Canada - Ow The Communists Took Control READ FIRST

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How The Communists Took Control

by Alan Stang

How The Communists Took Control
MANY Canadians know a lot about America. They watch American television. They read American magazines. But until a few years ago most Americans didn't know much about Canada. There was the colorful Calgary Stampede, of course. There were the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. There was Sergeant Preston - and his loyal dog, King. But that, as far as most knew, was it. The situation has now been simplified. There is only one thing anyone has time to know: The events of last year prove that if enough Canadians, with the help of enough Americans, don't act soon enough to prevent it, Canada in a very short time will be a totalitarian dictatorship of the kind in Cuba. The story starts with Prime Minister Pierre-Elliott Trudeau who, as your newspaper has told you, is irresistibly charmant. By now you know that those admitted to his presence leave forever enchante. His wit is like champagne, his learning immense. He adores pretty girls. They adore him. His overpowering masculinity may well destroy the Women's Liberation Front. Trudeau had an unhappy childhood, as a man of the people should. True, he did like being driven to school in a Rolls Royce. He was glad his father was a millionaire. Money came in so handy. But he became unhappy because so many other fathers were not millionaires. He decided to become "socially conscious." Pierre Trudeau is now about fifty-one years old. As with so much else about him, his exact age is a mystery. In 1939, Hitler and his ally Stalin signed their Non-Aggression Pact, started World War II and divided Poland between them. And Lucky Pierre apparently became two years younger - less vulnerable to the Canadian draft. He opposed the war, he explained, because, "Like most Quebecers, I was taught to keep away from imperialistic wars." Stalin also called it an "imperialistic war," and sabotaged our side - until Hitler attacked him, which made the war "patriotic" - but this doesn't prove anything. After all, Joe may have gotten the term from Pierre. During the "imperialistic war," Pierre spent some time in the Canadian Officers Training Corps, but was kicked out for what he says was "lack of discipline" which was a shame. His overwhelming masculinity would have terrified the Nazis. He also spent some time in the Communist-backed Bloc Populaire, helping to undermine the war effort. Like the Communists at the time, he apparently believed Hitler wasn't that bad. In 1947, Trudeau was a student at the London School of Economics, founded by the Fabian Socialists to train Marxists and spread Marxism. Professor Harold Laski, then head of the Fabian Society, was publicly advocating violent revolution at the time. Almost twenty years later, Trudeau, about to become Prime Minister, reflected on his training and told reporter Norman DePoe that Laski is "the most stimulating and powerful influence he has encountered."
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For instance, Trudeau was also a student in Paris, where, apparently under the influence, he was arrested with other demonstrators but escaped from the police. Then come a mystifying couple of years, during which, we are told, Lucky Pierre was a vagabond. Money comes in so handy. Apparently, he visited Communist Yugoslavia. He was in the Middle East during the first Arab-Israeli war. He was in Shanghai when Mao Tse-tung took over. He had many dangerous adventures. He fought bandits. He fought pirates - all of whom his overwhelming masculinity helped him overwhelm. Then the young millionaire came home, dressed like a hippie, sporting a beard. In 1949, he got a job as an economic advisor to the Privy Council in Ottawa. Igor Gouzenko, the Soviet Embassy official who exposed Communist espionage activities in Canada after World War II, says Trudeau got that job with the help of Robert Bryce, who was Clerk of the Privy Council at the time. Bryce had earlier served in Washington, says Gouzenko, where he belonged to a Communist study group and was a close friend of Soviet spy Alger Hiss. While in Paris, Pierre had spent some time with Canadian Gerard Pelletier, who was then with World University Service, he says, "giving American money to countries that were about to go Communist." (Maclean's, February 24,1962.) Now, in Montreal, in 1951, Trudeau and Pelletier began to publish a magazine they called Cite Libre, in which they carried the commentaries of various distinguished intellectuals. There was Professor Raymond Boyer, for instance, who earlier had been exposed by Gouzenko and convicted of Soviet espionage. There was frequent contributor Pierre Gelinas, Quebec Director of Agitation and Propaganda for the Communist Party. There was Stanley B. Ryerson, leading theoretician of the Communist Party and editor of Marxist Review. Toronto Star editor Peter Newman, a Trudeaucrat, wrote in 1968 that Cite Libre did not publish Ryerson. As you see on Page 15, the table of contents says it did. Also in 1951, the Communist World Peace Council, and the Communist World Federation of Trade Unions, then run by V.V. Kuznetsov of Soviet Intelligence, began planning an international economic conference to be held the next year in Moscow. Indeed, so obvious was the nature of the forthcoming conference that in December, 1951, then Canadian Justice Minister Stuart Garson warned all Cabinet Ministers that it was a Communist operation, and advised that government employees should not attend. The conference was held in April, 1952. Of the 471 delegates, 132 were from officially Communist countries. Observers at the time estimated that 300 of the remaining 339 were known or suspected Party members - which left 39 or so for window dressing. Marcus Leslie Hancock, one of the six delegates from Canada, says the Canadian delegation was organized by the Canadian Communist Party, which also paid the delegates' bills. Hancock, then a Communist, says that everyone else he knew in the delegation was also a Party member. The report of that conference, printed in Moscow, is now very hard to get. All copies in Canadian libraries have disappeared. You see a part of that report reproduced on Page 3. As you see, one of the delegates was Pierre-Elliott Trudeau. Indeed, the fact that Trudeau's name appears first means he headed the Communist delegation.




Hancock says he didn't know Trudeau, who stayed at a different hotel. Millionaires, after all, don't mix with peasants. It's outre. Trudeau apparently was inspired in Moscow. He couldn't wait to get home, where he began writing pro-Soviet articles. He couldn't understand why Le Droit (Ottawa) and L 'Action Catholique (Quebec City) began calling him a Communist. All he had done was attend a Communist meeting in Moscow as a guest of the Communist Party at the head of a Communist delegation. All he was doing now was publishing his
CANADA :Oierre Ilioli Trudeau. ecollo mist . Le Deuoir correspondent William Garth Teeple. General Manager of the Workers' Cooperatives Marcus Leslie Hancock, horti culturist Morris Miller, economist. Presi. den! of M. & M. Trading Company Michael Myer Freeman. Execu. 'jve, Health Bread Bakery, Ltd. Jack Cowan. Presidenl of Overseas Travel, Limited, Overseas Trading Corporation

Ai'RiL 3-12,


To the left of. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau is the report of the Reds' International Economic Conference held in Moscow in 1952. To the right is the part of that report listing Canadian delegates. Former Communist Marcus Hancock has testified that the Canadian delegation, headed by Trudeau, was organized by Canada's Communist Party, which paid the delegates' bills. Hancock, himself a delegate, says everyone he knew in the delegation was a Party member.

thanks. He couldn't understand why in 1953 he was barred from entry into the United States. The Eisenhower Administration was then getting ready to admit some Soviet secret policemen to attend a meeting of the World Council of Churches - but poor Pierre they kept out. Why? Pierre later explained that while in Moscow for the conference he actually threw snowballs at Stalin's statue - and remember that Stalin was still alive. Isn't the man's overwhelming masculinity overwhelming? But Toronto Telegram correspondent Peter Worthington checked the meteorological records and found that there was no snow in Moscow during that conference in April, 1952. Worthington published that fact, and for some reason Pierre has since been angry at him. During the next few years, Trudeau clashed frequently with the Quebec Provincial Police, published various Communist articles and organized Le Rassemblement, a political front so communistic even the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation now the Socialist New Democratic Party - refused to join. He applied several times for a teaching job at the University of Montreal, but his Communist activities led Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger to reject him. Pierre apparently had developed a taste for leading delegations to Communist countries. In 1960 he led another - to Communist China. He participated in a Communist "victory celebration." He met his idol, Mao Tse-tung. He collaborated on a book called Two Innocents In Red China. (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1968.) Trudeau describes his meeting with the Communist leaders like this: " ... It is a stirring moment: these greybeards, in their ripe old age, embody today the triumph of an APRIL, 1971 3

idea, an idea that has turned the whole world upside down and profoundly changed the course of human history." Of the greybeard who has murdered more than 30 million Chinese, Trudeau says: " ... Mao Tse-tung, one of the great men of the century, has a powerful head, an unlined face, and a look of wisdom tinged with melancholy. The eyes in that tranquil face are heavy with having seen too much of the misery of men." You don't believe he said it. I know. Neither did 1. Get the book. Notice that the typical Trudeau sarcasm and condescension are gone. Now the Lord Protector of the Realm fawns and scrapes. Indeed, says Trudeau: "Everyone knows that the Communists summarily rushed to the gallows or to jail many of the great landed proprietors. It was the genius of Mao Tse-tung to realize the extent to which his revolution must depend on the peasants, and he mercilessly suppressed the class that inspired in these peasants awe, respect, and submissiveness towards outworn traditions." This you still may not believe, even if you read the book yourself. Here, Trudeau not only justifies Mao Tse-tung's mass murders - he applauds them. They are good, he says. They are necessary. They prove Mao's genius. Lucky Pierre loves to travel. He was in Ghana when Communist Kwame Nkrumah took control. We don't know why. Pierre won't say. He was in Algeria when Communist Ahmed Ben Bella took over. We don't know why. Pierre won't say. Early in 1961, at about the time of the Bay of Pigs, the U.S. Coast Guard picked him up. Pierre was paddling a canoe to Cuba from Key West. We don't know why. Pierre won't say. The Coast Guard deported Pierre to Canada, but he did get to Cuba in 1964, after all. He doesn't say what happened there. Neither does Fidel. "When a question is tough or Mr. Trudeau wishes to avoid it, he goes into an elaborate performance," writes Peter Worthington. "His hands start gesturing, the shoulders wriggle, the eyebrows squirm, the mouth puckers and after some groping for appropriate words Mr. Trudeau invariably says something that is often irrelevant, usually amusing and always evasive. His listeners laugh or giggle as is their individual wont, and the moment is past. Next question." By 1962, traditionalist Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis was dead, and Trudeau finally became a professor at the University of Montreal, overcoming the usual protests. He went right to work turning out Fidelistas. Indeed, the school is now teeming with them. Apparently he admires Castro as much as Mao. And in 1963, he campaigned vigorously with the i\larxist :\ew Democratic Party against the Liberals, who roughly correspond to the Democrats in the States. Trudeau called the Liberals "idiots" because they had decided to use nuclear weapons for defense. The Liberals, he said, were "a spineless herd." So much for Trudeau's biography. What about his ideas? \vnat's behind his policies?
Thoughts Of Chairman Trudeau

" ... The drive towards power must begin with the establishment of bridgeheads," says Trudeau (Federalism And The French Canadians, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1968), "since at the outset it is obviously easier to convert specific groups or localities than to win over an absolute majority of the whole nation." So Trudeau isn't simply trying to govern Canada. He isn't just trying to protect the realm, as he should. What he is really doing is using his powerful position as a weapon.

What he really wants, like his idol, Mao Tse-tung, is power. Indeed, says Trudeau, "the experience of that superb strategist Mao Tse-tung might lead us to conclude that in a vast and heterogeneous country, the possibility of establishing socialist strongholds in certa~Jl regions is the very best thing .... " It's unnecessary and infeasible to establish Socialism all at once, he says. In a big country like China, or like Canada, the best way to impose Socialism is to manipulate group after group and seize region after region. He says "Federalism must be welcomed as a valuable tool which permits dynamic parties to plant socialist governments in certain provinces, from which thBseed of radicalism can slowly spread." Notice the crucially important fact that Trudeau's famous opposition to separatism isn't based, like Lincoln's, on a desire to keep his country together. Federalism for Trudeau is like everything else a tool - with which to impose Communism on Canada. Socialism in one province will seep into another, he says. But if the separatists are successful - if a Socialist province becomes a foreign country - then that seepage is made more difficult. On the other hand, without the degree of provincial autonomy federalism allows, Trudeau says, he would be faced with the difficult task of imposing Socialism at once. Federalism allows it to be done province by province. That is why he wants just enough autonomy - but not too much. What about specific tactics? Trudeau explains that "in terms of political tactics, the only real question democratic socialists must answer is, 'Just how much reform can the majority of the people be brought to desire at the present time?' " People are "brought" to desire what Pierre wants. They are manipulated. The Socialism is
Canadians pace outside the Parliament buildings in Ottawa on October 16, 1970, awaiting word of what Premier Trudeau will do after declaration of the War Measures Act has made him a virtual dictator. Using as h is excuse the kidnapping of two officials by the Communist F.L.O., Trudeau set a precedent for Police State methods wh ich can on Iy strengthen his hand when he considers the time right for a more permanent Communist takeover from the top.

slyly slipped over on them. Socialists must know how far to go at any time. As Pierre puts it: "I should like to see socialists feeling free to espouse whatever political trends or to use whatever constitutional tools happen to fit each particular problem at each particular time .... " Use the law, the government, and the political Parties to advance Socialism, says Pierre. If something is useable for the purpose, use it. "The Government is not in Quebec, not in Ottawa, but out in the street," Trudeau has said. "We, too, must take
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