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How Write A Compare And Contrast Essay

Writing an essay on the intricacies of crafting a compare and contrast essay can be quite challenging.
The task involves navigating through the complexities of organizing thoughts, selecting appropriate
subjects for comparison, and effectively conveying similarities and differences. One may find it
daunting to strike the right balance between providing insightful analysis and avoiding a mere listing
of facts.

To start, there's the challenge of choosing suitable topics that not only possess relevant similarities
and differences but also captivate the reader's interest. The process demands careful research and a
deep understanding of the chosen subjects, which can be time-consuming and mentally taxing.

The actual writing process itself requires a delicate touch. Crafting a coherent introduction that sets
the tone and presents a clear thesis statement can be a formidable task. Maintaining a logical flow
throughout the body of the essay while seamlessly integrating comparisons and contrasts can be
quite demanding. It involves a constant back-and-forth between the two subjects, ensuring that the
reader can easily follow the line of reasoning without becoming confused or overwhelmed.

Moreover, the challenge extends to the conclusion, where summarizing the key points and leaving a
lasting impression requires finesse. Striking the right balance between brevity and completeness is
crucial, and crafting a conclusion that ties everything together can be an intricate task.

Throughout this process, writers may grapple with the constant need for clarity and conciseness,
trying to avoid unnecessary repetition or verbosity. The pressure to present unique insights and avoid
clichés adds an additional layer of difficulty.

In essence, writing an essay on how to write a compare and contrast essay demands not only a solid
understanding of the principles involved but also a high level of writing proficiency. It's a task that
requires patience, meticulous attention to detail, and the ability to engage the reader throughout the
entire essay.

If facing such challenges becomes overwhelming, it's worth considering alternative solutions. There
are various resources available, such as online writing services, where expert writers can assist in
crafting well-structured and insightful essays. These services can provide valuable support, ensuring
that the final product meets the desired standards and relieves the stress associated with the intricate
process of essay writing.

For assistance with similar essays and more, one can explore the services offered by , where professionals are available to guide and support individuals through the
intricacies of academic writing.
How Write A Compare And Contrast EssayHow Write A Compare And Contrast Essay
Similarities Between Night And Wiesel
The Holocaust is the world s most dehumanizing incident that occurred from the years
1933 to 1945. It was a racial injustice in which Jews, along with people seen as inferior,
were persecuted by the German Nazi s. Author Elie Wiesel and director Steven
Spielberg both do excellent jobs at educating an audience of the horrors people
experienced during this time. In Wiesel s novel Night, the Holocaustis shown from a
Jewish boy s perspective as Elie struggles to survive the torment of several concentration
camps. Steven Spielbergs film Schindler s List shows the Holocaust from a German
Nazi s perspective, as Oscar Schindler faces an internal struggle while attempting to
protect several Jews. The stories share numerous similarities along with differences,
however, when it comes down to which is a better representation of the Holocaust,
Night will come out on top due to Wiesel s first hand experiences inside the camps.
Both of the stories use many similar concepts while displaying the Holocaust. For
example, the main characters in each story show a great value of courage. Oscar
Schindler demonstrates his courage by putting his career and quite possibly his life on
the line as he makes a great effort to save as many Jews as he can. Similarly, Elie Wiesel
displays courage as he fights the urge to fall into the easy option of death. Along with
this, there is an abundance of events that happened during the Holocaust that are included
in both Night and Schindler s List. However,
The Synoptic Gospels
The Synoptic Gospels shared the same view about Jesus teachings. Specifically, Mark
and Matthew informed others that Jesus always used the same techniques during his
teachings, which consisted of using figurative language. Also, Jesus spoke in parables,
which can be defined as a placing beside or differentiations. Jesuss unique style of
teaching usually represented the content of a fictitious narrative, which compared a well
known thing or method to the kingdom of God. In addition, Jesus used aphorisms, which
can be described as a statement that can be easily remembered and repeated (Harris,
2014, p.119). According to the synoptic Gospels, Jesus kept his teachings brief, but with
catchy phrases. Research shows that The Parable... Show more content on
He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the winepress and built a watchtower. Then he
rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. 2 At harvest time he
sent a servant to the tenants to collect from them some of the fruit of the vineyard. 3 But
they seized him, beat him and sent him away empty handed.4 Then he sent another
servant to them; they struck this man on the head and treated him shamefully. 5 He sent
still another, and that one they killed. He sent many others; some of them they beat,
others they killed. (12 Mark. 12:1 5)

Further research shows that John 4:35 is an example of an aphorism that Jesus used in
an encounter with the Samaritan woman. Scholars show that Jesus uses the conflict and
order of nature to grasp the listener s attention while posing a personal challenge, and the
agricultural imagery of white fields and harvest is used as a metaphorical challenge
(McKinish, 2011).

Illustration of John 4.35 for the purpose of explaining the aphorism

Do you now say, There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest ?
I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already white for harvest (4.35b).
(4 John.
The Biology and Diversity of Extant Reptiles Essay
The Biology and Diversity of Extant Reptiles

The word reptile itself does not describe a monophyletic group of vertebrates, like the
mammals or birds. It is used to classify a polyphyletic group of animals that are a subset
of the larger group of Amniotes. The term is best described through a cladogram:

The reptiles first appeared in the early Carboniferous, having evolved from
labyrinthodont amphibians. They had several distinct advantages over the amphibians
that allowed them to flourish during the cold, dry Permian period. These lead them to
be the most successful group of vertebrates and this period was referred to as the age of
reptiles. They exploited all terrestrial niches, ... Show more content on ...
Because of this reptiles were able withstand osmotic water loss and re invade the sea.
The Chelonia (turtles) have become the most prolific marine reptile and they also have
an interesting skin that is worth mentioning. The have a shell covering their body,
made out of a horny layer attached to a denser bony layer. It comes in two pieces, the
carapace, for dorsal protection and the plastrom for ventral protection. 2 Excretion.
Reptiles have modified their excretory products to conserve water. Because they do
not have a complex enough kidney to produce urea they create uric acid, a large
molecule that has a very low water content. Although the water content is lower than
urea the trade off is that the molecule is expensive to make. Reptiles also reduce the
water content of their faeces through active removal of NaCl. This creates an osmotic
gradient to draw water out and desiccate the excrement. The excess NaCl is then
excreted through the nose. 3 Creation of the cloaca. This is a cavity into which the
urinary, alimentary and genital ducts open. It has three sections, the coprodaeum where
faeces collect and enter, the urodeum where the ureter empties out and water is removed
and finally the proctodaeum, the collection point for uric acid and faeces. This
centralisation of all the excretory products allows for greater water retention as well as
providing for the

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