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11-14 19:33:41:688 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : onCreate

11-14 19:33:41:695 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains

<SPR> : false
11-14 19:33:41:696 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 19:33:41:722 Utils : getSharedPreferences() : SharedPreferences(pref) is
11-14 19:33:41:724 Utils : getSharedPreferencesEdit() : SharedPreferences.Editor is
11-14 19:33:41:728 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences [UseWizardScript] :
11-14 19:33:41:731 Utils : put Int in SharedPreferences [ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION] :
11-14 19:33:41:732 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences [isBackupOrientation] :
11-14 19:33:41:735 Utils : backupDefaultScreenOrientation, set auto rotate 0
11-14 19:33:41:742 WizardSystemBarHelper : disableNotifications disable : 61276160
11-14 19:33:49:822 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : maybeNext : run
11-14 19:33:49:905 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : [CATCH] failed to enable/ disable
11-14 19:33:49:915 Utils : [SET] Component is enable :
11-14 19:33:49:920 Utils : [SET] Component is disable :
11-14 19:33:49:923 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : [DB] get mobile_data : true
11-14 19:33:49:924 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : [DB] set
device_provisioning_mobile_data to 1
11-14 19:33:49:928 TSSutils : getTssGlobalCarriers: strCarriers [EUX, EUY, EEX,
EEY, TSE]. feature is empty
11-14 19:33:49:929 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : processSetupWizardPreAction,
isActivatedServerAID false, isSupportLanguageSelection false,
isSupportCountrySelectionStep false
11-14 19:33:49:963 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : For smart switch - action :
11-14 19:33:50:282 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : call and
11-14 19:33:50:284 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId oem_pre_setup, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 19:33:50:286 TSSutils : getActivationStatus: 0
11-14 19:33:50:287 TSSutils : ActivationRebootFlow: 0
11-14 19:33:50:290 TSSutils : isSupportCountrySelectionActivationRebootFlow: false
11-14 19:33:50:293 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId sec_welcome, resultCode 1
11-14 19:33:50:296 SetupWizardPreActionActivity : SettingsObserverService start
11-14 19:33:50:386 SettingsObserverService : onCreate
11-14 19:33:51:072 IntroLanguageActivity : start Intro page
11-14 19:33:51:074 c : initialize LocaleManager
11-14 19:33:51:075 IntroLanguageActivity : Call from SecSetupWizard false
11-14 19:33:51:516 IntroLanguageActivity : initViews : in first boot, set
background color to 2131099776
11-14 19:33:51:523 ReactivationUtils : isSupportGoogleFRP : result 2,
GoogleFRPSupported 2
11-14 19:33:51:524 ReactivationUtils : isSupportGoogleFRP : true
11-14 19:33:51:538 ReactivationUtils : readGoogleFrpFlag : flag 0
11-14 19:33:51:539 ReactivationUtils : readGoogleFrpFlag : false
11-14 19:33:51:549 ReactivationUtils : isSupportLMM : result : 2,
SamsungReactiveSupported 1, SamsungGoogleReactiveSupported 3
11-14 19:33:51:550 ReactivationUtils : isSupportLMM : false
11-14 19:33:52:193 c : getLocales() called, size : 90
11-14 19:33:52:195 IntroLanguageActivity : initViews : mCurrentLocale es_US,
mCurrentLocaleIndex 19, localeMatchDetection true
11-14 19:33:52:198 Utils : isSupportRecommendMainDisplay : false
11-14 19:33:52:199 IntroLanguageActivity : initViews : mWelcomeTitle �Bienvenido!
11-14 19:33:52:237 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<RemoveEmergency> : false
11-14 19:33:52:238 Utils : SetupWizard isSupportEmergencyButton : true
11-14 19:33:52:294 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DTVariantNoSimLock> : false
11-14 19:33:52:304 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<IntroNoSimLock> : false
11-14 19:33:52:464 IntroLanguageActivity : onResume : IsStartedAnimation false
11-14 19:33:52:468 IntroLanguageActivity : DevicePolicyManager
getUserProvisioningState : 0
11-14 19:33:52:469 IntroLanguageActivity : startAnimation
11-14 19:33:52:627 IntroLanguageActivity : onConfigurationChanged : {1.0 ?mcc?mnc
[es_US] ldltr sw384dp w384dp h779dp 300dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 45 - 720, 1510)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mDisplayRotation=ROTATION_0
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0 mPopOver=off mStageConfig=undefined
mFreeformTaskPinningState=unpinned mFreeformStashState=undefined} s.2
fontWeightAdjustment=0 ff=0 bf=0 bts=0 themeSeq=0 nightDim=-1}
11-14 19:33:52:710 ReactivationUtils : isSupportGoogleFRP : result 2,
GoogleFRPSupported 2
11-14 19:33:52:712 ReactivationUtils : isSupportGoogleFRP : true
11-14 19:33:52:728 ReactivationUtils : readGoogleFrpFlag : flag 0
11-14 19:33:52:729 ReactivationUtils : readGoogleFrpFlag : false
11-14 19:33:52:732 ReactivationUtils : isSupportLMM : result : 2,
SamsungReactiveSupported 1, SamsungGoogleReactiveSupported 3
11-14 19:33:52:733 ReactivationUtils : isSupportLMM : false
11-14 19:33:52:734 c : getLocales() called, size : 90
11-14 19:33:52:736 IntroLanguageActivity : initViews : mCurrentLocale es_US,
mCurrentLocaleIndex 19, localeMatchDetection true
11-14 19:33:52:738 Utils : isSupportRecommendMainDisplay : false
11-14 19:33:52:742 IntroLanguageActivity : initViews : mWelcomeTitle �Bienvenido!
11-14 19:33:52:745 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<RemoveEmergency> : false
11-14 19:33:52:746 Utils : SetupWizard isSupportEmergencyButton : true
11-14 19:33:52:774 IntroLanguageActivity : startSpreadingCircleAnimation
11-14 19:33:52:779 IntroLanguageActivity : startSpreadingCircleAnimation : display
size getting from WindowMetrics is (720, 1600)
11-14 19:33:52:780 IntroBackgroundDrawable : IntroBackgroundDrawable()
11-14 19:33:52:782 IntroBackgroundDrawable : initializeAnimator : fromRadius
15.9375, toRadius 877.2685
11-14 19:33:52:783 IntroBackgroundDrawable : startAnimation
11-14 19:33:54:341 IntroBackgroundDrawable : startAnimation : onAnimationEnd
11-14 19:33:54:760 IntroSpreadingCircleAnimation : onAnimationEnd :
isPlayingAnimation true
11-14 19:33:55:543 KmeManager : checkDeviceSupportsKme true
11-14 19:33:55:544 IntroLanguageActivity : Initializing Plus Gesture Detector
11-14 19:33:55:546 SetupWiwzardApplication : setSALoggingConfiguration
11-14 19:33:55:626 Utils : [INFO] Timeout alarm pending event setted
11-14 19:34:17:631 Utils : Package not found :
11-14 19:34:17:714 Utils : telephonyManager.getSimState() : 1
11-14 19:34:17:716 Utils : isSimMissing : true
11-14 19:34:17:718 Utils : INFO : isSimMissingToastRequired : true
11-14 19:34:18:109 Utils : Timeout alarm pending event canceled
11-14 19:34:18:112 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_welcome, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 19:34:18:114 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId sec_eula, resultCode -1
11-14 19:34:18:207 Utils : [SET] persist.sys.knox.provisioning_in_progress : 0
11-14 19:34:18:244 IntroLanguageActivity : onPause
11-14 19:34:18:689 Utils : Package not found :
11-14 19:34:18:690 EULAPPMainActivity : Call from setupWizard false
11-14 19:34:20:150 EULAPPMainActivity : If Auto Update is supported or not : true
11-14 19:34:20:164 TnCutils : getTncSummaryType: TNC summaryType 0
11-14 19:34:20:175 TnCutils : DMA version code :910501000
11-14 19:34:20:178 TnCutils : isSupportAntiMalware : false
11-14 19:34:20:182 KmeManager : checkDeviceSupportsKme already
11-14 19:34:20:183 EULAPPMainActivity : IntroLanguageSpinnerActivity KME
11-14 19:34:20:184 KmeManager : KME_Analysis: Binding to KmeService Elapsed Time:
143339 mIsBoundToKmeService = false
11-14 19:34:20:219 KmeManager : Binding to KmeService: true
11-14 19:34:20:558 KmeManager : KME_Analysis: Connected to IEnrollmentCheckService
Elapsed Time: 143712 mCurrentKmeStatus = CHECK_NOT_STARTED
11-14 19:34:25:913 EULAPPMainActivity : EULA is saved
11-14 19:34:26:566 EULAPPMainActivity : PP is saved
11-14 19:34:26:570 EULAPPMainActivity : [DB-LOG] put samsung_eula_agree_hqm DB to 1
11-14 19:34:27:406 EULAPPMainActivity : DIAG is saved
11-14 19:34:27:470 TnCutils : sendBroadcastForEulaAgreement is Done
11-14 19:34:27:474 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences [ppValue] : true
11-14 19:34:27:476 TnCutils : isSupportAntiMalware : false
11-14 19:34:27:478 Utils : [GET] persist.sys.knox.provisioning_in_progress : 0
11-14 19:34:27:481 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_eula, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 19:34:27:483 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<VZW_ACT> : false
11-14 19:34:27:484 CustomerRegionChecker : isVzwActivationStepOnlyDevice:false
11-14 19:34:27:486 KmeManager : checkDeviceSupportsKme already
11-14 19:34:27:497 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId sec_wifi_setup, resultCode 203
11-14 19:34:27:789 SecWifiSetupWrapper : isQuickStart=false, isWifiConnected =
11-14 19:34:27:790 SecWifiSetupWrapper : Start WIFI...
11-14 19:34:27:791 KmeManager : checkDeviceSupportsKme already
11-14 19:34:27:792 KmeManager : checkDeviceSupportsKme already
11-14 19:34:27:825 KmeManager : isB2bDeviceBeforeFactoryReset false
11-14 19:34:27:828 ReactivationUtils : isSupportGoogleFRP : result 2,
GoogleFRPSupported 2
11-14 19:34:27:829 ReactivationUtils : isSupportGoogleFRP : true
11-14 19:34:27:847 ReactivationUtils : readGoogleFrpFlag : flag 0
11-14 19:34:27:848 ReactivationUtils : readGoogleFrpFlag : false
11-14 19:34:27:849 SecWifiSetupWrapper : [googleFRPFlag] = false
11-14 19:34:27:850 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences [frp_init_value] :
11-14 19:34:28:458 WifiSetupWizard : onCreate
11-14 19:34:28:880 WifiSetupWizard : isKmeSupported = true,
isNetworkRequiredBySetupWizard = false, isNetworkRequiredByKme = false,
mIsUsedSprintNewSetupWizard = false
11-14 19:34:28:881 WifiSetupWizard : isVendorSupportTSS : false SalesCode : COM
11-14 19:34:29:047 WifiSetupWizard : isVendorSupportTSS : false SalesCode : COM
11-14 19:34:29:048 WifiSetupWizard : updateButton isNext:false, viewEnable:true
11-14 19:34:29:050 WifiSetupWizard : Network required by Customer : false
11-14 19:34:29:108 WifiSetupWizard : isVendorSupportTSS : false SalesCode : COM
11-14 19:34:32:134 WifiSetupWizard : onClick MainAction isWifiNetworkConnected() =
false isNetworkAvailable() = false mIsSkipButtonEnabled = true
11-14 19:34:34:686 WifiSetupWizard : onClick MainAction isWifiNetworkConnected() =
false isNetworkAvailable() = false mIsSkipButtonEnabled = true
11-14 19:34:34:697 WifiSetupWizard : finish with RESULT_SKIP
11-14 19:34:34:920 SecWifiSetupWrapper : onActivityResult : 20
11-14 19:34:34:922 SecWifiSetupWrapper : onActivityResult finishAction
11-14 19:34:34:926 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences [skipSelectedInWifi] :
11-14 19:34:34:940 SecWifiSetupWrapper : start Service -
11-14 19:34:34:943 SecWifiSetupWrapper : call and finish
11-14 19:34:34:945 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_wifi_setup, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 19:34:34:947 KmeManager : checkDeviceSupportsKme already
11-14 19:34:34:952 KmeManager : KME_Analysis: Binding to KmeService Elapsed Time:
158106 mIsBoundToKmeService = true
11-14 19:34:34:962 TSSutils : getActivationStatus: 0
11-14 19:34:34:969 TSSutils : This device is not Network based TSS.
11-14 19:34:34:971 Utils : Package not found :
11-14 19:34:34:972 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId sec_esim_setup, resultCode 105
11-14 19:34:35:216 SecEsimSetupWrapper : This model supports eSIM slot
11-14 19:34:35:217 SecEsimSetupWrapper : This carrier supports eSIM
(CscFeature_RIL_SupportEsim) : false
11-14 19:34:35:218 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_esim_setup, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 19:34:35:219 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<VZW_ACT> : false
11-14 19:34:35:220 CustomerRegionChecker : isVzwActivationStepOnlyDevice:false
11-14 19:34:35:221 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId sec_esim_post_setup, resultCode 1
11-14 19:34:35:494 PostESimSetup : call and finish
11-14 19:34:35:495 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_esim_post_setup, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 19:34:35:497 ReactivationUtils : isSupportGoogleFRP : result 2,
GoogleFRPSupported 2
11-14 19:34:35:498 ReactivationUtils : isSupportGoogleFRP : true
11-14 19:34:35:532 ReactivationUtils : readGoogleFrpFlag : flag 0
11-14 19:34:35:534 ReactivationUtils : readGoogleFrpFlag : false
11-14 19:34:35:537 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId no_network_flow, resultCode 201
11-14 19:34:35:905 SmartSwitchConditionCheckActivity : call
and finish
11-14 19:34:35:906 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId check_smart_switch_condition, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 19:34:35:907 Utils : SetupWizard hasSmartSwitchFeature true
11-14 19:34:35:910 Utils : isIntentAvailable() Intent not available :
11-14 19:34:35:911 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId common_setup_flow, resultCode -1
11-14 14:34:48:621 SecLockSetupWrapper : onCreate() SecLockSetupWrapper
11-14 14:34:48:625 SecLockSetupWrapper : Start LockScreen...
11-14 14:35:06:112 SecLockSetupWrapper : onActivityResult : 1
11-14 14:35:06:114 SecLockSetupWrapper : onActivityResult finishAction
11-14 14:35:06:115 SecLockSetupWrapper : call and finish
11-14 14:35:06:117 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId Default, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 14:35:06:119 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next] use
default intent
11-14 14:35:06:390 SequenceList : SequenceList()
11-14 14:35:06:392 SequenceList : sequence list is made
11-14 14:35:06:431 WizardFlowManager : ===== start WizardFlowManager =====
11-14 14:35:06:447 SecSetupWizardActivity : onCreate: User is Unlocked
11-14 14:35:06:452 SecSetupWizardActivity : ===== start with directboot or
WizardFlowManager =====
11-14 14:35:06:453 SecSetupWizardActivity : startSecSetupWizard:
SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType :
11-14 14:35:06:457 SecSetupWizardActivity : startSecSetupWizard:
mSetupWizardUseWizardScript true, mIsOwner true, isSupportServerAID false,
isActivatedServerAID false
11-14 14:35:06:459 SecSetupWizardActivity : startSecSetupWizard:
isSupportLanguageSelection false, isSupportLanguageRolling false,
isSupportCountrySelectionStep false
11-14 14:35:06:466 ReactivationUtils : isSupportLMM : result : 2,
SamsungReactiveSupported 1, SamsungGoogleReactiveSupported 3
11-14 14:35:06:468 ReactivationUtils : isSupportLMM : false
11-14 14:35:06:476 SecSetupWizardActivity : checkingAECondition
dpm.getUserProvisioningState() : 0
11-14 14:35:06:477 SecSetupWizardActivity : startSecSetupWizard: getLength 2,
current start
11-14 14:35:06:481 SecSetupWizardActivity : isRLChallengeRequried : false
11-14 14:35:06:482 OemPostSetupUtils : makeReplacedSequenceList: SalesCode COM,
IsOwner true
11-14 14:35:06:483 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<VanillaStep> : false
11-14 14:35:06:484 TSSutils : getActivationStatus: 0
11-14 14:35:06:486 TSSutils : ActivationRebootFlow: 0
11-14 14:35:06:496 Utils : isSupportHomeHub-
11-14 14:35:06:511 Utils : Package not found : com.lguplus.iptv3.introlauncher
11-14 14:35:06:513 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<PreloadAppDownload> : false
11-14 14:35:06:515 OemPostSetupUtils : isStartSmartSwitchTransferWithSetting :
smartswitch_transfer_start_in_oobe = 0
11-14 14:35:06:516 OemPostSetupUtils : isSupportTips : false
11-14 14:35:06:522 OemPostSetupUtils : isSupportNotice : false
11-14 14:35:06:523 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<BTSPurple> : false
11-14 14:35:06:524 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<ThomBrowne> : false
11-14 14:35:06:526 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<blackpink> : false
11-14 14:35:06:527 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DCL> : false
11-14 14:35:06:528 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<OlympicGames> : false
11-14 14:35:06:529 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<OlympicAthletes> : false
11-14 14:35:06:530 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<Paralympic> : false
11-14 14:35:06:541 SecSetupWizardActivity : insert in list : omc_agent_setup
11-14 14:35:06:547 SecSetupWizardActivity : insert in list : sec_account_setup
11-14 14:35:06:549 Utils : isIntentAvailable() Intent not available :
11-14 14:35:06:555 SecSetupWizardActivity : insert in list : sec_backup_setup
11-14 14:35:06:567 SecSetupWizardActivity : insert in list : alternative_permission
11-14 14:35:06:572 SecSetupWizardActivity : insert in list : sec_darkmode_setup
11-14 14:35:06:577 SecSetupWizardActivity : insert in list : outro
11-14 14:35:06:578 SecSetupWizardActivity : getNext: omc_agent_setup : Intent
{ (has extras) }
11-14 14:35:06:579 SecSetupWizardActivity : startActivityForResult, current:
11-14 14:35:06:628 WizardFlowManager : try to connect GSA service
11-14 14:35:06:656 WizardFlowManager : bind SSB_SERVICE
11-14 14:35:06:762 WizardFlowManager : SSB_SERVICE connected
11-14 14:35:06:763 WizardFlowManager : SSB_SERVICE message sent
11-14 14:35:24:069 SecSetupWizardActivity : onActivityResult: requestCode 1010,
resultCode -1 of omc_agent_setup
11-14 14:35:24:071 SecSetupWizardActivity : checkingAECondition
dpm.getUserProvisioningState() : 0
11-14 14:35:24:073 SecSetupWizardActivity : getNext: sec_account_setup : Intent
{ (has extras) }
11-14 14:35:24:075 SecSetupWizardActivity : startActivityForResult, current:
11-14 14:35:40:183 SecSetupWizardActivity : onActivityResult: requestCode 1010,
resultCode 7 of sec_account_setup
11-14 14:35:40:187 SecSetupWizardActivity : checkingAECondition
dpm.getUserProvisioningState() : 0
11-14 14:35:40:194 SecSetupWizardActivity : completeSecAccount : isLogIn false
11-14 14:35:40:199 SecSetupWizardActivity : completeSecBackup : skip sec backup :
11-14 14:35:40:201 SecSetupWizardActivity : getNext: [skip] sec_backup_setup :
Intent {
(has extras) }
11-14 14:35:40:202 SecSetupWizardActivity : getNext: alternative_permission :
Intent {
(has extras) }
11-14 14:35:40:203 SecSetupWizardActivity : startActivityForResult, current:
11-14 14:35:40:647 AlternativePermissionActivity : initPermissionView [0] - B�squeda de dispositivos : DB info
11-14 14:35:42:525 AlternativePermissionActivity : saveSwitchState [0] [true]
11-14 14:35:42:527 AlternativePermissionActivity : finishAction: goto Next step
11-14 14:35:42:576 SecSetupWizardActivity : onActivityResult: requestCode 1010,
resultCode -1 of alternative_permission
11-14 14:35:42:581 SecSetupWizardActivity : checkingAECondition
dpm.getUserProvisioningState() : 0
11-14 14:35:42:583 OemPostSetupUtils : isStartSmartSwitchTransferWithSetting :
smartswitch_transfer_start_in_oobe = 0
11-14 14:35:42:584 SecSetupWizardActivity : getNext: sec_darkmode_setup : Intent
{ (has extras) }
11-14 14:35:42:589 SecSetupWizardActivity : startActivityForResult, current:
11-14 14:35:42:705 DarkModeSetupWizard : onCreate
11-14 14:35:44:952 DarkModeSetupWizard : onCreate
11-14 14:35:47:699 SecSetupWizardActivity : onActivityResult: requestCode 1010,
resultCode -1 of sec_darkmode_setup
11-14 14:35:47:701 SecSetupWizardActivity : checkingAECondition
dpm.getUserProvisioningState() : 0
11-14 14:35:47:703 SecSetupWizardActivity : getNext: outro : Intent
{ (has extras) }
11-14 14:35:47:705 SecSetupWizardActivity : startActivityForResult, current: outro
11-14 14:35:47:858 OutroActivity : start Outro page
11-14 14:35:48:058 OemPostSetupUtils : isTipsButtonVisible : false
11-14 14:35:48:376 OemPostSetupUtils : isTipsButtonVisible : false
11-14 14:35:51:122 SecSetupWizardActivity : onActivityResult: requestCode 1010,
resultCode 14 of outro
11-14 14:35:51:124 SecSetupWizardActivity : checkingAECondition
dpm.getUserProvisioningState() : 0
11-14 14:35:51:126 SecSetupWizardActivity : finishAction :
mSetupWizardUseWizardScript true, USER_SETUP_COMPLETE false
11-14 14:35:51:128 WizardSystemBarHelper : enableNotifications - mStatusBarManager
is not null So enable Notifications
11-14 14:35:51:143 KmeManager : checkDeviceSupportsKme already
11-14 14:35:51:145 SecSetupWizardActivity : setHomeLauncher is not yet. so, set
Default launcher
11-14 14:35:51:155 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId oem_post_setup, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 14:35:51:156 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId enterprise_finalization_flow, resultCode -1
11-14 14:35:51:213 SystemActivity : success setDefaultLauncher
11-14 14:35:51:390 WizardFlowManager : unbind SSB_SERVICE
11-14 14:35:51:664 SecSetupCompleteActivity : onCreate
11-14 14:35:51:665 SecSetupCompleteActivity : setupComplete
11-14 14:35:51:706 KmeManager : checkDeviceSupportsKme already
11-14 14:35:51:708 SecSetupCompleteActivity : KME stop with Thread
11-14 14:35:51:709 SecSetupCompleteActivity : restoreDefaultValue : stop
11-14 14:35:51:717 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences [isBackupOrientation] :
11-14 14:35:51:718 Utils : restoreDefaultScreenOrientation, set auto rotate 1
11-14 14:35:51:719 Utils : LOG:SetupWizard startTime 113076, endTime 234874
11-14 14:35:51:720 KmeManager : KME_Analysis: Unbinding from
BulkEnrollmentCheckService Elapsed Time: 234875 mIsBoundToKmeService = true
11-14 14:35:51:726 Utils : [SET] Component is disable :
11-14 14:35:51:740 Utils : [SET] Component is disable :
11-14 14:35:51:746 Utils : [SET] Component is disable :
11-14 14:35:51:913 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId complete, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete false
11-14 14:35:51:916 WizardScriptManager : getScriptIntent_Complete :
isStartSmartSwitchTransfer false, hasSamsungAccount false
11-14 14:35:51:917 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId exit, resultCode 1
11-14 14:35:51:945 SecSetupCompleteActivity : [BR] sendBroadcast -
11-14 14:35:51:947 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences [UseWizardScript] :
11-14 14:35:51:948 SecSetupCompleteActivity : setupComplete : sys.pdp.action
11-14 14:35:51:949 SecSetupCompleteActivity : setupComplete : reset
UseWizardScript's pref value as false
11-14 14:35:51:979 SettingsObserverService : onDestroy
11-14 14:35:51:985 SettingsObserverService : onChange(), auto rotate setting is
enabled by
11-14 14:35:51:986 SettingsObserverService : ignore auto rotate change to On by SUW
11-14 14:38:05:644 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 14:38:05:659 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 14:38:05:660 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 14:41:50:625 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 14:41:50:685 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 14:41:50:687 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 14:43:58:456 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 14:43:58:473 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 14:43:58:475 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 18:37:51:559 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 18:37:51:575 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 18:37:51:576 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 19:10:17:090 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 19:10:17:108 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 19:10:17:108 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 19:13:41:086 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 19:13:41:102 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 19:13:41:104 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 19:19:55:142 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 19:19:55:162 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 19:19:55:164 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 19:38:54:552 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 19:38:54:574 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 19:38:54:575 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 21:00:24:931 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-14 21:00:24:986 RestoreIdSelectionActivity : call and
11-14 21:00:24:989 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId restore_id_selection, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete true
11-14 21:00:24:993 Utils : getSharedPreferences() : SharedPreferences(pref) is
11-14 21:00:24:995 Utils : getSharedPreferencesEdit() : SharedPreferences.Editor is
11-14 21:00:25:000 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences
[checkCurrentRestoreFlow] : true
11-14 21:00:25:001 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId unified_restore_flow, resultCode 204
11-14 21:00:30:094 SecRestoreDataWrapper : onCreate : SecRestoreDataWrapper
11-14 21:00:30:107 SecRestoreDataWrapper : Start launchSecRestore...
11-14 21:00:30:108 Utils : SetupWizard hasSmartSwitchFeature true
11-14 21:00:30:112 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-14 21:00:30:113 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-14 21:00:30:115 Utils : isIntentAvailable() Intent not available :
11-14 21:00:30:116 SecRestoreDataWrapper : launchSecRestore : intent is null
11-14 21:00:30:117 SecRestoreDataWrapper : finishAction: isBack false
11-14 21:00:30:119 Utils : put Boolean in SharedPreferences [selectSmartSwitch] :
11-14 21:00:30:120 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_restore, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete true
11-14 21:00:30:125 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId setup_as_new_flow, resultCode -1
11-14 21:00:34:501 CheckCurrentRestoreFlowActivity : onCreate
11-14 21:00:34:502 CheckCurrentRestoreFlowActivity : call
and finish
11-14 21:00:34:503 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId check_current_restore_flow, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete true
11-14 21:00:34:504 WizardScriptManager : getScriptIntent_CheckCurrentRestoreFlow :
checkCurrentRestoreFlow true
11-14 21:00:34:505 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next]
actionId get_current_restore_flow_to_start_restore, resultCode -1
11-14 21:00:38:902 SecLockSetupWrapper : onCreate() SecLockSetupWrapper
11-14 21:00:38:904 SecLockSetupWrapper : Start LockScreen...
11-14 21:00:38:907 SecLockSetupWrapper : Lock already enabled, skip GED lock screen
11-14 21:00:38:909 SecLockSetupWrapper : call and finish
11-14 21:00:38:911 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId Default, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete true
11-14 21:00:38:912 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next] use
default intent
11-14 21:04:40:022 SecAccountSetupWrapper : onCreate() SecAccountSetupWrapper
11-14 21:04:40:046 SecAccountSetupWrapper : launchSecAccountSetup
11-14 21:06:45:352 SecAccountSetupWrapper : onActivityResult : requestCode 1010,
resultCode : -1
11-14 21:06:45:353 SecAccountSetupWrapper : completeSecAccount : isLogIn true
11-14 21:06:45:355 SecAccountSetupWrapper : finishAction: goto Next step
11-14 21:06:45:361 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_account_setup, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete true
11-14 21:06:45:363 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next] use
default intent
11-14 21:06:45:605 Utils : isIntentAvailable() Intent not available :
11-14 21:06:45:606 SecPaySetupWrapper : onCreate() SecPaySetupWrapper
11-14 21:06:45:622 SecPaySetupWrapper : [skip] launchSecPaySetup
11-14 21:06:45:623 SecPaySetupWrapper : finishAction: goto Next step
11-14 21:06:45:625 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_pay_setup, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete true
11-14 21:06:45:626 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next] use
default intent
11-14 21:06:45:815 SecBackupSetupWrapper : onCreate() SecBackupSetupWrapper
11-14 21:06:45:868 SecBackupSetupWrapper : [skip] launchSecBackupSetup
11-14 21:06:45:869 SecBackupSetupWrapper : finishAction: goto Next step
11-14 21:06:45:870 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Current]
actionId sec_backup_setup, mIsSetupFlow true, mIsSetupComplete true
11-14 21:06:45:871 WizardScriptManager : getNextIntentFromWizardScript : [Next] use
default intent
11-15 07:24:15:888 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-15 07:24:15:907 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-15 07:24:15:908 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-15 12:06:48:498 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-15 12:06:48:514 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-15 12:06:48:515 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-15 20:37:02:514 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-15 20:37:02:562 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-15 20:37:02:588 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-17 12:57:20:937 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-17 12:57:20:955 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-17 12:57:20:956 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-22 17:32:16:251 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-22 17:32:16:492 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-22 17:32:16:493 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-23 08:43:23:511 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-23 08:43:23:549 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-23 08:43:23:551 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-25 11:36:40:840 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-25 11:36:40:898 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-25 11:36:40:935 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-26 19:02:38:614 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-26 19:02:38:652 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-26 19:02:38:653 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-28 16:08:24:714 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-28 16:08:24:755 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-28 16:08:24:756 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-29 11:29:03:073 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-29 11:29:03:155 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-29 11:29:03:156 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
11-30 05:57:22:111 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
11-30 05:57:22:129 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
11-30 05:57:22:131 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-02 14:40:40:048 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-02 14:40:40:097 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-02 14:40:40:099 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-02 21:54:52:678 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-02 21:54:52:708 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-02 21:54:52:709 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-06 13:01:18:692 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-06 13:01:18:768 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-06 13:01:18:770 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-09 16:56:46:071 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-09 16:56:46:093 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-09 16:56:46:095 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-10 08:02:37:553 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-10 08:02:37:578 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-10 08:02:37:583 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-13 04:11:19:031 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-13 04:11:19:050 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-13 04:11:19:051 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-13 06:09:01:447 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-13 06:09:01:470 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-13 06:09:01:471 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-20 12:43:22:607 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-20 12:43:22:627 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-20 12:43:22:628 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-20 18:34:18:785 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-20 18:34:18:825 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-20 18:34:18:826 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-25 10:15:32:996 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-25 10:15:33:040 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-25 10:15:33:085 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-25 10:28:28:657 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-25 10:28:28:668 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-25 10:28:28:669 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-25 17:15:55:576 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-25 17:15:55:604 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-25 17:15:55:606 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-25 17:30:15:994 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-25 17:30:16:010 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-25 17:30:16:012 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-27 08:52:31:094 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-27 08:52:31:127 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-27 08:52:31:128 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-30 10:27:26:274 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-30 10:27:26:325 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-30 10:27:26:326 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
12-31 08:07:17:064 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
12-31 08:07:17:085 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
12-31 08:07:17:087 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-01 06:12:56:915 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-01 06:12:57:004 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-01 06:12:57:004 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-04 05:50:36:017 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-04 05:50:36:058 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-04 05:50:36:070 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-13 01:00:16:959 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-13 01:00:17:085 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-13 01:00:17:087 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-20 21:13:26:956 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-20 21:13:26:989 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-20 21:13:26:990 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-24 07:22:17:110 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-24 07:22:17:180 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-24 07:22:17:182 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-24 12:16:35:445 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-24 12:16:35:485 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-24 12:16:35:486 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-28 11:04:01:979 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-28 11:04:01:996 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-28 11:04:01:997 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-28 11:07:52:128 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-28 11:07:52:164 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-28 11:07:52:165 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-28 13:03:54:808 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-28 13:03:54:917 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-28 13:03:54:918 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
01-31 17:49:50:293 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
01-31 17:49:50:336 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
01-31 17:49:50:345 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-01 20:27:45:841 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-01 20:27:45:852 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-01 20:27:45:853 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 05:38:26:671 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 05:38:26:707 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 05:38:26:708 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 06:35:56:518 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 06:35:56:552 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 06:35:56:553 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 06:44:39:556 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 06:44:39:599 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 06:44:39:602 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 07:41:59:833 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 07:41:59:851 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 07:41:59:852 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 08:31:44:792 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 08:31:44:830 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 08:31:44:831 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 09:49:22:964 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 09:49:22:986 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 09:49:22:987 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 12:08:19:740 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 12:08:19:772 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 12:08:19:773 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 13:52:59:241 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 13:52:59:308 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 13:52:59:309 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-05 20:07:33:699 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-05 20:07:33:723 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-05 20:07:33:724 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-06 05:43:58:964 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-06 05:43:59:016 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-06 05:43:59:018 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-06 07:58:14:348 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-06 07:58:14:375 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-06 07:58:14:386 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-06 09:36:34:799 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-06 09:36:34:815 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-06 09:36:34:817 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-06 09:52:32:914 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-06 09:52:32:958 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-06 09:52:32:961 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-06 09:59:39:329 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-06 09:59:39:349 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-06 09:59:39:351 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-06 10:34:09:011 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-06 10:34:09:036 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-06 10:34:09:037 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-06 13:58:38:045 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-06 13:58:38:090 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-06 13:58:38:091 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-09 15:10:32:866 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-09 15:10:32:922 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-09 15:10:32:924 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-09 15:13:38:847 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-09 15:13:38:865 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-09 15:13:38:866 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-09 18:59:18:867 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-09 18:59:18:892 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-09 18:59:18:893 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false
02-13 09:06:15:985 SetupWiwzardApplication : onCreate setConfiguration
02-13 09:06:16:025 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<SPR> : false
02-13 09:06:16:026 Utils : CscFeature_SetupWizard_ConfigStepSequenceType contains
<DSH> : false

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