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BASIC COMMUNICATION SKILLS Listening + is the RtivGpROER of receiving and responding to spoken (and sometimes unspoken) messages. ‘+ Is the ability to accurately receive and process. * When we [Stet Wi USE OUiF ERES to receive individual sounds (letters, stress, thythm and pauses) and we use our + Akey toall effective communication, ‘Types of Listening “Appreciative Listening listening to ESE ESTESE have fun, HOW thesspeikr FEELS in addition to understanding his/her ideas INVOLVES PRESENCE + I’snot about you * Put away your phone * Bean active listener ¢ Refrain from criticism ‘* Adjust your body language ‘+ Paraphrase your conversation partner ‘* Ask open-ended questions ‘+ Stop giving unsolicited advice * Don’t “fill up’ the silence © The class studied. (© She wept © The choice sang. + Provides the basis for many kinds of sentences. How. when. where “The class studied diligently. (how) ‘She wept bitterly lastnight. (when) ‘The choir sang at the cathedral. (where) - Subject-Transitive-Direct Object (S-TV-DO) (DESRSIRNE rb — CONT} requires a subject and a direct object. + [ERBRHBEIEEH answers the question what oF sshom. ° noun or pronoun that _Feceives the action. ‘The instructor discussed today’s lesson. Paulo painted this picture last month. ‘She joined the basketball team_ + Subject complement ~ a word or phrase (usually an adjective plhrase, noun plirase, Or pronoun) that follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject of the sentence Anne is the boss. She is my mother. ‘Wilma has been my friend for a long | ve 2 + During the storm, driving became difficult. ‘+ Her performance was phenomenal. + The corridor is too narrow. © Object complement ~ a noun, pronoun or adjective which follows a direet ‘object and renames the it or tells what the direct object has become. The class elected Nadine president. ‘She cut her hair short. ‘The clown got the children too excited. '* comes between the transitive verb and the direct object ta.whom or for answers the que whom. ‘* We gave these men our money. Mark surprised his sister with a reward. Pearl sent Tom a book. 1. Subjects and verbs HSER 2. Don’t get confused by the words the come between the subject and verb. 3. Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb usually do not affect the agreement. 4. Iasentence starts with 3G “here” the subject will always be placed | after the verb. * There is a meeting today. # Here are the results from this past ‘month 5. ‘Subjects ESR SRE NSS questions. * Does Betty always play with dolls? * How are the Bosco sticks today? ‘6. If two subjects are joined by “and they © The puppy and the lady are friends. if FReRHOIAe SAMEHiNg the verb is [Bingetee. | * Spaghetti and meatballs is my favorite past dish. * The owner and manager of this store is very friendly. © Six gallons was © Five dollars is © Five miles is ba aaa = ‘The heard is ‘The class was ‘The flock ‘The jury has ‘The jury members have 12, Ala boa rere er lETOEL = singular 15, Two finitves eparated by and take & * To runand to read are 14 Gerunds = singular/pharal 15. Bach Every | SE No * Bath boy and girl has # Bvery frog and toad turns * No paper and pen is 6. Indefinite pronouns = singular © AIST the chickens have © Some of the milk has 14 The number = singular /Acnumber = plural INBLY VS INFER Implication | ‘To SREORRIVSURGES the truth or existence of Something that is not expressly stated ‘The speaker, or someone who is giving AGAIN, may imply something. ‘inne eae what we mean but directly I didn't mean to imply that your grasp on ‘grammar is bad. He didn't make any promises, but he did imply that he'd be back for the holidays. To deduce or conclude information fom [Biden eon rather tan frm ‘explicit statement of that information II or somone who is receiving: ‘information, may infer something. When you come to a conclusion based on something you think someone implied, you're inferring. ‘Am I right to infer that you think my ‘grammar is bad? We inferred that he'd be back before the holidays because he didn’t leave with ‘enough luggage for a long trip. ~ classifications that indicate the 1. Indicative ~a verb form that makes a © The sky is clear tonight? © He walks every day after lunch © Does he believe in the benefits of “commands. Imperative statements have ‘an understood subject of “you” and therefore take second-person verbs. © Drive the car! Please drive the car. "Subjunctive ~ used in special kinds of statements. The most common use of this is in the ous jsed for is ty indicated by an indicative Present Subjunctive: a 5 * I demand he lower his voice. propose he work full time. + suggest that Lee play the guitar. Past Subjunctive - to express an untrue Pondition a Wie or 8 desire] I wish you were here. If I were you, 1 wouldn't do that. © If Thad been king, you would have been queen. VERB TENSE: ‘© Isacombination of “time” and “aspect” of an action, Time — past and present some would include future. '* Aspect — refers to simple, progressive, perfect GreceneT Ene] = Base form + Adan at the ver ‘Past time) + Adding -ed (or using an irregular form) (Futere Time ~ MGUALWAll or the progressive BERGHE) Cy = [be] going to walk ~ Indicates that “the time you express it, or ‘occurs regularly. > tas = Twatch documentary each Sunday night. ‘Simple Past Tense ~ Indicates thet ea ees = Marin Luther King, Jr. gave his most famous speech in 1963, ~ _Asagirl, she wondered how her college degree would help her career. _ Simple Future Tense = Indicates that = Later today I will rinse the dishes. - The defendant probably will plead You can form the perfect tenses with the “appropriate tense form of the helping, or tus, seve plus th pst price "jedan nt a egan inthe past andcomiaud a he = We have wom organic cotton shirts. She has donated extensively to UNICEF, Indicate = By 1995, Doctor Harvey had built the first artificial brain. ~ By Thursday, the President will have apologized for his mistake. Progressive Tenses + Express continuing action. = You can form them with the appropriate tense of the verb be plus the present participle. + _ Indicates that demething is happening at) + He does rum fast, the time you express it 2 Toca

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