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Energy Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of energy is no easy feat. It requires a deep understanding of various
aspects, ranging from the scientific principles underlying energy production and consumption to the
socio-economic and environmental implications of different energy sources. The complexity of the
subject matter demands extensive research and a comprehensive grasp of the interconnected issues at

Crafting a well-rounded energy essay involves navigating through the labyrinth of renewable and
non-renewable energy sources, considering the geopolitical implications of energy dependence, and
exploring the technological advancements shaping the energy landscape. The writer must grapple
with intricate concepts such as energy efficiency, sustainability, and the challenges posed by climate

Moreover, conveying these ideas in a coherent and engaging manner demands not only a strong
command of language but also the ability to translate complex scientific and technical information
into accessible prose. Striking the right balance between informative content and persuasive
argumentation adds an additional layer of difficulty.

To create an impactful essay, one needs to weave together a compelling narrative that captures the
reader's attention, sustains their interest, and leaves a lasting impression. This entails skillful use of
evidence, thoughtful analysis, and a cohesive structure that guides the reader through the nuanced
terrain of the energy landscape.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of energy requires a blend of scientific acumen, research
prowess, and effective communication skills. It is a challenging endeavor that demands dedication,
time, and a passion for understanding and addressing one of the most critical issues of our time.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any academic writing tasks, there are online
services like where you can find support in tackling complex topics and producing
well-crafted essays tailored to your needs.
Energy Essay Energy Essay
Child Trafficking
Priceless Commodity: An Essay on
Child Trafficking

Child Trafficking is a form of human trafficking. It is defined as the recruitment, transfer

and harbouring of children, for purposes of exploitation (Child Trafficking, The trafficking of children is the third largest global consumer
market, especially in areas of Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and
North Africa, with an estimated 1.2 million children being trafficked annually.
(UN.GIFT). Since poverty has been in existence, so has child trafficking. In the
nineteenth century, the moral challenge was slavery. (Nicholas D. Kristof, Half The Sky).
The practice of child trafficking is a very close relative to slavery. The gap between the ...
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Traffickers do not think about what they are doing. They are in the business for the
money, and without tough laws, this horrendous practice will continue to grow. The
final cause is the different social factors that affect each individual country and family.
In many countries, there is a young life expectancy, which often leaves children
without a parent. This causes a child to step up and begin to take care of their family,
often playing a leading role. Children in this position do feel a sense of obligation to
provide in many ways for their families, and many a time this means they must begin
to contribute financially. There are not many options for minors to earn a living in
some areas of the world, so trafficking is an option they may often find themselves
involved in. Many of these reasons, that cause people to find themselves entangled in
the world of trafficking can be fixed with the help of awareness and aid. Many people
are sadly unaware of the affairs associated with child trafficking,, and that needs to be
changed, if there is ever going to be an improvement in the lives of these unfortunate
families and children.

There are different methods of trafficking, including three of the most popular and
widespread. There is a high demand for trafficked children especially girls, by tourists in
some countries. In India, there are brothels which hold women and young girls, with
nearly 36
The Symbols Of Kwanzaa
Kwanzaa is a holiday that most in the African American community know about, but aren
t very well versed on.

What Is Kwanzaa?

A week long celebration that is celebrated in the United States and in other nations of
the West African diaspora in the Americas. The name Kwanzaa derives from the Swahili
phrase matunda ya kwanza, meaning first fruits of the harvest . It was created in 1966
by Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga (born Ronald McKinley Everett) and is the first African
American made holiday. Most known for the candle lighting ceremony, this is a time
where each evening, the opportunity is provided to gather and discuss the meaning of

The Seven Principles

Kwanzaa has seven principles which are celebrated each day, over the course of a week
(December 26 January 1). They are as follows**: ... Show more content on ...
This is symbolic of how we should strive for and maintain unity in the family, community,
nation, and race.
Kujichagulia (Self Determination): You create your own destiny, to be responsible for
Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community
together. This symbolizes helping our brothers and sisters , by making their problems our
problems and solving them together.
Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and
other businesses and to profit from them together.
Nia (Purpose): To restore our traditional greatness. This symbolizes building and
developing our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.
Kuumba (Creativity): To use creativity and imagination, making our communities more
beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
Imani (Faith): To believe with all our hearts in our people, our parents, our educators, our
leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our
I Am A Coward
I gripped my sword and clenched my teeth, praying these wouldn t be the last moments
of my life. The small pond a few inches away showed my reflection. I gaze into it and
can t help but think of how ashamed my family would be to reveal what s become of
me. I am a coward. My soul is but an abyss that holds nothing but webs and dust. I
reach as far as I can for something; just to keep going, but leave empty handed every
time and the swirling thoughts never leave my head. I am a coward. As the bloodied
monster approaches me, it releases an inhuman roar and charges toward me. The scales
on it s body looks as If it s breathing and the earth lets out a long, menacing, and subdued
growl that s makes my vision bleary as i attempted to... Show more content on ...
I walk through a gate made from dark red bricks and i gaze at the inside of the palace.
There s a perfectly sculpted chandelier atop the high ceiling, that looks as if it never
rusts and there s candles lit around every corner. The wax has not I hunger for the
taste of blood and I can t help but try and sniff her out. Or anybody wandering about.
Using my vampire senses, i stifle the gravels sound under my feet, floating about 1
inch from the ground. she did this to me. Alvalee. She made me this horrid creature
and pretended she loved me. It seems I have sniffed you out before you did me, she
lets out a charming and wary laugh, Oh.. I ve missed you since you left. Her voice a
bittersweet poison I could nearly taste. Her red hair glistens in the man made light of
the cave as she circles around me. Red eyes burn into me fiery, benevolent even as her
scarred hands gently stroke my hair, and for a split second I forget why I m here.
Have you? Funny You haven t at least tried to contact me since I left four years ago. I
ve been in the country a couple of weeks. It seems to me you couldn t give a rats a**
about me. I ve sent my troops to the castle. Word said you would be meeting that
prince of yours there. Grinning like a bobcat as she always did. Do not bring Malek
into this, Alvalee. You know exactly what I m here for. My body starts warming up, as
Inherit The Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee
Every man has opinions, some which are stronger than others, but do these thoughts
define the man? In Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee s play Inherit The Wind
opinions do not define the people who advocate them. Each character in this play has
viewpoints that influence their actions. The bravery, honesty and determination
required to express an opinion defines a person more than the opinion, allowing one to
respect a man who advocates unpopular opinions. When a man stands up for his beliefs
despite their unpopularity, he exemplifies great bravery. While Bertram Cates may not
have been the most brave man when the trial began, he later addresses the courtroom
by saying, I feel I am... I have been convicted of violating an unjust law. I will continue
in the future, as I have in the past, to oppose this law in any way I can, (115). Bert
bravely states his point of view in his speech and makes it clear that he stands behind
Darwinism. While picking the jury members, Drummond [objects] to all [the] Colonel
talk, (42) because he believes it interferes with a fair trial. In addition to annoying Brady,
Drummond objects to the title because he is brave enough to stand up to what he thinks
is unjust. On a more general note, Drummond had the braveryto go to Hillsboro as the
defense attorney for Bert even though winning the case was nearly impossible and there
was no pay. Although their opinions were not popular in the play, Bert and Drummond
show great bravery by standing up for
The Discovery Of Apollo 11
Since ancient times, men have gazed upon the cosmic ocean above our heads
wondering what could be out there. In the last 2 centuries human kind has made a huge
leap in technology and science, from horse drawn carriages to spaceships capable to
send us into space. What used to be considered science fiction now is considered science
fact. In 1969, Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the moon, opening the
path towards the stars. One problem that we encounter is distance. The closest starto
Earth, beside the Sun, is Alpha CentauriB, being situated at 4.24 light years away. This
means if we were traveling at the speed of light, we would need 4 years to get to the star,
but the fastest man made object is the Voyager 1, a space probe launched by NASA in
1977, reaching the speed of 17 kilometers per second (compared to 300,000 kilometers
per second, the speed of light). This means it will take over 74,000 years to reach Alpha
Centauri B. In order to reach stars in a more effective way, we need to reach higher
According to Einstein s theory of relativity nothing can travel faster than the speed of
light. This is because the mass of an object that is moving with the speed of light is
becoming infinite, requiring infinite energy to propel it, which is obviously impossible.
Even at 80% of the speed of light, mass is becoming a big problem.
One day, in Earth s distant future, there will be a Last day of the Earth scenario.
Eventually, the sun will become a

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