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Goals Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of goals can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The
difficulty lies in the need to articulate your aspirations, ambitions, and the path you envision for
yourself in a concise yet compelling manner. Expressing your goals requires a delicate balance
between self-reflection, strategic planning, and effective communication.

To begin with, you must delve deep into your inner self, contemplating your long-term objectives,
career aspirations, personal growth, and the steps you plan to take to achieve them. This introspective
process can be time-consuming and emotionally taxing, as it demands a clear understanding of your
passions, values, and the broader context of your life.

The challenge intensifies when you transition from self-reflection to translating those thoughts into a
coherent written form. Structuring the essay effectively, ensuring a logical flow of ideas, and
maintaining a sense of cohesion are all crucial aspects. Additionally, striking the right tone – one that
is both genuine and persuasive – is essential to captivate your audience.

Moreover, articulating specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals
adds another layer of complexity. Your essay should not only convey your aspirations but also
demonstrate a clear plan of action, showcasing your commitment and the steps you've taken or
intend to take to reach your objectives.

The struggle to balance humility and confidence in your writing can also pose a challenge. While you
want to showcase your ambitions and abilities, you must do so without coming across as arrogant or
unrealistic. Striking this balance is vital to creating a compelling narrative that resonates with your

In conclusion, writing a goals essay involves a multifaceted process that requires deep self-reflection,
effective communication, strategic planning, and a delicate balance between humility and
confidence. Though challenging, the process allows you to gain a clearer understanding of your own
aspirations and can be a valuable exercise in personal and professional development.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, various resources are
available. Websites like offer services to guide individuals through the essay
writing process, providing support in developing articulate and compelling narratives tailored to their
unique goals and aspirations.
Goals Essay Goals Essay
Premature Babies And Their Chances Of Survival
Premature babies have existed since the beginning of time. The only difference
between now and the past is that babies currently have more chances of survival. This
paper will discuss a few components: the history of premature babies, impact of
knowledge and technology and the nurses that take care of premature babies. We have
the advancement in technology to thank for that. Today there are still some cases
where the baby might be born and still be too underdeveloped and die even with
technology. For example, I have a friend that had a baby a few months ago at nineteen
weeks gestation and neither one of the baby s lungs were developed so she died. They
told her that since she was so early that there was no way to save the baby even if they
attempted to. The reason this subject means so much to me is because I also had a
premature baby. My son came at twenty seven weeks gestation and stayed in the
hospital for eleven weeks. Although he came early he survived and I am forever
grateful for that. Technology and Vanderbilt played a big part in that. Premature care was
very rare but is now standard.
History of the NICU World
It is known that you might not be able to control or prevent preterm birth therefore
improving the infant s health and quality of life is the goal. The knowledge and
technology was not available to keep the babies alive. Once a child is born premature
they are placed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. In the early 20th century premature
birth was the
Essay on Ambiguity of The Minister’s Black Veil
Ambiguity of The Minister s Black Veil

There is no end to the ambiguity in Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Minister s Black Veil ;
this essay hopes to explore this problem within the tale.

In New England Men of Letters Wilson Sullivan relates the purpose of Hawthorne s
veiled image:

He sought, in Hamlet s telling words to his palace players, to hold the mirror up to
nature, and to report what he saw in that mirror even his own veiled image without
distortion. Life is made up, , Hawthorne said, of marble and mud. In the pages of his
finest works, both marble and mud are held in a just, unique, and artistic balance(95).

Hyatt H. Waggoner in Nathaniel Hawthorne testifies that ... Show more content on ...
When it shows signs of having been groped and fumbled for, the needful illusion is of
course absent, and the failure complete. Then the machinery alone is visible and the end
to which it operates becomes a matter of indifference (50).

When one has to grope for, and fumble for, the meaning of a tale, then there is failure in
the work, as Henry James says. This unfortunately is the case of The Minister s Black Veil
. It is so ambiguous in so many occasions in the tale that a blur rather than a distinct
image forms in the mind of the reader. The Norton Anthology: American Literature states
in Nathaniel Hawthorne :

Above all, his theme was curiosity about the recesses of other men s and women s
beings. About this theme he was always ambivalent [my italics], for he knew that his
success as a writer depended upon his keen psychological analysis of people he met,
while he could never forget that invasion of the sanctity of another s personality may
harden the heart even as it enriches the mind (548).

Ambivalence, or the simultaneous and contradictory attitude and/or feeling toward an

object, etc., may well be the cause of the extreme ambiguity, doubt, uncertainty in the
mind of the reader of The Minister s Black Veil. Intentional ambivalence on the part of
the author in order not to offend too many may be a plausible explanation for the author s
ambiguity. H.J. Lang in How Ambiguous Is Hawthorne? states:

In trying to

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