Laboratory
' .,
" •11 Drug and
;I, '·I/'',,. , :
·. ' 2: .A : 8.00
17 4521822 .ii , 1:11
1 DeveloRment. I 1: ,/ ti( . . ·.._.· ·· : : · ,'
Bahan Alam d ,I

,. '1 1 Ji I I
I qtl;
I I, I ;1, '

...... -: ·::-· qO'/ [!l I' !' ii' 1'11111 Seminar ii 11 ' ' I' ' • Ii, ' ,pliill : -.·.·.. 2 A -8;00
18 4522020 Semiri'ar .. 1.11,' 1i ti I· : • 1 .,11I- Ii
I I I I 'I ! i' ';

! ;'!: : 'l, \ :1;: '!L;e~ ,~!Jl~gY,•of,~rlJg'.~ri4 Cosrit'#~~ Do~ge Forms . 2 6.00

19 452i120 Teknolog( ~ediaari, Obat ft Ko~,rn'~tik
' ' I

-: 6
:i: !, 1\\11I ,. 24.00
. . , 11[t
:1 '1'hesis111 • ,,' 11,:11!1, :,, A
20 4539960 Tesis · .. .. . ... 1l' " ,)
·,,, 11,!.• 'l,:•'Y,( I!::,:;: ! ,(I


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~~teranganNilai : . : 1 4.00 ., .J A; A-= 3.67 ,
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(Grade Des~ ptfoti) C+.~ .2.33

C,p: '2.00 '' ., 61., . ,1
=J"i :J67
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d] :I•·
- :1, [)'!j:'
:1=, ;1'.331
, •1 11,
E.= _0.00
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Judul Tesis :
(T;tle Thtsis) .

Akhir Trar1~krip ****

- · £,Jd of Trariscript > . ..

·. Pengesahan_·lembar ini:'
;:certifiqition of th~ page :·

Halarna·n, i dari ·2 halarr.ian .

-: .1

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