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Why The Drinking Age Should Not Be

Lowered Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of why the drinking age should not be lowered presents a unique set of
challenges. Firstly, it requires thorough research into the various arguments both for and against
lowering the drinking age. This involves delving into studies on the effects of alcohol consumption
on developing brains, examining historical and cultural perspectives on alcohol regulation, and
considering the potential consequences of a lower drinking age on public health and safety.

Additionally, crafting a coherent argument against lowering the drinking age requires careful
attention to logical reasoning and evidence-based analysis. It's essential to anticipate and address
counterarguments effectively, acknowledging opposing viewpoints while presenting a compelling
case for maintaining the current drinking age.

Furthermore, the topic is inherently complex and multifaceted, encompassing social, legal, medical,
and ethical dimensions. Balancing these different aspects while maintaining clarity and focus in the
essay can be challenging.

Overall, writing an essay arguing against lowering the drinking age demands diligence, critical
thinking, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. It requires not only a deep
understanding of the topic but also skill in constructing a persuasive and well-supported argument.

[At the end, without mentioning the topic: Similar essays and much more can be ordered on .]
Why The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered Essay Why The Drinking Age Should Not Be
Lowered Essay
Mental Health At Correctional Facilities Essay
Mental Health in Correctional Facilities
Mental illness is a problem that occurs in all nations around the world. This is even
more true for the populations in correctional facilities for both men and women. The
overwhelming number of persons in correctional facilities with health issues is caused
by: the rational that people with mental health disorders are a threat to society; narrow
mindedness and low tolerance for people who are different from us; no resources to
acquire the proper care needed. These mental health problems may have occurred prior to
incarceration, and may nurtured further by the stressful environment of prisons, or they
may have also been caused by being incarcerated in the first place in addition to other
prior issues. Correctional facilities is not the place for the mentally ill, instead they
should be treated for there illnesses. The purpose of this paper is to depict both the
problem of inmates with mental health disorders in correctional facilities and the
challenges faced by correctional staff. Secondly, denote possible interventions (treatment)
for inmates with mental health issues. Next, support this information with studies about
mental health in correctional facilities. Lastly, offer reasons it is important to combat the
problem of mental illness in correctional facilities in order to better serve their well
being needs.
The growing rate of inmates with mental health disorders in correctional facilities is
alarming. 54% state jail. 45% federal
Jfk Inaugural Address Speech Analysis
On a day that was filled with sparkling cold snow January 20th, 1961 In Washington
D.C President John F. Kennedy delvers his will know inaugural address speech, to the
citizens of both the world and America at the end of a close and fierce ballot Kennedy
persuaded, captivated the people and he was very successful. Using Pathos, Logos, Ethos
and some subtle techniques he effectively converted millions of people in the USA .by
touching their hearts and motivating their minds.
JFK heavily uses pathos, repetition, and changing sentence structures to deliver an
effective speech. John F. Kennedy touches many American hearts in his speech. In the
second paragraph he says he has sworn before you and Almighty God (p1). The
mentioning of God so early in his speech sets the tone for the rest of his speech. He ends
the speech by mentioning God again, Gods work most truly be our own (p3). Showing
America that he is a deeply religious man. Throughout his speech JFK uses thought
provoking words such as freedom, success, and liberty, words that have become
synonymous with the American dream. The constant uses of these words invoke a
feeling of patriotism in most Americans.
JFK uses repetition to demonstrate his points throughout his speech. He constantly
reminds the American people that they are a united and strong country that can make it
through anything. He also mentions that America can solve problems with their enemies
using diplomacy several times. He begins four paragraphs in a row with the same words,
Let both sides , to illustrate that he is willing to work things out with countries America
is having problems with. The use of repetition helps Kennedy to convey his message to
his audience. Long, powerful sentences occasionally to keep the formality of the speech
and to convey important messages to his audience. The interchanging between the
simple, short sentences and the long, eloquent sentences keeps the audience listening and
wondering what he is going to say next. John F. Kennedy effective uses rhetorical
devices to successfully convey his ambitions and hopes for America. His use of pathos,
repetition, and variation of sentences helps him to achieve this goal. John F. Kennedy s
speech was very memorable
Ganobcik Invention Of The Magnetic Resonance Phenomenon
In 1946, two men, Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell, discovered the magnetic resonance
phenomenon and just 4 years later the first magnetic resonance image was created. By
1977, a scientist, Raymond Damadian, after receiving a patent to build a magnetic
resonance imaging machine, produced the first MRI of a human body. This new
technology through the work of many scientists was evolved into the MRI scanners used
by doctors throughout the world today. This invention has changed the face of modern
medicinebut, unfortunately in The United States, MRIs scans cost a more, on average,
than any other country in the world, and are being misused at a staggering rate. In order
to fix these issues, health care professionals and consumers of MRIs must step... Show
more content on ...
Although more difficult to do, this action would prevent doctors and radiologists from
charging unfair amounts to read a simple scan. In an article for The Washington Post,
author Ezra Klein reports In 2009, Americans spent $7,960 per person on health care.
Our neighbors in Canada spent $4,808. The Germans spent $4,218. The French, $3,978.
If we had the per person costs of any of those countries, America s deficits would vanish.
Workers would have much more money in their pockets. Our economy would grow
more quickly, as our exports would be more competitive (par.2). This solution benefits
more than just the wallet of consumers but potentially offers a way to help the economy as
Fedex Marketing Essay
Fed Ex is an express parcel delivery service. This modern air/ground express industry was
started by the creation of Federal Express in 1971; this company evolved into the FedEx
Corporation in 2000 (FedEx, 2011). For the 2011 Fiscal Year, they had revenue in excess
of $39 billion dollars. FedEx is comprised of more than 290,000 global employees. They
process more than 8.5 millions shipments each day (FedEx, 2011). FedEx provides
services to more than 220 countries and territories, including every address in the United
States (FedEx, 2011).
FedEx Corporation is the premier provider of shipping and information services
worldwide. Their mission statement is evident in everything they do. The mission of
FedEx is FedEx Corporation will ... Show more content on ...
The marketing mix allows FedEx to target their audience. FedEx depends on the
marketing; management needs market information to create new products or tweak
existing products, service location, prices and promotion strategies. These four P s are
the driving force to marketing. FedEx has seven product line and they all employ these
P s in their campaign. Each product line provides different value to FedEx. The
marketing department is responsible for marketing and brand recognition for all FedEx
The product is the good or service (Kotler Keller, 2009). When FedEx began, they
were an express delivery service; however, they have evolved since then to include
office locations for customers, providing copying/printing services and creating
creative company collateral. The FedEx policy is to retain clients for a variety of
services. For corporations, this may mean using them for printing, copying, collation
of mailings and shipping. By offering a variety of services, FedEx is able to be a one
stop shop for companies of all sizes. The acquisition of Kinko s was a key component to
the success in this area. Also, by providing multiple revenue streams, they are able to
keep the packages moving.
The place is getting the right product to the right market. FedEx has locations all over
the globe. They can ship next door or around the globe. The acquisition of Kinko s
helped to increase the convenience of
19th Century Imperialism Dbq
Prior to the 19th century imperialism of both Africa and Asia, revolutions and changes
of territories led the Europeans to colonize these continents. The industrial revolution
was a major impact to new imperialism. This revolution raised Europe s economy and
forced them to find new opportunities to sell the goods they have produced. Also, the
change and loss of territories around the world meant a decline of power for Europe, and
yet another reason to imperialize. The 19th century imperialismof Africaand Asia was
caused by the industrial revolution because of goods, resources, and new markets in their
countries. The industrial revolution also influenced imperialism based on the military
and technological advances, such as the invention of... Show more content on ...
As Europe became so much more industrialized, major problems started to rise and
make itself known. Unemployment and lack of money for the people were two of the
major problems (Doc R). Europe s solution to this was to colonize parts of Africa and
send all of the extra people there. This allowed the overflow of people to be minimized
because of the new acquired space they now had. It also helped their economy because
as European people were being pushed out to Africa, new factories and businesses
were put up so they could work in them. Also, the inventions of the cannon based on
the gunpowder empires in Africa and Europe allowed them to get ahead of their
competitors (Doc H). This new artillery invention allowed Europe to take down
African and Asian armies that were larger than theirs. Since the cannon was a
necessity for Europe to take down their enemies, and was generally ahead in the
military aspects, the factories had to make and model these in the most efficient way
possible. This heavy demand for weaponry placed a big load of work on the factories
to produce the cannon and send it out to the troops the fastest they could. This increase
in workload in factories provided more jobs and strengthen the economy for Europe.
Also, the gunpowder industry began as a result of the industrial revolution. This
revolution was so popular in Europe that it paved the way for Europe to overall strive
in many aspects such as the production of gunpowder. The new overseas technological
advances and transportation gave Europe an extra layer of protection to their already
great military (Doc H). The industrial revolution in Europe was were steamships and the
transporting of goods originally started. This laid a foundation for the factories in
improve the ships and put Europe ahead. Having effective and efficient
Heavy Diesel Forensics
The work environment for a heavy diesel mechanic is quite different from a forensic
anthropologist. Whilst they are both hands on jobs, they are both very different from
each other. They also can be quite messy and both can be just as dangerous as each other.
As much as they may sound the same with the work environment conditions they are
both very different Forensic anthropologist work with law enforcement agencies and
assist in processing skeletal evidence. They study bones, a field known as osteology, and
profile research subjects by gathering information used to determine the individuals ages
at death, sex, and physical condition. They are expected to use scientific standards in
their work. Heavy diesel mechanics repair maintain and test heavy vehicles, the detect
mechanical and electrical faults by using instruments that check charging they also repair
and maintain the... Show more content on ...
A major skill is having dependability, being reliable, responsible and dependable, and
fulfilling obligations. Also with both of these jobs come the need to be able to have a
high stress tolerance, being able to accept criticism and dealing calmly and effectively
with high stress situations. Most people, like myself struggle when it comes to a high
stress situation. But there are people out their that can deal with almost anything in
any situation, plus have all the attributes at the same time. I myself am one to deal
with things quickly and calmly, but when a problem becomes out of my depth I start
to stress. I am also an analytical thinker and I pay high attention to detail. I can well in a
team and can work well independently when I am needed to. I m not very good with
leadership skills, and yes they are also needed for both of these jobs, but it is needed to
be put in play I am capable of doing
Write An Essay On Ebola Virus
Name:TaLissa Battieste_

Causative Agent: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

Disease: Ebola Virus

Classification of the causative agent:

The Ebola virus is a member if the family filoviridae and the order mononegavirales
and is the causative agent of the Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever. These are enveloped viruses
that have mini genomes consisting of a single RNA molecule of negative or anti MRNA
sense. There are five different Ebola virus genomes (BDBV, EBOV, RESTV, SUDV and
TAFV) that differ in sequence and the number and location of gene overlaps.

Most cases of the Ebola virus are located on the African continent. It was first identified
in a province of Sudan and in a nearby region of Zaiire in 1976 after significant
epidemics in Yambuku and Nzara, both in Africa. ... Show more content on ...
Different strains of Ebola may have slight changes in their structure, indicating that
virulence is mutagenic. The virus contains a nucleocapsid which gives it some virulence
as well.

Mode of transmission:
Ebola is transmitted in humans through the direct contact of blood or bodily fluids of a
person infected with the virus. Examples of these fluids include diarrhea, sweat, vomit,
semen, urine, and breast milk. The virus can enter through breaks in the skin or mucous
membranes including the nose, mouth and eyes. Ebola is not an airborne disease that is
transmitted through sneezing and coughing however large droplets from a person who is
sick could be infectious.

Incubation Period of the Disease:

The time interval from infection with the virus to the onset of symptoms, better known
as the incubation period is 2 21 days. The average period is 8 10 days. Humans are not
infections until they develop symptoms. Ebola is an acute viral infection with a rapid
onset, brief period of symptoms and resolution within days.

Signs and

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