Outline For Cause and Effect Essay

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Outline For Cause And Effect Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Outline For Cause And Effect Essay" can present several challenges.
Firstly, crafting a coherent outline requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and a clear
grasp of the cause-and-effect relationship. This necessitates thorough research to identify relevant
causes and their corresponding effects, ensuring the essay's content is informative and well-

Moreover, organizing the essay's structure can be demanding. The outline must effectively delineate
the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion while maintaining logical flow and coherence.
Each section needs to be meticulously planned to convey ideas succinctly and compellingly.

Furthermore, selecting appropriate examples and evidence to support each cause and effect is crucial
for bolstering the essay's credibility and persuasiveness. This entails sifting through various sources
and critically evaluating their relevance and reliability.

Additionally, ensuring that the essay adheres to proper formatting and citation styles adds another
layer of complexity. Proper citation of sources and adherence to academic conventions are
imperative to avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Outline For Cause And Effect Essay" demands
meticulous planning, in-depth research, critical thinking, and proficient writing skills. While
challenging, mastering this process can lead to a well-crafted and insightful essay that effectively
explores the interconnectedness of causes and effects in various phenomena.

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Outline For Cause And Effect Essay Outline For Cause And Effect Essay
Assessment Of Spreadsheet And Database Alternatives
1. Introduction

This is a report for a retail second hand car organisation. The report will include how
this organisation should store their business data, either in a spreadsheet or in a
database. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages with the two alternatives, and
both of the alternatives will be considered. The report will give the manager of this
organisation a recommendation for this proposed situation. In the outline design part of
the report, the data regarding the customers, the suppliers, the products and sales will be
included in a proposed option, either in a spreadsheet or in a database.
2. Assessment Discussion
In the section Assessment of Spreadsheet and Database Alternatives will we describe the
advantages and disadvantages with using either spreadsheet or database with storing
data. In this section it will also be argued for and against for the reasons on the benefits
and limitations of the alternatives.
In the next section, Recommendation to the Manager will we come with a solid
recommendation for the manager of using either spreadsheet or database to store their
business data.
In the last section Outline Design will it be illustrated a possible design for the selected
option, either spreadsheet or database. Examples of data regarding the customers, the
suppliers and the products will be included in this section.
2.1. Part 1 Assessment of Spreadsheet and Database Alternatives
There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of
How Did Ewan Mccoll Have Left-Wing Politics
During the 1950 s, disenchantment with commercial music led many to look for
alternatives. This led to a revival of folk music in Britain that gained momentum during
the 50 s and surged ahead rapidly in the 60 s. (11) Left wing political activist and folk
musician Ewan McColl is considered by most to be the godfather of this folk music
revival. (5) Born Jimmie Miller (14), McColl was a successful playwright, folk
musician (1) and highly acclaimed radio broadcaster. (2) He was active in left wing
politics from his teenage years and conscripted into the British Army in 1940. (19)
After five months he deserted the army, going on the run for the remainder of the war
and eventually changing his name to Ewan McColl. (19) McColl produced a number of
collections of folk music during his career, including collections of sea shanties he
worked on with A.L. Lloyd (17) and collections of industrial songs he produced both
alone and with his third wife Peggy Seeger. (17) McColl s left wing political beliefs and
practices were heavily tied up with his collection of folk music. He saw folk music as a
way to engage the working class and working class issues (18) and used his folk music
collections to do this.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This essay will discuss the extent to which his political beliefs and practices are tied up
with the collection of folk music, with reference to McColl s involvement in the British
folk revival, his co founding of the Theatre Workshop, his Ballads and Blues club and his
folk music
Filmore Furniture Case
Filmore Furniture Case

By: Hamaza Azam, Kavan Grewal, Deep Dave, Carl Ribeiro and Austin Mathews

Key Events:
Fred Filmore opened Filmore Furniture in 1970, a company that manufactures small
colonial furniture. After 13 years, he retired and sold his business to his son Phil
Filmore who was an aggressive manager, strategist and modernized in introducing new
product designs and new marketing skills. Phil owns 63% of the business, shareholders
own another 31%, and some employees account for the other 6%. His marketing
strategies and skills with his engineer Jean Lechaise brought business and increased sales
income to 5,100,000 in 1993. His annual salary amounted to 80,000 and he earned
another $20,000 on dividends from shares. He died in a ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
These suppliers have slightly more bargaining power because of the differentiation
between their work. However the need for these suppliers can be eliminated if furniture
manufacturers produce every piece of their products themselves. A furniture manufacturer
will only outsource production of parts if it proves to be cost effective for their company.
Since the price of materials is consistent market and the outsourcing of production is
unnecessary, suppliers have low bargaining power in the furniture manufacturing industry.

Power of Substitutes VERY LOW

As previously stated the buyers in the furniture manufacturing industry are furniture
retailers. Therefore they will require furniture to continue business. There are no
substitutes that provide the same use as furniture. In relation to the furniture industry as a
whole, there are still very little substitutes to furniture aside from a higher use of closet
space or unorthodox measures by consumers. An example of this would be one s choice
to live without furniture, which in most cases is very unlikely. Furniture has become a
household necessity and consumers have little or no desire to change their lifestyles by
eliminating that need. Therefore the threat of substitutes to the furniture manufacturing
industry is very low to the point where it is almost non existent.

Threat of
Ctu History 101 Ip3
Modern American History: 1950 to the 21st Century (HIST101)

Colorado Technical University

For this project I am going to discuss two different articles about President Richard
Nixon and the Watergate scandal. The first article is The Washington Post Editorial
Watergate: The unfinished business. The other article that I will be discussing and
comparing is one written by Dean Burch. In Defense of Richard Nixon. I will provide a
brief summary of the two arguments as well as describe how the Watergate events
changed American views in politics and politicians. I will also speculate how the events
could have been different if the media and population during the Watergate scandal had
today s technology, an example being smart phones, ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Nixon. It was clearly a painful decision for the Tribune s editors, most of whom know
the president personally (1974, May 14). This statement is based on the fact that the
Chicago Tribune s Editorial was calling for the president to leave the office due to the
Watergate affair. What was also mentioned was the fact that most if not all of the
editors knew the president personally, and it appears that they were all on board to
quickly to impeach the president. Dean Burch goes on to report, mostly in Nixon s
defense, that the president faces many decisions every day that affect all the lives in
America, and he made the correct decision to open a full investigation into the
Watergate scandal. One key question is also brought up: Did Richard Nixon do
wrong? (1974, May 14). From reading this article it appears that the writer was looking
at what the president was thinking and doing as a whole, not just speculate and ridicule
him on just one topic. The article also references that Like all good presidents, he is not
perfect (1974, May 14), by that statement if is clear that there were many other aspects of
the situation that was not being recognized by the Chicago Tribune.

Based on the two articles the Watergate events changed American views towards politics
and politicians. One way that I view the differences is that
Archery During The Middle Ages
The history of archery goes back thousands upon thousands of years. There have been
stone arrowheads discovered dating from as far back as over 25,000 years go. As time
progressed, discoveries show feathers attached to arrows, the shafts of arrows and the
bows themselves, still at least over ten thousand years old. Bows and arrows were first
used solely for hunting purposes but as timewent on they became a deadly and
dominating force in warfare.

Archery was practiced in many different emerging civilizations. Notably, the ancient
Egyptians were known to have practiced archery for both hunting and battle. The
Egyptians widely practiced archery dating back over 5,000 years. The Egyptians are also
believed to be the first known people to have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of the famous Terracotta soldiers are archers. Additionally, the Native American
tribes were also very proficient in archery and used bows and arrows both for hunting
and battles.

While archery remained a powerful tool in eastern cultures, during the Middle Ages in
Western Europe, archery was not as popular as is often described. At least not at first,
at the start of the Middle Ages when archery as a means for warfare was downgraded
and viewed as low class or insignificant. Archers were very cheap to train and install
into a battle group, because of the relatively inexpensive cost of the weaponry and the
lack of armor needed for the archers at the rear of the battlefield.

One of the turning points in this view was the development of the English longbow
which wrecked havoc upon the French armies at the Battle of Agincourt. The
crossbow, which has actually been known to have existed for at least 2,500 years, was
also used in Medieval warfare as well as by the Eastern cultures, specifically and most
prevalently, the Chinese. The crossbow was more forceful and was superior for shorter
ranges, while the longbow provided a huge advantage in the distance you could strike
Essay on The Craftiness of Athena
Athena, the Greek goddess of both wisdom and war, is often considered the craftiest of
all Olympian gods. She was born of a headache, and erupted from Zeus head fully
armed and ready for battle. However, beside all this pomp, she is a rather caring, if war
loving, immortal. Throughout the entirety of The Odysseyshe conveys an entirely
platonic, almost motherly love for Odysseus. It is this that makes her significant
character in Homer s work. In The Odyssey, Athenais portrayed as a, if not the, major
female figure throughout the entire epic poem. With her affection for Odysseus and her
frequent appearances she plays a major role throughout the entire poem. Evidence of this
integral role will be presented as proof of her... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She herself conveys this attachment in her actions done to protect him, such as the
time he was caught in the storm cause by the wrath of Poseidon. The rest of the winds
she stopped right in their tracks, commanding them all to hush now, go to sleep. (164)
She does not allow harm to come to him, but instead defies her own uncle s authority
to punish. And beyond even this, she appears to him in person to greet him on his
return to Ithica. It is here where not only does she guide him with a plan, but she, a
goddess, extols him. Here among mortal men you re far the best at tactics, spinning
yarns... (296) She considers him to be plenty worthy of her assistance. This constant
direction and saving help gives her a frequency of appearance in The Odyssey, making
her a character at the forefront of the story. Also, it is her help that progresses the story.
She is the one that plans for Odysseus attack on the suitors, and she often gives the
people he encounters thoughts to help him along. She gives strength to Nausicaa, Only
Alcinous daughter held fast, for Athena planted courage within her heart... (172), and
plants in Penelope s head the idea for the contest, The goddess Athena with her blazing
eyes inspired Penelope... (424), among many other occasions.
Odysseus himself recognizes that his journey would have been impossible if it

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