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Essays On Peace

Crafting an essay on the subject of peace presents a multifaceted challenge that extends beyond the
mere act of putting words on paper. Peace, a concept both universally cherished and elusive in
practice, demands a nuanced approach that delves into its philosophical, historical, social, and
political dimensions. To encapsulate the essence of peace requires not only a thorough understanding
of its various manifestations but also a sensitivity to the complexities surrounding conflict, violence,
and the human condition.

One of the foremost hurdles in composing such an essay lies in navigating the vast terrain of peace-
related discourse. From the pacifist philosophies of Gandhi to the geopolitical strategies of
peacemaking, the topic encompasses an extensive array of theories, perspectives, and methodologies.
Selecting a coherent framework amidst this abundance of material demands careful consideration
and scholarly discernment.

Moreover, addressing the practical implications of peace presents its own set of challenges. Exploring
the dynamics of peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and reconciliation necessitates a deep
engagement with real-world case studies, historical events, and contemporary issues. Balancing
theoretical insights with empirical evidence requires a deft hand in synthesizing diverse sources and

Beyond the intellectual rigor, crafting an essay on peace entails grappling with the emotional
resonance of the topic. Peace, as both an ideal and a lived experience, evokes a range of
sentiments—from hope and compassion to despair and frustration. Capturing this emotional
complexity without succumbing to sentimentality or cynicism demands a delicate balance of
empathy and critical reflection.

Ultimately, writing an essay on peace is a humbling endeavor that calls upon writers to confront the
inherent paradoxes and ambiguities of the human quest for harmony. It requires not only intellectual
acumen but also moral courage—the willingness to confront uncomfortable truths, challenge
entrenched narratives, and envision alternative futures.

In conclusion, composing an essay on this topic demands intellectual rigor, emotional sensitivity, and
moral clarity. It beckons writers to engage deeply with the complexities of peace, weaving together
insights from philosophy, history, politics, and human experience. While daunting, the endeavor
offers the opportunity for profound introspection and meaningful dialogue—a testament to the
enduring importance of peace in our shared human journey.

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As a Tesl student in semester 3 , I have to learn new course subject HAE3083
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explain but I try to give my best to explain on my part. All my teammates member has
prepared if I suddenly blank and then they encourage me, they said to me just go on
and finished it your part because you are well prepared. Later, the lecturer will correct
it because they also actually not really understood about this topic and had a confused
with this topic. Through my classmate face that showed and their reaction, I can feel
that they did not understand what I am trying to delivered. I also cannot answer my
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changes in a diglossia situation. Our lecturer, explain one by one about the concept of
diglossia and give an example for every detailed subtopic clearly. Also we had question
What Is The Significance Of The Swan Lake Essay
Jenni Hanson
12 September 2017
The audience watches in awe as the swan battles with herself, fighting death, with such
elegance and poise as she flaps her wings and bourées, quick and tiny steps en pointe,
across stage so quick and light that it feels as though she is gliding. The ballerina s
birdlike movements paired with Tchaikovsky s masterpiece in Swan Lake is easily one of
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( This came as a shock to me; how could such a highly regarded classical
masterpiece today be called uninspired? The ballet has come very far in its lifetime. It was
... Show more content on ...
Since preforming as Odette/Odile, Legnani has become the standard that every dancer
to come after has been judged against. Nearly every ballerina dreams of taking the
stage as Odette/Odile because of the tremendous amount of talent and artistry required.
That aspiration contributes to the prestige of the piece causing Swan Lake to become
the famous masterpiece we know today. The premier of the newly renovated Swan Lake
on January 15, 1895 is considered a historical date in ballet (Korobkov) and the score
marks a turning point not just in [Tchaikovsky s] own creative development but the
evolution of ballet music as a musical genre (Francis). This is the first time a Russian
ballet illustrated the shift between different cultural eras and artistic styles. Prior to Swan
Lake, ballet was thought of as irrelevant in a revolutionary society that is Russia. After
the revolution in 1917, Russian government wanted to sweep the slate clean of
everything that went back to the aristocracy ...ballet got a pass in the end because
Vladimir Lenin understood the potential it had to transmit information to the largely
illiterate Russian masses (Schonbek).
Art had to present a positive view of communism and its future causing the ballet to be
slowly tweaked to align with socialist realist principles. The original ending for Swan
Lake concluded with the two lovers ending their lives but this was not an
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punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly on time. a punctual person will be a
winner wherever he or she goes. a punctual person is always one step ahead of everyone
else. most people live by planning work and work plan. But if you do not stick to your
word how are you to become a better person in life?
Punctuality is essential for man or woman in every walk of life. for a soldier to be
punctual it takes discipline and is also a great blessing. If you are punctual you will get
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on ...
you command respect and admiration of all who work with you and are an asset.
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time the rubble of being punctual is that there is nobody there to appreciate it. observing
punctuality is not only a duty but is apart of good manners it is favorable to fortune
reputation influence and usefulness, a little attention and energy will form the habit. so
as to make it easy and delightful. punctuality is the soul business. Another example of
punctuality is one of the cardinal business virtues, always insist on it in your
subordinates. lack of punctuality is a theft of someone else s time weather as an
employee who is late for work is late for work or as friends, where we have agreed to
meet at a set time. if i had made a appointment with anybody, i owe him punctuality, i
have no right to throw away your time as a NCO. if i do my own, unfaithfulness in the
keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. you may as well borrow a person
s money as his time. lack of punctuality is a lack of respect for others.
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nations, honor, life itself, are daily sacrificed because somebody is behind time , there
are others who
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of factors led to the large amounts of damage in Kobe, but the main factor was the
difference in infrastructure between Kobe and Northridge. More than 5,000 people died
as a result of the Kobe earthquakeand more than 50 people died as a result of the
Northridge earthquake. The great difference in the number of casualties is mainly due to
the difference in environments. Kobe is an urban environment with a higher population
than the Northridge suburban environment.
Since Kobe had such a dense population people lived and worked together meaning that
there was a need for high rise commercial and residential buildings which also led to an
increase in higher death rates in Kobe. In Kobe most people lived and worked in wood
framed buildings that were shaken to pieces, the contents inside of these homes also
killed and injured the people who lived there. ... Show more content on ...
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power cables and broken gas mains. Entire sections of the city were set a blazed,
leading to the deaths of hundreds of people. Fire and rescue services lacked seismic
knowledge so they were not immediately alert and there were only a few open roads
because of all the compounded earthquake damage, meaning that once they got
through they had to decide between helping the people stuck in the fire or dealing
with the main fires, leading to the loss of even more lives. Kobe s industrial factories
that contained large stock piles of chemicals and rubbers also provided extra fuel to the
fires that would kill 1,000 people. Most buildings found in Northridge were built to
withstand earthquake damage therefore leading to fewer fires and less loss of
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Clinical problem: Oral care and ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is extremely
important in all healthcare organizations and has gained increased attention. For this
reason, oral care has been introduced in many hospital settings. However, there is not
enough evidence on critically ill patients concerning the effect of oral care interventions
on the development of VAP. In order to evaluate the effect of oral care on VAP for
hospitalized patients, additional studies are required.
Objective: To determine if oral care lowers the incidence rate of hospital acquired
pneumonia infection in hospitalized patients with ventilators.
The purpose of this paper is to assess the effects of oral care on ventilator associated
pneumonia for inpatient ... Show more content on ...
The rate of development of VAP was significantly higher in the control group (68.8%)
compared to the CHX group (41.4%) [p = 0.03] : [odds ratio = 3.12 95% CI =
Islamic Law And Islamic Banking
Forty years ago, the Islamic banking industry was created, on a modest scale, to fill a
gap in a banking system that was not listening to the fervent Muslim believers.
Morocco has been following the same development in offering Islamic finance services
to its citizens through Islamic windows in conventional banks. In parallel to this
development of the Islamic financial industry in Morocco, it seems very crucial to
evaluate critically based on Maliki law school the previous experience of Islamic
windows in conventional banks. Taking into considerations, the differences between
schools in the interpretation and implementation of Islamic law in economy life, the
objective of this paper was to critically analysis the practice of Islamic banks in
Morocco. This paper aimed at analyzing the characteristics of different schools of Islamic
law and how this would affect Islamic banking. The final aim of this paper was to
highlight the importance of jurisprudence/ new interpretations in developing Islamic
banking. Qualitative methodology based on semi directive interviewees was the main
approach for this paper. Three levels of gaps have been found out. These gaps are related
respectively to Murabaha, Musharaka and Ijara. Three recommendations have been
advised to fill the gaps: Absolute isolation of Fund, Sharia auditing committee And
Compliance with AAOIFI Standards

1. Background of research
1.1 Islamic finance industry
Forty years ago, the Islamic banking industry

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