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*** 1) What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? Discuss the importance of this
model to explain various series of line spectra in hydrogen atom?
*** 2) What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? Write the limitations of Bohr’s
theory. Differentiate between emission and absorption spectra?
*** 3) How are the quantum numbers n, l, m and s arrived at? Explain the significance of these
quantum numbers?
*** 4) Define IE₁ and IE₂. Why is IE₂>IE₁ for a given atom? Discuss the factors that affect IE of an
*** 5) Write an essay on s, p, d, and f – block elements?
*** 6) What is a periodic property? How the following properties vary in a group and in a period?
Explain? i) Atomic radius ii) Electrongain enthalpy iii) Electronegativity
iv) Ionisation enthalpy v) Metallic character vi) Nature of Oxides of elements.
*** 7) What do you understand by hybridization? Explain different types of hybridization involving
“s” and “p” orbitals?
*** 8) Give the molecular orbital energy diagram of (a) N₂ and (b) O₂. Calculate the respective
bond order. Write the magnetic nature of N₂ and O₂ molecules?
*** 9) Describe any two methods of preparation of benzene? Explain the following reactions with
benzene (a) halogenations (b) alkylation (c) acylation (d) nitration (e) sulphonation
*** 10) Describe any two methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does Acetylene react with
following (a) H2O (water) (b) H2 (Hydrogen) (c) Halogens (X)
(d) Hydrogen halide (HX) (e) O3 (Ozone)
*** 11) Describe any two methods of preparation of Ethylene? How does Ethylene react with
following (a) O3 (Ozone) (b) cold and dil. alk KMNO4 (c) Bromine (Br)
(d) Hydrogen halide (HX) (e) HOCl
*** 12) Describe any two methods of preparation of Ethane? How does Ethane react with following
(a) Halogenation (b) Nitration (c) pyrolysis (d) alkylation

*** 1) Explain the hybridization involved in PCl5 molecule? (OR) Explain sp3d hybridization with
an example?
*** 2) Explain the hybridization involved in SF6 molecule? (OR) Explain sp3d2 hybridization with
an example?
*** 3) What is hydrogen bond? Explain the different types of hydrogen bonds with examples?
*** 4) Explain Fajan’s rules and give suitable examples?
*** 5) Define Dipole moment. Write its applications?
*** 6) Explain the formation coordinate covalent bond with one example.
** 7) Explain the formation of ionic bond with one example.
* 8) Define dipole moment. Why the BF₃ molecule dipole moment is zero?
* 9) Given though both NH₃ and NF₃. Why? (OR) compare dipole moment of NH₃ molecule with
that of NF₃ molecule.
* 10) Explain the structure of CH₄ molecule?
* 11) Explain why BeF2 molecule has zero dipole moment although the BeF2 bonds are polar?
* 12) Explain valence bond theory with examples?
* 13) Explain the structure of ethylene.
*** 14) Write the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases.
*** 15) Deduce (a) Boyle’s law (b) Charle’s law from kinetic gas equation.
*** 16) Deduce (a) Graham’s law (b) Dalton’s law from kinetic gas equation.
*** 17) Derive ideal gas equation?
** 18) State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion.
* 19) Define (a) RMS (b) Average (c) Most probable speeds of gas molecules. Give their
inter relationship.
*** 20) Balance the following redox equation by ion – electron method taking place in acidic
- Mn+2 + -
MnO4 + SO2 HSO4

Cr2O7-2 + SO2 Cr+3 + SO4-2

Fe+2 + Cr2O7-2 Fe+3 + Cr+3

Cr2O7-2 + SO3-2 Cr+3 + SO4-2

*** 21) Balance the following redox equation by ion – electron method taking place in basic
- +
4 MnO2 + I2

- -
Cr(OH)2 + IO3 I + CrO4-2
- - MnO2 + BrO3
MnO4 + Br
*** 22) A carbon compound contains 12.8% carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1 % bromine. The molecular
weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate the molecular formula?
*** 23) Chemical analysis of a carbon compound gave the following percentage composition by
weight of the element present carbon = 10.06%, hydrogen = 0.84%, chloride = 89.10%.
Calculate the empirical formula of the compound.
*** 24) A compound having 4.07% hydrogen 24.27% Carbon & 71.65 % Chlorine its molecular
weight is 98.96. What are its empirical formula and molecular formula?
** 25) Calculate the empirical formula of the compound having percentage composition potassium
(K) = 26.57, chromium (Cr) = 35.36, oxygen (O) = 38.7. (Atomic weight of K, Cr, O as 39,
52 & 16 respectively)
*** 26) State and explain the Hess’s law of constant heat summation?
** 27) Define heat capacity. What are Cp and Cv? Show that Cp – Cv =R
*** 28) What is entropy? Explain with examples.
* 29) Explain spontaneity of a process in terms of Gibb’s energy?
* 30) What are open, closed and isolated systems? Give one example for each.
*** 31) Derive the relation between Kc and Kp for equilibrium reaction.
N₂ + 3H₂ 2NH₃
** 32) Derive the relation between Kc and Kp for equilibrium reaction.
2SO₂ + O₂ 2SO₃
*** 33) Discuss the application of Lechatlier’s principle for the industrial synthesis of ammonia
(NH3) by Heber’s process?
** 34) Discuss the application of Lechatlier’s principle for the synthesis of sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
by contact process?
*** 35) Explain the concept of Bronsted acids and Bronsted bases. Illustrate the answer with suitable
*** 36) What is a conjugate acid base pair? Illustrate with examples.
*** 37) Write the conjugate acid and conjugate base of each of the following.
- - -
(a) OH (b) H2O (c) HCO3 (d) H2O2 (e) HSO4 (e) NH3
*** 38) Explain the following with suitable examples.
(a) Electron – deficient (b) Electron – precise (c) Electron – rich hydrides
*** 39) Explain the terms hard water and soft water. Write a note on the
(i) Ion – exchange method (ii) Calgon method for the removal of hardness of water?
*** 40) Write a few lines on the utility of hydrogen as a fuel?
*** 41) Write any four uses of dihydrogen?
** 42) Write the chemical reactions to justify that hydrogen peroxide can function as an oxidizing as
well as reducing agent?
*** 43) What is plaster of Paris? Write a short note on it?
*** 44) Give an account of the biological importance of Na+ and K+ ions.
*** 45) Give an account of the biological importance of Mg+2 and Ca+2.
*** 46) Explain the structure of Diborane?
*** 47) Explain borax bead test with a suitable example?
*** 48) What are electron deficient compounds? Is BCl₃ an electron deficient species? Explain?
*** 49) Give two methods of preparation of diborane?
*** 50) Explain the difference in properties of diamond and graphite on the basis of their structure?
*** 51) What do you understand by (a) Allotropy (b) Inert pair effect (c) Catenation?
*** 52) What are silicones? How are they prepared? Give examples & their uses?
** 53) Write a short note on fullerenes?
*** 54) Give two examples each for position, functional, chain isomerism and metamerism.
*** 55) Explain Wurtz reaction and Friedel-craft’s alkylation with one example for each.
* 1) What is octet rule?
* 2) Which of the two ions Ca⁺² or Zn⁺² is more stable and why?
* 3) Cl‾ ion is more stable than Cl atom why?
** 4) Why argon unable to form Ar₂ molecule?
*** 5) Which of the gasses diffuses faster among N2, O2 and CH4? Why?
*** 6) How many times methane diffuses faster than Sulphur di oxide?
*** 7) State Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
*** 8) State Boyle’s law.
*** 9) Sate Charles’ law.
*** 10) State Avogadro’s law.
*** 11) Calculate kinetic energy of 5 moles of nitrogen at 27° C?
*** 12) Calculate kinetic energy of 4 g of methane at 73° C (in S.I units)?
*** 13) Calculate the ratio of kinetic energies of 3g of hydrogen and 4g of oxygen at a given
*** 14) What is Boltzman’s constant? Give its value?
*** 15) Why pressure cooker is used for cooked food on hills?
*** 16) What is surface tension?
*** 17) What is laminar flow of a liquid?
*** 18) What is coefficient of viscosity? Give its units?
*** 19) Write vander waal’s equation.
*** 20) Give the values of gas constant in different units.
*** 21) How many number of moles of glucose present in 540g of glucose?
*** 22) Calculate the weight of 0.1 mole of sodium carbonate.
*** 23) The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O. Its molecular weight is 90. Calculate the
molecular formula of the compound.
*** 24) Assign oxidation number to the underlined elements in each of the following species?
(a) H₄P₂O₇ (b) CaO₂ (c) NaBH₄ (d) H₂S₂O₇ (e) KMnO₄ (f) MnO₄‾²
(g) O₂F₂ (h) MnO₄‾ (i) NaH₂PO₄ (j) NaHSO₄ (k)K₂MnO₄ (l) K2Cr2O7
*** 25) Define Normality.
*** 26) What are disproportionation reactions? Give example.
*** 27) State the first law of thermodynamics.
*** 28) State the second law of thermodynamics.
*** 29) State the third law of thermodynamics.
*** 30) What are intensive and extensive properties?
*** 31) What are the ‘∆H’ sign conventions for exothermic and endothermic reactions?
*** 32) Give the equation that gives relationship between ∆U and ∆V.
*** 33) What is homogeneous equilibrium? Write two homogeneous reactions?
34) What is heterogeneous equilibrium? Write two heterogeneous reactions?
*** 35) Define equilibrium constant?
*** 36) What is the effect of pressure on a gaseous chemical equilibrium?
*** 37) Explain the relationship between Gibb’s energy change and equilibrium constant?
*** 38) What is Lewis base? Give example?
*** 39) What is Lewis acid? Give example?
*** 40) What is ionic product of water? What is its value? Give its value.
*** 41) What is buffer solution?
*** 42) Calculate PH of 0.05 M NaOH solution?
*** 43) What is common ion effect?
*** 44) Give two examples of salts whose aqueous solutions are acidic and ?
*** 45) Define PH?
*** 46) What is solubility product?
*** 47) Calculate PH of 0.05 M H2SO4 solution?
*** 48) Explain the term “SYNGAS”.
*** 49) Why is KO₂ paramagnetic?
*** 50) Lithium salts are mostly hydrated. Why?
*** 51) What happens when magnesium metal is burnt in air?
*** 52) Write the average composition of Portland cement?
*** 53) Why is gypsum added to cement?
*** 54) Explain inert pair effect?
*** 55) Why are alkali metals not found in the free state in nature?
*** 56) Potassium carbonate cannot be prepared by Solvay process? Why?
*** 57) Describe the importance uses of (a) caustic soda (b) sodium carbonate (c) Quicklime
*** 58) Why does BF3 behave as a Lewis acid?
*** 59) Boron is unable to form BF6-3 ion explain?
*** 60) Give the hybridization of carbon in (a) CO3-2 (b) Diamond (c) Graphite (d) Fullerene
*** 61) How does graphite function as lubricant?
*** 62) SiF₆⁻² is known, while SiCl₆⁻² is not? Explain?
*** 63) What is producer gas?
*** 64) What is synthesis gas?
*** 65) Why is CO poisonous?
*** 66) Diamond is hard? (OR) diamond has high melting point? Explanation?
*** 67) Graphite is a good conductor – explain.
*** 68) Write the use of ZSM-5.
*** 69) What are BOD and COD?
*** 70) Define sink and receptor?
*** 71) Name two adverse effects caused by acid rains?
*** 72) Which oxides cause acid rain? And what is its PH value?
*** 73) Name the major particle pollutants present in troposphere?
*** 74) What is PAN? What effect is caused by it?
*** 75) What Agro chemicals are responsible for water pollution?
*** 76) What are the harmful effects caused by ozone layer depletion?
*** 77) What is classical smog? And what is its chemical character?
*** 78) Name the common components of photo chemical smog?
*** 79) What are Green House Gases?
*** 80) What is ozone hole? Where it was first observed?
*** 81) What is TLV?
*** 82) What are the effects of global warming?
*** 83) Write the conformations of ethane?
*** 84) Draw cis and trans isomers of CHCl = CHCl.
*** 85) Write the structures of (a) Tri chloro ethanoic acid (b) P–Nitro benzaldehyde
(c) 3, 4, 4, 5 – tetra methyl heptane (d) neopentane
*** 86) Write the IUPAC names of

(a) (b) CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH = CH2 (c)

H2 H3C C C CH3
(d) (CH3)2C(C2H5)2 (e) 3 H C C C CH3 (f) H
*** 87) Complete the following reaction
H2O red hot
CaC2 A B C. Identify A, B,C.
*** 88) Write the chain isomers of C4H10
*** 89) Write the functional group isomers of the compounds (i) C3H6O (ii) C2H6O
*** 90) What is the type of hybridization of each carbon in the following compound?

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