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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.

Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:6(1), June:2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
DOI: Article Received: 10th June - Publication Date:30th June 2021



Rafiq Ahmad Lone

Research Scholar,
School of Education, BGSB University
Rajouri, J & K, India

School environment describes the qualitative and quantitative cognitive, creative, physical and social support offered to the
students in the school during the teaching learning process. School environment describes both the physical as well as psycho-social
environment. School environment has a substantial impact on the development of children. Different aspects of school environment in
an organized manner interact to create an inclusive good or bad environment and therefore influence the performance i.e. achievement
of students. School environment, school engagement and academic achievement have a significant correlation. School environment
has a significant influence on academic achievement directly as well as indirectly. School environment is the conditions, process and
psychological stimuli which affect the educational achievement of the child. School environment determines academic success of

Keywords:Academic Performance, School Environment, Students.

A school is defined as an institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of pupil
under the teacher’s direction. School environment refers to the look and feel of the school. School environment represents the facilities
and disciplinary policies & practices; a school sets for the effective teaching learning process. School environment being an umbrella
term covers various things just as environment of safety, support, respect and challenges for all members of school across different
domains like social, physical, emotional and cognitive. School environment consists of the physical environment of the school that is
welcoming and conducive to learning, a social environment developing healthy communication and interaction, affective environment
promoting a sense of belonging and self-esteem and an academic environment promoting learning and self-fulfilment. Dave (1963),
“School environment is the conditions, process and psychological stimuli which affect the educational achievement of the child”. In
other words, school environment consists of physical facilities- infrastructure, labs, libraries, classrooms, TLM, playgrounds; the
social as well as psychological behaviour of students, teachers as well as administrators; inter-personal relations, feelings & attitudes
and values of students, teachers as well as administrators; management system, the disciplinary practices and policies, teaching-
learning methodologies, ways of interaction, dress code, ethical principles, curricular as well as co-curricular activities being carried
out in a school.

Purpose of the Study

The aim of this systematic review was to document the influence of school environment on academic performance of
students. School environment comprises the physical features of a school as well as level of order, satisfaction and productivity.
School environment portrays the environment that influences the behaviour of teachers as well as students. School environment is the
sum of the atmosphere, organizational structure, safety practices, interactions, values, cultures, motivation, attitudes and expectations
within a school building that cause it to serve and respond in a specific way. Thus, it can be inferred that a school environment is the
thread that ties variety of programmes on a campus. Although the thread is invisible, yet everybody feels its influence. School
environment determines academic success of students.

Wang and Holcombe (2010) found school environment as a significant predictor of academic achievement. School environment,
school engagement and academic achievement had a significant correlation. School environment had a significant influence on
academic achievement directly as well as indirectly.
Azmi (2011) found a significant correlation between academic anxiety and school environment. School environment and academic
performance were found significantly correlated. Boys and girls varied on anxiety level, perceived school environment and academic
performance. Girls were higher on anxiety as well as on academic performance. Students also varied significantly on school
environment perception with respect to gender, locale and type of school.
Kapoor (2011) reported that school environment had a significant positive correlation with scholastic achievement, creative
stimulation, cognitive encouragement, degree of acceptance, permissiveness, control and rejection dimensions of school environment
were found significantly effecting scholastic achievement among students.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:6(1), June:2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
DOI: Article Received: 10th June - Publication Date:30th June 2021

Singh (2011) found rural students much satisfied than urban students with reference to school environment. Academic achievement of
aided school students was much better than government schools. Specifically, school environment was found a predictor of academic
achievement and mental health.
Joshi (2012) found a significant and positive correlation between school environment and academic achievement among secondary
school students. Creative stimulation, cognitive encouragement, acceptance and permissiveness dimensions of school environment had
a significant but positive effect on academic achievement. However, rejection and control dimension had adverse effect on academic
achievement of students.
Kishore (2013) depicted that school environment and academic achievement had a significant and positive correlation. School
environment was found as a predictor of academic achievement. Students varied significantly on perceived school environment with
reference to gender, locale and type of school. Teacher’s behaviour, psycho-social aspects, physical facilities, academic as well as
administrative aspect had a significant effect on academic achievement among students.
Sharma (2013) found that school environment had a significant and positive relationship with home environment and self-concept.
However, school environment and aggression had a significant and negative correlation with each other. There was a significant
difference between boys and girls on self-concept and aggression. Moreover, advantaged school students differed significantly from
dis-advantaged counter parts on self-concept as well as aggression. Specifically, there was a significant difference among students on
school environment with reference to gender, type of school, self-concept and aggression as well as home environment.
Mishra (2014) found school environment as well as family environment significantly related to truancy among students. School
environment was a predictor of truancy among students. Teachers, parents as well as policy makers were found responsible for
truancy among students. The investigator had put forward certain suggestions to promote effective school environment and control
truancy among students.
Tyagi (2015) found a significant relationship between school environment and psychological wellbeing among students. School
environment had influenced the overall personality of a child. Autocratic attitude of teachers as well as administrators adversely
affected psychological well-being among students. Better the school environment better psychological well-being among students.
However, males and females didn’t differ significantly on school environment.
Babanrao (2016) significant difference was found between normal students and physically challenged students with respect to
emotional intelligence, academic motivation and perceived school environment. Physically challenged students were better than
normal students with reference to perceived school environment. Moreover, females were better than males in relation to perceived
school environment. Emotional intelligence and school environment were found significantly and positively correlated to each other.
However, school environment and academic motivation had a negative correlation.
Wani (2016) reported that school environment had a significant effect on emotional maturity among senior secondary school students.
No significant difference was found between boys and girls on emotional maturity. However, they differed significantly on
achievement motivation. Girls were found high on achievement motivation than boys. School environment and achievement
motivation were significantly correlated. Students differed significantly on school environment with reference to gender, stream, type
of school and locale. Urban and Private schools had an edge over rural and government schools with respect to various dimensions of
school environment.
Hans (2017) stated that school environment and aggression had a significant correlation with each other. The adolescents who had
good perceived school environment were lower in aggression level and who had bad school environment were found higher in
aggression level. Personal, familial, social factors and school environment were found significantly related with aggression among
Kweon et al. (2017) found amazing relationship between school environment and academic performance. Schools with green
campuses were far better in academic performance of students than lacking green campuses. Well planned campuses, attractive
landscapes and beautiful lawns, proper tree plantation, well managed playfields as well as infrastructure had a significant effect on
academic performance of secondary school students. Specifically, green space composed of grass, shrubs and trees had a significant
and positive effect on academic performance of students.
Harahap et al. (2018) found a significant positive relationship between clean school environment and clean life style behaviour
among students. School being a miniature society, school environment particularly teachersbehaviour had a significant effect on
lifestyle behaviour of students. Specifically, clean school environment had a significant influence on students clean lifestyle behaviour
directly as well as through clean life style behaviour of teachers indirectly. Students followed teachers in most aspects of life
particularly in cleanliness.
Ivita (2018) reported that school environment had a significant effect on students leading to drugs abuse by them. Unnecessary control
system, curtailment on student’s freedom, as well as faulty evaluation and grading system adversely influenced students and
compelled them for drugs abuse. Moreover, faulty curriculum, out dated teaching methodologies as well as lack of grievances
redressal system prompted students to drugs abuse. Specifically, dictatorial administration, lack of guidance and counselling services,
irrelevant and frustrating curriculum, non-professional teachers, out-dated teaching methodologies, lack of coordination between
administration, teachers and parents, faulty evaluation and grading system and lack of moral education had a significant but adverse

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:6(1), June:2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
DOI: Article Received: 10th June - Publication Date:30th June 2021

effect on the personality of children. School environment had made their life frustrated, disappointed and stressed which compelled
them for drugs abuse.
Bonell et al. (2019) found a significant impact of school environment on risk behaviours among students in England. School
environment directly or indirectly had a relation with various risk behaviours like bullying, perpetration, bullying victimization,
smoking, drinking as well as drugs abuse among students.
Friday (2020) found a significant relationship between school environment and academic performance among students. Class size,
instructional facilities, peer relationship as well as teacher student relationship, school sites and teacher job motivation had a
significant impact on academic performance of students.
Roebuck (2020) reported that school environment as a whole in general and physical environment in particular had a significant
impact on academic performance and well-being among students. Physical environment or outlook of a school had an appealing effect
on the mind and well-being of students. Class size, density, wall décor and paint colour, lighting system-natural as well as artificial,
auditory stimulation and sound system, air flow, air quality, temperature and smell had psychological impact on student’s personality.
Specifically, school environment- physical as well as psycho-social had a significant impact on well-being as well as academic
achievement among students.
Tapia-Fonuem et al. (2020) stated that various dimensions of school environment like classroom, school yard, libraries, and student’s
relationship, teaching methods, evaluation system, teaching strategies, values, social co-existence and sustainability had a significant
impact on well-being among students. Specifically, physical, social and academic dimension of school environment had a significant
relationship with well-being of students using structural equation model. School environment was found as a significant predictor of
well-being among students.

School environment has a substantial impact on the development of children. Different aspects of school environment in an
organized manner interact to create an inclusive good or bad environment and therefore influence the performance i.e., achievement of
students. School environment, school engagement and academic achievement have a significant correlation. School environment has a
significant influence on academic achievement directly as well as indirectly(Wang & Holcombe, 2010). Physical as well as psycho-
social environment of a school influences cognitive, conative as well as affective domain of student’s mind which in turn influences
academic performance (Usaini et al., 2015). School environment directly or indirectly has a relation with various risk behaviours like
bullying, perpetration, bullying victimization, smoking, drinking as well as drugs abuse among students (Bonell et al., 2019). School
environment as a whole in general and physical environment in particular has a significant impact on academic performance and well-
being among students. Physical environment or out look of a school has an appealing effect on the mind and well-being of students.
Class size, density, wall décor and paint colour, lighting system-natural as well as artificial, auditory stimulation and sound system, air
flow, air quality, temperature and smell has psychological impact on student’s personality. Specifically, school environment- physical
as well as psycho-social has a significant impact on well-being as well as academic achievement among students (Roebuck, 2020).

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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:6(1), June:2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
DOI: Article Received: 10th June - Publication Date:30th June 2021
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