American Psycho Essay

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American Psycho Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "American Psycho" can be a challenging endeavor. The novel by
Bret Easton Ellis delves into the dark and controversial aspects of American society, exploring
themes such as consumerism, identity, and the nature of reality. Writing an essay on this topic
requires a deep understanding of the novel, its intricate narrative structure, and the social
commentary it presents.

One of the difficulties lies in navigating the disturbing and explicit content within the book.
Addressing the graphic scenes and their significance in the context of the narrative poses a challenge,
as it requires a delicate balance between analysis and sensitivity.

Furthermore, the complexity of the protagonist, Patrick Bateman, adds another layer of difficulty.
Understanding his psyche, motivations, and the commentary on the dehumanizing effects of
materialism demands a nuanced approach. Analyzing Bateman's character evolution throughout the
story and its implications for the broader cultural critique requires careful examination.

Additionally, exploring the cultural and societal context of the 1980s, in which the novel is set, is
essential for a comprehensive essay. Discussing the impact of the era on the characters and the
themes addressed in the book adds depth to the analysis but also requires extensive research.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "American Psycho" involves navigating explicit content,

understanding complex characters, and exploring the socio-cultural context of the 1980s. However,
the reward lies in unraveling the layers of meaning within the novel and offering insights into its
profound commentary on contemporary society.

For those seeking assistance with essays on similar topics or any other writing needs, various
resources are available, including online platforms like , where professionals can be
engaged to provide support and guidance in academic writing.
American Psycho Essay American Psycho Essay
Comparison between the Great Gatsby and Macbeth
Macbeth is one of Shakespeare s most intense plays and one his most complex
psychological studies. It is also a play about which there is a great deal of historical
background, which I think you ll find interesting because it reveals Shakespeare s
creative process. The play was written in 1605 1606. It s one of the plays where the
date is pretty firmly established by internal references to external events, and most
scholars have agreed on the date. Shakespeare was at the height of creative powers, and
his theatrical company, the King s Men, was the official royal acting company. He had
the large Globe Theater, a large public playhouse on the south bank of the Thames. He
would soon open the Blackfriars Theater, a small private... Show more content on ...
The historical Macbeth had become king in the year 1040 when he killed the previous
king, Duncan, in battle. To put this in a historical context, this is hardly the Middle
Ages; it s still the Dark Ages, as historians have termed the various stages of European
history. It is 26 years before the Norman invasion of England, which is generally
considered to be the beginning of the medieval period in Britain. In 1040 Macbeth
became king and ruled for 17 years until he was overthrown and killed by Duncan s
son, who became King Malcolm III. Malcolm is famous primarily because he married
an English princess named Margaret who was later made a saint. According to the
Scottish historian Archibald Duncan, little is known about Macbeth and his lovely
wife Grunnich, except that they were pious and endowed a religious house at St.
Andrew s (which is probably the caddy shack on the fourth green of that famous golf
course joke). The couple went on a religious pilgrimage to Rome where, the chroniclers
said, they sowed money like seed. (Many of us when we go on vacation do the same
thing.) That s all we know for certain about the real Macbeth. Now the fact that Macbeth
killed the previous king was not a big deal. Of the eight Scottish kings who ruled during
this time, seven had died unnatural deaths, including several who burned to death until
suspicious circumstances. It was highly unusual for a Scottish
Cugo Research Paper
26 | fall 2017 Just 90 miles off Florida , s eastern shores lies an island with over 11
million people who remain a mystery to most Americans. For nearly six decades, the
U.S. government has restricted travel and trade to Cuba, permitting only educational
exchanges which is exactly what brought photography major Sarah Schecker, NYU, to
the country in summer 2016. Studying under noted Cuban photographer Adrian
Fernandez, Sarah s project chronicles the life of 4 year old Kevin Alejandro. There are
not many pictures of kids in Cuba, she says. I wanted to see life in Communist Cuba
from a child s perspective. Kevin lives with his aunt and his mother in Havana s iconic
edificio Arcos apartment building. Since his friends are older and in... Show more content
on ...
But Iva is the kind of entrepreneur who doesn t let such facts stop her. In 2010, she
launched a men s sock brand Richer Poorer Socks with a business partner in
California. We just went for it. We talked about the idea in spring of 2010 and we were
in stores by December of that year, Iva says. We dove into the deep end of the pool and
learned to swim and then we hustled from there. The company grew organically for
about two years with products placed in about 200 stores across the country. Then,
they brought in private investors, got acquired in 2015, but ended up pulling the
company back to private investment in 2016. It has been quite the crazy journey. I
hadn t started a business from scratch before and I very much had that need. With a bit
of luck, Richer Poorer hit its stride as the patterned sock trend was taking off across the
country, Iva says. Attributing their success to topquality designs and high quality
products at an attainable price point, Iva says she was learning on the go, having spent
her career in the women s accessories arena previously. I knew nothing about the men s
apparel side at all, but I liked that it was a smaller space ... and we got lucky that the
market was starting to understand why socks were a category
The Failure of the Progressive Movement
Although the Progressive Era managed to solve much of the backwater left over from
Industrialization, it failed in regards to discrimination. America would have to wait
decades later for the issue of civil equality to truly be addressed. Due to the apathy of the
politicians during that time, the desperate need for a scapegoat, and the hypocrisy people
displayed when confronted with the topic, the movement that was intended to achieve
progress in society completely forgot about equality.

Possibly a result of the lingering sentiments of racism from the time of slavery,
politicians remained unwilling to confront the idea of discrimination. Hopeful
candidates running for any public office had to appease as many voters as possible,
and this often meant not angering those who still held onto racist ideologies. One can
clearly see Taft attempting to skirt the issue of discrimination in his inaugural address
in 1909. Here the president states that racial inequality in the South was a non issue
and should be allowed to fix itself. One year later in 1910, Roosevelt gave his New
Nationalism speech to the people of Osawatomie, Kansas. He makes the declaration that
the government should not be influenced by special interest groups, which is essentially
a nice way of saying that he will do nothing about discrimination. Both presidents, who
were considered by many to be progressive approached inequality with a lazy, slothful
demeanor, so it is hardly surprising that the issue was
The Segregation Of African Americans
As children we are taught to love and accept other, however, this is not always the case.
More often than not we never taught to love those different from us, instead we go on
through life only loving those who are similar to us, our unintentional intolerance
remaining uncorrected. Growing up without that nurturing hand teaching us to live in a
world that is far more diverse than it has ever been, leaves us as intolerant and
uneducated adults, whether it is, or is not, by our own doing. In American society, time
and time again, the failure to practice what is preached in our so called values has been
our only success. From the segregation of African Americans to the oppression of
Women, and now the fearful and sometimes violent discriminationagainst LGBTQ
oriented individuals is the nation s most recent atrocity. By standardizing the image of
what love and the human identity is to a typical heterosexual individual, society is
limiting the diversity of the nation and degrading the lives of so many valuable people.
What s more is the fact that this intolerance that is permeating all levels of society is
almost centralized in the most significant aspect of any society: its schools. Schools
everywhere are ignoring the high concentration of LGBTQ discrimination by their
students and even faculty. It is extremely hard to believe that this kind of behavior is
tolerated in schools, not to mention the fact of its being taught in churches all across the
nation. With

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