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Optimism Definition Essay

Crafting an essay on the concept of optimism presents a unique set of challenges that may not be
immediately apparent. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but in capturing the
essence of optimism itself. The subject demands a delicate balance between defining optimism,
exploring its various facets, and delving into its subjective nature.

To start, one must grapple with the abstract nature of optimism. Unlike more concrete topics,
optimism is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be interpreted differently by individuals.
This inherent subjectivity makes it challenging to pin down a universally accepted definition. It
requires a nuanced exploration that considers cultural, personal, and historical perspectives.

Moreover, the challenge extends to striking the right tone. An essay on optimism should inspire
positivity without oversimplifying the complexities of life. It's about walking the fine line between
acknowledging the harsh realities of the world while embracing a hopeful outlook. Achieving this
balance in language and style requires a thoughtful and measured approach.

Another obstacle lies in the need for depth. Optimism is not a mere surface-level concept; it involves
understanding the psychological, social, and even physiological aspects that contribute to a positive
mindset. This necessitates thorough research and the integration of various disciplines, making the
essay a challenging endeavor that goes beyond mere definition.

Additionally, the writer must be attuned to the potential pitfalls of clichés and platitudes. An essay
on optimism risks becoming trite if it merely reiterates common sayings without offering fresh
insights or perspectives. Striking a balance between familiarity and originality becomes crucial to
keep the essay engaging and impactful.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the definition of optimism requires navigating through the
intricate web of subjectivity, maintaining a delicate balance in tone, delving into the complexity of
the concept, and avoiding the pitfalls of clichés. It is a task that demands both intellectual rigor and
creative finesse.

For those seeking assistance in navigating these challenges, similar essays and a wealth of other
academic content can be accessed through . Their professional services can provide
valuable support in tackling diverse essay topics with expertise and precision.
Optimism Definition Essay Optimism Definition Essay
Essay about Tourette Syndrome
Tourette Syndrome
Works Cited Not Included

Tourette Syndrome was named for George Gilles de la Tourette, who first discovered the
syndrome in 1885. Today there is still a mystery surrounding the disorder, it?s causes and
it?s cures. But one of the biggest mysteries is an associated behavior called coprolalia.
This symptom is the uncontrolled swearing or socially unacceptable utterances that some
with Tourettes experience. Although despite the media?s fascination, Tourette syndrome
is not the cursing disease many believe it to be.

This baffling neurological disorder is characterized by repetitive motor and/or vocal tics.
The identifying symptom of TS seems to be tic disorders. ?A tic is a brief, repetitive,
purposeless, ... Show more content on ...
There are also utterances of insults and racial comments (Bruun 41). This seems the most
commonly recognized tic disorder of Tourettes. When most think of Tourette they
automatically assume the random cussing. Actually this seems to be a rare symptom.
?Coprolalia, the symptom that the general public associates most often with TS, and it is
not common?(Bruun 41).

It only occurs it a small minority of TS individuals. The numbers are an estimated 5

30% as reported by the Tourette Syndrome Association in 1993. Some relate the
coming on of an inappropriate word as hard to control as a sneeze. They can feel it
coming on but are unable to control it even with medication (Michigan 1). One of the
characteristics of coprolalia that sets it apart from just simply swearing is that words
come out compulsively. Most often when a person is angry but even if they are just
under stress (Kozlowski 1).

Causes of TS are still being debated and most leads are pointing to genetic factors. The
understanding of it seems to be incomplete and unfinished. But in 1999 researchers
announced that they had found evidence suggesting a link between chromosomes 4
and 8 and TS. Though there still is no clearly identified gene to date. So all they can
conclude is if one parent has TS there is a 50/50 chance for the child to carry it unless it
is liked by gender (Packer 5). A study done by Dr. Ruth Bruun indicated a tendency
toward a decrease in severity as patients grow in
Essay On Prescient Dissenters
America s Prescient Dissenters embraces Senator Fulbright and Dr. Bacevich s
impassioned and educated objections to the Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom
(OIF) respectively, and it champions their public disagreement with the presidential
administrations of their time. Furthermore, America s Prescient Dissenters reinforces the
notion that Dissentand political discourse are founding principles of our great democracy,
but also suggests that history forgets those like Fulbright and Bacevich. Fulbright argued
that consensus was equivalent to complacency (LeVien 10), but as a nation, our greatest
crowning achievements occur when we overcome partisanship and focus on results and
collaboration achieved through passionate, frank, and thorough... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately indicative of the politics and policies in today s terms, foreign policy
increasingly occurs 150 characters at a time through Twitter, and the unhinged behavior
often displayed by our executive leadership damages our national image and ability to
effectively manage foreign policy. This fosters a political climate bent on retribution,
vilifying dissent, and clear lacks of self control does not convey an image of national
strength and admiration. Unfortunately, this reinforces the stereotypical worldview of
American s and our politics as the gun toting cowboy that shoots first and asks questions
later. While the gun toting cowboy is part of our culture as a nation, an environment of
threat inflation, frenzied overreaction, confusion, complexity, and uncertainty requires
cool judgment (LeVien 16), but cool judgement and detailed planning are not the
hallmarks of a shoot from the hip approach. Fulbright spoke to this in The Arrogance of
Power in comparing two Americas when he clearly portrayed the gun toting cowboy as
self righteous, narrowly egotistical, and arrogant in the use of power (Fulbright 245).
This only reinforces Fulbright and Bacevich s
Salvador Dali Graffiti
Salvador Dali

I picked Salvador Dali because just like Van Gogh I m fascinated by their artwork. The
way Dali deals with interpreting dreams and his style is different and weird. That
draws me towards him and his artwork. Dali is a very interesting man and we learn
about where he got inspiration and which artists he considered geniuses. His
fascination with Leonardo is important in his artwork. He creates a new idea called the
paranoiac critic method and that helps problems. In Greely s article, Dali, Fascism and
the Ruin of Surrealism He discuses about the war and when Hitler came to power or
was in the rise of power that Salvador Dali had created The Weaning of Furniture
Nutrition. The piece of art wasn t supposed to be ... Show more content on ...
Dali writes in the books and marks them up and there is a spike with the marks when it
reaches a famous passage in the book. Lomas talks about Dali sets himself apart and
instead of Reaction, or Revolution, Renaissance! He would be occupying himself for a
decade with restoring painting to its former status. Lomas talks about critics essay on
how the death of painting falls to earlier twentieth century modernism. Lomas also talks
about Dali s infatuation with Leonardo da Vinci again and how it began early. He
mentions that Dali was aware that Freud writings and case study on him. And Dali
draws Morphology which is reminiscent of Leonardo s work. Where there are several
drawings on the same sheet of paper and that was because Leonardo was not satisfied
with one. Dali is mimicking that technique and later it was learned that Dali was not
trying to. Dali instead was mocking old age. Further in the article it mentions Dali s
Diary of a Genius where Dali ranks Leonardo as higher up in the genius
American Satire Examples Of Satire
In the Netflix mockumentary series, American Vandal, created by Dan Perrault, the
main character Dylan Maxwell, an 18 year old senior at Hanover High School was held
responsible for performing vandalism on 27 cars causing $100K worth of disfiguring.
Everybody believed that Dylan was in charge of the destruction, despite the fact that he
claimed innocence. Instead, they thought Alex Trimboli, the eyewitness, Ms Shapiro, the
Spanish teacher and everyone else that claimed he was behind the vandalism were
speaking the truth. They put Dylan as the prime suspect based on his past with Ms
Shapiro and furthermore because they believed he was capable of committing such
crime. The examples of satirethat the creators used were humour, exaggeration and irony.
A diversion was utilised to make the show enjoyable for young people, yet with the use
of satire, they could influence teenagers to appreciate the show while accepting a genuine
message about how a false allegationagainst anyone could destroy their lives. Many of
the people in the show were biased against rebellious teenagers which was something
that Dylan was known for being. In the mockumentary, Dylan Maxwell was accused
based off his image, his past, as well as his lifestyle. A significant number of the
students that were requested to share their opinion said that what Dylan had to state did
not make a difference since he was imbecilic and so forth. The thesis of the show is
never to prejudge a personbased on their past.

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