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Outline For Comparison Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Outline for Comparison Essay" can be a challenging endeavor. It
requires a thorough understanding of the topic and a keen ability to analyze and compare various
elements. Developing a comprehensive outline involves organizing thoughts, identifying key points
of comparison, and ensuring a logical flow of ideas.

One difficulty lies in the need for a deep understanding of the subjects being compared. Researching
and gathering relevant information about each aspect requires time and effort. Additionally, it
demands critical thinking skills to identify meaningful connections and differences between the

Another challenge is maintaining a balance between the two subjects throughout the essay. Striking
an equilibrium ensures that neither subject overshadows the other, fostering a fair and objective
comparison. It requires finesse in language and structure to present arguments and evidence in a
coherent and convincing manner.

Creating a well-structured outline is crucial, as it serves as the roadmap for the entire essay. The
outline must encompass the introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion, with
each section contributing to the overall coherence of the essay. Ensuring that the essay follows a
logical progression adds another layer of complexity to the writing process.

In summary, composing an essay on the "Outline for Comparison Essay" demands a combination of
research skills, critical thinking, and the ability to present ideas cohesively. Overcoming these
challenges is essential to producing a high-quality essay that effectively compares and contrasts the
chosen subjects.

For assistance with similar essays or other writing needs, one can explore services such as , where expert writers can provide guidance and support in crafting well-structured
and insightful essays on a variety of topics.
Outline For Comparison Essay Outline For Comparison Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Linguistic Distance
1.Linguistic Distance
Linguistic Distance can be termed as the distance between two languages. In other words
it is the measure of difficulty faced by the individuals of two different languages in
learning and reproducing the language of their counterparts. Linguistic Distance impacts
the bilateral relations between two nations. According to the Gravitational formula for
Trade, the trade between two countries is inversely proportional to the distance between
them. Here distance can be either geographical or linguistic distance. Thus, linguistic
distance can be said to possess great impact on the trade relations between two nations.
According to the formula, the greater the linguistic distance between the nations, the
lesser is the trade relation ... Show more content on ...
This concept is known as inter language linguistic distance and intra language linguistic
distance. The inter language linguistic distance itself poses a great difficulty in
enhancing the relations among the people. The intra language linguistic distance further
complicate the scenario.
The presence of dialects for every language further catalyze the effect of linguistic
distance. Dialectical distance within the language deters the individuals from
understanding the same language. For a machine to understand the dialects within the
languages and to respond accordingly is nearly impossible but for the speech recognition
systems. The speech recognition systems are so trained to differentiate between every
single voice based on the pitch, tone and intonation. It is the sounds made by the
individual that more matters to the system than the language used.
In one distinctive method, the languages are all categorized based on their sounds and
fed to the computers. The system classifies the languages based on the sounds produced
in sequence and responds accordingly. However, the method could not yield necessary
results as the sounds do not refer to the meanings of the words and thus clever responses
are not
Tinnitus Research Papers
What Is Tinnitus?

If you have experienced sudden ringing in ear, then you may have a condition called
tinnitus. This is a condition that affects around 20 percent of adults. It is often a sign of
an underlying problem, such as a circulatory problem or ear injury. It may also be a sign
of hearing loss.

In addition to sudden ringing in ear, a person may notice a clicking, roaring or hissing
sound. One may hear the noise in one or both ears. In some cases, the noise is so loud
that a person is unable to concentrate.

What Causes Sudden Ringing In Ear?

There are a number of things that can possibly cause tinnitus. It can be caused by an
infection or blockage in the ear. It may also be caused by exposure to loud noises. In
fact, it is estimated that 90 percent of people with tinnitus have noise induced hearing

High blood pressure and heart disease can also cause tinnitus. This condition can also
occur due ... Show more content on ...
Subjective tinnitus is the type of tinnitus that only you can hear. Objective tinnitus is the
type that can be heard during an examination.

Treatments For Tinnitus

There is no cure for tinnitus, but there are some things that can be done to manage it. If
your tinnitus is caused by the buildup of earwax, then removing the earwax can help
alleviate the sudden ringing in ear. Earwax can be removed by flushing the ear out with
warm water. It can also be removed with a device called a curette.

There are also some medications that can be used to reduce the tinnitus symptoms.
Valium, which is an anti anxiety medication, can be used to treat tinnitus. Alprazolam,
which is another medication, can also reduce tinnitus symptoms.

White noise machines can also be beneficial for people who suffer from tinnitus. These
machines create environmental sounds, such as ocean waves and falling rain.
Additionally, if a person suffers from noise induced tinnitus, then hearing aids can also be
Ethical Issues in Film Erin Brockovich Essay
Ethical Issues in film Erin Brockovich There are many ethical issues in the movie Erin
Brockovich. This movie is about a mother of three who uncovers a water poisoning
case by Pacific Gas Electric Company (PG E) in southern California. Erin has the
responsibility to feed and educate her three children and she has a general distrust of
people. She begins by forcing her lawyer Ed Masry to give her a secretarial job after
he failed to get her a settlement from an auto accident. She doesn t exactly fit in at the
firm. Other female co workers do not approve of her cleavage that she shows. Women in
the office don t include Erin in going out to lunch and even helping her out when she
asks for assistance. There are... Show more content on ...
This representative is perceived to be a heartless person who is not taking
responsibility for the damage his company has caused to families like the Jensen s in
the community of Hinckley. Another example of the company, and therefore business
world, being rightfully portrayed in a negative light was when an assumed employee
from PG E actually calls to threaten the safety of Erin and her children. Erin is
threatened by this person because PG E know that she has valuable information that
could prove their fault in the health issues of Hinckley community members. Clearly,
this act portrays the business world in a damaging way, and I believe we would all
hope that our companies would never act in a way to threaten an innocent mother and
her family. PG E did not care for others; otherwise they would have changed their
policies to stop the use of harmful chemicals. The only employee who I would suggest
to be at a higher level on Kohlberg s scale was a man named Charles Embry who
approached Erin toward the end of her investigation. He was instrumental in this law
suit because he had saved the documents that PG E had requested to destroy because he
knew it was unethical to destroy the evidence of harmful chemicals. He watched his
cousin pass away at only 41 years old, after suffering nose bleeds while cleaning the
cooling towers, having his
Modern Day Approach To Negligence
The modern day approach to negligence has developed significantly across the twentieth
and twenty first century. The stance now taken upon an action for negligence is that it
must be established that a duty of care is owed by the defender to the pursuer in order
for liability to arise. This came about following the decision made by Lord Atkin in the
case of Donoghue v Stevenson, and has been further developed in a number of other
common law examples. Prior to this revolutionary judgement, there was a quantitative
restriction as to where a duty of care would arise, primarily only in relationships of a
particular nature i.e. a doctor and their patient. Where a wrongdoer carried out an act
outside a recognised relationship, there was no general... Show more content on ...
The neighbour principle, introducing the foreseeability and proximity factors, has
been critiqued as it can be debated that the decision extended the scope far too much.
The approach itself was a way which would be able to unify the court and aid their
decision, whilst also offering an element of predictivity in relation to future cases. It is
however worth noting that it can become too predictable at times, as in many cases the
neighbour principle will be somewhat perfectly fitting. Is it just as simple as
establishing that there is even just an ounce of proximity there and hence creating that
duty of care? There has been some degree of scepticism and so this brings us to Lord
Wilberforce as he attempted to re formulate the neighbour principle in the case of Anns v
Merton London Borough

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