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Self Assessment Essay Sample

Crafting a self-assessment essay can be both an enlightening and challenging endeavor. The
difficulty lies not only in the introspective nature of the task but also in the need for a balanced
perspective that combines self-reflection with objective analysis. It demands a delicate dance
between self-awareness and critical evaluation, making it a uniquely personal yet academically
rigorous task.

To begin with, the challenge arises from the requirement to delve deep into one's own experiences,
strengths, weaknesses, and accomplishments. This level of self-analysis can be uncomfortable for
some, as it involves confronting personal vulnerabilities and acknowledging areas for improvement.
Striking the right balance between humility and confidence is crucial, ensuring that the essay does
not become overly self-deprecating or excessively boastful.

Furthermore, articulating thoughts coherently and structuring the essay in a way that effectively
communicates the essence of one's self-assessment adds another layer of complexity. It's not just
about listing achievements or shortcomings but about weaving them into a narrative that is engaging,
authentic, and reflective of personal growth.

The challenge intensifies when attempting to meet academic expectations. A self-assessment essay
should not only be introspective but also adhere to the conventions of formal writing, including
proper grammar, organization, and citation if necessary. Balancing the personal and academic aspects
requires finesse, as the essay should remain true to the individual's voice while meeting the
evaluative criteria set by the academic context.

In conclusion, the difficulty of writing a self-assessment essay lies in navigating the intricate terrain
between self-exploration and academic rigor. It demands a level of honesty and vulnerability that can
be uncomfortable, coupled with the challenge of presenting these reflections in a structured and
articulate manner. Nevertheless, overcoming these hurdles can lead to a profound understanding of
oneself and the development of crucial writing and self-analysis skills.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of such essays, it's worth exploring
resources like . There, you can find support for crafting not just self-assessment
essays but a variety of written tasks, ensuring that your academic journey remains both insightful and
Self Assessment Essay SampleSelf Assessment Essay Sample
Analysis Of The First Circumnavigators
Brent Sather Professor Halavais History 376 27 September 2017 Exploration of the
World Throughout Harry Kelsey s book, The First Circumnavigators , as well as,
Roger Crowley s book Conquerors , they both explain many misfortunes and hazards
that the Spanish and Portuguese explorers faced during the various expeditions that set
sail on. Many misfortunes that happened on the voyages included bad weather, scarce
food, individual faults, as well as attacks and invasions. One of the major misfortunes
that Harry Kelsey describes is the difficulty of the changing weather. For example,
Magellan accounts on his voyage that, On 6 April 1522, the Trinidad, after undergoing
extensive repairs and with fifty four men aboard, left Tidore and... Show more content on ...
All of this was the cause of death for many and serious illness for others. In particular,
many men ate the great lizards large shiny things and only a few of them are still
alive. The survival of the crew was one of the biggest priorities. This was one of the
biggest hazards that the crew had to deal with. On Magellan s Voyage, The next day
was Easter Sunday, and Magellan ordered everyone to go ashore and attend Mass.
After this he invited the officers to dine with him on the flagship. None of the
conspirators accepted the invitation. Instead, they waited until nightfall, then quietly
boarded the San Antonio and put Captain Mesquita in chains. The ship s master, Juan
de Elorriaga, was fatally stabbed when he tried to intervene. These individual actions
by traitors on the ship created many unfortunate situations between the crew members
that could have been avoided. During another part of the Magellan Voyage, it was
stated that, Finally on 18 December, the vessels were ready to sail. The Victoria left
first, waiting outside the harbor. But a dragging anchor on the Trinidad opened a seam
in the hull, and water rushed in. Repairs were impossible without unloading the ship.
This was an individual action that could have been avoided. If the anchor was brought
in before the boat was launched, it would have saved them more time for travel, as well
as more room for the crew if they weren t piled in one boat having to come back later for
Separation Of The West Essay
The West prior to and after the Civil War was largely unpopulated by the white man, the
Indians, as a result, dominated the landscape mostly undisturbed. However, this
separation came to a halt as legion of white pioneers invaded the great plains, displacing
the Indians and civilizing the West. With tensions rising, the government attempted to
make treaties that gave the Indians designated areas to live. What the government failed
to realize was that there wasn t a primary Indian hierarchy and that the people in charge
of upholding these treaters were corrupt. Inability to control the nomadic people and
growing anger amongst the Indian ranks lead to many bloody skirmishes between the
Indians and the U.S. Army. The Indian s had a short lived victory at the Battle of Little
Big Horn, Custer s Last Stand. Eventually, the U.S. Army forced the Indians to surrender
and corralled them into reservations where they silently suffered for generations as the
government attempted to assimilate them. Driven by the promise of fortune, prospectors
by the thousands poured into the west starting 1858 all the way until the end of the
millennium. Numerous people rushed into quickly built towns and started stripping the
surrounding land of its resources.... Show more content on ...
This act granted anyone 160 acres of land if they could survive on it for five years,
improve it, and pay the small fee of $30. Many farmers, who didn t have the money to
pay for the land otherwise, quickly took advantage of this deal. So did big corporations,
who had people claim the prosperous land for the company to use later. As for the
farmers, they quickly realized that although the land was bountiful, the water was not.
Lack of water drove out and killed many settlers. Eventually drought resistant crops and
irrigation plans contributed to the eventual success of the West, which was declared
completely settled officially in

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