Java Interview

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1. What is three main pillars of OOP? explain each, What is Object class? explain
methods of this class?
2. What is Exceptinons and errors in java?
3. What is Java Collections? recommended to watch all videos of playlist:
4. What is Java Collection interface? Which classes extends them?
5. What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList? Where to use them?
Which is better in which case?
6. What is the difference between ArrayList and Set?
6. What is Comparator and Comparable? Give example with reverse sort. What is
Iterator and Iterable?
7. What is hashing in java? How it works? Explain internal work of HashMap?
Contract between equals() and hashCode() method?
8. What is TreeMap in java? What is Balanced-Binary tree in java?
9. What is Concurrency in java?
10. Difference between Runnable and Callable?
11. Difference between synchronous and asynchronous?
12. tell some utility class in java.util.concurrent? explain it
13. What is multithreading in java?
14. What is java generics?
15. What is interface, abtract class and concrete class? difference between them?
16. What is functional interface?
17. What method with implementation can have interface?
18. What is functional interface? give an example of functional interface?
19. What is java stream?
20. What is lambda expression in java?
21. Which build tool you use? how to run application/ run tests/ run integration
test in this build tool through terminal?
22. What is SOLID rule?
23. What is N-Tier architecture layers?
24. What is unit test in java?
25. What is integration test in java?
26. What is mocking in java?
27. What is the difference between spy and mock?
28. What is java logging?

Spring boot:
1. What is Inversion of Control(IOC) and Dependency Injection? recommended to watch
all vidoes in playlist:
2. What is bean? where it will be created? where it will be stored? How we can
print(get) all beans in spring boot?
3. What is the difference between ApplicationContext and BeanFactory?
4. What is @Component? @Service? @Repository? @Configuration? Difference between
5. What is @GetMapping @PostMapping @PutMapping @PatchMappinf @DeleteMapping?
6. What is @RequestBody? @RequestParam? @PathVariable?
7. What is Spring active profiles?
8. What is docker-compose.yml file?
9. What is the difference between image and container in docker?
10. How to set up services in docker-compose.yml file so that they will run one
after another?
11. For what we use 4**(ex: 403) statuses and for what 5**(ex: 500) statuses?

1. What is JPA/Hibernate? recommended:
2. What is Relational database?
3. What is transaction?
4. What is ACID rule?
5. How to join tables with hibernate?
6. Write query to get joined all entries of two tables
7. What is Crud operation?
8. What is distributed nosql database?

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