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I am currently teaching elementary grade 6 to pupils aged 10 to 11. My current school is an

international school in Dubai, UAE with pupils from more than ten different countries. Outside

of UAE, half of the students in my class are from other nations. Individuals' cultural awareness

and cultural understanding grow into multicultural skills (Lehman, C.L. 2017). We have a unit of

inquiry in our school that analyzes how a country's geography might affect people's lifestyles in

order to encourage variety and multiculturalism. Students are interested in the human geography

of their native nations as part of this transdisciplinary learning.

They are looking into how physical geography affects their native countries' traditions and

cultures. They are able to convey what makes their nations distinctive to the classroom at the end

of the inquiry journey, and everyone in the classroom is able to recognize and respect the culture

of people from diverse countries. Ethnicity, culture, learning needs, and other challenges all fall

under the umbrella of diversity in the classroom. Educators must enhance their pedagogical skills

in order to differentiate teaching techniques to satisfy the various demands of the general

classroom population (Anderman, E.M. & Anderman, L.H. 2009).

Students from various countries come from a variety of backgrounds, learning styles, and

educational requirements. During the teaching and learning process, it is our responsibility as

teachers to meet these demands. Differentiation in the classroom can be accomplished via

content, process, product, and environment, according to Tomlinson, C.A. (2014). In order for

students to learn about their home countries' cultures, I employ differentiation tactics including

constructing multiple learning stations, using the think-pair-share strategy, and assigning open-

ended projects in my classroom (Guido, M. 2016).

These strategies have been shown to be effective for the learning and teaching process in my

classroom because they cater to the needs of the students by making learning engaging, relevant

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to their own lives, challenging them when they are asked to complete an open-ended project

about their home countries, and allowing the teacher to have easier access and assess the

students' progress.


Anderman, E.M. & Anderman, L.H. (2009). Culturally relevant pedagogy.

In Psychology of Classroom Learning: An Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

u=lirn17237&sid=GVRL&xid=c349 26f4

Guido, M. (2016). 20 differentiated instruction strategies and examples [+downloadable list].

Retrieved from


Lehman, C.L. (2017). Multicultural competence: A literature review supporting focused

training for preservice teachers teaching diverse students. Journal of Education and

Practice, 8 (10), 109-116. Retrieved from

Tomlinson, C.A. (2014). Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the needs of all learners.

Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development

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