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ASL - Listening Gr-8

L-2 ASL - Listening Gr-8



Grade : VIII English ASL - Listening B. What kinds of environmental changes can impact the ecosystem
Subject : English (Part of Subject Enrichment) of the ranges?
: L-2 ‘A Short Walk in Hindu (Max. Marks: 10 M) ______________________________________________________
Kush’ (Reflection)
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Q-1 Fill in the blanks as per the information shared in the newsreel: (3) ______________________________________________________
1. In the name of calling themselves as the ______________________________________________________
______________________________ of all species, human beings have ______________________________________________________
not only ______________ ________ their own Q-3. Write a short note about the importance of Hindu Kush Mountain
__________________________ with an agenda to do degradation, ranges for the north western parts of Indian sub-continent (3)
rather they have almost destroyed it in the name of development. ______________________________________________________
2. Often known as the ________________________ earth, ____________ ______________________________________________________
_____________________ are ecological. Cultural, _________________ ______________________________________________________
Strategic geo-political asset not only for the region but for the world as
a whole.
Q-2 Answer the given questions in brief: (4)
A. How does the formation of Hindu Kush Mountain ranges make its
ecosystem fragile? ______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

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