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The old House

Dammit! " you scared me". Are you scared. She smiled.
My Mother was photographer. Every photographer have special dream my Mom had also to capture the
"Leopard" in her lens. I heard someone famous photographer used to live there I told her my family used to live there, my Mom was
All in all Mom was telling me, the lucky one will see the leopard. She always made a point of capturing leopard in
the mountains, but her comeback was in low spirit. For the most part I saw her in the corridor she was on the "She doubtfully asked". What about the rest of your family.
Verge of tears.
" Never mind" I'll tell you about them later. Pulses went by, I told her you should go to old house with me.
One day the news came as a pleasant surprise from the acme of mountains, that someone catch the “Leopard”.
She took a great pleasure and tell me, you should go to acme of mountains. She implored me to go but I just It's sound " Easier said than done" since someone told me nowadays " Hobos" live there.
ignore her……….. She accosted me" and said that you have everything "without care in the world". She hastened I hadn't heard the word before.
to pack the things. "Hobos"?

I still remembered a tiny smile was forming in the corner of her mouth, while closing the door. She ignored my question. A few minutes passed. I assured her nothing will wrong. We made our way through
the eucalyptus trees the direction was " Roller coaster of emotion".
But melancholy she depart that life in the gargantuan glaciers wallpaper. I was wandering like " Mumbo- jumbo"
to get a friction of body is finding a needle in a haystack. That was nadir of my life since Mom is elusive of human The walk seemed endless, she said.
beings. I'm still waiting for Mom ....... Just fascinating my heart.
When we came to edge of a field, I cautiously looked around the field. Two men were sitting on the ground. I
My Mother love lasts for eternity, but I was fearful even from my silhouette in Moonlight. I called the shots put the finger on my lips and she followed me. After watching for a few moment she asked where it is ?
while leaving the house and try to live behind the orchard to close all the recollection with her pristine
house....... There is an old house not far from here. We were walking into small grove of plum trees.

" Years went by" the life was growing vigorously. One morning I came out from the home and see a Young girl I stopped and pointed. " There see it. She said it's biggest house I'd ever seen. We slowly approached the front
sitting under eucalyptus tree, her knees drawn to her chest. I was surprised because I had never seen such of the house without wasting the time, we climbed the steps, the front door hung by a single hing.
beautiful girl. I walked toward her, abruptly she said.......

Avast! What are you doing here? We entered in the corridor. Hijab cautiously pushed the hanging door aside. There were bird dropping on the
floor and blood top of the ceiling.
I told her my name and that I like to wandering in the orchard. As she walked toward me, I saw that she had a
pretty face and long dark Brown hair. " Wait a minute" she said. Hijab cupped her hands and peered through a window, take a look she whispered. " see any ghosts". When I
looked to her she was smiling and I knew she is teasing.
Do you live in that old house behind the orchard? I said...........
You didn't tell me about your Mom. I started the story to her in the end of my recollections, she wiped her eyes
I asked her name " she closed her ears for a while" I said are you mad at me or something. She stared at me, my with the back of hand. When we came out from the room. I heard a men coughing and seemed that he is
name is " Hijab". Abruptly she turned and walked toward orchard, took a few step and said " will you be back climbing on steps. Hijab took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
" Don't be scared " I whispered.
I nodded then hurried at home. That night I thought a lot about Hijab and how pretty she was and sort of Angel.
I hadn't made any friends and really wanted to see her again. A few minutes passed I grabbed her arm, we walked quickly to the door. As we jumped from the porch, another
man looked and quickly running toward us.

The next day after finishing chores and hurriedly run to the orchard, hopping to see Hijab. Downhearted that she He strike me by wood, I dropped to my knees and saw that Hijab slammed him from behind. I got Free of his grip
wasn't there. I spent the afternoon and comeback to home. and regained my balance and continued running.
One afternoon I was wandering around the orchard to looking anything interesting. I quickly turned to see Hijab
peeking from the tree. We ran across the field until we arrived to our place. She haggard and trying to catch her breath. I asked who
were those peoples?
"She shrugged "

We stopped at the edge of the orchard.

I think I'll miss you she said.

Without speaking, she took a few steps back, I saw tears welling up in her eyes. " perhaps will I see you...............

I watched until she disappeared then hurried at home.

Written: Asif Ali

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