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Step 01-Access the template

I access the template and start to edit.

Step 2: Analyze your user interviews and

identify user groups
So I Make Two Different user groups

This really helped me envision two different people. I drew

particular situations from my interview participants to
construct these personalities.
I choose two characters who are fighting with their life

Step 3: Build two personas based on your user

research for the Sharpen prompt in your
portfolio project.
Let’s do it.
Met my personas Farhan And Evan

Yes, I do it

I chose the different age groups and different goals, and

different People. Someone Needs to Job. On the other hand,
someone has a successful business. Both are combined at
the coffee shop this the common factor for my personas.
Someone comes to use wifi and attend the class. On the
other hand, other people come to the coffee shop for

I added the personal details there life goal and details of life
journey. I added the frustration and goals. Different people
have different goals and frustration. Someone wants to get
out of a busy day. On the other hand, someone wants to join
the busy life.
This assignment is peer-reviewed- our first one! I submitted
mine, and now I have to go review some of my classmate’s

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