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06 Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Nation

Reports by L N Mallick

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Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resources Development Jawad Sohrab Jawad Sohrab Malik addresses the community gathering at the Pakistan embassy.
Malik addresses the media as Community Welfare Attachés Arslan Khan Tanoli and Waheed Ullah Khan look on.

Qatar has become a preferred destination for

Pakistani migrant workers: PM’s Special Asst
ATAR has become one 800,000 Pakistanis find job
of the preferred desti- opportunities around the
nations for Pakistani globe. “It is not a brain drain
migrant workers due because it’s just 0.3 percent of
to the Qatari govern- our total population and it’s a
ment’s labour reforms, Special good sign for our country be-
Assistant to the Prime Minister cause we get more remittances.
of Pakistan on Overseas Paki- We want to explore more op-
stanis and Human Resources portunities to export our work
Development, Jawad Sohrab force,” he noted.
Malik, has said. He informed that the Paki-
Malik arrived in Doha on a stani government has set up six
four-day official visit at the in- more protectorate offices in ad-
vitation of Qatar’s Minister of dition to existing nine offices in
Labour HE Dr Ali Bin Samikh difference cities.
Al Marri. He said the government has
Speaking to media persons, established “Support Desks for
Malik said, “Manpower export Overseas Pakistanis” within
is a large contributor of remit- the premises of the Islamabad
tances that we receive in Pa- Capital Territory Administra-
kistan. We have been working are living in Qatar which is 10 healthcare and energy sectors. tion (ICT) offices and One Win-
hard to explore avenues to en- percent of Qatar’s total popu- Currently, around 10 million dow at Capital Development
hance the manpower export.” kistani workforce in Qatar. kistanis will open up once we lation. “Already it’s a quite a Pakistanis are working abroad Authority (CDA) in Islamabad.
He said he had a very fruit- He noted that there are lot start signing these agreements high figure and Insha Allah if and 3 million are working in This strategic initiative is intri-
ful meeting with Qatar’s Minis- of opportunities that labour ex- with private employers in Qa- we are able to work on develop- the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cately aligned with the vision
ter of Labour HE Dr Ali Bin Sa- porting countries like Pakistan, tar. The more agreements we ing skills, raising demand and alone while 3 million Pakistan- of the prime minister of Paki-
mikh Al Marri. “We discussed could avail themselves of. “We sign the more doors of oppor- open up avenues of job gen- is are placed in different Gulf stan, for special emphasis on
the possibilities of increasing are actually on a tour to iden- tunities we open up for Paki- eration with private employ- countries,” he said. the provision of comprehensive
our manpower here in Qatar. tify those opportunities, raise stanis in Qatar. One employer, ers, the numbers will further On an average, overseas assistance and facilitation such
We discussed ways where we the demand, and then go back for example, would have capac- increase,” remarked Malik. Pakistanis send $27 billion an- as property related issues to the
can further encourage legal mi- to Pakistan and skill those indi- ity of minimum 10 individuals He informed that that Pa- nually in the shape of foreign Pakistani diaspora.
gration, and migration policy viduals and export manpower while the other would have ca- kistan has signed two LOI’s on remittances to their mother- Earlier, Pakistan Ambas-
development. In addition to to that relevant country,” said pacity for 2,000 Pakistanis. human resource export to Qa- land. From Qatar, Pakistanis sador HE Muhemed Aejaz
that we emphasised on the fact Malik. “We need to understand tar with two private companies remit approximately $1 billion praised the role of Pakistani
Qatar should further explore Speaking about the agenda that when we come here, the during his visit. “Pakistanis are annually. community in the development
setting up testing centres in of his visit, Malik said, “Today’s government of Qatar would engaged in all vocations and There is another LOI in the of Qatar and noted that Qa-
Pakistan. When they establish agenda was the facilitation that not ask us to send 200,000 comprise highly qualified pro- pipeline, he said, in relation to tari authorities hold Pakistani
testing centres in Pakistan, we can obtain from the govern- Pakistanis because it’s not go- fessionals as well as unskilled labour mobility, which would workforce in great esteem due
they will have more confidence ment of Qatar. We informed ing to work like that. We need labour. Around 58,000 Paki- be signed within a few weeks to their hard work and dedica-
and trust on the resources,” re- the minister that we are in the to raise a demand and skill our stanis came to Qatar in 2023,” after due diligence by the Qa- tion.
marked Malik. process of signing agreements individuals according to the re- he said. tari authorities. Community Welfare Atta-
The focus of the meeting, he and LOI’s with employers in quirement.” “Pakistan is exploring job Earlier, speaking to a com- chés Arslan Khan Tanoli and
said, was to avail the opportu- Qatar because eventually the He said that currently opportunities for its workers munity gathering, Malik said Waheed Ullah Khan also spoke
nities that Qatar has for the Pa- doors of opportunities for Pa- around 300,000 Pakistanis in construction, hospitality, that on an average around on the occasion.

Pakistani Professional Community Qatar bids adieu to Fahad Ismail

AKISTANI Professional Com-
munity Qatar (PPCQ) organ-
ised a farewell function for
Fahad Ismail, a distinguished
HSE professional working with
KEO International for the past dec-
ade in Qatar, at Sarhad Premium
Restaurant, Golden Tulip Hotel.
Fahad, now embarking on a
temporary assignment in the King-
dom of Saudi Arabia for a challeng-
ing role in a prestigious construc-
tion project, leaves behind a legacy
as a distinguished community
Arshad Hussain commended
Fahad for his pivotal role in form-
ing the Pakistani FIFA volunteers
group, highlighting his enthusiasm
for involving the community mem-
bers in global events. As a non-po-
litical and non-commercial social Fahad, now embarking on a temporary assignment in the Kingdom of
network, he noted, PPCQ aims to Saudi Arabia for a challenging role in a prestigious construction pro-
foster community betterment. ject, leaves behind a legacy as a distinguished community leader.
Fahad’s affable personality,
unwavering commitment to social
welfare, professional excellence, family members are staying here. Ali Khanan, Ikram Butt, Moham-
and community building will be Stressing career growth, Fa- mad Suhail, Israr Malazai, Amer
deeply cherished, PPCQ members had expressed optimism about Khan, Syed Faiz Shah, Humayun
noted, while praising his tireless ef- the opportunities that lie ahead. Rashid and Mazhar Yousafzai
forts in guiding job seekers, cham- Throughout his stay in Qatar, Fa- spoke on the occasion and ex-
pioning initiatives, and volunteer- had was actively engaged in com- pressed their admiration for Fa-
ing during the challenging times of munity organisations, founding the had’s leadership, dedication, and
COVID-19. Pakistan Worker’s Welfare Forum significant contributions towards
Speaking on the occasion, Fa- and serving as first President of the community.
had thanked the community mem- Sparks Toastmasters Club. Dr Javaid rendered a heart-
bers for organising the event in his Community members includ- touching poem appreciating Fahad
honour and noted that while he ing Anwar Shah, Qaisar Anwar, Dr and his father Mohammad Ismail.
is leaving with fond memories of Ahmad Javaid, Atiqur Rasheed, Eng Arshad Hussain and Israr
Qatar, he will continue to visit the Zeeshan Quddos, Abdul Khaliq, Malazai presented a token of ap-
country in future as his parents and Ashraf Siddique, Rashid Orakzai, preciation to Fahad.

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